Postdoctoral and PhD Student Position
University of Basel
A postdoctoral and a PhD student position are available in the group of Dr. Stephan Grzesiek at the Biozentrum Basel.
We are interested in the application and development of modern NMR methods for obtaining structure/function information on proteins and their complexes. One of our projects focuses on structural studies of HIV entry into T-cells. Facilities include fully equipped 800 MHz (cryo) and 600 MHz high-resolution spectrometers as well as a protein expression lab.
Highly motivated candidates with experience in macromolecular NMR, method development for solution or solid state NMR, membrane biophysics, molecular biology or protein chemistry with a background in structure should e-mail their application including CV and the name of the two references to:
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland