Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2010

Postdoctoral position New York

Postdoctoral position: Experimental, numerical and/or theoretical
studies of spin diffusion

Brooklyn College, City University of New York, New York, USA

Inquiries are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the City
University of New York, New York. Our immediate interest is in
studying spin-diffusion, starting from small aggregates, theoretically
and experimentally, via NMR. Preference will be given to applicants
with expertise in modern solid state NMR theory and/or experiment, as
well as condensed matter theory and numerical methods. We are
particularly interested in somewhat seasoned and self-motivated
candidates. The position is available immediately.

Please send your application to Gregory Boutis
( or Vadim Oganesyan
( and include a cover letter as well as a
CV and the names of two to three references.