Montag, 20. Oktober 2008

3 years post-doc Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

3 years post-doctoral position at the
Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Keywords: DNP, MAS-NMR, gyrotron, hyperpolarisation

We are seeking a person with experience in DNP or MAS-NMR to join
the Lausanne collaboration working on the application of
enhanced MAS-NMR using gyrotrons (see
for more information).
The collaboration involves the EPFL groups of Prof Geoffrey Bodehausen
(ISIC), Prof Jean-Philippe Ansermet (IPN), and Dr Stefano Alberti (CRPP).


Montag, 13. Oktober 2008



A tenure track position is available for an experimental biophysical
scientist to establish an independent research program in the
Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH. All areas of biophysics
and biophysical chemistry will be considered for this position.
Current research in this Laboratory is primarily concerned with
experimental, theoretical and computational problems in the structure,
dynamics, and function of biological macromolecules, using techniques
that include solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, Raman and infrared imaging spectroscopies, time-resolved
X-ray crystallography and optical spectroscopy, and single molecule
spectroscopy. The theoretical and computational studies closely
complement the experimental work. Development of fundamental aspects
of experimental and theoretical techniques is an active area in the

The Laboratory is located on the main intramural campus of the NIH in
Bethesda, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. The Principal
Investigators in the Laboratory are: Artur Adib, Philip A. Anfinrud,
Adriaan Bax, G. Marius Clore, William A. Eaton, Gerhard Hummer, James
Hofrichter, Ira W. Levin, Attila Szabo, and Robert Tycko (Scientists
Emeritus: Edwin D. Becker and Robert W. Zwanzig).

Interested applicants should send a Curriculum Vitae and list of
publications, copies of selected publications, a summary of research
accomplishments, a plan for future research, and three letters of
reference by email to or by mail to: Dr. William
A. Eaton, Chief, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, Room 116,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520. Email is
highly preferred. Deadline for receipt of applications is December 1,

HHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers.


School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy
Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
University of East Anglia, Norwich

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR/PELDOR) spin label study
of Multidrug efflux by P-glycoprotein (ref: RA520)

Applications are about to be invited for a full-time, fixed-term (3 year) post-doctoral research associate position available from 1st October 2008 based in the School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy (CAP) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). This joint project between UEA and Oxford University is funded by the Wellcome Trust.
The multidrug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a major contributor to resistance in many forms of cancer. The aim of this project is to provide a molecular description of drug translocation by P-gp describing topography and local microenvironments in distinct conformational intermediates of P-gp as it progresses through its translocation pathway.
Purified P-gp protein isoforms will be provided by our collaborators in Oxford and labelled with paramagnetic probes to enable both pulsed and multi-frequency EPR/PELDOR studies. This approach will generate dynamic topographical maps of regions in P-gp involved in the process of bioenergetic coupling. The project will be carried out within the framework of the Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
The successful applicant must have a PhD and have worked in a relevant area of
biological EPR spectroscopy. Some experience of the principal pulsed EPR methodologies that will be employed during the project is beneficial. Training will be given where required.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Fraser MacMillan (
Information about the School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy is available at
Salary will be on the Grade 7/Academic 2 (RAIA) scale, range £28,290 to £33,780
(pay award pending)
Closing date: early October and interviews will follow at the end of the month.
Further particulars and an application form will become available from the
University's web page at:; or by email, on ; or by calling the answerphone on 01603 593493 ; or by mail to the
Human Resources Office, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK.

PhD Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

PhD position available at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

The Sample Environment and Polarized Targets group (SEPT) of the Laboratory for Development and Methods (LDM) is seeking a highly motivated

PhD Student

for the study and the further development of a novel method of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) and its possible application. The group has since many years been leading in developing and applying techniques of DNP in fields as diverse as particle physics, neutron scattering or magnetic resonance imaging.

The project is embedded within the Swiss DNP Initiative:

Your profile

You have recently got a university degree in physics with excellent grades and are a skilful and innovative experimentalist that enjoys also theoretical work. You should preferably have some practical expertise with lasers and/or NMR/EPR spectroscopy or radio frequency techniques in general and enjoy working in a multidisciplinary environment. Team spirit and good communication skills in English and/or German are required.
The main part of the experimental research will be carried out at PSI. For the academic education the candidate will follow courses at the ETH (EPFL) doctoral school. The successful candidate will receive his/her PhD degree at the ETH (EPFL).

The Paul Scherrer Institut is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1300 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and material sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as on biology and medicine.

For further information please contact Dr Patrick Hautle, phone +41 (0)56 310 3210, or e-mail:



The Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance and
the Institute for Biophysical Chemistry at the Goethe
University Frankfurt seek to make a high profile appointment
for the position of a permanent staff scientist (BAT Ib)
in solid-state NMR (Glaubitz Lab).

The laboratory is well equipped with Bruker 850, 600 and 400
MHz wide-bore spectrometers. The setup for solid state DNP
is in progress. The group is specialized in biological
solid-state NMR with a focus on membrane proteins
(receptors, enzymes and transporters).

The lab is embedded in a number of research and infrastructure
initiatives (Cluster of Excellence, SFBs, NMR Large
Scale Facility) and offers an excellent working environment.

The successful applicant will be responsible for the
day-to-day running of this solid-state NMR facility.
The job responsibilities involve in particular the management
and maintenance of the available spectrometer infrastructure,
active participation in ongoing research projects, implementation
and application of new pulse sequences, support of internal
and external users, active participation in the development
and subsequent maintenance of a solid-state DNP spectrometer.

The successful applicant should have a keen interest in biological
solid state NMR and must have a relevant university
degree (chemistry, physics, biochemistry or related) and a PhD
and/or some years of postdoc experiences in modern
solid-state NMR. He/she should have a very good knowledge of
modern, multidimensional MAS NMR experiments and be able to
develop and write new pulse sequences.
A good knowledge of spectrometer hardware and MAS NMR
probeheads is essential, experiences with Bruker
spectrometers will be helpful.

Further details can be found at:


Applications should be sent by email or post to
Clemens Glaubitz, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie,
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9, 60438 Frankfurt am Main.


The deadline is December 8th 2008.

Prof. Dr. Clemens Glaubitz
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance
Goethe Universität
Max-von-Laue Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt
Tel.: 0049-69-798-29927
Tel.: 0049-69-798-29928 (Secretary)
Fax.: 0049-69-798-29929