A PhD position is available at Rennes, France (collaboration between INRA-APBV (Yield under abiotic stress) and Cemagref (IRM-Food)). The project concerns in particular the update of the cellular and metabolic events which contribute to the reallocation of nitrogenous and carbon from senescing leaf tissues in order to define the mains determinants and to improve their efficiency. The ambition based on the two laboratories collaboration is to associate a fine analysis at the cellular level of the structural organization of leaf tissues by an original approach of NMR relaxometry with the concomitant description of the metabolic orientation of products stemming from organels and macromolecules degradation by metabolomic approaches. We will be also testing the validity of the NMR analysis as an efficient integrative tool to characterize senescing tissues and as an effective means of diagnostic and medium throughput phenotyping tool of stress conditions.
The project is highly interdisciplinary and will combine NMR for identification of water in different cell parts with cell biology techniques (non aqueous sub-cellular fractionnation, sub-cellular metabolic profiling, TEM, leaf senescence characterisation (molecular pysiological and biochemical markers).
Applications close - 15 Juin 2011.
Interested applicants should contact Dr Maja Musse (maja.musse@cemagref.fr) or Dr Laurent Leport (laurent.leport@univ-rennes1.fr) directly by submitting their CV.
Maja Musse, PhD
NMR/MRI group
Food process engineering research unit Cemagref
17, avenue de Cucillé
CS 64427
35044 Rennes cédex
tél : 02 23 48 21 79
fax : 02 23 48 21 15
Freitag, 8. April 2011
Donnerstag, 7. April 2011
PhD Scholarship in Sydney
Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group
College of Health and Science, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Nanoscale Postgraduate Research Award
Nanoscale PhD Scholarship in Advanced Clinical MRI
The Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group at the University of Western Sydney is seeking two doctoral students to commence a project involved in the development of Advanced MRI Techniques for Clinical Imaging in 2011.
About the Project
The successful applicants will undertake a project in the field of developing next generation diffusion MRI techniques for clinical imaging and are expected to have a research background and some experience in more than one of the following areas:
· Magnetic resonance theory and application
· Operation of Bruker NMR spectrometers
· Mathematical modelling
· Computer visualisation
· Imaging visualisation software such as Amiraâ
· Computational software such as Mapleâ Matlabâor Mathematicaâ
Academic Criteria
Applicants should hold an excellent Bachelor Hons degree in a relevant field, or equivalent qualifications and/or experience.
What does the scholarship provide?
· Tax free stipend of $30,000 per annum and a funded place in the doctoral degree. International candidates may be charged fees
· Funding is also available for project costs and conference travel
Need more information?
· Contact Professor William Price to discuss the project: w.price@uws.edu.au; +61 2 4620 3336
· Contact the Research Training, Policy and Programs Officer to discuss enrolment and scholarships:
Ms Sandra Lawrence: sg.lawrence@uws.edu.au
· Find out more about the research being undertaken in the Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group at
How to apply
Submit an application form, research proposal and CV by the closing date. The application form can be downloaded from the web:
Professor William S. Price
Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group
College of Health and Science
Campbelltown Campus - Building 21.G.45
University of Western Sydney
Penrith South DC NSW 1797
E-mail: w.price@uws.edu.au
Phone: [61 2] 4620 3336
FAX: [61 2] 4620 3025
Mobile: 0404 830 398
College of Health and Science, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Nanoscale Postgraduate Research Award
Nanoscale PhD Scholarship in Advanced Clinical MRI
The Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group at the University of Western Sydney is seeking two doctoral students to commence a project involved in the development of Advanced MRI Techniques for Clinical Imaging in 2011.
About the Project
The successful applicants will undertake a project in the field of developing next generation diffusion MRI techniques for clinical imaging and are expected to have a research background and some experience in more than one of the following areas:
· Magnetic resonance theory and application
· Operation of Bruker NMR spectrometers
· Mathematical modelling
· Computer visualisation
· Imaging visualisation software such as Amiraâ
· Computational software such as Mapleâ Matlabâor Mathematicaâ
Academic Criteria
Applicants should hold an excellent Bachelor Hons degree in a relevant field, or equivalent qualifications and/or experience.
What does the scholarship provide?
· Tax free stipend of $30,000 per annum and a funded place in the doctoral degree. International candidates may be charged fees
· Funding is also available for project costs and conference travel
Need more information?
· Contact Professor William Price to discuss the project: w.price@uws.edu.au; +61 2 4620 3336
· Contact the Research Training, Policy and Programs Officer to discuss enrolment and scholarships:
Ms Sandra Lawrence: sg.lawrence@uws.edu.au
· Find out more about the research being undertaken in the Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group at
How to apply
Submit an application form, research proposal and CV by the closing date. The application form can be downloaded from the web:
Professor William S. Price
Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group
College of Health and Science
Campbelltown Campus - Building 21.G.45
University of Western Sydney
Penrith South DC NSW 1797
E-mail: w.price@uws.edu.au
Phone: [61 2] 4620 3336
FAX: [61 2] 4620 3025
Mobile: 0404 830 398
PhD (6) - Postdoc (5)
Large investment in UltraSense NMR for Analyses, screening and diagnostics.
UltraSense NMR is a large research and development programme, granted by EFRO(EU) and GO, in cooperation between science and business. The project will be run by a consortium between Radboud University Nijmegen: Institute of Molecules and Materials, UMC St. Radboud, University of Twente and 3 knowledge companies: Future Chemistry, Spinnovation Analytical and NovioGendix. Goal of the project is to develop hyperpolarisation equipment and strategies based on both physical (DNP) and chemical (pH2) principles. With the ultrasensitive microfluidic and continuous flow technology and equipment, we will be developing new diagnostic services and a molecular diagnostic test for prostate cancer. For this research programme we are looking for multidisciplined researchers, familiar with the field of physics, chemistry, biophysics, metabolic profiling, molecular diagnostics, who will be working closely together to generate a multidisciplinary research and development team responsible for generating the technology as well as the described prototype products. For the abovementioned developments we are looking for enthusiastic PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who like to be part of a multidisciplinary team in an internationally oriented environment:
1. PhD 1 with a background in synthetic (bio)organic chemistry, continuous flow chemistry, tagging of biomolecules, and with a strong affinity and knowledge of NMR.
2. PhD 2 with NMR/MR experience, preferably experience with working with PHIP. and a strong affinity and knowledge of synthetic organic chemistry.
3. PhD 3 with a master degree in (bio-)chemistry, biophysical chemistry or comparable fields. Experience with NMR and development of new metabolic assays in body fluids, cells and tissue will be appreciated.
4. PhD 4 with a background in Microfluidics and chip technology, lab on a chip, this position will be located at University of Twente
5. PhD 5 with a background in Biomarker tracing and analysis with preferably experience in molecular diagnostics, cancer research, this position will be located at UMC St. Radboud
6. PhD 6 with experience in magnetic resonance. Knowledge of DNP and/or metabolic profiling is a benefit.
7. Postdoc 1 (2 yrs) with a background in organic synthetic chemistry and a strong affinity and knowledge of flow chemistry and NMR techniques.
8. Postdoc 2 (2 yrs) with a strong background in magnetic resonance with an emphasis on methodological development.
9. Technical Researcher/Postdoc (4 yrs) with outstanding technical skills focusing on the development of a novel DNP spectrometer and hyphenated probe in a microfluidic context.
10. Postdoc 4 (2 yrs) with a background in NMR/MR, or pH2 based technology, preferably expertise in methodological development, instrumentation and pH2 hardware development.
11. Postdoc 5 (2 yrs) with NMR/MR experience in the field of biomolecules or biomarker research/ analysis and preferably experience with working with hyperpolarisation or PHIP.
When interested in these vacancies, please send an e-mail to: m.dewith@science.ru.nl
Please accompany your e-mail with a cv and refer to the vacancy you’re interested in!
Marian de With
Radboud University
Institute for Molecules and Materials
Physical Chemistry
Tel. +31 24 3652678
Fax +31 24 3652112
Web: www.ru.nl/physchem
Visiting address:
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
Postal address:
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
UltraSense NMR is a large research and development programme, granted by EFRO(EU) and GO, in cooperation between science and business. The project will be run by a consortium between Radboud University Nijmegen: Institute of Molecules and Materials, UMC St. Radboud, University of Twente and 3 knowledge companies: Future Chemistry, Spinnovation Analytical and NovioGendix. Goal of the project is to develop hyperpolarisation equipment and strategies based on both physical (DNP) and chemical (pH2) principles. With the ultrasensitive microfluidic and continuous flow technology and equipment, we will be developing new diagnostic services and a molecular diagnostic test for prostate cancer. For this research programme we are looking for multidisciplined researchers, familiar with the field of physics, chemistry, biophysics, metabolic profiling, molecular diagnostics, who will be working closely together to generate a multidisciplinary research and development team responsible for generating the technology as well as the described prototype products. For the abovementioned developments we are looking for enthusiastic PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who like to be part of a multidisciplinary team in an internationally oriented environment:
1. PhD 1 with a background in synthetic (bio)organic chemistry, continuous flow chemistry, tagging of biomolecules, and with a strong affinity and knowledge of NMR.
2. PhD 2 with NMR/MR experience, preferably experience with working with PHIP. and a strong affinity and knowledge of synthetic organic chemistry.
3. PhD 3 with a master degree in (bio-)chemistry, biophysical chemistry or comparable fields. Experience with NMR and development of new metabolic assays in body fluids, cells and tissue will be appreciated.
4. PhD 4 with a background in Microfluidics and chip technology, lab on a chip, this position will be located at University of Twente
5. PhD 5 with a background in Biomarker tracing and analysis with preferably experience in molecular diagnostics, cancer research, this position will be located at UMC St. Radboud
6. PhD 6 with experience in magnetic resonance. Knowledge of DNP and/or metabolic profiling is a benefit.
7. Postdoc 1 (2 yrs) with a background in organic synthetic chemistry and a strong affinity and knowledge of flow chemistry and NMR techniques.
8. Postdoc 2 (2 yrs) with a strong background in magnetic resonance with an emphasis on methodological development.
9. Technical Researcher/Postdoc (4 yrs) with outstanding technical skills focusing on the development of a novel DNP spectrometer and hyphenated probe in a microfluidic context.
10. Postdoc 4 (2 yrs) with a background in NMR/MR, or pH2 based technology, preferably expertise in methodological development, instrumentation and pH2 hardware development.
11. Postdoc 5 (2 yrs) with NMR/MR experience in the field of biomolecules or biomarker research/ analysis and preferably experience with working with hyperpolarisation or PHIP.
When interested in these vacancies, please send an e-mail to: m.dewith@science.ru.nl
Please accompany your e-mail with a cv and refer to the vacancy you’re interested in!
Marian de With
Radboud University
Institute for Molecules and Materials
Physical Chemistry
Tel. +31 24 3652678
Fax +31 24 3652112
Web: www.ru.nl/physchem
Visiting address:
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
Postal address:
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
A PhD position is available at Cemagref, Rennes (IRM-Food). This collaborative project amongst the groups IRM-Food and PV-BIA, INRA (Marc Lahaye) aimed at characterisation of microstructure distribution of apple fruit by quantitative MRI.
All the necessary details regarding this position are detailed below. Applications close 15 Juin 2011.
Interested applicants should send the required application document at: maja.musse@cemagref.fr.
The quantitative MRI and NMR relaxometry offer the possibility to access macroscopic (tissue distribution), mesoscopic (local porosity) and microscopic (subcellular water distribution) changes and associated with chemical and mechanical characterisation of tissues, would make it possible to understand the influence of tissue structure to mechanical properties of the fruit. The main questions that the thesis will try to answer are:
- Among the hystological (cell dimensions), biophysical (turgor pressure, membrane permeability) and chemical characteristics, what are those who determine the relaxation times and diffusion coefficient?
- What is the influence of the porosity and its distribution within the tissues on the mechanical properties of the fruit?
- Do the distributions of the relaxation times and diffusion coefficient measured by MRI and their time variation depend on the plant variety?
- Is it possible to consider the relaxation times, diffusion coefficient and the porosity measured by MRI for the phenotyping?
Relaxation times and apparent diffusion coeficient measured by MRI and NMR will be correlated with macrovision and microscopic images of apple parenchyma and with its chimical and mechanical properties. Fruits with known and very different chaarcteristcs (cell dimensions, firmness, elasticity of apple flesh) will be used.
Scills required by the candidate:
The candidate should have bases on MRI/NMR physics, some knowelage of biology and be able to work in an interdisciplinary environment. A Master's degree or equivalent is required.
Maja Musse, PhD
NMR/MRI group
Food process engineering research unit Cemagref
17, avenue de Cucillé
CS 64427
35044 Rennes cédex
tél : 02 23 48 21 79
fax : 02 23 48 21 15
All the necessary details regarding this position are detailed below. Applications close 15 Juin 2011.
Interested applicants should send the required application document at: maja.musse@cemagref.fr.
The quantitative MRI and NMR relaxometry offer the possibility to access macroscopic (tissue distribution), mesoscopic (local porosity) and microscopic (subcellular water distribution) changes and associated with chemical and mechanical characterisation of tissues, would make it possible to understand the influence of tissue structure to mechanical properties of the fruit. The main questions that the thesis will try to answer are:
- Among the hystological (cell dimensions), biophysical (turgor pressure, membrane permeability) and chemical characteristics, what are those who determine the relaxation times and diffusion coefficient?
- What is the influence of the porosity and its distribution within the tissues on the mechanical properties of the fruit?
- Do the distributions of the relaxation times and diffusion coefficient measured by MRI and their time variation depend on the plant variety?
- Is it possible to consider the relaxation times, diffusion coefficient and the porosity measured by MRI for the phenotyping?
Relaxation times and apparent diffusion coeficient measured by MRI and NMR will be correlated with macrovision and microscopic images of apple parenchyma and with its chimical and mechanical properties. Fruits with known and very different chaarcteristcs (cell dimensions, firmness, elasticity of apple flesh) will be used.
Scills required by the candidate:
The candidate should have bases on MRI/NMR physics, some knowelage of biology and be able to work in an interdisciplinary environment. A Master's degree or equivalent is required.
Maja Musse, PhD
NMR/MRI group
Food process engineering research unit Cemagref
17, avenue de Cucillé
CS 64427
35044 Rennes cédex
tél : 02 23 48 21 79
fax : 02 23 48 21 15
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