A facility manager position is available in the Chemistry department of the Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf starting from September 1, 2011.
The responsibilities associated with this position will be:
Management of the NMR facility and organization of the NMR service.
Support of research and administrative tasks.
Teaching and training of Bachelor-, Master- and PhD students.
The successful applicant has a profound knowledge of 1D, 2D and 3D homo- and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, practical experience in the operation and maintainance of Bruker spectrometers, skills in managing a service-oriented NMR facility, and is able to find practical solutions to spectroscopic problems, including the investigation of kinetics and dynamics and simulation of higher order spectra.
The position is initially limited to two years with the possibility of turning into a permanent position.
Scientific qualification (Habilitation) is not possible.
Further information (in German):
For application please contact:
Prof. Dr.
Christoph Janiak
Institut für Anorganische Chemie und
Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDirig Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem neuen Webauftritt unter www.fz-juelich.de
Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011
PhD position
A PhD position is available at the Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Biochemistry to analyse HLA-DM catalyzed peptide loading of MHC class II proteins by NMR spectroscopy and other biophysical methods.
Nascent MHC II proteins are preloaded with self-peptides. In the endolysosomal compartment the exchange of the self-peptide for higher affine antigenic peptide is catalyzed by the MHC-like molecule HLA-DM. This leads to immunogenic MHC II-peptide complexes that are presented on the cell surface for T-cell recognition.
Within an interdisciplinary team including immunologists, crystallographers and molecular modellers we gained critical insights into MHC peptide loading by biochemical and spectroscopical analysis of the reaction over the past years (Günther et al., PNAS 2010; Schlundt et al., Angewandte Chemie 2009), however the precise mode of action of the HLA-DM catalyzed peptide exchange is still missing. Your task will be to target the mechanism of HLA-DM catalysis. This involves the expression and purification of MHC class II proteins (a heterodimer of ~46kD) based on working protocols integrating different labeling schemes for NMR analysis. The high molecular weight and seemingly short half-live of the MHC II - HLA-DM complex is likely to involve the design and purification of modified constructs as well as more sophisticated NMR methods including H/D exchange and relaxation dispersion experiments.
We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in structural biology and ideally with experience in protein purification and a basic knowledge of protein NMR spectroscopy.
Funding is available for a minimum of three years.
For application please contact:
Prof. Dr. Christian Freund
Freie Universität Berlin
Thielallee 63
14195 Berlin
freund@fmp-berlin.de or chfreund@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Nascent MHC II proteins are preloaded with self-peptides. In the endolysosomal compartment the exchange of the self-peptide for higher affine antigenic peptide is catalyzed by the MHC-like molecule HLA-DM. This leads to immunogenic MHC II-peptide complexes that are presented on the cell surface for T-cell recognition.
Within an interdisciplinary team including immunologists, crystallographers and molecular modellers we gained critical insights into MHC peptide loading by biochemical and spectroscopical analysis of the reaction over the past years (Günther et al., PNAS 2010; Schlundt et al., Angewandte Chemie 2009), however the precise mode of action of the HLA-DM catalyzed peptide exchange is still missing. Your task will be to target the mechanism of HLA-DM catalysis. This involves the expression and purification of MHC class II proteins (a heterodimer of ~46kD) based on working protocols integrating different labeling schemes for NMR analysis. The high molecular weight and seemingly short half-live of the MHC II - HLA-DM complex is likely to involve the design and purification of modified constructs as well as more sophisticated NMR methods including H/D exchange and relaxation dispersion experiments.
We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in structural biology and ideally with experience in protein purification and a basic knowledge of protein NMR spectroscopy.
Funding is available for a minimum of three years.
For application please contact:
Prof. Dr. Christian Freund
Freie Universität Berlin
Thielallee 63
14195 Berlin
freund@fmp-berlin.de or chfreund@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Structural studies of Vpx, the accessory protein of the HIV-2
We are looking for a candidate to apply for a 2 years postdoctoral position in
the Laboratory of Biological NMR and Crystallography at the University Paris
Descartes. The project will aim to determine the structure of the Vpx protein
(112 amino acids) and of its complexes with inhibitors identified after
screening of small compound libraries, using high-field multidimensional NMR
and Molecular Modeling. HIV-2 is the second leading cause of AIDS in humans and
we are interested with the Vpx protein that increases the efficiency of
infection by lentivectors of various origins, allows the transport of viral DNA
to the nucleus and promotes the accumulation of retroviral DNA in some cells of
the immune system. Vpx thus allows viral dissemination but its role in the
replication of HIV-2 and its molecular mechanism are still not understood.
The objectives of this project are to understand at the structural and
mechanistic level, how Vpx inhibits cell defenses against viral infection. We
aim to identify partners of Vpx in cells and to elucidate its exact role in
viral dissemination and its role in the replication of HIV-2. Finally, we want
to understand how cellular factors can modulate the early stages of lentiviral
infection. The obtaining the Vpx protein structure, identification of partners
and the study of their complexes will make our contribution to the
understanding of the mechanisms involved in the various activities of this
protein. The study of the protein Vpx will be greatly simplified by the
experience we have gained from structural and functional studies performed on
the Vpr protein.
The protein Vpx has been obtained by chemical synthesis and will be produced by
overexpression in Coli and 15N labeled. The project will be based on functional
and structural experiments that associate liquid-state Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance and Molecular Modeling. The candidate should have a good experience
in the protein overexpression et their purification in bacterial systems and a
good expertise in multidimensional heteronuclear NMR and molecular modeling.
The starting date is January 2012 for a two years funding. Application, CV and
reference letters should be submitted to:
Dr Serge Bouaziz
We are looking for a candidate to apply for a 2 years postdoctoral position in
the Laboratory of Biological NMR and Crystallography at the University Paris
Descartes. The project will aim to determine the structure of the Vpx protein
(112 amino acids) and of its complexes with inhibitors identified after
screening of small compound libraries, using high-field multidimensional NMR
and Molecular Modeling. HIV-2 is the second leading cause of AIDS in humans and
we are interested with the Vpx protein that increases the efficiency of
infection by lentivectors of various origins, allows the transport of viral DNA
to the nucleus and promotes the accumulation of retroviral DNA in some cells of
the immune system. Vpx thus allows viral dissemination but its role in the
replication of HIV-2 and its molecular mechanism are still not understood.
The objectives of this project are to understand at the structural and
mechanistic level, how Vpx inhibits cell defenses against viral infection. We
aim to identify partners of Vpx in cells and to elucidate its exact role in
viral dissemination and its role in the replication of HIV-2. Finally, we want
to understand how cellular factors can modulate the early stages of lentiviral
infection. The obtaining the Vpx protein structure, identification of partners
and the study of their complexes will make our contribution to the
understanding of the mechanisms involved in the various activities of this
protein. The study of the protein Vpx will be greatly simplified by the
experience we have gained from structural and functional studies performed on
the Vpr protein.
The protein Vpx has been obtained by chemical synthesis and will be produced by
overexpression in Coli and 15N labeled. The project will be based on functional
and structural experiments that associate liquid-state Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance and Molecular Modeling. The candidate should have a good experience
in the protein overexpression et their purification in bacterial systems and a
good expertise in multidimensional heteronuclear NMR and molecular modeling.
The starting date is January 2012 for a two years funding. Application, CV and
reference letters should be submitted to:
Dr Serge Bouaziz
Postdoc Position
A 12 months postdoctoral position is opened in the framework of a collaboration between the CNRS/Rhodia joint Research Lab ‘Laboratoire Polymères et Matériaux Avancés’ (LPMA, UMR 5268), Lyon, France, and the CNRS/University Paris-Est Créteil joint Research Lab ‘Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est’ (ICMPE, UMR 7182), Thiais, France. The postdoctoral researcher will develop his/her research activities at ICMPE, Thiais, in the department ‘Systèmes Polymères Complexes’ and will be co-supervised by Cédric Lorthioir (ICMPE) and Paul Sotta (LPMA). Rhodia is a global specialty chemicals manufacturer with 5 multidisciplinary Research & Development Centers worldwide. Lyon is the main Rhodia R&D Center for Europe. CNRS is one of the main governmental research organization in France, involved in all scientific fields.
Partially polar polymers are very sensitive to water. For example a dry semi-crystalline polymer like polyamide (PA) can absorb up to 12 wt% water in saturated humid atmosphere (Relative Humidity = RH 100). The water content drastically affects the glass transition temperature, which may be shifted from 80°C in the dry state down to -10°C in the humid state, and therefore the mechanical and other properties.
The purpose of this work is to combine advanced Solid-State NMR approaches to investigate the molecular dynamics in polyamides. Selective Solid-State NMR experiments, performed as a function of temperature, will allow identifying the specific types of motions corresponding to the various relaxation processes observed in these materials, in the amorphous phase. The mobility and mobility gradients in the amorphous phase located in the vicinity of the crystallites will be characterized by selective excitation of the crystalline signal combined with 1H spin diffusion. Model polyamide materials with a variable, controlled crystallinity will be considered. The dynamics will be studied both in the dry state and in the presence of various amounts of water. These experiments will clarify the mechanisms by which water plasticizes polyamide.
The position is to start any time in 2011. It is opened to an experimental physicist/physico-chemist, with a PhD thesis in the field of polymer physics or chemical physics. An experience in Solid-State NMR, if not mandatory, will be highly appreciated. Gross salary is about 2000 Euros/month. To apply, please send an application letter together with a detailed CV and contact details of two academic referees to either of the following contact persons:
1) Paul Sotta
Laboratoire Polymères et Matériaux Avancés
85, rue des Frères Perret
69192 Saint-Fons Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 89 64 66
E-mail: paul.sotta-exterieur@eu.rhodia.com
2) Cédric Lorthioir
Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est
Equipe ‘Systèmes Polymères Complexes‘
2-8, rue Henri Dunant
94320 Thiais, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 78 13 08
E-mail: lorthioir@icmpe.cnrs.fr
Partially polar polymers are very sensitive to water. For example a dry semi-crystalline polymer like polyamide (PA) can absorb up to 12 wt% water in saturated humid atmosphere (Relative Humidity = RH 100). The water content drastically affects the glass transition temperature, which may be shifted from 80°C in the dry state down to -10°C in the humid state, and therefore the mechanical and other properties.
The purpose of this work is to combine advanced Solid-State NMR approaches to investigate the molecular dynamics in polyamides. Selective Solid-State NMR experiments, performed as a function of temperature, will allow identifying the specific types of motions corresponding to the various relaxation processes observed in these materials, in the amorphous phase. The mobility and mobility gradients in the amorphous phase located in the vicinity of the crystallites will be characterized by selective excitation of the crystalline signal combined with 1H spin diffusion. Model polyamide materials with a variable, controlled crystallinity will be considered. The dynamics will be studied both in the dry state and in the presence of various amounts of water. These experiments will clarify the mechanisms by which water plasticizes polyamide.
The position is to start any time in 2011. It is opened to an experimental physicist/physico-chemist, with a PhD thesis in the field of polymer physics or chemical physics. An experience in Solid-State NMR, if not mandatory, will be highly appreciated. Gross salary is about 2000 Euros/month. To apply, please send an application letter together with a detailed CV and contact details of two academic referees to either of the following contact persons:
1) Paul Sotta
Laboratoire Polymères et Matériaux Avancés
85, rue des Frères Perret
69192 Saint-Fons Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 89 64 66
E-mail: paul.sotta-exterieur@eu.rhodia.com
2) Cédric Lorthioir
Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est
Equipe ‘Systèmes Polymères Complexes‘
2-8, rue Henri Dunant
94320 Thiais, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 78 13 08
E-mail: lorthioir@icmpe.cnrs.fr
Postdoctoral Position in biomolecular SSNMR spectroscopy in Grenoble (France)
The biomolecular NMR group at the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) in
Grenoble is looking for a highly motivated young researcher to join its team as
a post-doctoral researcher on a project funded by the French Research Funding
Agency ANR (project leader Paul Schanda). The project aims at the molecular
level understanding of the function and dynamics of large proteins, as well as
the development of novel solid-state NMR methods for studying dynamics. A
two-year contract is offered.
We are currently studying two biomolecular systems, (i) a large oligomeric
enzymatic assembly of several hundred kDa, and (ii) a membrane protein involved
in the transport of metabolites through membranes. Substrate entry and release,
binding of substrates and cofactors as well as the intrinsic dynamics in these
systems are central to function. We currently develop and apply innovative
solid-state NMR methods to probe protein dynamics in order to relate intrinsic
flexibility to function. We want to reinforce our team with an enthusiastic
postdoctoral researcher with a strong interest in NMR spectroscopy (and the
development thereof) and fundamental aspects of protein function.
The successful candidate will be working on a large enzymatic assembly, using
solid-state NMR methods, complemented by solution-state NMR, as well as on
development of solid-state NMR techniques to address protein dynamics.
Ideally, the successful candidate should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry,
biology or physics and experience in solid- or solution-state biomolecular NMR
spectroscopy. Experience in protein expression and purification is useful.
The laboratory hosts a 600MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer equipped with 3.2mm
and 1.6mm MAS probes as well as 600MHz and 800MHz spectrometers equipped with
cryogenic probes for solution-state NMR. It has access to the nearby 1 GHz NMR
spectrometer of the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will
also have access to a fully equipped wetlab for preparation of isotopically
labeled NMR samples.
Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French alps, and has
one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities centered around
the European Synchroton Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute
(ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble.
Applications and informal queries about the research projects and the lab
should be addressed by e-mail to Paul Schanda, paul.schanda@ibs.fr
Please include in your application a recent CV, names and e-mail addresses of
potential references and a cover letter describing your research interest and
the motivation why you are interested in working with us.
Paul Schanda, Ph.D.
Biomolecular NMR group
Structural Biology Institute Grenoble
41, rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble
Grenoble is looking for a highly motivated young researcher to join its team as
a post-doctoral researcher on a project funded by the French Research Funding
Agency ANR (project leader Paul Schanda). The project aims at the molecular
level understanding of the function and dynamics of large proteins, as well as
the development of novel solid-state NMR methods for studying dynamics. A
two-year contract is offered.
We are currently studying two biomolecular systems, (i) a large oligomeric
enzymatic assembly of several hundred kDa, and (ii) a membrane protein involved
in the transport of metabolites through membranes. Substrate entry and release,
binding of substrates and cofactors as well as the intrinsic dynamics in these
systems are central to function. We currently develop and apply innovative
solid-state NMR methods to probe protein dynamics in order to relate intrinsic
flexibility to function. We want to reinforce our team with an enthusiastic
postdoctoral researcher with a strong interest in NMR spectroscopy (and the
development thereof) and fundamental aspects of protein function.
The successful candidate will be working on a large enzymatic assembly, using
solid-state NMR methods, complemented by solution-state NMR, as well as on
development of solid-state NMR techniques to address protein dynamics.
Ideally, the successful candidate should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry,
biology or physics and experience in solid- or solution-state biomolecular NMR
spectroscopy. Experience in protein expression and purification is useful.
The laboratory hosts a 600MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer equipped with 3.2mm
and 1.6mm MAS probes as well as 600MHz and 800MHz spectrometers equipped with
cryogenic probes for solution-state NMR. It has access to the nearby 1 GHz NMR
spectrometer of the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will
also have access to a fully equipped wetlab for preparation of isotopically
labeled NMR samples.
Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French alps, and has
one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities centered around
the European Synchroton Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute
(ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble.
Applications and informal queries about the research projects and the lab
should be addressed by e-mail to Paul Schanda, paul.schanda@ibs.fr
Please include in your application a recent CV, names and e-mail addresses of
potential references and a cover letter describing your research interest and
the motivation why you are interested in working with us.
Paul Schanda, Ph.D.
Biomolecular NMR group
Structural Biology Institute Grenoble
41, rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble
Senior Research Fellow in Solid-State NMR
Senior Research Fellow in Solid-State NMR
Department of Physics
£36,862 - £44,016 pa
Fixed Term Contract for 3 Years
You will work together with the Principal Investigators (PIs), the group's existing experimental officer and technical and secretarial support, to provide an optimum environment for carrying out advanced solid-state NMR research in the Warwick Magnetic Resonance Centre, including pushing forward research projects, both together with the PIs and independently.
As well as fulfilling the duties and responsibilities outlined in the further details, you should develop your own research strands, including taking responsibility for driving such projects forward, designing the research, writing papers and procuring external research funding: this can be independently or together with the PIs.
Informal enquiries: John Hanna; e-mail: J.V.Hanna@warwick.ac.uk and Steven Brown; email; S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
Please quote job vacancy reference number 71278-071.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Friday 05 August 2011.
You must apply using the procedure described below:
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76150897
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
Magnetic Resonance at Warwick: Watch the video: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/millburn
getting to Millburn House: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/getting_here
Department of Physics
£36,862 - £44,016 pa
Fixed Term Contract for 3 Years
You will work together with the Principal Investigators (PIs), the group's existing experimental officer and technical and secretarial support, to provide an optimum environment for carrying out advanced solid-state NMR research in the Warwick Magnetic Resonance Centre, including pushing forward research projects, both together with the PIs and independently.
As well as fulfilling the duties and responsibilities outlined in the further details, you should develop your own research strands, including taking responsibility for driving such projects forward, designing the research, writing papers and procuring external research funding: this can be independently or together with the PIs.
Informal enquiries: John Hanna; e-mail: J.V.Hanna@warwick.ac.uk and Steven Brown; email; S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
Please quote job vacancy reference number 71278-071.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Friday 05 August 2011.
You must apply using the procedure described below:
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76150897
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
Magnetic Resonance at Warwick: Watch the video: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/millburn
getting to Millburn House: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/getting_here
Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011
Research/Computer Associate
Research/Computer Associate
Department of Biochemistry
Vacancy Reference No: PH08371 Salary: £27,428-£35,788
Limit of tenure applies*
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate, funded by the Collaborative Computing Project for NMR (CCPN), to develop an interface for small molecule screening as an additional module to our CcpNmr Analysis Software. This module would include a graphical user interface to control the workflow for fragment-based screening using NMR and software components for the efficient analysis and screening of NMR spectra for the identification and characterisation of small molecule ligands.
The successful candidate should have a PhD in an appropriate field, be familiar with either NMR spectroscopy or small molecule screening, and have a good working knowledge of Python programming as well as demonstrated experience in the development of software applications. The applicant must be able to work as part of the existing team, and needs to have the initiative and drive to make sure that their part of the project is completed successfully. The project would be carried out in collaboration with our industrial partners and a willingness to travel and to work with our collaborating partners is also important.
Applications should consist of a completed CHRIS/6 form (which can be downloaded from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/) with a CV and the names and addresses of three referees. This should be returned, quoting the reference number, via e-mail to jobs@bioc.cam.ac.uk OR by post to the Personnel Secretary, Department of Biochemistry, Building O, Downing Site, Cambridge CB2 1QW UK.
* Limit of tenure: 1 year.
Closing date: 15 July 2011.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Department of Biochemistry
Vacancy Reference No: PH08371 Salary: £27,428-£35,788
Limit of tenure applies*
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate, funded by the Collaborative Computing Project for NMR (CCPN), to develop an interface for small molecule screening as an additional module to our CcpNmr Analysis Software. This module would include a graphical user interface to control the workflow for fragment-based screening using NMR and software components for the efficient analysis and screening of NMR spectra for the identification and characterisation of small molecule ligands.
The successful candidate should have a PhD in an appropriate field, be familiar with either NMR spectroscopy or small molecule screening, and have a good working knowledge of Python programming as well as demonstrated experience in the development of software applications. The applicant must be able to work as part of the existing team, and needs to have the initiative and drive to make sure that their part of the project is completed successfully. The project would be carried out in collaboration with our industrial partners and a willingness to travel and to work with our collaborating partners is also important.
Applications should consist of a completed CHRIS/6 form (which can be downloaded from http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/) with a CV and the names and addresses of three referees. This should be returned, quoting the reference number, via e-mail to jobs@bioc.cam.ac.uk OR by post to the Personnel Secretary, Department of Biochemistry, Building O, Downing Site, Cambridge CB2 1QW UK.
* Limit of tenure: 1 year.
Closing date: 15 July 2011.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Montag, 4. Juli 2011
PhD position, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
A three-year PhD fellowship is available in the NMR group at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.
The graduate student will participate to a project focused on the exploration of the dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins with new nuclear spin relaxation methods. A full description is available here:
Interested applicants should send their CV to Fabien Ferrage (Fabien.Ferrage@ens.fr)
Fabien Ferrage
Associate Scientist @CNRS
NMR laboratory
Department of Chemistry
Ecole normale superieure
24, rue Lhomond
75231 Paris Cedex 05
tel: (33) 1 44 32 32 65
fax: (33) 1 44 32 24 02
The graduate student will participate to a project focused on the exploration of the dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins with new nuclear spin relaxation methods. A full description is available here:
Interested applicants should send their CV to Fabien Ferrage (Fabien.Ferrage@ens.fr)
Fabien Ferrage
Associate Scientist @CNRS
NMR laboratory
Department of Chemistry
Ecole normale superieure
24, rue Lhomond
75231 Paris Cedex 05
tel: (33) 1 44 32 32 65
fax: (33) 1 44 32 24 02
Postdoc Saclay
12-month post-doctoral position announcement at Saclay, near Paris, at CEA.
Towards a better understanding of gases encapsulation in cage-molecules by NMR and computational chemistry approaches
Dissolved gases are of great importance in various fields of biology (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide), medicine (e.g. hyperpolarized 129Xe for MRI applications) and environmental sciences (e.g. green house gas emission like methane or carbon dioxide). Since 2009, the laboratory is involved in a project that aims at a better understanding of hydrophobic interactions of dissolved gases in water through their encapsulation in synthetic cage-molecules. Only a few empirical rules governing the reversible gas receptor interactions are admitted and very little theoretical works have been reported in the literature. In this context, a 12-month postdoctoral position is available at CEA/IRAMIS in Saclay (France, near Paris) under the supervision of Gaspard HUBER, Patrick BERTHAULT and Jean-Pierre DOGNON.
The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in two joined aspects. First, he/she will have to devise and perform NMR experiments designed to acquire reliable kinetic and thermodynamic data, as well as instructive NMR parameters, for various dissolved gases (e.g. small alkanes and noble gases) and cage-molecules (varying size, shape, electronegativity, steric hindrance within two cage-molecule families : cryptophanes and cucurbiturils). Second, he/she will be involved in a computational chemistry approach, mandatory for the interpretation of NMR results. Both aspects should result in the formulation of new laws on gases complexation and on the proposal of new cage molecules, synthesized by our colleagues chemists involved in the project.
The candidate should have good skills in liquid NMR spectroscopy and chemical physics. An experience in computational chemistry would be greatly appreciated. Knowledge in statistics, useful for the determination of experimental errors, would also be valuable.
The position can start from December 2011. The monthly salary is ca. 2200 € (before tax). Interested candidates should send a CV and two recommendation letters to gaspard.huber@cea.fr.
Towards a better understanding of gases encapsulation in cage-molecules by NMR and computational chemistry approaches
Dissolved gases are of great importance in various fields of biology (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide), medicine (e.g. hyperpolarized 129Xe for MRI applications) and environmental sciences (e.g. green house gas emission like methane or carbon dioxide). Since 2009, the laboratory is involved in a project that aims at a better understanding of hydrophobic interactions of dissolved gases in water through their encapsulation in synthetic cage-molecules. Only a few empirical rules governing the reversible gas receptor interactions are admitted and very little theoretical works have been reported in the literature. In this context, a 12-month postdoctoral position is available at CEA/IRAMIS in Saclay (France, near Paris) under the supervision of Gaspard HUBER, Patrick BERTHAULT and Jean-Pierre DOGNON.
The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in two joined aspects. First, he/she will have to devise and perform NMR experiments designed to acquire reliable kinetic and thermodynamic data, as well as instructive NMR parameters, for various dissolved gases (e.g. small alkanes and noble gases) and cage-molecules (varying size, shape, electronegativity, steric hindrance within two cage-molecule families : cryptophanes and cucurbiturils). Second, he/she will be involved in a computational chemistry approach, mandatory for the interpretation of NMR results. Both aspects should result in the formulation of new laws on gases complexation and on the proposal of new cage molecules, synthesized by our colleagues chemists involved in the project.
The candidate should have good skills in liquid NMR spectroscopy and chemical physics. An experience in computational chemistry would be greatly appreciated. Knowledge in statistics, useful for the determination of experimental errors, would also be valuable.
The position can start from December 2011. The monthly salary is ca. 2200 € (before tax). Interested candidates should send a CV and two recommendation letters to gaspard.huber@cea.fr.
Post-doc at the interface between NMR and EM at CEA Saclay
A new postdoctoral position is becoming available at CEA Saclay (45 min by train from the center of Paris) in high-field multidimensional NMR applied to large biological assemblies, to be coupled with an exciting ANR granted project on the mechanisms of DNA gating in bacteriophages. The work is focussed on the molecular bases of the head-to-tail connector assembly and function in bacteriophage SPP1. It is based on functional and structural experiments, and in particular the coupling of liquid-state and solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, X-ray crystallography, Electron Microscopy and Molecular Modelling. Experience in advanced liquid-state and/or solid-state NMR is essential. Expertise in protein purification and molecular modeling will be useful. Starting date is from September 2011. A one year funding that can be extended to three years on a related project is available. Please submit application and CV to: sophie.zinn@cea.fr.
Dr Sophie Zinn-Justin
Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale et Radiobiologie
iBiTec-S, CEA Saclay
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Dr Sophie Zinn-Justin
Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale et Radiobiologie
iBiTec-S, CEA Saclay
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
University of Trento, Italy
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies
NMR Laboratory “Klaus Müller”
The Materials Chemistry group of the Department of Materials Engineering and
Industrial Technologies at the University of Trento, Italy, has a position open
for a NMR specialist.
Accordingly, we launch a call for interest for a permanent position in
Materials Chemistry with an emphasis in areas related to materials
characterization by Solid State NMR.
A leadership role in the Solid State NMR Laboratory “Klaus Müller” of the
Department (equipped with two 400 MHz and one 300 MHz Solid State NMR
spectrometers) and the development of strong externally funded research
programs in the field of advanced materials are expected.
The position can be either at the level of associate or full professor,
depending on the candidate’s CV.
Potentially interested Candidates should send a complete resume, including the
names of at least 2 reference persons, to:
prof. Sandra Dirè
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (DIMTI)
Via Mesiano 77
38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail: sandra.dire@ing.unitn.it
University of Trento, Italy
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies
NMR Laboratory “Klaus Müller”
The Materials Chemistry group of the Department of Materials Engineering and
Industrial Technologies at the University of Trento, Italy, has a position open
for a NMR specialist.
Accordingly, we launch a call for interest for a permanent position in
Materials Chemistry with an emphasis in areas related to materials
characterization by Solid State NMR.
A leadership role in the Solid State NMR Laboratory “Klaus Müller” of the
Department (equipped with two 400 MHz and one 300 MHz Solid State NMR
spectrometers) and the development of strong externally funded research
programs in the field of advanced materials are expected.
The position can be either at the level of associate or full professor,
depending on the candidate’s CV.
Potentially interested Candidates should send a complete resume, including the
names of at least 2 reference persons, to:
prof. Sandra Dirè
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (DIMTI)
Via Mesiano 77
38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail: sandra.dire@ing.unitn.it
Postdoc Italy
The Materials Chemistry Group of the
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies,
is looking for an enthusiastic young researcher with a strong background in
Solid State NMR to join our team as a post-doctoral fellow.
The NMR laboratory “Klaus Mueller” is equipped with two 400 MHz and one 300
MHz Solid State NMR spectrometers and our group is mainly involved in sol-gel
synthesis and characterization of inorganic and hybrid O/I materials.
The candidate is expected to be an independent individual that is able to work
well within a team of interdisciplinary researchers
This is a full time 24 month, non-tenure track academic position.
Potentially interested Candidates should send a brief one-page description of
research interest and plans, a CV and contact information for at least 2
reference persons, to:
prof. Sandra Dirè
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (DIMTI)
Via Mesiano 77
38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail: sandra.dire@ing.unitn.it
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies,
is looking for an enthusiastic young researcher with a strong background in
Solid State NMR to join our team as a post-doctoral fellow.
The NMR laboratory “Klaus Mueller” is equipped with two 400 MHz and one 300
MHz Solid State NMR spectrometers and our group is mainly involved in sol-gel
synthesis and characterization of inorganic and hybrid O/I materials.
The candidate is expected to be an independent individual that is able to work
well within a team of interdisciplinary researchers
This is a full time 24 month, non-tenure track academic position.
Potentially interested Candidates should send a brief one-page description of
research interest and plans, a CV and contact information for at least 2
reference persons, to:
prof. Sandra Dirè
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (DIMTI)
Via Mesiano 77
38123 Trento, Italy
e-mail: sandra.dire@ing.unitn.it
Postdoctoral Position in Radiology
Postdoctoral Position in Radiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Location: Baltimore, MD
There is a postdoctoral fellowship position available within the Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging at the Kennedy Krieger Institute for candidates interested in the synthesis of peptides as MRI contrast agents. The candidate is expected to be an independent individual that is able to work well within a team of interdisciplinary researchers.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Materials Science, Biology, Biomedical Engineering or closely related fields. Candidates with expertise in peptide synthesis and/or high resolution NMR are preferred. Applicants should submit a brief one-page description of research interest and plans, a CV and contact information for three references to Dr. Michael McMahon (mcmahon@mri.jhu.edu).
Michael T. McMahon, Ph.D. Phone: (410)502-8188
Assistant Professor
F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
CRB II Room 4M 63
1550 Orleans St.
Baltimore, MD 21231
Location: Baltimore, MD
There is a postdoctoral fellowship position available within the Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging at the Kennedy Krieger Institute for candidates interested in the synthesis of peptides as MRI contrast agents. The candidate is expected to be an independent individual that is able to work well within a team of interdisciplinary researchers.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Materials Science, Biology, Biomedical Engineering or closely related fields. Candidates with expertise in peptide synthesis and/or high resolution NMR are preferred. Applicants should submit a brief one-page description of research interest and plans, a CV and contact information for three references to Dr. Michael McMahon (mcmahon@mri.jhu.edu).
Michael T. McMahon, Ph.D. Phone: (410)502-8188
Assistant Professor
F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
CRB II Room 4M 63
1550 Orleans St.
Baltimore, MD 21231
Postdoctoral teaching fellowship in NMR methodology for the study of inorganic materials
A postdoctoral teaching fellowship in NMR methodology is available in the ENSCL (Lille, France). It will start in September 2011. This position may be turned into a permanent position of assistant professor in Lille after a training period.
You will join the team of Glasses and NMR methodology in Lille NMR center. You will contribute to the development of original NMR methods for the study of glasses and catalysts. In particular you will be expected to develop techniques for the observation of low-gamma nuclei. You will have access to all the NMR facilities (five superconducting magnets, ranging from 900 MHz to 100 MHz for proton Larmor frequency). Lille is a pleasant city situated in the heart of Europe (30 min from Brussels, 1 h from Paris, 1h from London by train). The university of Lille combines research groups with strong expertise in NMR and EPR spectroscopy as well as catalysis and material science.
You will teach (i) solid-state NMR to graduate students in chemistry as well as (ii) physics (magnetism, electricity) to first-year undergraduate students in chemistry.
You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in Physics or Chemistry. A working knowledge of French is required.
The closing date for application is Monday 11 July 2011.
Applications and informal queries about the lab and research projects should be directed by email to Lionel Montagne ( lionel.montagne@univ-lille1.fr ).
Olivier Lafon
University of Lille North of France
F-59652, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Cedex, France
Tel : 33 3 20 43 41 43 Fax : 33 3 20 43 68 14
email : olivier.lafon@ensc-lille.fr
webpage adress : http://uccs.univ-lille1.fr/spip.php?article199
Lille group webpage : http://uccs.univ-lille1.fr/spip.php?article142
You will join the team of Glasses and NMR methodology in Lille NMR center. You will contribute to the development of original NMR methods for the study of glasses and catalysts. In particular you will be expected to develop techniques for the observation of low-gamma nuclei. You will have access to all the NMR facilities (five superconducting magnets, ranging from 900 MHz to 100 MHz for proton Larmor frequency). Lille is a pleasant city situated in the heart of Europe (30 min from Brussels, 1 h from Paris, 1h from London by train). The university of Lille combines research groups with strong expertise in NMR and EPR spectroscopy as well as catalysis and material science.
You will teach (i) solid-state NMR to graduate students in chemistry as well as (ii) physics (magnetism, electricity) to first-year undergraduate students in chemistry.
You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in Physics or Chemistry. A working knowledge of French is required.
The closing date for application is Monday 11 July 2011.
Applications and informal queries about the lab and research projects should be directed by email to Lionel Montagne ( lionel.montagne@univ-lille1.fr ).
Olivier Lafon
University of Lille North of France
F-59652, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Cedex, France
Tel : 33 3 20 43 41 43 Fax : 33 3 20 43 68 14
email : olivier.lafon@ensc-lille.fr
webpage adress : http://uccs.univ-lille1.fr/spip.php?article199
Lille group webpage : http://uccs.univ-lille1.fr/spip.php?article142
Assistant Professor
Fixed Term Contract for 5 years
You will join the team of academic and research officers based in the Warwick Centre for Magnetic Resonance (MR). The centre is housed in a purpose built laboratory in Millburn House and combines Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) facilities with expertise being drawn from both the Departments of Physics and Chemistry.
Candidates with expertise in all areas of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy are welcomed, especially those with a track record involving the development and/or exploitation of one or more Magnetic Resonance research technique. You will be expected to establish an internationally-leading research activity in a Magnetic Resonance discipline. You will have access to all of the research facilities housed within the Millburn House Centre for Magnetic Resonance.
You will teach and contribute to research leadership, supervision and administration in the Integrated Magnetic Resonance Centre for Doctoral Training, and promote synergy of this activity with the Department of Physics and partner universities.
You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in Physics or a related subject, and will be an active researcher, with a strong record of publications in refereed international journals.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 04 July 2011.
Interview date: 15 July 2011.
Please quote job vacancy reference number 71212-061.
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76150897
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
Magnetic Resonance at Warwick: Watch the video: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/millburn
getting to Millburn House: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/getting_here
You will join the team of academic and research officers based in the Warwick Centre for Magnetic Resonance (MR). The centre is housed in a purpose built laboratory in Millburn House and combines Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) facilities with expertise being drawn from both the Departments of Physics and Chemistry.
Candidates with expertise in all areas of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy are welcomed, especially those with a track record involving the development and/or exploitation of one or more Magnetic Resonance research technique. You will be expected to establish an internationally-leading research activity in a Magnetic Resonance discipline. You will have access to all of the research facilities housed within the Millburn House Centre for Magnetic Resonance.
You will teach and contribute to research leadership, supervision and administration in the Integrated Magnetic Resonance Centre for Doctoral Training, and promote synergy of this activity with the Department of Physics and partner universities.
You will have a PhD, or equivalent, in Physics or a related subject, and will be an active researcher, with a strong record of publications in refereed international journals.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 04 July 2011.
Interview date: 15 July 2011.
Please quote job vacancy reference number 71212-061.
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76150897
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
Magnetic Resonance at Warwick: Watch the video: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/millburn
getting to Millburn House: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/getting_here
MRI Scientist for TIIL
MRI Scientist for TIIL
Translational Imaging Industrial Laboratory (TIIL; part of Singapore Bioimaging Consortium), is a new initiative from Singapore’s A*Star (Agency for Science Technology and Research), providing global biopharma companies with a high quality and state-of-the-art array of preclinical imaging resources directed at enhancing the efficiency and pace of the drug development process.
The Laboratory is currently seeking to recruit an experienced MRI physicists to join our team. The in vivo imaging laboratory assists in drug discovery programmes and focuses on the validation and development of imaging and spectroscopic methods for a number of disease areas, including cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and metabolic disorders.
As part of TIIL, this role will support the development and implementation of MRI methods in order to understand mechanism(s) of drug action, drug efficacy, and safety, and long-term outcomes. These methods may then be incorporated as part of the drug discovery program, ranging from target identification to therapeutic application.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual, who can work independently in a fast-paced environment. This person will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams across disease areas and will keep meticulous records. Responsibilities for this position include performing in vivo MR experiments, analyzing and integrating related data, summarizing results for reporting and publication, and daily operations of the laboratory.
Qualifications and Expertise:
The desired candidate will:
• have an MSc or PhD or equivalent in Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences or related fields, with at least 3 years of industrial experience
• have an advanced knowledge of the area of MRI physics and applications
• have a working knowledge of C/C++
• have experience with MR imaging and spectroscopy
• have experience and expertise in pulse sequence programming and applications development
• have digital image/spectroscopy processing or graphical/visual programming skills (Matlab, Analyze, IDL)
• have experience in performing small animal MRI experiments - Animal skills, such as handling, restraining, anaesthesia and injections (IP, IM, IV) in rodents and rabbits
• have familiarity with FDA and QSR regulations
• have the ability to communicate and collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary team
• have the ability to follow directions and perform tasks with continuous attention to detail and safety
• have good communication skills to be effective in a global organization
• must be able to provide at least three references to support qualifications
Translational Imaging Industrial Laboratory (TIIL; part of Singapore Bioimaging Consortium), is a new initiative from Singapore’s A*Star (Agency for Science Technology and Research), providing global biopharma companies with a high quality and state-of-the-art array of preclinical imaging resources directed at enhancing the efficiency and pace of the drug development process.
The Laboratory is currently seeking to recruit an experienced MRI physicists to join our team. The in vivo imaging laboratory assists in drug discovery programmes and focuses on the validation and development of imaging and spectroscopic methods for a number of disease areas, including cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and metabolic disorders.
As part of TIIL, this role will support the development and implementation of MRI methods in order to understand mechanism(s) of drug action, drug efficacy, and safety, and long-term outcomes. These methods may then be incorporated as part of the drug discovery program, ranging from target identification to therapeutic application.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual, who can work independently in a fast-paced environment. This person will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams across disease areas and will keep meticulous records. Responsibilities for this position include performing in vivo MR experiments, analyzing and integrating related data, summarizing results for reporting and publication, and daily operations of the laboratory.
Qualifications and Expertise:
The desired candidate will:
• have an MSc or PhD or equivalent in Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences or related fields, with at least 3 years of industrial experience
• have an advanced knowledge of the area of MRI physics and applications
• have a working knowledge of C/C++
• have experience with MR imaging and spectroscopy
• have experience and expertise in pulse sequence programming and applications development
• have digital image/spectroscopy processing or graphical/visual programming skills (Matlab, Analyze, IDL)
• have experience in performing small animal MRI experiments - Animal skills, such as handling, restraining, anaesthesia and injections (IP, IM, IV) in rodents and rabbits
• have familiarity with FDA and QSR regulations
• have the ability to communicate and collaborate with members of a multidisciplinary team
• have the ability to follow directions and perform tasks with continuous attention to detail and safety
• have good communication skills to be effective in a global organization
• must be able to provide at least three references to support qualifications
Research Fellowship in NMR Technology/DNP NMR
*Research Fellowship in NMR Technology/DNP NMR *
Applications are invited for a post based in the Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre which is part of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nottingham. The successful candidate will lead an ambitious hardware development project that focuses on the the design and implementation of a novel spectrometer for Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation enhanced NMR spectroscopy. The project involves extensive industrial collaboration and is funded by the Novel Technology Initiative in Cross-disciplinary Sciences of the EPSRC.
Candidates should have a PhD in physics or a related discipline and preferably have experience in one or several of the following fields: Microwave technology, Cryotechnology, Magnetic Resonance hardware technology, Laser Optics. The successful candidate will join a interdisciplinary group of physicists, chemists and engineers.
Salary will be £27,319 - £31,671 per annum, depending on skills and experience. This post will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of three year.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Walter Köckenberger, Email: walter.kockenberger@nottingham.ac.uk.
For more details and/or to apply on-line please access: _http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI992. _If you are unable to apply on-line please contact the Human Resources Department, tel: ++44 115 951 3262. *Please quote ref. SCI/*SCI992*. Closing date: 8^th July 2011.*
Walter Köckenberger
Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre
School of Physics & Astronomy
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom
p: (44) 115 9515161
f: (44) 115 9515166
Applications are invited for a post based in the Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre which is part of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nottingham. The successful candidate will lead an ambitious hardware development project that focuses on the the design and implementation of a novel spectrometer for Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation enhanced NMR spectroscopy. The project involves extensive industrial collaboration and is funded by the Novel Technology Initiative in Cross-disciplinary Sciences of the EPSRC.
Candidates should have a PhD in physics or a related discipline and preferably have experience in one or several of the following fields: Microwave technology, Cryotechnology, Magnetic Resonance hardware technology, Laser Optics. The successful candidate will join a interdisciplinary group of physicists, chemists and engineers.
Salary will be £27,319 - £31,671 per annum, depending on skills and experience. This post will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of three year.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr Walter Köckenberger, Email: walter.kockenberger@nottingham.ac.uk.
For more details and/or to apply on-line please access: _http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI992. _If you are unable to apply on-line please contact the Human Resources Department, tel: ++44 115 951 3262. *Please quote ref. SCI/*SCI992*. Closing date: 8^th July 2011.*
Walter Köckenberger
Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre
School of Physics & Astronomy
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom
p: (44) 115 9515161
f: (44) 115 9515166
NMR Specialist Genomic Biology
The Institute for Genomic Biology has a position open for a NMR Specialist.
Position Announcement
NMR Specialist
Institute for Genomic Biology
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
The Core Facilities in the Institute for Genomic Biology has purchased a
600 MHz NMR and a Protasis capillary flow probe for natural product
isolation. The new NMR Specialist will primarily be responsible for
developing training materials and maintenance schedules, training NMR
users, and maintaining the NMR. Secondary responsibilities will include
working with users of the optical microscopy instruments.
Currently the core facility at the institute for Genomic Biology houses
$2.5 million of optical microscopy, cleanroom and bioanalytical
equipment and is staffed by three full time academic professionals and
an administrative assistant.
Key Responsibilities
Provide quality training to NMR users.
Develop NMR training materials.
Maintain the NMR including scheduled Cryogen fills.
Work with NMR users to maximize efficient use of the NMR
Aid with training microscopy users as time permits.
Minimum Qualifications Masters Degree in Chemistry or related field. NMR
Desired Qualifications
Experience with proton NMR.
Experience with NMR hardware and software.
This is a full time 12 month, non-tenure track Academic Professional
position with full university benefits. The successful candidate would
start in the early fall. Salary will be commensurate with training and
experience. Please create your candidate profile at
http://jobs.illinois.edu and upload your letter of interest (including
email address), resume and contact information for three professional
letters of reference by June 22, 2011. Position available as soon as
possible after the close date. Applicants may be interviewed before the
closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that
date. All requested information must be submitted for your application
to be considered. For further information regarding the application
procedures, you may contact Kim Johnson, kljohns@igb.illinois.edu.
Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and
welcomes individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas
who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity.
Position Announcement
NMR Specialist
Institute for Genomic Biology
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
The Core Facilities in the Institute for Genomic Biology has purchased a
600 MHz NMR and a Protasis capillary flow probe for natural product
isolation. The new NMR Specialist will primarily be responsible for
developing training materials and maintenance schedules, training NMR
users, and maintaining the NMR. Secondary responsibilities will include
working with users of the optical microscopy instruments.
Currently the core facility at the institute for Genomic Biology houses
$2.5 million of optical microscopy, cleanroom and bioanalytical
equipment and is staffed by three full time academic professionals and
an administrative assistant.
Key Responsibilities
Provide quality training to NMR users.
Develop NMR training materials.
Maintain the NMR including scheduled Cryogen fills.
Work with NMR users to maximize efficient use of the NMR
Aid with training microscopy users as time permits.
Minimum Qualifications Masters Degree in Chemistry or related field. NMR
Desired Qualifications
Experience with proton NMR.
Experience with NMR hardware and software.
This is a full time 12 month, non-tenure track Academic Professional
position with full university benefits. The successful candidate would
start in the early fall. Salary will be commensurate with training and
experience. Please create your candidate profile at
http://jobs.illinois.edu and upload your letter of interest (including
email address), resume and contact information for three professional
letters of reference by June 22, 2011. Position available as soon as
possible after the close date. Applicants may be interviewed before the
closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that
date. All requested information must be submitted for your application
to be considered. For further information regarding the application
procedures, you may contact Kim Johnson, kljohns@igb.illinois.edu.
Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and
welcomes individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas
who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity.
Post-doc position in spin physics at ETH Zurich
The Spin Physics and Imaging group (Degen Lab at ETH Zurich) is looking for an enthusiastic spin physicist with a strong background in magnetic resonance to join our team as a post-doctoral associate. Our lab is working on combining single nitrogen vacancy spins in diamond (NV centers) with scanning probe microscopy, for application in nanoscale magnetic sensing, imaging, and single spin readout.
Experience that will be valued includes:
- Quantum simulations of spin systems
- Design and application of complex EPR and NMR pulse sequences
- Hands-on experience with microwave and radio-frequency circuitry (we use frequencies up to 20 GHz)
- Experimental or theoretical experience with manipulation and readout of single spin systems, such as optics experiments on quantum dots.
For inquiries and applications please contact Christian Degen at degenc@ethz.ch, or visit our website at http://www.spin.ethz.ch/. Please include in your application a recent CV and a short motivation why you are interested in working with us.
The post-doctoral position is funded through the Swiss national competence center in Quantum science and technology (http://www.nccr-qsit.ethz.ch/), a platform that offers great opportunities for networking with a number of excellent groups in the field of quantum science.
Prof. Christian Degen
Department of Physics, HPF F6
ETH Zurich
Schafmattstrasse 16
8093 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 633 2336
Email: degenc@ethz.ch
Web: http://www.spin.ethz.ch
Experience that will be valued includes:
- Quantum simulations of spin systems
- Design and application of complex EPR and NMR pulse sequences
- Hands-on experience with microwave and radio-frequency circuitry (we use frequencies up to 20 GHz)
- Experimental or theoretical experience with manipulation and readout of single spin systems, such as optics experiments on quantum dots.
For inquiries and applications please contact Christian Degen at degenc@ethz.ch, or visit our website at http://www.spin.ethz.ch/. Please include in your application a recent CV and a short motivation why you are interested in working with us.
The post-doctoral position is funded through the Swiss national competence center in Quantum science and technology (http://www.nccr-qsit.ethz.ch/), a platform that offers great opportunities for networking with a number of excellent groups in the field of quantum science.
Prof. Christian Degen
Department of Physics, HPF F6
ETH Zurich
Schafmattstrasse 16
8093 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 633 2336
Email: degenc@ethz.ch
Web: http://www.spin.ethz.ch
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