Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008

PhD grant Reims France

The French Ministry of Education proposes a PhD grant (3 years)
in the field of automatic structure elucidation of small organic molecules.

The subject is related to the LSD software (www.univ-reims.fr/LSD).
More details can be found at
www.univ-reims.fr/LSD/projet_de_these_JMN-en.pdf (in English) or at
www.univ-reims.fr/LSD/projet_de_these_JMN-fr.pdf (in French).

The lab is located in Reims, France.

Candidates must be less than 25 years old at the end of 2008 and
have obtained a Master degree in 2008, in one of the countries of
the European Higher Education Area.
Monthly gross salary is 1 658.25 euros.

Interested people may send me an email: jm.nuzillard@univ-reims.fr

Post-Doctoral Position Amiens France

Post-Doctoral Position:

Structure of lignocellulose and its enzymatic hydrolysis: contribution of solid state NMR and electron microscopy.
This proposal is funded by the regional council of Picardie in the laboratory Génie Enzymatique et cellulaire - UMR 6022 CNRS-UPJV (Amiens)

The project lies in the development of second-generation biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels and the first-generation biofuels. The concept of second-generation biofuels, is based on valuing the entire plant by producing ethanol from the abundant ligno-cellulosic biomass. One of technological lock for the development of this renewable energy is the conversion of the insoluble fraction of cellulose into monosaccharides. The crystalline structure of insoluble cellulose seems to be responsible of the inefficiency of enzymes degradation. The successful candidate will study the three-dimensional organization by developing appropriate NMR solid-state experiments and microscopy observations in connection with the enzyme degradation.

NMR facilities include two 500 MHz and 300 MHz WB spectrometers (Bruker) equipped with solid probes (CP and HR-MAS). Scanning Electron Microscopy and AFM are also available..

Funding for this position is available from 01/11/2008, for up to two years
Post-doctoral salary will be around 2000 € per month

For further information please contact:

Catherine Sarazin
Unité de Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire
UMR 6022 du CNRS - UPJV
33 rue Saint-Leu
80039 Amiens cedex
tel: + 33 3 22 82 74 71
fax: + 33 3 22 82 75 95

Postdoctoral Position in NMR quantum computing

The Department of Physics at the Technical University of Dortmund has an immediate opening in NMR quantum information processing.
The main objectives of this project are
- Development of mesoscopic quantum registers
- Implementation of quantum simulations
- Evaluation of decoherence processes
- Coherent control by robust gate operations

Additional information and an overview of recent results are available at

The successful candidate should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and/or quantum computing.

Inquiries and applications should be submitted to Dieter.Suter@tu-dortmund.de

Master, Diploma and PhD Positions in Tübingen, Germany

Master, Diploma and PhD Positions in Tübingen, Germany

The biomolecular NMR research group of Dr. Remco Sprangers at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingen, Germany is looking for Master, Diploma and PhD Students.

We use modern NMR techniques that are able to study large macromolecular complexes (e.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17762877 and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17237764)
and exploit these methods to obtain insight in the mechanisms behind mRNA decay. These decay pathways directly influences protein expression levels and underlie cellular processes ranging from the response to environmental signals to the development of multi-cellular organisms and cell-cell communication.

The Max Planck institute for developmental biology hosts 5 departments and 8 independent research groups that focus their research on Protein Evolution, Biochemistry, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Molecular Biology. To increase the strength of Structural Biology, 600 MHz and 800 MHz NMR spectrometers and an in house X-ray source and crystallization robot were recently installed. The broad background of the institute offers the possibility to complement NMR studies with bio-informatics, microscopy and/or in-vivo studies. In addition, students are offered interdisciplinary practical and theoretical training, particularly through common introductory courses, symposia and research seminars. The majority of students coming to the institutes are funded by Max Planck Scholarships and the typical duration of a PhD thesis at the MPI for Developmental Biology is 3 - 4 years.

Highly motivated applicants that have a strong background in biochemistry and/or biophysics are invited to apply. Please contact remco.sprangers@tuebingen.mpg.de for more information and include a CV with a summary of research interests. Alternatively, candidates can apply through the institutes international PhD program: http://www.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/phd-program

Thanks, Remco

Dr. Remco Sprangers
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
Spemannstr. 35
72076 Tübingen

Postdoc Position Umeå University

We have an opening for a postdoc who will work on speciation of organic phosphorus compounds in soils. The postdoc will work in a highly interdisciplinary environment including chemists, environmental- and isotope scientists. NMR spectroscopy will be a key technique. Candidates with backgrounds in related fields will also be considered. A project description is attached.

Please bring the job opening to the attention of suitable candidates.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

For application details, candidates should contact

Prof. Jürgen Schleucher
Medical Biophysics
Umeå University
S-90187 Umeå, Sweden