Fakultät: Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
Seminar/Institut: Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie
Ab 01.01.2009 ist im Projekt DFG HA2822/1-1 die Stelle einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters zu besetzen.
Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 19,5 Stunden.
Im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Projektes “Sphere Surface Supramolecular Chemistry and
Modelling Biological Cation Transport – Synthetic and NMR Studies“ sollen schwerpunktmäßig ein- und mehrdimensionale Multikern-NMR-Untersuchungen an Polyoxometallaten(Modellierung von Kationenkanälen) vorgenommen werden.
Weitere Informationen unter:
Mittwoch, 19. November 2008
Postdoctoral position in Belgium
Postdoctoral position in bacterial pathogenesis - Vrije Universiteit
A post-doctoral position in membrane protein structural biology is
available at the laboratory of Structural & Molecular Microbiology,
Structural Biology Brussels (VUB / VIB), Brussels – Belgium
Our group studies the structural molecular biology of bacterial
adhesins and cell surface filaments with respect to their biosynthetic
pathway and function in bacterial pathogenesis, with the ultimate aim
of developing new generation virulence-targeted antimicrobials (see
Remaut et al. 2006, Mol. Cell22, 831-842; Pinkner et al. 2006,Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA.103, 17897-902; Fronzeset al. 2008,EMBO J.27, 2271-80 and
Remautet al. 2008,Cell133, 640-52 for relevant references). Further
information on : http://www.structuralbiology.be/research/adhesins
We are looking for a highly motivated structural biologist (X-ray/NMR)
or candidates with experience in membrane protein expression and
purification with a strong interest in structural biology. The
successful candidate will take part in the structural study of
host-pathogen interactions in the human pathogen Heliocobacter pylori,
the leading cause of peptic ulcer disease and a major risk factor for
the development of gastric cancers.
VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) is an interdisciplinary
non-profit research institute based at 4 Flemish universities (Ghent
University, K.U.Leuven, the University of Antwerp and the Vrije
Universiteit Brussels) and employs a vibrant community of over 1000
life scientists.
Informal enquiries and applications (including CV, letter of motivation
as well as the contact details of at least 2 references) should be
directed to Dr. Han Remaut: hremaut@vub.ac.be
A post-doctoral position in membrane protein structural biology is
available at the laboratory of Structural & Molecular Microbiology,
Structural Biology Brussels (VUB / VIB), Brussels – Belgium
Our group studies the structural molecular biology of bacterial
adhesins and cell surface filaments with respect to their biosynthetic
pathway and function in bacterial pathogenesis, with the ultimate aim
of developing new generation virulence-targeted antimicrobials (see
Remaut et al. 2006, Mol. Cell22, 831-842; Pinkner et al. 2006,Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA.103, 17897-902; Fronzeset al. 2008,EMBO J.27, 2271-80 and
Remautet al. 2008,Cell133, 640-52 for relevant references). Further
information on : http://www.structuralbiology.be/research/adhesins
We are looking for a highly motivated structural biologist (X-ray/NMR)
or candidates with experience in membrane protein expression and
purification with a strong interest in structural biology. The
successful candidate will take part in the structural study of
host-pathogen interactions in the human pathogen Heliocobacter pylori,
the leading cause of peptic ulcer disease and a major risk factor for
the development of gastric cancers.
VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) is an interdisciplinary
non-profit research institute based at 4 Flemish universities (Ghent
University, K.U.Leuven, the University of Antwerp and the Vrije
Universiteit Brussels) and employs a vibrant community of over 1000
life scientists.
Informal enquiries and applications (including CV, letter of motivation
as well as the contact details of at least 2 references) should be
directed to Dr. Han Remaut: hremaut@vub.ac.be
Postdoctoral positions protein biophysics
Postdoctoral positions available in protein biophysics in two areas of emphasis: the role of conformational entropy in protein function and the use of reverse micelle encapsulation to investigate protein structure, dynamics and hydration. Both areas investigated using advanced NMR methods. Junior and senior postdoctoral positions are available. Ph.D or equivalent in chemistry, biochemistry or biophysics is essential. Experience in solution NMR methods is highly desirable. Please submit c.v. and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to Professor Joshua Wand, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania via e-mail to wand@mail.med.upenn.edu.
A. Joshua Wand, Ph.D.
Benjamin Rush Professor of Biochemistry
Chair, Graduate Group of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
905 Stellar Chance Laboratories
422 Curie Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6059
telephone 215-573-7288
facsimile 215-573-7290
e-mail wand@mail.med.upenn.edu
A. Joshua Wand, Ph.D.
Benjamin Rush Professor of Biochemistry
Chair, Graduate Group of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
905 Stellar Chance Laboratories
422 Curie Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6059
telephone 215-573-7288
facsimile 215-573-7290
e-mail wand@mail.med.upenn.edu
Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Biomolecular NMR are available at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Qualified candidates with in-depth training in NMR will join a dynamic team of investigators to study membrane protein structures and dynamics as well as drug-protein interactions. Familiarity with biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology is desirable. Salary and fringe benefits are highly competitive. The research environment is outstanding. A complement of NMR spectrometers, including 600, 700, 800, and 900 MHz systems equipped with cryo-, hr-MAS, MAS, flat-coil, and micro-imaging probes, is available for the on-going NIH-funded research projects.
Please send curriculum vitae, including contact information for three references, to bionmr@pitt.edu (preferred method) or to:
Professor Yan Xu
2048 Biomedical Science Tower 3
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
3501 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.
Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Biomolecular NMR are available at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Qualified candidates with in-depth training in NMR will join a dynamic team of investigators to study membrane protein structures and dynamics as well as drug-protein interactions. Familiarity with biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology is desirable. Salary and fringe benefits are highly competitive. The research environment is outstanding. A complement of NMR spectrometers, including 600, 700, 800, and 900 MHz systems equipped with cryo-, hr-MAS, MAS, flat-coil, and micro-imaging probes, is available for the on-going NIH-funded research projects.
Please send curriculum vitae, including contact information for three references, to bionmr@pitt.edu (preferred method) or to:
Professor Yan Xu
2048 Biomedical Science Tower 3
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
3501 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.
Postdoctoral opportunity at NC State University
Postdoctoral opportunity at NC State University
The position is for two years (funded by a grant from the North Carolina
Biotechnology Center) starting sometime in Spring 2009. The project is about
new experimental and theoretical developments in solid-state NMR of oriented
samples, including the studies of the conformations of viral peptides in
various lipid environments. I would be extremely grateful to you if you could
informally advertise this position to soon-to-be graduates or alumni in your
group who might be looking for a postdoctoral position, or to somebody else as
you might find appropriate.
Strong preference will be given to candidates who have in-depth experience in
protein expression and purification, but individuals interested in solid-state
NMR methodology development (pulse sequences and structure calculation
algorithms) will also be considered. Prior knowledge of solid-state NMR is
not essential. The lab is equipped with a 500 MHz Bruker spectrometer with
probes for both static and rotating samples. More information about the lab
(as well as my contact information to send a CV to) can be found at the link
provided below.
Alexander A. Nevzorov
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University
Dabney Hall 618
Raleigh, NC 27695
(919) 515-3199
Research Webpage: http://www.ncsu.edu/chemistry/people/anevzorov.html
The position is for two years (funded by a grant from the North Carolina
Biotechnology Center) starting sometime in Spring 2009. The project is about
new experimental and theoretical developments in solid-state NMR of oriented
samples, including the studies of the conformations of viral peptides in
various lipid environments. I would be extremely grateful to you if you could
informally advertise this position to soon-to-be graduates or alumni in your
group who might be looking for a postdoctoral position, or to somebody else as
you might find appropriate.
Strong preference will be given to candidates who have in-depth experience in
protein expression and purification, but individuals interested in solid-state
NMR methodology development (pulse sequences and structure calculation
algorithms) will also be considered. Prior knowledge of solid-state NMR is
not essential. The lab is equipped with a 500 MHz Bruker spectrometer with
probes for both static and rotating samples. More information about the lab
(as well as my contact information to send a CV to) can be found at the link
provided below.
Alexander A. Nevzorov
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University
Dabney Hall 618
Raleigh, NC 27695
(919) 515-3199
Research Webpage: http://www.ncsu.edu/chemistry/people/anevzorov.html
Postdoctoral Position: NMR microimaging UCLA
Postdoctoral Position: NMR microimaging in chemistry.
UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
A new postdoctoral appointment is available to study the statistical
dynamics of chemically reacting flow systems. Recent advances in NMR
microscopy and hyperpolarization techniques permit a highly detailed
picture of chemically reacting flow, and the goal of this project is
to develop novel methodologies for the quantitative assessment of in
situ reactions and kinetics. The project will involve setting up model
reactions, building necessary hardware and comparing experimental
results with newly developed theoretical models of micro
hydrodynamics and finite-size microcanonical dynamics in random
heterogeneous media. The ideal candidate will have some experience
in chemical synthesis, NMR spectroscopy and NMR hardware
design, strong experimental skills, and be proficient in both written
and spoken English. The candidate may be required to travel on
occasion to work with collaborators, and will make use of state of the
art facilities at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) for
material characterization and development. Send resume and
2 references to Louis Bouchard at bouchard@chem.ucla.edu.
The University of California is an equal opportunity employer.
UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
A new postdoctoral appointment is available to study the statistical
dynamics of chemically reacting flow systems. Recent advances in NMR
microscopy and hyperpolarization techniques permit a highly detailed
picture of chemically reacting flow, and the goal of this project is
to develop novel methodologies for the quantitative assessment of in
situ reactions and kinetics. The project will involve setting up model
reactions, building necessary hardware and comparing experimental
results with newly developed theoretical models of micro
hydrodynamics and finite-size microcanonical dynamics in random
heterogeneous media. The ideal candidate will have some experience
in chemical synthesis, NMR spectroscopy and NMR hardware
design, strong experimental skills, and be proficient in both written
and spoken English. The candidate may be required to travel on
occasion to work with collaborators, and will make use of state of the
art facilities at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) for
material characterization and development. Send resume and
2 references to Louis Bouchard at bouchard@chem.ucla.edu.
The University of California is an equal opportunity employer.
PhD studentship biological Solid State NMR
The solid state NMR group at Leiden University has an opening for a PhD
studentship in in biological Solid State NMR.
The objective of the project is to resolve mechanisms of water oxidation in
photosystem II in Synechocystis for resolving the role of the protein in the
process of catalysis. The project will involve the combination of ultra fast
freeze hyperquencing of light-induced catalysis and MAS NMR analysis of the
reaction pathway to make a chemical movie of the catalysis. (see: PNAS
(2008) pp. 8563 8568)http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0709140105
The oxidation of water is a critical step in converting light energy into
fuels, the background context of which is described in our white paper
³Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean fuel², which can be
found at http://www.ssnmr.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=12&c=34
The successful candidate should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and
Inquiries and applications should be submitted to ssnmr@chem.leidenuniv.nl
Huub de Groot
Prof. dr H.J.M. de Groot / SSNMR
Leiden Institute of Chemistry phone: +31715274539
Einsteinweg 55 / POB 9502 fax: +31715274603
2300 RA Leiden NL
Web: http://ssnmr.lic.leidenuniv.nl/
White Paper Solar Fuel: http://www.ssnmr.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=12&c=34
studentship in in biological Solid State NMR.
The objective of the project is to resolve mechanisms of water oxidation in
photosystem II in Synechocystis for resolving the role of the protein in the
process of catalysis. The project will involve the combination of ultra fast
freeze hyperquencing of light-induced catalysis and MAS NMR analysis of the
reaction pathway to make a chemical movie of the catalysis. (see: PNAS
(2008) pp. 8563 8568)http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0709140105
The oxidation of water is a critical step in converting light energy into
fuels, the background context of which is described in our white paper
³Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean fuel², which can be
found at http://www.ssnmr.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=12&c=34
The successful candidate should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and
Inquiries and applications should be submitted to ssnmr@chem.leidenuniv.nl
Huub de Groot
Prof. dr H.J.M. de Groot / SSNMR
Leiden Institute of Chemistry phone: +31715274539
Einsteinweg 55 / POB 9502 fax: +31715274603
2300 RA Leiden NL
Web: http://ssnmr.lic.leidenuniv.nl/
White Paper Solar Fuel: http://www.ssnmr.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?m=12&c=34
Postdoctoral Position CNRS in Orléans (France)
A postdoctoral position is available to work in the CNRS in Orléans (France)
in Protein NMR spectroscopy sarting on the 1st of February 2009
In the frame of a multi-partnered French ANR supported consortium on the
structural characterization of the protein RKIP/PEBP active sites, our
laboratory (CBM CNRS UPR4301, Orleans, Fr) offers a one year post doctoral
position (2500 euros gross per month).
The Human Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein (H-PEBP) is a 187 amino
acids protein which is one of the few proteins with a demonstrated metastasis
suppressor activity. Structural information is to be used for the design and
synthesis of small molecules to counter the onset of metastases by potentiating
RKIP/PEBP natural anti-metastasis activity. We propose to use heteronuclear NMR
spectroscopy to identify precisely which amino-acids of H-PEBP are involved in
the binding site of newly synthetised ligands. Since the protein is
successfully expressed in E.coli, doubly labeled 13C, 15N H-PEBP sample have
been successfully produced. 15N HSQC is of very good quality (fig. 1). Backbone
assignment classical triple resonance experiments (800, 950 MHz) have already
been recorded at Frankfurt BMZ (EU_NMR facility). After backbone NH assignment,
ligand binding sites will be determined by the chemical shift perturbation
technique. Ligand conformation in the binding site will be determined by
selective observation of the small unlabelled ligand resonances. These
structural informations will then be fed back to chemists for the rational
synthesis of new ligands with higher affinity for h-PEBP. New ligands will be
assessed by the same NMR techniques.
This position is intended for young researchers with experience in protein
expression and purification together with a strong background in solution
protein NMR spectroscopy as proven by their publication record. Interested
applicants should send a CV and letter to Laurence Jouvensal
(jouvensa@cnrs-orleans.fr) and to Christian Damblon (c.damblon@ulg.ac.be)
in Protein NMR spectroscopy sarting on the 1st of February 2009
In the frame of a multi-partnered French ANR supported consortium on the
structural characterization of the protein RKIP/PEBP active sites, our
laboratory (CBM CNRS UPR4301, Orleans, Fr) offers a one year post doctoral
position (2500 euros gross per month).
The Human Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein (H-PEBP) is a 187 amino
acids protein which is one of the few proteins with a demonstrated metastasis
suppressor activity. Structural information is to be used for the design and
synthesis of small molecules to counter the onset of metastases by potentiating
RKIP/PEBP natural anti-metastasis activity. We propose to use heteronuclear NMR
spectroscopy to identify precisely which amino-acids of H-PEBP are involved in
the binding site of newly synthetised ligands. Since the protein is
successfully expressed in E.coli, doubly labeled 13C, 15N H-PEBP sample have
been successfully produced. 15N HSQC is of very good quality (fig. 1). Backbone
assignment classical triple resonance experiments (800, 950 MHz) have already
been recorded at Frankfurt BMZ (EU_NMR facility). After backbone NH assignment,
ligand binding sites will be determined by the chemical shift perturbation
technique. Ligand conformation in the binding site will be determined by
selective observation of the small unlabelled ligand resonances. These
structural informations will then be fed back to chemists for the rational
synthesis of new ligands with higher affinity for h-PEBP. New ligands will be
assessed by the same NMR techniques.
This position is intended for young researchers with experience in protein
expression and purification together with a strong background in solution
protein NMR spectroscopy as proven by their publication record. Interested
applicants should send a CV and letter to Laurence Jouvensal
(jouvensa@cnrs-orleans.fr) and to Christian Damblon (c.damblon@ulg.ac.be)
Freitag, 7. November 2008
PostDoc / Graduates Vancouver
Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Positions in Biological NMR Spectroscopy at
the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
Postdoctoral and graduate student positions are available immediately at the
University of British Columbia to study (i) the regulation of eukaryotic gene
expression by post-translational modifications of the ETS transcription factor
family; and (ii) the electrostatic and dynamic basis of catalysis by enzymes
involved in the synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates. Representative
publications on these areas of research can be found at:
Our group is equipped with dedicated 500 and cryoprobe 600 MHz NMR
spectrometers, off-line computing, and a full wet laboratory for the production
and biophysical characterization of proteins involved in the above projects.
Postdoctoral candidates should have a publication record in NMR spectroscopy,
as well as basic laboratory techniques including basic molecular biology and
protein biochemistry. Salaries are in accordance with the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research postdoctoral and graduate student stipends.
The Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the
University of British Columbia provide an exciting environment for research in
structural biology. In addition, the Vancouver area offers endless
possibilities for outdoor ocean and mountain activities.
Interested candidates should email a cover letter, CV, and the names (plus
email addresses) of 2-3 referees to:
Lawrence McIntosh
Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Life Sciences Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z3
the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
Postdoctoral and graduate student positions are available immediately at the
University of British Columbia to study (i) the regulation of eukaryotic gene
expression by post-translational modifications of the ETS transcription factor
family; and (ii) the electrostatic and dynamic basis of catalysis by enzymes
involved in the synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates. Representative
publications on these areas of research can be found at:
Our group is equipped with dedicated 500 and cryoprobe 600 MHz NMR
spectrometers, off-line computing, and a full wet laboratory for the production
and biophysical characterization of proteins involved in the above projects.
Postdoctoral candidates should have a publication record in NMR spectroscopy,
as well as basic laboratory techniques including basic molecular biology and
protein biochemistry. Salaries are in accordance with the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research postdoctoral and graduate student stipends.
The Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the
University of British Columbia provide an exciting environment for research in
structural biology. In addition, the Vancouver area offers endless
possibilities for outdoor ocean and mountain activities.
Interested candidates should email a cover letter, CV, and the names (plus
email addresses) of 2-3 referees to:
Lawrence McIntosh
Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Life Sciences Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z3
PostDoc Lyon
Two post-doctoral positions are available in solid-state NMR in Lyon.
Open post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic proteins
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the structural investigation of microcrystalline paramagnetic proteins by solid-state NMR.
The successful candidate will develop new ways to determine structure and dynamics in paramagnetic microcrystalline metalloproteins. The changes induced by the presence of a paramagnetic metal depend in a well-defined manner on the structure of the molecule, providing a variety of structural restraints, more numerous and more valuable than the corresponding effect that can be measured by NMR in solution. In contrast to diamagnetic effects, paramagnetic phenomena provide long-range information due to the large value of the electron magnetic moment, and are at the same time a valuable probe of the electronic state of a metal ion, its coordination, its reactivity.
The successful candidate will investigate these effects in the solid-state and implement these paramagnetic observables as restrains for the determination of protein structures in the solid-state. More ambitiously, the candidate will develop protocols to improve heteronuclear signal detection and assignment close to paramagnetic metals, where standard acquisition schemes fail due to the large shift anisotropies and the fast nuclear relaxation induced by the unpaired electrons.
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary (physics – chemistry – biology) environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence, notably in the rapidly growing field of solid-state NMR of proteins.
For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn
The ideal candidate will possess previous experience with liquid-state or solid-state protein NMR experiments. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at guido.pintacuda@ens-lyon.fr and lyndon.emsley@ens-lyon.fr.
Open post-doctoral position in experimental NMR techniques for paramagnetic solids
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the development of new experimental methods for the NMR study of paramagnetic solids.
NMR potentially provides a direct method for determining paramagnetic shifts and relaxation rates, which are direct probes of the electronic and molecular structures in paramagnetic compounds. However, to date, in solids, resolution, sensitivity and efficiency of traditional NMR experiments are hampered by the very same large orientation-dependent paramagnetic shifts, by enhanced nuclear relaxation, by anisotropic bulk broadenings, and by the difficulty to obtain efficient proton decoupling.
The goal in this area will be twofold: i) to engineer new rf irradiation schemes suitable for correctly handling largely anisotropic, fast relaxing paramagnetic signals, so to allow detection and assignment of well-resolved resonances originating from nuclei close to a paramagnetic metal ion, for which traditional solid-state NMR approaches only afford extremely poor resolution and sensitivity; ii) to develop protocols for structure determination around a metal center using paramagnetic NMR effects, so to simultaneously provide information not only on the conformation of the molecule in the lattice, but also on the intermolecular packing in the solid phase in a sort of 'NMR crystallography'.
The proposed research will target the structural determinations of powdered solids of low-molecular weight molecular model catalysts at natural abundance, containing paramagnetic centers with different relaxation properties, ranging from the isotropic, slow-relaxing Cu(II) and Mn(II) ions, to the very anisotropic, fast-relaxing lanthanides Ln(III), and including high-spin Fe(II), low- and high-spin Fe(III), Cr(II) and Co(II). The techniques developed with the these compounds will subsequently be applied to the analysis of complexes grafted on silica or adsorbed in polystyrene matrices.
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence.
For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn
The ideal candidate will preferably possess previous experience with experimental or theoretical liquid-state or solid-state NMR. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at guido.pintacuda@ens-lyon.fr and lyndon.emsley@ens-lyon.fr.
Open post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic proteins
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the structural investigation of microcrystalline paramagnetic proteins by solid-state NMR.
The successful candidate will develop new ways to determine structure and dynamics in paramagnetic microcrystalline metalloproteins. The changes induced by the presence of a paramagnetic metal depend in a well-defined manner on the structure of the molecule, providing a variety of structural restraints, more numerous and more valuable than the corresponding effect that can be measured by NMR in solution. In contrast to diamagnetic effects, paramagnetic phenomena provide long-range information due to the large value of the electron magnetic moment, and are at the same time a valuable probe of the electronic state of a metal ion, its coordination, its reactivity.
The successful candidate will investigate these effects in the solid-state and implement these paramagnetic observables as restrains for the determination of protein structures in the solid-state. More ambitiously, the candidate will develop protocols to improve heteronuclear signal detection and assignment close to paramagnetic metals, where standard acquisition schemes fail due to the large shift anisotropies and the fast nuclear relaxation induced by the unpaired electrons.
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary (physics – chemistry – biology) environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence, notably in the rapidly growing field of solid-state NMR of proteins.
For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn
The ideal candidate will possess previous experience with liquid-state or solid-state protein NMR experiments. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at guido.pintacuda@ens-lyon.fr and lyndon.emsley@ens-lyon.fr.
Open post-doctoral position in experimental NMR techniques for paramagnetic solids
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the development of new experimental methods for the NMR study of paramagnetic solids.
NMR potentially provides a direct method for determining paramagnetic shifts and relaxation rates, which are direct probes of the electronic and molecular structures in paramagnetic compounds. However, to date, in solids, resolution, sensitivity and efficiency of traditional NMR experiments are hampered by the very same large orientation-dependent paramagnetic shifts, by enhanced nuclear relaxation, by anisotropic bulk broadenings, and by the difficulty to obtain efficient proton decoupling.
The goal in this area will be twofold: i) to engineer new rf irradiation schemes suitable for correctly handling largely anisotropic, fast relaxing paramagnetic signals, so to allow detection and assignment of well-resolved resonances originating from nuclei close to a paramagnetic metal ion, for which traditional solid-state NMR approaches only afford extremely poor resolution and sensitivity; ii) to develop protocols for structure determination around a metal center using paramagnetic NMR effects, so to simultaneously provide information not only on the conformation of the molecule in the lattice, but also on the intermolecular packing in the solid phase in a sort of 'NMR crystallography'.
The proposed research will target the structural determinations of powdered solids of low-molecular weight molecular model catalysts at natural abundance, containing paramagnetic centers with different relaxation properties, ranging from the isotropic, slow-relaxing Cu(II) and Mn(II) ions, to the very anisotropic, fast-relaxing lanthanides Ln(III), and including high-spin Fe(II), low- and high-spin Fe(III), Cr(II) and Co(II). The techniques developed with the these compounds will subsequently be applied to the analysis of complexes grafted on silica or adsorbed in polystyrene matrices.
The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence.
For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn
The ideal candidate will preferably possess previous experience with experimental or theoretical liquid-state or solid-state NMR. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at guido.pintacuda@ens-lyon.fr and lyndon.emsley@ens-lyon.fr.
PostDoc Utrecht
Post-doc in biomolecular NMR - BacABs
** Description of the Faculty / Research group **
The Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.
The NMR Research Group (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl), headed by Prof. R. Boelens, is part of the Chemistry Department (http://www.chem.uu.nl) and belongs to the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research (http://www.bijvoet-center.nl). The research within the NMR group is focused on the structure determination of proteins and protein complexes by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and bio-computational modelling. The group has strong research lines on protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes in transcription and DNA repair and modelling of bio-molecular complexes. The NMR Research group also belongs to the European NMR Research Infrastructures (www.eu-nmr.eu), providing experimental NMR access to European groups.
====>> We are searching for a post-doc in biomolecular NMR. <<====
** Job description **
You will be part of a European team working at unraveling at the molecular-structure level the requirements for viable (bactericidal) vaccine candidates, a project funded under the 6th framework programme of the European Union (Contract no. LSHB-CT-2006-037325 – BacABs (see also http://www.bacabs.org )). Your role in this project will be to characterize by NMR the dynamic properties of a number of bactericidal and non-bactericidal antigens and study their interaction with antibodies.
** Qualifications **
You should have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, structural biology or a related field. You should possess a strong research background in biomolecular NMR with experience in the collection and interpretation of NMR data, and are expected to show initiative and be able to work independently.
** Terms of employment **
The position on this project is available for a maximum of two years. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience and ranges from €2802.- to €3678.- gross per month (salary scale 10). The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% per year and a year-end bonus of 6.4% per year. We also offer a pension scheme. Employment conditions are according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.
** Further details **
For further information contact Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin (Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623 Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl).
** How to apply **
Your application, refering to vacancynumber 65817, including a CV with contact information of two referees, should be sent to Science.PenO@uu.nl or: Faculty of Science, Personnel department, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht.
Dr. Alexandre M.J.J Bonvin, Associate Professor
NMR, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623
Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl
Post-doc in biomolecular NMR - BacABs
** Description of the Faculty / Research group **
The Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.
The NMR Research Group (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl), headed by Prof. R. Boelens, is part of the Chemistry Department (http://www.chem.uu.nl) and belongs to the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research (http://www.bijvoet-center.nl). The research within the NMR group is focused on the structure determination of proteins and protein complexes by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and bio-computational modelling. The group has strong research lines on protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes in transcription and DNA repair and modelling of bio-molecular complexes. The NMR Research group also belongs to the European NMR Research Infrastructures (www.eu-nmr.eu), providing experimental NMR access to European groups.
====>> We are searching for a post-doc in biomolecular NMR. <<====
** Job description **
You will be part of a European team working at unraveling at the molecular-structure level the requirements for viable (bactericidal) vaccine candidates, a project funded under the 6th framework programme of the European Union (Contract no. LSHB-CT-2006-037325 – BacABs (see also http://www.bacabs.org )). Your role in this project will be to characterize by NMR the dynamic properties of a number of bactericidal and non-bactericidal antigens and study their interaction with antibodies.
** Qualifications **
You should have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, structural biology or a related field. You should possess a strong research background in biomolecular NMR with experience in the collection and interpretation of NMR data, and are expected to show initiative and be able to work independently.
** Terms of employment **
The position on this project is available for a maximum of two years. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience and ranges from €2802.- to €3678.- gross per month (salary scale 10). The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% per year and a year-end bonus of 6.4% per year. We also offer a pension scheme. Employment conditions are according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.
** Further details **
For further information contact Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin (Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623 Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl).
** How to apply **
Your application, refering to vacancynumber 65817, including a CV with contact information of two referees, should be sent to Science.PenO@uu.nl or: Faculty of Science, Personnel department, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht.
Dr. Alexandre M.J.J Bonvin, Associate Professor
NMR, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623
Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl
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