Postdoctoral opportunity at NC State University
The position is for two years (funded by a grant from the North Carolina
Biotechnology Center) starting sometime in Spring 2009. The project is about
new experimental and theoretical developments in solid-state NMR of oriented
samples, including the studies of the conformations of viral peptides in
various lipid environments. I would be extremely grateful to you if you could
informally advertise this position to soon-to-be graduates or alumni in your
group who might be looking for a postdoctoral position, or to somebody else as
you might find appropriate.
Strong preference will be given to candidates who have in-depth experience in
protein expression and purification, but individuals interested in solid-state
NMR methodology development (pulse sequences and structure calculation
algorithms) will also be considered. Prior knowledge of solid-state NMR is
not essential. The lab is equipped with a 500 MHz Bruker spectrometer with
probes for both static and rotating samples. More information about the lab
(as well as my contact information to send a CV to) can be found at the link
provided below.
Alexander A. Nevzorov
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University
Dabney Hall 618
Raleigh, NC 27695
(919) 515-3199
Research Webpage: