The solid state NMR group at Leiden University has an opening for a PhD
studentship in in biological Solid State NMR.
The objective of the project is to resolve mechanisms of water oxidation in
photosystem II in Synechocystis for resolving the role of the protein in the
process of catalysis. The project will involve the combination of ultra fast
freeze hyperquencing of light-induced catalysis and MAS NMR analysis of the
reaction pathway to make a chemical movie of the catalysis. (see: PNAS
(2008) pp. 8563 8568)
The oxidation of water is a critical step in converting light energy into
fuels, the background context of which is described in our white paper
³Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean fuel², which can be
found at
The successful candidate should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and
Inquiries and applications should be submitted to
Huub de Groot
Prof. dr H.J.M. de Groot / SSNMR
Leiden Institute of Chemistry phone: +31715274539
Einsteinweg 55 / POB 9502 fax: +31715274603
2300 RA Leiden NL
White Paper Solar Fuel: