Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

PHD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

PHD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

A PhD position is available in PFG-NMR in the Cemagref’s NMR research group. The position will focus on the investigation of tracer diffusion in protein gel assemblies. This work will be carried out in collaboration with International Food Company

Cemagref’s NMR research group is one of the European leaders in NMR and MRI applied to food processing. The main force of the research team lies on its multidisciplinary approach, integrating expertise in NMR and MRI relaxometry, in food engineering but also in signal and images analysis.

The research work develops by the Cemagref’s NMR/MRI group is focus on the understanding of the interaction between food processing and food structure and molecular mobility. MRI is a non intrusive technique that permits to obtain 2D and 3D images of a product and specific MRI methods have been developed within the research team to assess phase transition and porosity changes in cereal products such as bread. Based on the unique MRI facilities, coupled with dedicated devices (oven, freezers etc), the continuous changes during processing can be monitor in real time. Original results have been obtained on bread cooking, during freezing and proofing of fermented cereal products, during cheese ripening, and curd draining.

Furthermore, the team is leader in the study of molecular diffusion in food product. Several projects have been focus on water diffusion in order to quantify the effect of food composition and food structure on water mobility. A wide range of products have been studied from simple protein gel systems up to real and complex products such as cheese and microscopic compartmented system such a vegetable tissue. These research works have been extended to a more general approach focus on the effect of gel structure and porosity on molecular tracer diffusion.

The research group is equipped of two whole body MRI scanners at 0.2 T and 1.5 T, of two low field NMR spectrometers equipped with pulsed field gradient probe (4T/m). In addition access to a 500 MHz spectrometer equipped with a pulsed filed gradient probe (12T/m) is available in the Research Plate-form PRISM.

Income: about 1500 euros per month (this is the remaining income after removal of every taxes)

If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to

CS 64427
17 avenue de Cucillé
35044 Rennes Cedex
email :
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Site web PRISM