Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

Pulsed EPR Postdoctoral Position in Dundee

Pulsed EPR Postdoctoral Position in Dundee, Scotland
Materials Physics pulsed EPR and ENDOR position
Informal enquires contact Dr David J Keeble

The position is to exploit state-of-the-art pulsed electron magnetic resonance methods to indentify technologically relevant point defects and impurities in materials, and to obtain insight on local atomic structure. The position is for up to 24 months. Possibilities for an extension may exist.

A PhD in physics, or chemistry, with experience of electron magnetic resonance methods (EMR), for example electron paramagnetic resonance, electron nuclear double resonance, etc, is required. Experience in pulsed EMR, and of single crystal studies, would be desirable.

The position is funded by an EPSRC Basic Technology Translation Award and will have access to EMR facilities at Dundee and St Andrews. These include a Bruker E580 9 and 35 GHz pulsed EPR/ENDOR spectrometer, a 1kW pulsed 95 GHz EPR/ENDOR spectrometer, and CW spectrometers operating at 9, 95 and 180 GHz. Materials of interest include functional oxide materials for electronic applications, for example ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. The project may also extend to inorganic or organic semiconductor materials.

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC015096