Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009

post-doctoral position IRM-Food research

A full time post-doctoral position (18 month) is available in IRM-Food research group, Cemagref, Rennes, France (
The aim of the project is to the develop an original MRI method for multi-component relaxation time mapping. The method will be developed on the specific designed phantom and then validated on plants.
A 1.5 T MRI scanner (Siemens, Avanto) will be used in this study for experiments and sequence programming (IDEA).
The applicant should have a background in MRI or NMR. Skills in computer programming (C++) would be of advantage.

Contact information:

Maja Musse
17, avenue de Cucillé – CS 64427
35044 Rennes cedex
Tel: +33 2 23 48 21 21