Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

Chair or Reader in solid state NMR

The School of Pharmacy at the University of East Anglia is recruiting a Chair or Reader in solid state NMR.

More details can be found at:

PhD positions Basel

Two PhD positions are available in the group of Sebastian Hiller at the Biozentrum of the University Basel, starting August 1, 2010. We are studying the structure and function of integral membrane proteins and their complexes with solution NMR and related techniques. Our projects address fundamental biological processes. A representative example for our research is the human voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) (1,2).

Membrane proteins fulfill essential biological functions in and across membranes, such as transport, signaling and catalysis. Atomic resolution studies of membrane proteins are technically very challenging and many structural and functional questions remain to be answered. One project concerns the de novo structure determination of a channel protein and the understanding of its function and its interactions with other proteins. The second project aims at studying the folding process of integral membrane proteins at atomic resolution and the elucidation of the structural basis for membrane insertion (3). An integral part of all projects is the use and development of state-of-the-art NMR experiments (4).

We are looking for highly motivated and creative students with a strong interest in membrane protein structural biology. The candidates will be trained in modern high-resolution NMR spectroscopy as well as in membrane protein molecular biology and biochemistry. Interested candidates need a master degree or equivalent in a scientific discipline at the time of the PhD start. Experience in the following areas is helpful: NMR, protein biochemistry, membrane proteins and molecular biology. The projects will involve both wet-lab and NMR spectroscopy research and candidates should be motivated to develop skills in both areas. Good knowledge of oral and written English is required.

PhD positions and research projects are long-term funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). We offer an exciting and enthusiastic work environment with national and international scientific collaborations. The Biozentrum Basel provides a great research and education environment. Facilities for structural biology include 600 MHz and 800 MHz Bruker spectrometers equipped with cryogenic and magic angle spinning probes. The start date is August 1, 2010 or on mutual agreement.

Applications and informal queries about the lab and research projects should be directed by email to Sebastian Hiller. Applications should include a cover letter, a CV, the university grade reports and contact information for two reference persons (typically the supervisors of the master thesis).

Prof. Sebastian Hiller
SNSF Professor
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 50/70
4056 Basel, Switzerland

Phone: +41 44 633 43 45
Fax: +41 44 632 16 21


1. Hiller S, Garces RG, Malia TJ, Orekhov VY, Colombini M and Wagner G. Solution structure of the integral human membrane protein VDAC-1 in detergent micelles. Science 321, 1206–1210 (2008).
2. Raschle T, Hiller S, Yu TY, Rice AJ, Walz T and Wagner G. Structural and functional characterization of the integral membrane protein VDAC-1 in lipid bilayer nanodiscs. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 17777–17779 (2009).
3. Hiller S, Wider G, Imbach LL and Wüthrich K. Interactions with hydrophobic clusters in the urea-unfolded membrane protein OmpX. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 977–981 (2008).
4. Hiller S, Ibraghimov I, Wagner G and Orekhov VY. Coupled decomposition of four-dimensional NOESY spectra. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 12970–12978 (2009).

Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010

PhD Solid State NMR position at Strasbourg, France

Group Membrane Biophysics and NMR
at the Chemistry Institute (UMR 7177)
of the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg

in cooperation with

Bruker BioSpin, Wissembourg
Bruker-BioSpin GmbH, Rheinstetten

is looking for a Doctoral Student with Master or Diploma degree in Physics, Physical Chemistry, or Biophysics with particular interest in NMR hardware and solid-state NMR.
The prospective candidate will work in a project, co-financed by the CNRS and Bruker-BioSpin, within the topic
Development of a flat-coil dynamic nuclear polarization/solid-state NMR probehead for the investigation of oriented membrane samples to complement commercial equipment recently made available and to develop protocols for the investigation of oriented and non-oriented membrane proteins

The PhD thesis will be directed by Prof. Burkhard Bechinger, University of Strasbourg in collaboration with Dr. Fabien Aussenac and Dr. Frank Engelke, Bruker BioSpin.

Scientific qualification:
- Master or diploma degree or equivalent in physics, biophysics, chemistry, or physical chemistry
- experience in NMR, experience in solid-state NMR is a plus
- interest in NMR hardware development and engineering
- interest in developing novel protocols for Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation / solid-state NMR of peptides, proteins and lipids of oriented biomembranes

The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment, the Biomembrane Group in Strasbourg, the solid-state probe development group in Karlsruhe as well as the applications group in Bruker BioSpin Wissembourg, all located within 90 km distance.

Please address your application including your CV to

Prof. Burkhard Bechinger,
University of Strasbourg / CNRS, ISIS, 8 allée Gaspard Monge, 67070 Strasbourg

Thereafter applications will still be received until a suitable candidate has been identified.

Scientist with extensive NMR knowledge

The Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) in
Saarbrücken is looking for one

Scientist with extensive NMR knowledge

Using the available NMR infrastructure (Bruker 700 MHz NMR equipped
with Cryoprobe and LC-coupling), your new job as NMR operator includes
performing routine measurements for the structural elucidation of
natural products. You are about to join a multidisciplinary team with
colleagues trained in chemistry, pharmacy, biology or biotechnology,
contributing your analytical skills to numerous projects. Your expert
NMR knowledge enables you to develop advanced methods, and you also
provide advise to scientists working at the institute regarding their
NMR applications. Furthermore, you actively pursue the de novo structure
elucidation of newly discovered, complex bacterial secondary

Requirements: Degree in chemistry or pharmacy with completed PhD,
ideally with focus on NMR analytics in the field of natural products.

Additional specifications: The successful applicant has ample knowledge
of NMR-based structure elucidation, which he/she gained for example in
the course of a previous postdoc occupation. Ideally, he/she has
experience with the structural elucidation of polyketides and peptides.
Extensive practical skills concerning the operation of NMR technology
(both hardware and software) are expected. Furthermore, basic know-how
of HPLC-coupled mass spectrometry and an understanding of studies of
biosynthetic pathways and feeding experiments with producers of natural
products would be beneficial. Fluency in scientific English is
essential, German language skills are appreciated but not required.

The position is available immediately. Please visit the Link below for
the official announcement and refer to position "24/2010" when sending
your application to: Personalabteilung, Helmholtz-Zentrum für
Infektionsforschung, Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany. For
further details contact Prof. Dr. Rolf Müller (phone: +49 681/302-70201,

Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010


I would like to bring to your attention a chair/reader (professor/assistant professor) position that is available at the University of East Anglia, UK in the field of solid state NMR. We are looking for an individual to head up this facility which will be shared between Pharmacy and Chemistry. We are looking for someone who can contribute to our materials science activities within Pharmacy, but are flexible as to the nature of the main interests of the individual concerned.

More details can be found at and then scroll down to ATR 897/899/900

I am happy to correspond with any interested individuals.

With best regards

Professor Duncan Q.M.Craig
Head of School,
School of Pharmacy,
University of East Anglia,
Norfolk NR4 7TJ
Tel: 0044 (0) 1603 592023
Fax: 0044 (0) 1603 592015

academic professional position

The School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois seeks applicants
for a full-time (12 month) academic professional position as Director of our
NMR Lab to be responsible for managing all locations (currently 4) of the
School’s NMR facility including instrumentation maintenance, user training,
and personnel supervision.

Closing date: For full consideration, all application material (including
cover letter, résumé, 3 letters of reference) must be received by the closing
date of June 14, 2010. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date;
however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date.

Link to full position announcement including application information:

The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity

Thank you,

Vera Mainz
Director, NMR Laboratory

postdoctoral position at Stanford University

A postdoctoral position at Stanford University is available. The project involves using NMR to study membrane protein conformational change in the CLC anitporter family. (See )

A Ph.D. in biophysics, biochemistry, or related field is required. Experience with NMR is desired. However, highly motivated candidates with a strong background in the physical sciences will also be considered. An ability to think quantitatively and to communicate clearly is essential.

To apply, send CV (including statement of research interests) and the names/addresses of 3 references to Merritt Maduke,

post-doctoral position

A full time post-doctoral position (18 month) is available in IRM-Food research group, Cemagref, Rennes, France (

The aim of the project is to the develop an original MRI method for multi-component relaxation time mapping. The method will be developed on the specific designed phantom and then validated on plants.

A 1.5 T MRI scanner (Siemens, Avanto) will be used in this study for experiments and sequence programming (IDEA).

The applicant should have a background in MRI or NMR. Skills in computer programming (C++) would be of advantage.

Contact information:

Maja Musse
17, avenue de Cucillé – CS 64427
35044 Rennes cedex
Tel: +33 2 23 48 21 21

post-doc position at the Burnham Institute

Principal Investigator: Sepideh Khorasanizadeh

Duties & Responsibilities: We have an immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Associate to join the Department of Metabolic Signaling and Disease Program at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in Orlando, Florida. The primary responsibilities will be to delineate the solution structures of proteins purified to homogeneity and to identify active surfaces for binding and/or catalysis. Applicant is expected to collect, process, analyze and interpret high resolution NMR data on a state-of-the-art 800 MHz Bruker spectrometer. Applicant will also be involved in implementing NMR-based strategies to further support drug or tool compound discovery program. These NMR studies will complement protein analysis by other methods used in our laboratory including MALDI-TOF, surface Plasmon resonance, isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence, circular Dichroism, and X-ray crystallography.

Requirements: The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry or biophysics. He/She must have already solved solution structures of proteins, having published at least one first-author manuscript describing the atomic structure of a protein. Applicants should forward three letters of reference testifying evidence of productive and independent contributions in science. Please forward C.V., cover letter and 3 letters of reference to Ms. Stephanie Dickstein e-mail address:

Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

Postdoctoral Position in NMR-based metabonomics

A one-year postdoctoral position in NMR-based metabonomics and Systems Biology is available in the group of Dr Horst Joachim Schirra, School of Chemitry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

The Role:
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work in a team supervised by Dr Horst Schirra. The team uses NMR-based metabonomics and systems biology approaches to study the link between genotype and phenotype in health and disease. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will use NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics to study the link between genotype and phenotype in an obese mouse model on a genetic, metabolomic, and fluxomic level with the aim of developing a systems biology computational model of physiological changes that integrates data from all three experimental project streams. The project is funded by an Australian Research Council grant and a collaboration between SCMB, the Institute for Molecular Bioscience and the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. Further details on the project are available at:

The Person: The applicant should hold a PhD in the area of NMR spectroscopy, Bioinformatics/Biostatistics, or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training. The applicant should have the ability to plan, execute and interpret experiments independently; the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues; high level inter-personal and communication skills; and aptitude for research as demonstrated by publications in high quality international journals.

Remuneration: This is a full-time, fixed term appointment initially for 1 year at Research Academic Level A. The remuneration package will be in the range $64,063 – $68,768 p.a., plus employer superannuation contributions of 17% (total package will be in the range $74,953 - $80,458 p.a.).

Contact: Obtain the position description and selection criteria online or contact Horst Schirra on +61-7-3365-4878 or email

Send applications to

Dr Horst Joachim Schirra, School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia

or email

Closing Date for Applications: 9 June 2010

Reference Number: 3022163

Postdoctoral solid-state NMR position at Nantes, France

Two-years Open Post-Doctoral position in Nantes (France)

Job description :Solid-state NMR characterisation of treated clays

Project details :

The job takes place in the frame of the well-established three years old
collaboration between the LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et
Chaussées) and the IMN (Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel UMR CNRS
6502). The global goal is a better understanding of the change of
macroscopic mechanical properties of soils after treatment with
additives (lime or cement) commonly used in earthworks and civil
engineering. This implies to understand precisely the effect of the lime
or cement on the soil minerals. In this frame, we are specifically
embarked in the precise characterization and a mechanistic description
of the reactants and products involved in relation to the preparation
conditions and the geotechnical properties of the treated soils. We
apply various techniques combining a global approach as X-ray
diffraction, Thermal Analysis and spectroscopies as IR, Raman and
solid-state NMR. Moreover, Scanning and Transmission Electron
microscopies are also used for microstructural and morphological
characterization of the soils and minerals.

The candidate will focus his attention on the solid-state NMR approach
(1H,29Si,27Al , 23Na nuclei …). The samples to be characterised are
lime, cement or mixed -treated clays prepared in various conditions
(curing time, temperature, water content). Clay samples include
kaolinite, smectite as well as mica families. Moreover, the selected
candidate will interact with all others people involved in the project
to discuss and match data.

The candidate should be chemist with high solid-state NMR skills. He
should be able to conduct advanced experiments and analyses by himself.
Experiments will be performed on 300 MHz and 500 MHz spectrometers. If
needed, access to higher fields is possible.

Information / Application :

The duration of the contract is 2 years and the estimated net salary per
month 2000 €.

For further information or for written applications, including
curriculum vitae, summary of research interest and experience, please
contact :

Pr. Guy Ouvrard Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (UMR CNRS 6502) 2,
rue de la Houssinière, BP 3229 44322 Nantes Cedex. France. Tel: +33 240
37 39 21 Fax: +33 240 37 39 95, E-mail:


Dr. Michaël Paris, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (UMR CNRS 6502),
Tel: +33 240 37 39 01 Fax: +33 240 37 39 95, E-mail:


Dr. Dimitri Deneele, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Centre
de Nantes, Route de Bouaye, BP 4129 44341 Bouguenais Cedex. France. Tel:
+33 240 84 58 02, Fax: +33 240 84 59 93, E-mail:

Post-doctoral position, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

We are looking for suitable candidates for a post-doctoral position in our team at the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, with the support of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The main thrust would be solid-state NMR of microcrystalline proteins that are relevant to DNA repair (in collaboration with the Institut Curie in Paris), possibly in combination with DNP using a gyrotron at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Lausanne. The position is initially available for two years, preferably starting before October 2010.

Prof. Geoffrey Bodenhausen
Département de chimie,
Ecole Normale Supérieure
24 rue Lhomond,
75231 Paris cedex 05, France
0033 1 44 32 33 89

PhD Position in Wellington - New Zealand

The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at
the Victoria University of Wellington (Wellington / New Zealand) is
offering a PhD position, available from October 2010.

The research will be in the field of soft matter (complex fluids
investigated by means of Rheo-NMR under high shear rates, application
of multidimensional NMR methods) and porous materials (NMR velocimetry
and diffusometry on fluids in complex pore systems, application of
multidimensional Inverse Laplace techniques and high pulsed field
gradients). The research to be undertaken concerns addressing
fundamental questions related to soft matter and porous media as well
as the development of the necessary NMR methodology.

We seek applications from national and international students who have
graduated in physics or chemistry, preferably with a background in
NMR. The successful applicant will be given the opportunity to work
in a well recognised NMR group ( with
strong national and international collaborations. The PhD position is
fully funded (including fees) and enables one to stay in a well
established academic ( as
well as urban environment (

Please send your application (including the email addresses of two
referees) together with a recent CV by email to



We are seeking highly motivated candidates for an NIH-funded post-doctoral/Asst. Research
scientist positions in multinuclear musculoskeletal MRI research in the Radiology Department
of New York University Langone Medical Center. The candidate will join the exiting and
expanding Musculoskeletal Imaging Group in the Department of Radiology and the Chemistry
Department. The imaging group consists of 11 MSK radiologists. The candidate should have
an excellent background in the application of NMR/MRI to biological models and
understanding of the concepts of NMR physics and experimental NMR techniques.
Experience in musculoskeletal MRI (cartilage/trabecular bone/skeletal muscle) applications is
an advantage. The candidate will also have access to interact with the other researchers in
the center for biomedical imaging and department of Chemistry who have number of ongoing
projects related to arthritis. We are looking for motivated persons with experience in MRI to
assist in this research program. There are opportunities to work closely with a dedicated
musculoskeletal imaging basic scientists as well as a large group of diverse MR physicists,
chemists and RF engineers.

Our research facility includes several thousand square feet of dedicated research space, three
state -of -the-art Siemens 3T Trio MR scanners and a 7T whole body MR with 8 channel
parallel transmit system dedicated to research, as well as seven Siemens scanners used for
clinical research, and a dedicated cartilage laboratory. A small bore system (9.4T) is also
available at Department Chemistry for spectroscopy applications. The orthopedic and
Rheumatology departments are among the largest and busiest in the country. The
musculoskeletal MRI program is currently undergoing rapid expansion.

Applicants must have an advanced degree (Ph.D) in Physical Science, Electrical, Biomedical
Engineering or related field. The candidate must be familiar with computer operating systems
and programming languages, particularly MatLab, C++, etc. Remuneration is competitive and
commensurate with experience and will be based on New York University guidelines, Women
and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Please forward your C.V. including a list of your publications, and the names/addresses of 3
references to:

Ravinder Regatte, PhD
Department of Radiology
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York, NY 10016.
Ph. (212) 263-4857


Alexej Jerschow Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
New York University
New York, NY 10003.