Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Dear colleagues

A one-year renewable postdoctoral position is currently available at the Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation (IRAMIS), at CEA-Saclay, near Paris.

Please find herein the announcement.
Gaspard Huber

Towards a better understanding of gases encapsulation in cage-molecules
by NMR and computational chemistry approaches

Dissolved gases are of great importance in various fields of biology (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide), medicine (e.g. hyperpolarized 129Xe for MRI applications) and the environmental sciences (e.g. green house gas emission like methane or carbon dioxide). The laboratory is involved in a project that aims at a better understanding of hydrophobic interactions of dissolved gases in water through their encapsulation in synthetic cage-molecules. Only a few empirical rules governing the reversible gas receptor interactions are admitted and very little theoretical works have been reported in the literature. In this context, a one-year renewable postdoctoral position is available at CEA/IRAMIS in Saclay (France, near Paris) under the supervision of Gaspard HUBER, Patrick BERTHAULT and Jean-Pierre DOGNON.

The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in two joined aspects. First, he/she will have to devise and perform experiments designed to acquire reliable kinetic and thermodynamic data using liquid NMR spectroscopy, for various gases (e.g. small alkanes and noble gases) and cage-molecules (varying size, shape, electronegativity, steric hindrance within two cage-molecule families : cryptophanes and cucurbiturils). Second, he/she will be involved in a computational chemistry approach, mandatory for the interpretation of NMR results. Both aspects should result in the formulation of new laws on gases complexation. The candidate will also strongly interact with organic chemists, our partners in the project.

The candidate should have a solid background in chemistry and good skills in liquid NMR spectroscopy. An experience in computational chemistry would be greatly appreciated. Knowledge in statistics, useful for the determination of experimental errors, would be valuable, as well as an experience in gas handling.

Applicants can have any nationality. The position can start from October 2010. The monthly salary is ca. 2200 € (before tax). Interested candidates should send a CV and two recommendation letters to

SIS2M – UMR CEA-CNRS 3299, PC n°9
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique – IRAMIS
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.
Tél. : +33 (0)1 69 08 64 82 -Fax. +33 (0)1 69 08 98 06 -