A two years post-doctoral position is available in the group of biomolecular NMR of IGBMC in Strasbourg (France) to work on the interactions between the HPV oncoprotein E6 and molecular partners involved in oncogenesis. The main investigation tools will be solution NMR in combination with complementary biophysical technics such as X-ray crystallography or biacore. More details may be found in Mol Cell. 2006 21:665-78. The project offers many opportunities to develop innovative approaches to study protein-protein interactions such as novel isotope labelling schemes.
This position is intended to young researchers having an experience in protein NMR spectroscopy (expression and purification, triple resonance, structure determination). Additional experience in molecular cloning will be also valuable but not necessary. The position is available immediately.
Our lab is equipped with one 600 Bruker Avance NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe, cloning platform and protein expression facilities.
Applicants are invited to send a curriculum vitae and a brief statement of research along with letters of reference to:
IGBMC Biomolecular NMR group, CNRS UMR 7104
Boulevard Sebastien Brant BP10413
Fax : (33)
Voice : (33)
web : http://www-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/recherche/Dep_BGS/Eq_BruKief/
Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007
Post-doc in computational biomolecular NMR
Description of the Faculty / Research group
The new Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.
The NMR Research Group (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl), headed by Prof. R. Boelens, is part of the Chemistry Department (http://www.chem.uu.nl) and belongs to the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research (http://www.bijvoet-center.nl). The research within the NMR group is focused on the structure determination of proteins and protein complexes by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and bio-computational modelling. The group has strong research lines on protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes in transcription and DNA repair and modelling of bio-molecular complexes. The NMR Research group also belongs to the European NMR Research Infrastructures (www.eu-nmr.eu), providing experimental NMR access to European groups.
We are searching for a researcher (post-doc) in computational biomolecular NMR.
Job description
You will be part of a European team working toward the deployment and unification of the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology, a project funded under the 7th framework programme of the European Union (Contract no. 213010 – eNMR).
NMR plays an important role in life sciences (bio-NMR), and structural biology in particular, at both European and international levels. The main objective of this project is to optimize and extend the use of the NMR Research Infrastructures of EU-NMR through the implementation of an e-Infrastructure in order to provide the European bio-NMR user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for bio-NMR data analysis (e-NMR). The e-NMR infrastructure will be based on the Grid infrastructure.
For this, you will work on the development of a uniformed and integrated e-NMR platform that will form the core of the e-NMR infrastructure. The work will be carried in close collaboration with our European partners.
You should have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a related field. You should possess a strong research background in the computational aspects of biomolecular NMR and structure calculations, experience with Linux and programming skills, and are expected to show initiative and be able to work independently.
Terms of employment
We offer initially a position for two years with a possible extension by one year. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience and ranges from €2740.- to €3597.- gross per month (salary scale 10). The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% per year and a year-end bonus of 3% per year. We also offer a pension scheme. Employment conditions are according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.
Further details
For further information contact Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin (Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623 Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl).
How to apply
Your application, referring to vacancynumber 65720, including a CV with contact information of two referees, should be sent to Science.PenO@uu.nl or: Faculty of Science, Personnel department, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht.
The new Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.
The NMR Research Group (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl), headed by Prof. R. Boelens, is part of the Chemistry Department (http://www.chem.uu.nl) and belongs to the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research (http://www.bijvoet-center.nl). The research within the NMR group is focused on the structure determination of proteins and protein complexes by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and bio-computational modelling. The group has strong research lines on protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes in transcription and DNA repair and modelling of bio-molecular complexes. The NMR Research group also belongs to the European NMR Research Infrastructures (www.eu-nmr.eu), providing experimental NMR access to European groups.
We are searching for a researcher (post-doc) in computational biomolecular NMR.
Job description
You will be part of a European team working toward the deployment and unification of the NMR computational infrastructure in system biology, a project funded under the 7th framework programme of the European Union (Contract no. 213010 – eNMR).
NMR plays an important role in life sciences (bio-NMR), and structural biology in particular, at both European and international levels. The main objective of this project is to optimize and extend the use of the NMR Research Infrastructures of EU-NMR through the implementation of an e-Infrastructure in order to provide the European bio-NMR user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for bio-NMR data analysis (e-NMR). The e-NMR infrastructure will be based on the Grid infrastructure.
For this, you will work on the development of a uniformed and integrated e-NMR platform that will form the core of the e-NMR infrastructure. The work will be carried in close collaboration with our European partners.
You should have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a related field. You should possess a strong research background in the computational aspects of biomolecular NMR and structure calculations, experience with Linux and programming skills, and are expected to show initiative and be able to work independently.
Terms of employment
We offer initially a position for two years with a possible extension by one year. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience and ranges from €2740.- to €3597.- gross per month (salary scale 10). The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% per year and a year-end bonus of 3% per year. We also offer a pension scheme. Employment conditions are according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.
Further details
For further information contact Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin (Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623 Email: a.m.j.j.bonvin@uu.nl).
How to apply
Your application, referring to vacancynumber 65720, including a CV with contact information of two referees, should be sent to Science.PenO@uu.nl or: Faculty of Science, Personnel department, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht.
Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007
Post Doc Israel
Two post doc positions are available in the lab of Dr. Aharon Blank
at the Technion in the field of method developments in NMR and ESR.
Significant EU and local funding is expected to capable candidates.
Applicants should have high tendency to experimental/methodological
development work.
For further details, contact: Aharon Blank ab359@tx.technion.ac.il
Aharon Blank
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Haifa 32000
Phone: +972-4-829-3679
Fax: +972-4-829-5948
at the Technion in the field of method developments in NMR and ESR.
Significant EU and local funding is expected to capable candidates.
Applicants should have high tendency to experimental/methodological
development work.
For further details, contact: Aharon Blank ab359@tx.technion.ac.il
Aharon Blank
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Haifa 32000
Phone: +972-4-829-3679
Fax: +972-4-829-5948
Dienstag, 20. November 2007
Postdoc MRI
Post Doctoral Position
MRI Applications in Immune Mediated Tumor Response
Biological Imaging Center - Caltech
Division of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology (CITI) - City of Hope
This position is aimed at investigating MR imaging of immune mediated tumor responses with the goal of translating methodologies developed in small animal models to the clinic. We are interested in an individual who is firmly grounded in NMR theory and practice with an interest in applications in immunological approaches to cancer therapy including antibodies, immunocytokines, T-cells, dendritic cells, and small molecule drugs. This work will involve development and application of various MR methodologies at Caltech in coordination with researchers and physicians in the Division of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology at City of Hope ( http://www.cityofhope.org/citi).
The Biological Imaging Center and Caltech Brain Imaging Center ( http://bioimaging.caltech.edu/) are highly interdisciplinary endeavors with biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers working on a number of animal models of disease and developmental processes. MRI facilities at Caltech include Bruker SpectroSpin 11.7T/89mm, 9.4T/30cm, 7T/30cm and 4.7T/60cm systems dedicated to research. There are also extensive facilities for all aspects of MRI hardware development and data analysis.
CITI at the City of Hope is focused on the development of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and has a long track record of developing novel therapeutics and conducting clinical trials. Current clinical trials include antibodies, immunocytokines, and T cells; all made in a cGMP compliant production facility housed on the campus. Clinical imaging includes a GE PET/CT GE 1.5T MR, and animal microPET and microCT.
Interested applicants with experience in small animal MRI should email, FAX, or mail a biosketch including names, addresses, & email addresses of three references to
Russell E. Jacobs, PhD
m/c 139-74 Caltech
1200 E. California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125-7400
Phone: (626) 395-2863
Fax: (626) 449-5163
Andrew Raubitschek, MD
Chair, Cancer Immunotherapeutics & Tumor Immunology
Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope
1500 East Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010
Phone: (626) 256-4673 x62451
Fax: (626) 301-8817
MRI Applications in Immune Mediated Tumor Response
Biological Imaging Center - Caltech
Division of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology (CITI) - City of Hope
This position is aimed at investigating MR imaging of immune mediated tumor responses with the goal of translating methodologies developed in small animal models to the clinic. We are interested in an individual who is firmly grounded in NMR theory and practice with an interest in applications in immunological approaches to cancer therapy including antibodies, immunocytokines, T-cells, dendritic cells, and small molecule drugs. This work will involve development and application of various MR methodologies at Caltech in coordination with researchers and physicians in the Division of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology at City of Hope ( http://www.cityofhope.org/citi).
The Biological Imaging Center and Caltech Brain Imaging Center ( http://bioimaging.caltech.edu/) are highly interdisciplinary endeavors with biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers working on a number of animal models of disease and developmental processes. MRI facilities at Caltech include Bruker SpectroSpin 11.7T/89mm, 9.4T/30cm, 7T/30cm and 4.7T/60cm systems dedicated to research. There are also extensive facilities for all aspects of MRI hardware development and data analysis.
CITI at the City of Hope is focused on the development of Cancer Immunotherapeutics and has a long track record of developing novel therapeutics and conducting clinical trials. Current clinical trials include antibodies, immunocytokines, and T cells; all made in a cGMP compliant production facility housed on the campus. Clinical imaging includes a GE PET/CT GE 1.5T MR, and animal microPET and microCT.
Interested applicants with experience in small animal MRI should email, FAX, or mail a biosketch including names, addresses, & email addresses of three references to
Russell E. Jacobs, PhD
m/c 139-74 Caltech
1200 E. California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125-7400
Phone: (626) 395-2863
Fax: (626) 449-5163
Andrew Raubitschek, MD
Chair, Cancer Immunotherapeutics & Tumor Immunology
Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope
1500 East Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010
Phone: (626) 256-4673 x62451
Fax: (626) 301-8817
Freitag, 16. November 2007
Postdoc Auckland
Postdoctoral fellow in NMR spectroscopy of membrane binding antimicrobial proteins
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the group of Dr Andrew Dingley at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
The position is available for a researcher to investigate the interactions between antimicrobial proteins and membrane model systems using solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The project will also involve characterizing the assembly of the antimicrobial proteins on the membrane surface. The research is part of an international collaborative effort and is funded by a three year NZ Royal Society Marsden grant. Facilities include a fully equipped (including cryoprobe) 600 MHz high-resolution spectrometer and a protein preparation laboratory.
Highly motivated candidates should have (or about to receive) a PhD with experience in either biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, protein chemistry with a background in protein structure or membrane biophysics. Demonstrated strengths in protein expression and purification and basic skills in molecular biology are desirable.
Further information and informal enquiries can be made to Dr Andrew Dingley.
Interested applicants should email/send their applications including CV with the names and the contact details of at least two referees to:
Dr Andrew Dingley
Department of Chemistry/School of Biological Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: a.dingley@auckland.ac.nz
Website: http://www.sbs.auckland.ac.nz/
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the group of Dr Andrew Dingley at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
The position is available for a researcher to investigate the interactions between antimicrobial proteins and membrane model systems using solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The project will also involve characterizing the assembly of the antimicrobial proteins on the membrane surface. The research is part of an international collaborative effort and is funded by a three year NZ Royal Society Marsden grant. Facilities include a fully equipped (including cryoprobe) 600 MHz high-resolution spectrometer and a protein preparation laboratory.
Highly motivated candidates should have (or about to receive) a PhD with experience in either biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, protein chemistry with a background in protein structure or membrane biophysics. Demonstrated strengths in protein expression and purification and basic skills in molecular biology are desirable.
Further information and informal enquiries can be made to Dr Andrew Dingley.
Interested applicants should email/send their applications including CV with the names and the contact details of at least two referees to:
Dr Andrew Dingley
Department of Chemistry/School of Biological Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: a.dingley@auckland.ac.nz
Website: http://www.sbs.auckland.ac.nz/
Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007
Position in Illinois
Dear Colleagues,
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign currently has an
opening for a Ph.D.-level spectroscopist in the School of Chemical
Sciences NMR Facility. Primary responsibilities are support of solid-
state NMR, instrument maintenance and repair, and interacting with
researchers on issues of experiment selection and data analysis.
The full ad is posted at http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/SCS/position/SOCS_NMR.pdf.
The formal application deadline is November 5.
We would appreciate your bringing this to the attention of qualified
graduate students and postdoctoral associates who are seeking
permanent employment.
Thank you.
Chad M. Rienstra
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
600 South Mathews Avenue, Box 50-6
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217 244-4655, Fax: 217 244-3186
Office: A120 CLSL, Lab: A125 CLSL
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign currently has an
opening for a Ph.D.-level spectroscopist in the School of Chemical
Sciences NMR Facility. Primary responsibilities are support of solid-
state NMR, instrument maintenance and repair, and interacting with
researchers on issues of experiment selection and data analysis.
The full ad is posted at http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/SCS/position/SOCS_NMR.pdf.
The formal application deadline is November 5.
We would appreciate your bringing this to the attention of qualified
graduate students and postdoctoral associates who are seeking
permanent employment.
Thank you.
Chad M. Rienstra
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
600 South Mathews Avenue, Box 50-6
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217 244-4655, Fax: 217 244-3186
Office: A120 CLSL, Lab: A125 CLSL
Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007
Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral Position: Development of Novel Sample Media for Membrane Protein Structural Biology
The lab of Chuck Sanders at Vanderbilt University has an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to develop and test novel detergents and other membrane-mimetic medium as a means to facilitate membrane protein structural biology using NMR spectroscopy and/or X-ray crystallography. While this project has the potential to proceed to actual membrane protein structural determination it is expected that the first year of the project will be almost exclusively "wet lab" in nature, involving the testing and characterization of new media using a panel of test membrane proteins. The test protein set will include G protein-coupled receptors. This project represents an opportunity to obtain advanced training in practical methods for producing, purifying, reconstituting, and characterizing integral membrane proteins. Such skills are, arguably, just as important in membrane protein structural biology as the actual biophysical methods used to characterize protein structure and so this might be a good opportunity for an NMR expert who wants to expand her/his scientific horizon.
Candidates should be available to start a new position on or before January 1, 2008 and should send a curriculum vita, including contact information for references to:
Prof. Charles Sanders, Dept. of Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University Center for Structural Biology
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-8725 USA
Phone: (615)-936-3756
e-mail: chuck.sanders@vanderbilt.edu
Lab web site: http://structbio.vanderbilt.edu/sanders
Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity employer.
The lab of Chuck Sanders at Vanderbilt University has an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to develop and test novel detergents and other membrane-mimetic medium as a means to facilitate membrane protein structural biology using NMR spectroscopy and/or X-ray crystallography. While this project has the potential to proceed to actual membrane protein structural determination it is expected that the first year of the project will be almost exclusively "wet lab" in nature, involving the testing and characterization of new media using a panel of test membrane proteins. The test protein set will include G protein-coupled receptors. This project represents an opportunity to obtain advanced training in practical methods for producing, purifying, reconstituting, and characterizing integral membrane proteins. Such skills are, arguably, just as important in membrane protein structural biology as the actual biophysical methods used to characterize protein structure and so this might be a good opportunity for an NMR expert who wants to expand her/his scientific horizon.
Candidates should be available to start a new position on or before January 1, 2008 and should send a curriculum vita, including contact information for references to:
Prof. Charles Sanders, Dept. of Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University Center for Structural Biology
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-8725 USA
Phone: (615)-936-3756
e-mail: chuck.sanders@vanderbilt.edu
Lab web site: http://structbio.vanderbilt.edu/sanders
Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity employer.
Postdoctoral Position - Marseille
Postdoctoral Position
Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (CRMBM),
University of the Mediterranea, Marseille, France
The Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (Centre de Résonance
Magnétique Biologique et Médicale : CRMBM), located at the University Hospital of la
Timone in Marseille (Director: P.J. Cozzone) is offering a post-doc position (18-24 months)starting January-May 2008. The position is in the "Muscle Group" headed by D. Bendahan and is funded by the ANR (National Agency for Research).
The CRMBM is located on the Campus of the Medical School in Marseille, adjacent to the University Hospital of la Timone, the largest medical facility in Southern Europe. It is jointly operated and funded by CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), University of the Mediterranea and the Public Hospital System of Marseille.
The research project is devoted to the role of uncoupling proteins (UCP3) in skeletal muscle energetics. Several experimental measurements are planned including muscle energy metabolism, muscle performance, whole body fatty acid metabolism, UCP3 gene expression and mitochondrial electron chain transport.
Experiments will be conducted in UCP3-knockout mice and in rats chemically treated in order to reduce UCP3 expression. Muscle function will be studied strictly noninvasively in a 4.7 T Bruker Avance MR system, using 31P-MRS, MRI and measurements of muscle performance.
Whole body fatty acid metabolism will be investigated through measurements of body fat accumulation using MRI and plasmatic level of free fatty acid. Expression of UCP3 gene will be evaluated using quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. Mitochondrial electron chain transport activity will be measured using oxygraphy in biopsy samples.
This multiparametric study will give major information related to the control of energy expenditure in relation to UCP3 expression. Future potential applications related to body weight maintenance might be developed.
The successful applicant should have experience in muscle research preferably with MR
techniques. Applicants should send a Statement of Research Interests, a Curriculum Vitae, and 3 references to :
D. Bendahan
Centre de Resonance Magnetique Biologique et Medicale
Faculte de Medecine de la Timone
27, Bd Jean Moulin
13005 Marseille
Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (CRMBM),
University of the Mediterranea, Marseille, France
The Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (Centre de Résonance
Magnétique Biologique et Médicale : CRMBM), located at the University Hospital of la
Timone in Marseille (Director: P.J. Cozzone) is offering a post-doc position (18-24 months)starting January-May 2008. The position is in the "Muscle Group" headed by D. Bendahan and is funded by the ANR (National Agency for Research).
The CRMBM is located on the Campus of the Medical School in Marseille, adjacent to the University Hospital of la Timone, the largest medical facility in Southern Europe. It is jointly operated and funded by CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), University of the Mediterranea and the Public Hospital System of Marseille.
The research project is devoted to the role of uncoupling proteins (UCP3) in skeletal muscle energetics. Several experimental measurements are planned including muscle energy metabolism, muscle performance, whole body fatty acid metabolism, UCP3 gene expression and mitochondrial electron chain transport.
Experiments will be conducted in UCP3-knockout mice and in rats chemically treated in order to reduce UCP3 expression. Muscle function will be studied strictly noninvasively in a 4.7 T Bruker Avance MR system, using 31P-MRS, MRI and measurements of muscle performance.
Whole body fatty acid metabolism will be investigated through measurements of body fat accumulation using MRI and plasmatic level of free fatty acid. Expression of UCP3 gene will be evaluated using quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. Mitochondrial electron chain transport activity will be measured using oxygraphy in biopsy samples.
This multiparametric study will give major information related to the control of energy expenditure in relation to UCP3 expression. Future potential applications related to body weight maintenance might be developed.
The successful applicant should have experience in muscle research preferably with MR
techniques. Applicants should send a Statement of Research Interests, a Curriculum Vitae, and 3 references to :
D. Bendahan
Centre de Resonance Magnetique Biologique et Medicale
Faculte de Medecine de la Timone
27, Bd Jean Moulin
13005 Marseille
Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007
Postdoctoral and PhD Student Position, University of Basel
Postdoctoral and PhD Student Position
University of Basel
A postdoctoral and a PhD student position are available in the group of Dr. Stephan Grzesiek at the Biozentrum Basel.
We are interested in the application and development of modern NMR methods for obtaining structure/function information on proteins and their complexes. One of our projects focuses on structural studies of HIV entry into T-cells. Facilities include fully equipped 800 MHz (cryo) and 600 MHz high-resolution spectrometers as well as a protein expression lab.
Highly motivated candidates with experience in macromolecular NMR, method development for solution or solid state NMR, membrane biophysics, molecular biology or protein chemistry with a background in structure should e-mail their application including CV and the name of the two references to:
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: stephan.grzesiek@unibas.ch
University of Basel
A postdoctoral and a PhD student position are available in the group of Dr. Stephan Grzesiek at the Biozentrum Basel.
We are interested in the application and development of modern NMR methods for obtaining structure/function information on proteins and their complexes. One of our projects focuses on structural studies of HIV entry into T-cells. Facilities include fully equipped 800 MHz (cryo) and 600 MHz high-resolution spectrometers as well as a protein expression lab.
Highly motivated candidates with experience in macromolecular NMR, method development for solution or solid state NMR, membrane biophysics, molecular biology or protein chemistry with a background in structure should e-mail their application including CV and the name of the two references to:
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: stephan.grzesiek@unibas.ch
Freitag, 19. Oktober 2007
NYU Faculty Position, Biophysical chemistry
Dear Colleagues,
NYU is searching to fill a faculty position in biophysical chemistry, broadly defined. Biophysical NMR spectroscopy is an option greatly favored. I would therefore be grateful if you could pass on the attached announcement to potentially interested
candidates. The ad is currently running in several publications. For junior candidates, I also recommend arranging for reference letters, even though the ad says only to list names. This would facilitate the process due to the late deadline. As mentioned in the ad, we would also consider senior applicants for this position and would welcome your suggestions.
Thank you very much
Alexej Jerschow
junior or senior
The Department of Chemistry at New York University, located in Greenwich Village in lower Manhattan, invites applications for a faculty position in experimental biophysical chemistry. Strong candidates in other fields of experimental chemistry will also be considered, especially in areas of nanoscience and materials chemistry. The appointment will begin in the Fall of 2008, pending final administrative and budgetary approval.
All ranks will be considered, but applications from junior faculty candidates are preferred. The Department is embarking on a significant growth plan that includes the creation of the Molecular Design Institute, the recent hire of two senior-level faculty with more anticipated, and expansion of laboratory and instrumentation facilities. Applicants should have a very strong research record and a commitment to teaching. Applications should include a curriculum vita, a list of publications, a statement of future original research and teaching plans, and the names of at least three references. Application review will begin on November 15, 2007. Therefore, to guarantee full consideration complete applications should be sent by this date to
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Chemistry, New York University
100 Washington Square East, New York, NY 10003
NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.
NYU is searching to fill a faculty position in biophysical chemistry, broadly defined. Biophysical NMR spectroscopy is an option greatly favored. I would therefore be grateful if you could pass on the attached announcement to potentially interested
candidates. The ad is currently running in several publications. For junior candidates, I also recommend arranging for reference letters, even though the ad says only to list names. This would facilitate the process due to the late deadline. As mentioned in the ad, we would also consider senior applicants for this position and would welcome your suggestions.
Thank you very much
Alexej Jerschow
junior or senior
The Department of Chemistry at New York University, located in Greenwich Village in lower Manhattan, invites applications for a faculty position in experimental biophysical chemistry. Strong candidates in other fields of experimental chemistry will also be considered, especially in areas of nanoscience and materials chemistry. The appointment will begin in the Fall of 2008, pending final administrative and budgetary approval.
All ranks will be considered, but applications from junior faculty candidates are preferred. The Department is embarking on a significant growth plan that includes the creation of the Molecular Design Institute, the recent hire of two senior-level faculty with more anticipated, and expansion of laboratory and instrumentation facilities. Applicants should have a very strong research record and a commitment to teaching. Applications should include a curriculum vita, a list of publications, a statement of future original research and teaching plans, and the names of at least three references. Application review will begin on November 15, 2007. Therefore, to guarantee full consideration complete applications should be sent by this date to
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Chemistry, New York University
100 Washington Square East, New York, NY 10003
NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.
Postdoc in Maryland
Postdoctoral Position
University of Maryland
Postdoctoral position is available immediately in the group of
Dr. Vitali Tugarinov at the Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry,
University of Maryland, College Park
Candidates should preferably have experience in one or several of the
following areas: biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, protein NMR methodology,
protein (bio)chemistry, molecular modeling/structure calculations.
The dedicated biomolecular NMR facility in the Center of Biomolecular
Structure and Organization features two 600 MHz instruments (one
cryo-probed) and the adjacent laboratory is fully equipped for protein
expression and sample preparation. Access to higher field instrumentation
at nearby universities is possible. University of Maryland-CP is situated
in close proximity to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Maryland's I-270
Technology Corridor with an easy access to vast research resources and
facilities, including those of the NIH, FDA, USDA and NIST.
Applicants may e-mail their CV to vitali@umd.edu or call 301-405-1504.
University of Maryland
Postdoctoral position is available immediately in the group of
Dr. Vitali Tugarinov at the Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry,
University of Maryland, College Park
Candidates should preferably have experience in one or several of the
following areas: biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, protein NMR methodology,
protein (bio)chemistry, molecular modeling/structure calculations.
The dedicated biomolecular NMR facility in the Center of Biomolecular
Structure and Organization features two 600 MHz instruments (one
cryo-probed) and the adjacent laboratory is fully equipped for protein
expression and sample preparation. Access to higher field instrumentation
at nearby universities is possible. University of Maryland-CP is situated
in close proximity to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Maryland's I-270
Technology Corridor with an easy access to vast research resources and
facilities, including those of the NIH, FDA, USDA and NIST.
Applicants may e-mail their CV to vitali@umd.edu or call 301-405-1504.
Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007
Assistant/Associate Professor
Assistant/Associate Professor:
Conservation Science, Spectroscopy/NMR
The Department of Mathematics and Science at Pratt Institute is looking for a scientist to fill a tenure track position at Assistant or Associate Professor level begining in the Fall 2008. The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science and should have a strong interest in contributing to an expanding collaborative research and teaching program in the Science of Art Conservation (Conservation Science) funded, in part, by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The candidate is expected to teach and develop new courses in his/her field of expertise as it applies to Art, Design, and/or Art Conservation and to participate in research projects in the area of Conservation Science. Experience in NMR and/or Conservation Science in a museum setting is a plus. For more information, please contact Prof. Eleonora Del Federico, edelfede@pratt.edu.
Conservation Science, Spectroscopy/NMR
The Department of Mathematics and Science at Pratt Institute is looking for a scientist to fill a tenure track position at Assistant or Associate Professor level begining in the Fall 2008. The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science and should have a strong interest in contributing to an expanding collaborative research and teaching program in the Science of Art Conservation (Conservation Science) funded, in part, by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The candidate is expected to teach and develop new courses in his/her field of expertise as it applies to Art, Design, and/or Art Conservation and to participate in research projects in the area of Conservation Science. Experience in NMR and/or Conservation Science in a museum setting is a plus. For more information, please contact Prof. Eleonora Del Federico, edelfede@pratt.edu.
Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2007
New York University
We are looking to fill a postdoctoral position starting January 2008 (or later) on
technique development in 23Na NMR/MRI and 1H CEST NMR/MRI at New
York University. The ideal candidate will have experience in NMR theory
and experimental work. Experience with solid-state NMR, MRI, Diffusion
NMR, quadrupolar NMR, programming will be of advantage, although are
not requirements. The postdoc will be able to acquire experience working
with high-field MRI scanners (7T) at the Center for Biomedical Imaging.
New York University’s Chemistry Department is located at the heart of
Manhattan in Greenwich Village. The project will be performed jointly
between the NYU Chemistry Department (A. Jerschow) and the NYU
School of Medicine (R. R. Regatte).
The initial appointment is for 1.5 years, with possible extension. Applicants
should send their application including CV, a publication list, and names
and contact information of two references who would be willing to comment
on their work to alexej.jerschow at nyu.edu.
Dr. Alexej Jerschow
Chemistry Department
New York University
100 Washington Square East
New York, NY 10003
alexej.jerschow at nyu.edu
New York University
We are looking to fill a postdoctoral position starting January 2008 (or later) on
technique development in 23Na NMR/MRI and 1H CEST NMR/MRI at New
York University. The ideal candidate will have experience in NMR theory
and experimental work. Experience with solid-state NMR, MRI, Diffusion
NMR, quadrupolar NMR, programming will be of advantage, although are
not requirements. The postdoc will be able to acquire experience working
with high-field MRI scanners (7T) at the Center for Biomedical Imaging.
New York University’s Chemistry Department is located at the heart of
Manhattan in Greenwich Village. The project will be performed jointly
between the NYU Chemistry Department (A. Jerschow) and the NYU
School of Medicine (R. R. Regatte).
The initial appointment is for 1.5 years, with possible extension. Applicants
should send their application including CV, a publication list, and names
and contact information of two references who would be willing to comment
on their work to alexej.jerschow at nyu.edu.
Dr. Alexej Jerschow
Chemistry Department
New York University
100 Washington Square East
New York, NY 10003
alexej.jerschow at nyu.edu
Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007
PhD or PostDoc in Nijmegen
Reference Hyph-07:
PhD (4-years) or PostDoc (3.5-years) in the Department of Physical Chemistry / Biophysical Chemistry of the Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Position description:
Collaborative research project with Industrial partners, concerning the development of NMR-based analytical methods aiming at the full structure characterization and absolute quantification of small organic molecules from/in complex mixtures (such as fermentation products, lysates, body-fluids, food matrices...). Full integration of “all possible” analytical data (spectrometric, spectroscopic, and chromatographic) will be investigated in order to reach unambiguous identification / characterization of a compound without prior knowledge of its structure or origin.
Candidate profile:
The ambitious academic candidate (m/f) would have a chemistry/analytical chemistry degree (and/or PhD in the same field) with a significant background / experience in NMR (Bruker) and other additional analytical methods (MS, LC-MS, UV, IR). Knowledge / expertise in separation methods and/or hyphenated analytical methods will be appreciated. The candidate should be interested in applied science and technological aspects, efficient in teamwork, have broad scientific interest with good communication ability (oral / writing).
For PhD the position is four year maximum. At first instance, appointments are for one year. After a positive evaluation prolongation with three years is affected. A Dutch Ph.D.-program is four years, at the end of which the appointment should finish with a Ph.D.-thesis and a Ph.D.-degree. For Ph.D., gross salary amounts to Euro 1.958 per month in the first year, and increases to Euro 2.502 per month in the fourth year. For a post-doc salary is according to experience and set by University regulations
Further information and application:
The position will be opened at the Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and is co-financed by the company Spinnovation ( www.spinnovation.eu ). When applying for a Ph.D., the position will be full-time over a 4-years period. When applying for a Postdoc, the position would be part-time 4 days per week over 4 years, or full-time over 3.5 years. The candidate must be fluent in English. Application shall be sent in English, mentioning the position reference ref. Hyph-07, including CV, accompanying letter and names and addresses of two reference persons who can be contacted.
Applications to be sent to: Prof.Dr. S. Wijmenga (Biophysical Chemistry). Email: s.wijmenga@nmr.ru.nl ; Websites: www.ru.nl/imm, www.spinnovation.eu .
PhD (4-years) or PostDoc (3.5-years) in the Department of Physical Chemistry / Biophysical Chemistry of the Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Position description:
Collaborative research project with Industrial partners, concerning the development of NMR-based analytical methods aiming at the full structure characterization and absolute quantification of small organic molecules from/in complex mixtures (such as fermentation products, lysates, body-fluids, food matrices...). Full integration of “all possible” analytical data (spectrometric, spectroscopic, and chromatographic) will be investigated in order to reach unambiguous identification / characterization of a compound without prior knowledge of its structure or origin.
Candidate profile:
The ambitious academic candidate (m/f) would have a chemistry/analytical chemistry degree (and/or PhD in the same field) with a significant background / experience in NMR (Bruker) and other additional analytical methods (MS, LC-MS, UV, IR). Knowledge / expertise in separation methods and/or hyphenated analytical methods will be appreciated. The candidate should be interested in applied science and technological aspects, efficient in teamwork, have broad scientific interest with good communication ability (oral / writing).
For PhD the position is four year maximum. At first instance, appointments are for one year. After a positive evaluation prolongation with three years is affected. A Dutch Ph.D.-program is four years, at the end of which the appointment should finish with a Ph.D.-thesis and a Ph.D.-degree. For Ph.D., gross salary amounts to Euro 1.958 per month in the first year, and increases to Euro 2.502 per month in the fourth year. For a post-doc salary is according to experience and set by University regulations
Further information and application:
The position will be opened at the Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and is co-financed by the company Spinnovation ( www.spinnovation.eu ). When applying for a Ph.D., the position will be full-time over a 4-years period. When applying for a Postdoc, the position would be part-time 4 days per week over 4 years, or full-time over 3.5 years. The candidate must be fluent in English. Application shall be sent in English, mentioning the position reference ref. Hyph-07, including CV, accompanying letter and names and addresses of two reference persons who can be contacted.
Applications to be sent to: Prof.Dr. S. Wijmenga (Biophysical Chemistry). Email: s.wijmenga@nmr.ru.nl ; Websites: www.ru.nl/imm, www.spinnovation.eu .
Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2007
Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR at CEA Saclay
Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR at CEA Saclay (20 km S-W from
Tritium solid-state NMR: Towards long-range distance measurements in
biological complexes
This position is funded by the National Agency for Research
(ANR) for a project entitled "Long range distance measurement by solid
state tritium NMR. Observing the structure and dynamics of biological
complex systems at work". The aim of this project is to develop a new
approach for measuring long-range inter-atomic distances in tritium
labeled systems. This is a collaborative project with chemists having an
expertise in tritium labeling and biochemists. 3H MAS NMR is offering
many exciting new perspectives for biological NMR methods as well as
many methodological developments are envisaged.
In a first step, long range distance measurements will be validated on
deuterated and protonated model compounds, with isolated 3H-3H spin
pairs whose distance will range from 6A to 15A. This step will require
an investigation of different recoupling techniques, as well as some
methodological work on specific recoupling schemes if necessary. In a
second step, the technique will be applied to important issues in
structural biochemistry.
First results have been presented at the 5th Alpine Conference on NMR
This is a one-year post-doctoral position available starting at January
2008. Extension to two years is possible.
Our lab is equipped with three NMR spectrometers, 500 NB (with micro
imaging, gas and hyperpolarized xenon NMR facilities), 300 WB and 500 WB
Bruker Avance II spectrometers.
Postdoctoral salary will be around 2000/2500 Euro per month.
Applicants are invited to send a curriculum vitae and a brief statement
of research along with letters of reference to:
Thibault Charpentier
LSDRM - Service de Chimie Moléculaire
CEA Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE.
For further details, you are welcome to contact Thibault Charpentier,
tcharpentier@cea.fr or Patrick Berthault, pberthault@cea.fr.
Thibault Charpentier
Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique Laboratoire Claude Fréjacques - CEA/CNRS URA 331 DSM/DRECAM/SCM - Bât 125 CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, FRANCE
Tél: (33) 1 69 08 23 56 / 82 75 Fax: (33) 1 69 08 66 40
Email: tcharpentier@cea.fr
Tritium solid-state NMR: Towards long-range distance measurements in
biological complexes
This position is funded by the National Agency for Research
(ANR) for a project entitled "Long range distance measurement by solid
state tritium NMR. Observing the structure and dynamics of biological
complex systems at work". The aim of this project is to develop a new
approach for measuring long-range inter-atomic distances in tritium
labeled systems. This is a collaborative project with chemists having an
expertise in tritium labeling and biochemists. 3H MAS NMR is offering
many exciting new perspectives for biological NMR methods as well as
many methodological developments are envisaged.
In a first step, long range distance measurements will be validated on
deuterated and protonated model compounds, with isolated 3H-3H spin
pairs whose distance will range from 6A to 15A. This step will require
an investigation of different recoupling techniques, as well as some
methodological work on specific recoupling schemes if necessary. In a
second step, the technique will be applied to important issues in
structural biochemistry.
First results have been presented at the 5th Alpine Conference on NMR
This is a one-year post-doctoral position available starting at January
2008. Extension to two years is possible.
Our lab is equipped with three NMR spectrometers, 500 NB (with micro
imaging, gas and hyperpolarized xenon NMR facilities), 300 WB and 500 WB
Bruker Avance II spectrometers.
Postdoctoral salary will be around 2000/2500 Euro per month.
Applicants are invited to send a curriculum vitae and a brief statement
of research along with letters of reference to:
Thibault Charpentier
LSDRM - Service de Chimie Moléculaire
CEA Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE.
For further details, you are welcome to contact Thibault Charpentier,
tcharpentier@cea.fr or Patrick Berthault, pberthault@cea.fr.
Thibault Charpentier
Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique Laboratoire Claude Fréjacques - CEA/CNRS URA 331 DSM/DRECAM/SCM - Bât 125 CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, FRANCE
Tél: (33) 1 69 08 23 56 / 82 75 Fax: (33) 1 69 08 66 40
Email: tcharpentier@cea.fr
To Whom It May Concern
Craig F. Wilson, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc.
92 Holwell, Lister Hospital Residences
Coreys Mill Lane
Tel: +44 (0)7772 012 547
E-mail: cfwilson10@hotmail.com
26th September 2007
To Whom It May Concern,
I attach my resume for your perusal and for
you to read through at your own convenience. This is to enquire into
possible Ph.D. positions and hope that you will consider my experience
in this field.
I have 3 3/4 years of postgraduate research experience in Organic
Chemistry, NMR and Molecular Modelling from the School of Chemistry,
University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, U.K. and the Institute of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Szeged University, Hungary. I have an M.Sc. in
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry from the University of St. Andrews, Fife,
Scotland, U.K. and a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry and Business Studies from
the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. I have 1 1/4 years of related
work experience in academia and industry; academic as a postdoctorate
research assistant for the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences,
Birkbeck College, University of London, London, U.K.; industrial as a
technical chemist in paints and polymers, aviation chemistry and waste
treatment research and development.
Projects I have been involved in have been:
Ph.D. studies
i) Aggregation in the Aminop henols by 2DNMR
Postdoctorate studies
ii) Improved Damage Assessment of Parchments (IDAP)
iii) Monitoring in Damaged Historical Tapestries (MODHT)
iv) Micro-Climate Monitoring In Cultural Heritage Preservation (MIMIC)
Ph.D. studies
v) A Study of Conformational Analysis and Molecular Dynamics by NMR
- NH-OH Hydrogen Bonding, Dynamics and Exchange
- Solution 2DNMR and Conformational Analysis of Narasin Alkali Metal
M.Sc. studies
vi) Solution 2DNMR and Conformational Analysis of Monensin-A Alkali Metal
I look to you for you thoughts and ideas to my suitability for the above
position. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Craig F. Wilson, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., MRSC
92 Holwell, Lister Hospital Residences
Coreys Mill Lane
Tel: +44 (0)7772 012 547
E-mail: cfwilson10@hotmail.com
26th September 2007
To Whom It May Concern,
I attach my resume for your perusal and for
you to read through at your own convenience. This is to enquire into
possible Ph.D. positions and hope that you will consider my experience
in this field.
I have 3 3/4 years of postgraduate research experience in Organic
Chemistry, NMR and Molecular Modelling from the School of Chemistry,
University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, U.K. and the Institute of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Szeged University, Hungary. I have an M.Sc. in
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry from the University of St. Andrews, Fife,
Scotland, U.K. and a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry and Business Studies from
the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. I have 1 1/4 years of related
work experience in academia and industry; academic as a postdoctorate
research assistant for the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences,
Birkbeck College, University of London, London, U.K.; industrial as a
technical chemist in paints and polymers, aviation chemistry and waste
treatment research and development.
Projects I have been involved in have been:
Ph.D. studies
i) Aggregation in the Aminop henols by 2DNMR
Postdoctorate studies
ii) Improved Damage Assessment of Parchments (IDAP)
iii) Monitoring in Damaged Historical Tapestries (MODHT)
iv) Micro-Climate Monitoring In Cultural Heritage Preservation (MIMIC)
Ph.D. studies
v) A Study of Conformational Analysis and Molecular Dynamics by NMR
- NH-OH Hydrogen Bonding, Dynamics and Exchange
- Solution 2DNMR and Conformational Analysis of Narasin Alkali Metal
M.Sc. studies
vi) Solution 2DNMR and Conformational Analysis of Monensin-A Alkali Metal
I look to you for you thoughts and ideas to my suitability for the above
position. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Craig F. Wilson, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., MRSC
Donnerstag, 20. September 2007
Ph.D. studentship, Leiden
The Solid-state NMR group of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC)
invites applications for a 4-year-term (full position)
Ph.D. studentship.
The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect allows for strong enhancement of
signals in the solid sate under sample illumination. For 13C atoms of
cofactors in photosynthetic reaction centers, an enhancement factor of
above 10000 has been observed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 14290-14298
(2005); J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 12794-12799 (2006)). Furthermore, the
polarisation generation is faster than the T1 relaxation time and
allows for fast scanning (J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 10606-10614 (2007)).
The method is currently applied to study the photochemical machinery
of photosynthetic reaction centres (Biochemistry 46, 8953-8960 (2007),
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 12843-12848 (2007)). Until now, only
continuous illumination has been applied. Currently, a laser-flash
system is under construction. The project will be dedicated to the
application of this new set-up to various photosynthetic systems.
Interested candidates should have a M.Sc. or equivalent in chemistry
or a related field and expertise in either NMR or protein chemistry.
Applications should include a CV and can be sent to:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
j.matysik (at) chem.leidenuniv.nl
invites applications for a 4-year-term (full position)
Ph.D. studentship.
The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect allows for strong enhancement of
signals in the solid sate under sample illumination. For 13C atoms of
cofactors in photosynthetic reaction centers, an enhancement factor of
above 10000 has been observed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 14290-14298
(2005); J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 12794-12799 (2006)). Furthermore, the
polarisation generation is faster than the T1 relaxation time and
allows for fast scanning (J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 10606-10614 (2007)).
The method is currently applied to study the photochemical machinery
of photosynthetic reaction centres (Biochemistry 46, 8953-8960 (2007),
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 12843-12848 (2007)). Until now, only
continuous illumination has been applied. Currently, a laser-flash
system is under construction. The project will be dedicated to the
application of this new set-up to various photosynthetic systems.
Interested candidates should have a M.Sc. or equivalent in chemistry
or a related field and expertise in either NMR or protein chemistry.
Applications should include a CV and can be sent to:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
j.matysik (at) chem.leidenuniv.nl
Donnerstag, 23. August 2007
Postdoc position in Manchester UK
A postdoctoral research fellowship is available for a researcher to work with Professor Gareth Morris and Dr Mathias Nilsson on the development of techniques in high resolution diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY). The project will combine high quality NMR measurements, theoretical analysis, pulse sequence development, and multivariate analysis, and offers an opportunity for a suitable candidate to build a wide NMR skill set. The School of Chemistry at Manchester has world-class instrumental facilities.
Candidates should have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in a relevant subject (e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science) and have experience in and understanding of some or all of modern NMR methods; FT NMR spectrometers; software for NMR processing; UNIX and C programming; and Mathematica and Matlab programming.
The position is available immediately and will be for up to 32 months.
Further details may be found at http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobs/RJ196/Postdoctoral_Research_Associate/ or http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/jobs/research/vacancy/index.htm?ref=122183; informal enquiries to g.a.morris@manchester.ac.uk or mathias.nilsson@manchester.ac.uk.
Prof Gareth A Morris
School of Chemistry, University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Tel (0) 161 275 4665
Candidates should have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in a relevant subject (e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science) and have experience in and understanding of some or all of modern NMR methods; FT NMR spectrometers; software for NMR processing; UNIX and C programming; and Mathematica and Matlab programming.
The position is available immediately and will be for up to 32 months.
Further details may be found at http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobs/RJ196/Postdoctoral_Research_Associate/ or http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/jobs/research/vacancy/index.htm?ref=122183; informal enquiries to g.a.morris@manchester.ac.uk or mathias.nilsson@manchester.ac.uk.
Prof Gareth A Morris
School of Chemistry, University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Tel (0) 161 275 4665
Montag, 20. August 2007
Professor /Associate Professor in Solid State NMR
Professor /Associate Professor in Solid State NMR
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
A Professor/Associate Professor position is available in the NMR group of
the Physics Department at the University of Warwick. You will, in
collaboration with the existing members, provide academic leadership to
the NMR group. You should have a substantial record of achievement in
Solid State NMR and for the more senior position a strong international
reputation and evidence of the ability to obtain significant external
funding. You will also be expected to contribute fully to the department's
teaching and administrative duties.
The Solid State NMR group (http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/) is extremely
well-equipped with 7 solid state NMR spectrometers, a very wide range of
probes, a large diverse portfolio of grants and an excellent track record
of collaboration with other research groups within Physics, the wider
University of Warwick and beyond. It will be moving into new
purpose-built accommodation in October 2007. For informal enquiries please
contact Malcolm Cooper (M.J.Cooper@warwick.ac.uk), Head of Physics, Mark
Smith (M.E.Smith.1@warwick.ac.uk) or Ray Dupree (r.dupree@warwick.ac.uk).
Application forms and further particulars can be obtained from the
Personnel office (or from http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/ZF960.html)
quoting reference 34879-077, to which applications should be returned by
30th September 2007.
Professor R Dupree
University of Warwick
Tel: (44) 2476 523403
Fax: (44) 2476 523412
for pictures and newspaper articles of my Peru Trek in aid of Alzheimer's
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
A Professor/Associate Professor position is available in the NMR group of
the Physics Department at the University of Warwick. You will, in
collaboration with the existing members, provide academic leadership to
the NMR group. You should have a substantial record of achievement in
Solid State NMR and for the more senior position a strong international
reputation and evidence of the ability to obtain significant external
funding. You will also be expected to contribute fully to the department's
teaching and administrative duties.
The Solid State NMR group (http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/) is extremely
well-equipped with 7 solid state NMR spectrometers, a very wide range of
probes, a large diverse portfolio of grants and an excellent track record
of collaboration with other research groups within Physics, the wider
University of Warwick and beyond. It will be moving into new
purpose-built accommodation in October 2007. For informal enquiries please
contact Malcolm Cooper (M.J.Cooper@warwick.ac.uk), Head of Physics, Mark
Smith (M.E.Smith.1@warwick.ac.uk) or Ray Dupree (r.dupree@warwick.ac.uk).
Application forms and further particulars can be obtained from the
Personnel office (or from http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/ZF960.html)
quoting reference 34879-077, to which applications should be returned by
30th September 2007.
Professor R Dupree
University of Warwick
Tel: (44) 2476 523403
Fax: (44) 2476 523412
for pictures and newspaper articles of my Peru Trek in aid of Alzheimer's
Research Fellow in Solid-State NMR
University of St Andrews
Research Fellow in Solid-State NMR
EaStCHEM School of Chemistry
Salary: £27,857 per annum
This post is funded for a period of up to 3 years and the position is available from 1 October 2007, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Project is to work on the development and application of novel solid-state NMR techniques. This post will be in the research group of Dr Sharon Ashbrook in the School of Chemistry. The aim of the programme is the development of multinuclear correlation methods in solid-state NMR and their subsequent application to minerals, ceramics and microporous materials. The post will coincide with the delivery of two new wide-bore spectrometers (600 and 400 MHz).
You should have a PhD in NMR Spectroscopy, ideally with experience of solid-state NMR. Experience of computational methods as applied to NMR is an advantage, but not essential.
Please quote ref: CD003/07
Closing date: 31 August 2007
Application forms and further particulars are available from Human Resources, University of St Andrews, College Gate, North Street, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ, (tel: 01334 462571, by fax 01334 462570 or by e-mail Jobline@st-andrews.ac.uk. The advertisement and further particulars and a downloadable application form can be found at http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/employment/.
The University is committed to equality of opportunity.
Dr Sharon Ashbrook
School of Chemistry
University of St Andrews
North Haugh
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9ST
Tel 01334 463779 Fax +44 1334 463808
Research Fellow in Solid-State NMR
EaStCHEM School of Chemistry
Salary: £27,857 per annum
This post is funded for a period of up to 3 years and the position is available from 1 October 2007, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Project is to work on the development and application of novel solid-state NMR techniques. This post will be in the research group of Dr Sharon Ashbrook in the School of Chemistry. The aim of the programme is the development of multinuclear correlation methods in solid-state NMR and their subsequent application to minerals, ceramics and microporous materials. The post will coincide with the delivery of two new wide-bore spectrometers (600 and 400 MHz).
You should have a PhD in NMR Spectroscopy, ideally with experience of solid-state NMR. Experience of computational methods as applied to NMR is an advantage, but not essential.
Please quote ref: CD003/07
Closing date: 31 August 2007
Application forms and further particulars are available from Human Resources, University of St Andrews, College Gate, North Street, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ, (tel: 01334 462571, by fax 01334 462570 or by e-mail Jobline@st-andrews.ac.uk. The advertisement and further particulars and a downloadable application form can be found at http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/employment/.
The University is committed to equality of opportunity.
Dr Sharon Ashbrook
School of Chemistry
University of St Andrews
North Haugh
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9ST
Tel 01334 463779 Fax +44 1334 463808
A 30 month solution NMR postdoctoral fellowship is available in the laboratory of Steven M. Pascal, Director of BioNMR Research, Centre for Structural Biology, Massey University New Zealand.
The projects will utilize the Massey Bruker 700, 500 and 400 MHz spectrometers (cryoprobe at 700) to study protein interactions and protein-nucleic interactions linked to cancer, neurodegeneration and viral life cycles. The position is funded by a grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand. Salary begins at approximately NZD 56,000 per anna with cost of living increasess. Collaborators include scientists at NYSBC (NY, USA) and the University of Sydney.
For more information, see http://ifs.massey.ac.nz/staff/pascal.shtml
Cheers, Steve
A 30 month solution NMR postdoctoral fellowship is available in the laboratory of Steven M. Pascal, Director of BioNMR Research, Centre for Structural Biology, Massey University New Zealand.
The projects will utilize the Massey Bruker 700, 500 and 400 MHz spectrometers (cryoprobe at 700) to study protein interactions and protein-nucleic interactions linked to cancer, neurodegeneration and viral life cycles. The position is funded by a grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand. Salary begins at approximately NZD 56,000 per anna with cost of living increasess. Collaborators include scientists at NYSBC (NY, USA) and the University of Sydney.
For more information, see http://ifs.massey.ac.nz/staff/pascal.shtml
Cheers, Steve
Situated in Mill Hill, north west London, NIMR is the largest MRC
institute, supporting some 70 research groups and 500 bench scientists.
The Institute provides excellent training for researchers in a
multi-disciplinary environment and is equipped with state of the art
An opportunity for a Senior Research Assistant has become available in the
Division of Molecular Structure. www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/molstruct . You will
be responsible for managing, maintaining and developing the heterogeneous
computing facilities used by the NMR community within the Division and the
MRC Biomedical NMR Centre. You will be expected to carry out all aspects
of system administration, including hardware and OS installation, security
management, network management, backing-up and archiving.
You should have relevant computer system management experience and be able
to work independently in close collaboration with the other computer
managers within NIMR. You must have excellent inter-personal skills to be
able to interact with users and other members of Institute staff.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Paul Driscoll, Tel: 020 8816 2061;
email: pdrisco@nimr.mrc.ac.uk or Dr Annalisa Pastore, Tel: 020 8816 2630;
email: apastor@nimr.mrc.ac.uk
Starting salary range for this MRC Band 3 post is from 36,345-44,166
inclusive of Location Allowance. MRC final salary Pension Scheme
available. Recruitment information packs can be downloaded from the
Institute website http://www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/jobs/. These can also be
obtained by contacting Stacey Saunders on 01793 301157 or emailing
nimr.recruitment@ssc.mrc.ac.uk. Formal applications, which should include
a full CV, application form and the names and addresses of two referees,
should be sent to Stacey Saunders, HR Recruitment Assistant, MRC Shared
Service Centre, North Star House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1FF,
alternatively email to nimr.recruitment@ssc.mrc.ac.uk, quoting reference
number 2007-460.
The closing date for completed applications is 24th August 2007.
The MRC is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Situated in Mill Hill, north west London, NIMR is the largest MRC
institute, supporting some 70 research groups and 500 bench scientists.
The Institute provides excellent training for researchers in a
multi-disciplinary environment and is equipped with state of the art
An opportunity for a Senior Research Assistant has become available in the
Division of Molecular Structure. www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/molstruct . You will
be responsible for managing, maintaining and developing the heterogeneous
computing facilities used by the NMR community within the Division and the
MRC Biomedical NMR Centre. You will be expected to carry out all aspects
of system administration, including hardware and OS installation, security
management, network management, backing-up and archiving.
You should have relevant computer system management experience and be able
to work independently in close collaboration with the other computer
managers within NIMR. You must have excellent inter-personal skills to be
able to interact with users and other members of Institute staff.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Paul Driscoll, Tel: 020 8816 2061;
email: pdrisco@nimr.mrc.ac.uk or Dr Annalisa Pastore, Tel: 020 8816 2630;
email: apastor@nimr.mrc.ac.uk
Starting salary range for this MRC Band 3 post is from 36,345-44,166
inclusive of Location Allowance. MRC final salary Pension Scheme
available. Recruitment information packs can be downloaded from the
Institute website http://www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/jobs/. These can also be
obtained by contacting Stacey Saunders on 01793 301157 or emailing
nimr.recruitment@ssc.mrc.ac.uk. Formal applications, which should include
a full CV, application form and the names and addresses of two referees,
should be sent to Stacey Saunders, HR Recruitment Assistant, MRC Shared
Service Centre, North Star House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1FF,
alternatively email to nimr.recruitment@ssc.mrc.ac.uk, quoting reference
number 2007-460.
The closing date for completed applications is 24th August 2007.
The MRC is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007
Group leader, Postdoc and PhD position University of Regensburg
Group leader position, structural biology/bioinformatics, Regensburg
The department of Biophysics (chair: H. R. Kalbitzer) is focused on
problems of structural biology with the methodological focus on magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, especially high-pressure NMR spectroscopy,
in-vitro-translation and the development of programs for the automated
NMR structure determination
Kalbitzer/index.html). Biochemical topics are the intracellular signal
transduction, ionic channels, membrane transport systems, systems
biology, metabonomics, and rational drug design. In bioinformatics we
develop together with Bruker Biospin programs for the automated analysis
of NMR spectra and structure determination (AUREMOL).
Applicants should have a strong interest in biological, structure
related questions. Besides own projects they should work on the
development of the program AUREMOL together with diploma and doctoral
students and other postdocs. They should have a PhD and experience in
the field of biological NMR spectroscopy of proteins and program
The salary is according to A13 (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) that is
depending on age and marital status approximately 50,000 Euro/year.
Initially, the position is limited to 3 years. Candidates planning to do
a Habilitation are favoured.
The institute is equipped with a Bruker Avance-500, a Bruker
Avance-600, and a Bruker Avance 800 spectrometer with cryoprobes. It has
access to the 900 MHz spectrometer in Munich.
Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and
the names of two referees should be sent by June 15, 2007 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. H. R. Kalbitzer
Institut fuer Biophysik und
Physikalische Biochemie
Universitaet Regensburg
D - 93040 Regensburg
Email hans-robert.kalbitzer@biologie.uni-regensburg.de
Postdoc position and PhD position
Postdoc and PhD-position in NMR based structural biology
at the
Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, University of
Topic: Structure and function of the interaction domain of a
The department of Biophysics (chair: H. R. Kalbitzer) is focused on
problems of structural biology with the methodological focus on magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, especially high-pressure NMR spectroscopy,
in-vitro-translation and the development of programs for the automated
NMR structure determination
Kalbitzer/index.html). Biochemical topics are the intracellular signal
transduction, ionic channels, membrane transport systems, systems
biology, metabonomics, and rational drug design. In bioinformatics we
develop together with Bruker Biospin programs for the automated analysis
of NMR spectra and structure determination (AUREMOL).
Applicants should have a strong interest in biological, structure
related questions. The postdoc should have experience in the field of
biological NMR spectroscopy of proteins, the PhD-student in protein
biochemistry or crystallography.
The salary of the postdoc is according to TVL13 that is depending on
age and marital status approximately 50,000 Euro/year. Initially, the
position is limited to 2.5 years but can be prolonged further. The
salary of the PhD-student would correspond to TVL13/2 (approximately
25,000 Euro).
The institute is equipped with a Bruker Avance-500, a Bruker
Avance-600, and a Bruker Avance 800 spectrometer with cryoprobes. It has
access to the 900 MHz spectrometer in Munich.
In the project the structure of the cytoplasmic interaction domain
should be solved by NMR-spectroscopy and/or X-ray crystallography. Six
different interaction partners are available as recombinat proteins in
Regensburg and will be used for interaction studies. The Postdoc should
mainly concentrate on NMR spectroscopy, the PhD-student (cooperating
with the postdoc) should be responsible for protein expression,
crystallisation and functional applications of NMR spectroscopy.
Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and
the names of two referees should be sent by June 15, 2007 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. H. R. Kalbitzer
Institut fuer Biophysik und
Physikalische Biochemie
Universitaet Regensburg
D - 93040 Regensburg
Email hans-robert.kalbitzer@biologie.uni-regensburg.de
The department of Biophysics (chair: H. R. Kalbitzer) is focused on
problems of structural biology with the methodological focus on magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, especially high-pressure NMR spectroscopy,
in-vitro-translation and the development of programs for the automated
NMR structure determination
Kalbitzer/index.html). Biochemical topics are the intracellular signal
transduction, ionic channels, membrane transport systems, systems
biology, metabonomics, and rational drug design. In bioinformatics we
develop together with Bruker Biospin programs for the automated analysis
of NMR spectra and structure determination (AUREMOL).
Applicants should have a strong interest in biological, structure
related questions. Besides own projects they should work on the
development of the program AUREMOL together with diploma and doctoral
students and other postdocs. They should have a PhD and experience in
the field of biological NMR spectroscopy of proteins and program
The salary is according to A13 (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) that is
depending on age and marital status approximately 50,000 Euro/year.
Initially, the position is limited to 3 years. Candidates planning to do
a Habilitation are favoured.
The institute is equipped with a Bruker Avance-500, a Bruker
Avance-600, and a Bruker Avance 800 spectrometer with cryoprobes. It has
access to the 900 MHz spectrometer in Munich.
Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and
the names of two referees should be sent by June 15, 2007 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. H. R. Kalbitzer
Institut fuer Biophysik und
Physikalische Biochemie
Universitaet Regensburg
D - 93040 Regensburg
Email hans-robert.kalbitzer@biologie.uni-regensburg.de
Postdoc position and PhD position
Postdoc and PhD-position in NMR based structural biology
at the
Institute of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, University of
Topic: Structure and function of the interaction domain of a
The department of Biophysics (chair: H. R. Kalbitzer) is focused on
problems of structural biology with the methodological focus on magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, especially high-pressure NMR spectroscopy,
in-vitro-translation and the development of programs for the automated
NMR structure determination
Kalbitzer/index.html). Biochemical topics are the intracellular signal
transduction, ionic channels, membrane transport systems, systems
biology, metabonomics, and rational drug design. In bioinformatics we
develop together with Bruker Biospin programs for the automated analysis
of NMR spectra and structure determination (AUREMOL).
Applicants should have a strong interest in biological, structure
related questions. The postdoc should have experience in the field of
biological NMR spectroscopy of proteins, the PhD-student in protein
biochemistry or crystallography.
The salary of the postdoc is according to TVL13 that is depending on
age and marital status approximately 50,000 Euro/year. Initially, the
position is limited to 2.5 years but can be prolonged further. The
salary of the PhD-student would correspond to TVL13/2 (approximately
25,000 Euro).
The institute is equipped with a Bruker Avance-500, a Bruker
Avance-600, and a Bruker Avance 800 spectrometer with cryoprobes. It has
access to the 900 MHz spectrometer in Munich.
In the project the structure of the cytoplasmic interaction domain
should be solved by NMR-spectroscopy and/or X-ray crystallography. Six
different interaction partners are available as recombinat proteins in
Regensburg and will be used for interaction studies. The Postdoc should
mainly concentrate on NMR spectroscopy, the PhD-student (cooperating
with the postdoc) should be responsible for protein expression,
crystallisation and functional applications of NMR spectroscopy.
Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and
the names of two referees should be sent by June 15, 2007 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. H. R. Kalbitzer
Institut fuer Biophysik und
Physikalische Biochemie
Universitaet Regensburg
D - 93040 Regensburg
Email hans-robert.kalbitzer@biologie.uni-regensburg.de
PhD Liquid State NMR
PhD Liquid State NMR
A PhD position in Liquid states NMR is open at the university of Geneva.
More info at
Dr. Damien Jeannerat,
A PhD position in Liquid states NMR is open at the university of Geneva.
More info at
Dr. Damien Jeannerat,
PhD Southampton
PhD Southampton
Research Fellow: Molecular Interactions in Biological Membranes
£24,402 to £30,013 (starting salary £24,402)
School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton
This post is funded by the Wellcome Trust to study molecular interactions in
biological membranes using solid-state NMR. The project focuses on studying
the interaction between the lipid bilayer and integral membrane proteins to
understand how they modulate protein function and regulate intracellular
protein trafficking, a process which has been linked to the onset of a range
of diseases including muscular dystrophy. The research exploits a variety of
biophysical and biochemical techniques to support solid-state NMR studies
characterizing the structure and dynamics of integral membrane proteins
within the lipid bilayer.
You will be an enthusiastic graduate with a recent PhD in Biochemistry, or a
related field with experience in membrane protein expression and purification
and an interest/background in using biophysical techniques including NMR
spectroscopy to understand how biological membranes function at a molecular
The School of Biological Sciences has a highly active and interdisciplinary
research program with excellent experimental and computational facilities for
structural biology. This post is available for three years from 1 September
2007, or an earlier start date can be negotiated.
For further details you are welcome to contact Philip Williamson, tel.
023 8059 4350, email P.T.Williamson@soton.ac.uk, www.sbs.soton.ac.uk/staff/
To apply on-line, please click on the link below. Alternatively
telephone 023 8059 2750. The closing date for this post is 29th June
2007 at 12 p.m. Please quote reference number 1112-07-M on all
Research Fellow: Molecular Interactions in Biological Membranes
£24,402 to £30,013 (starting salary £24,402)
School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton
This post is funded by the Wellcome Trust to study molecular interactions in
biological membranes using solid-state NMR. The project focuses on studying
the interaction between the lipid bilayer and integral membrane proteins to
understand how they modulate protein function and regulate intracellular
protein trafficking, a process which has been linked to the onset of a range
of diseases including muscular dystrophy. The research exploits a variety of
biophysical and biochemical techniques to support solid-state NMR studies
characterizing the structure and dynamics of integral membrane proteins
within the lipid bilayer.
You will be an enthusiastic graduate with a recent PhD in Biochemistry, or a
related field with experience in membrane protein expression and purification
and an interest/background in using biophysical techniques including NMR
spectroscopy to understand how biological membranes function at a molecular
The School of Biological Sciences has a highly active and interdisciplinary
research program with excellent experimental and computational facilities for
structural biology. This post is available for three years from 1 September
2007, or an earlier start date can be negotiated.
For further details you are welcome to contact Philip Williamson, tel.
023 8059 4350, email P.T.Williamson@soton.ac.uk, www.sbs.soton.ac.uk/staff/
To apply on-line, please click on the link below. Alternatively
telephone 023 8059 2750. The closing date for this post is 29th June
2007 at 12 p.m. Please quote reference number 1112-07-M on all
Solid State NMR Position
Solid State NMR Position
Project: Structural Investigations of b-sheet polymer hybrids using advanced solid-state NMR techniques.
Job description
Within the Physical Chemistry / solid-state NMR group of the Institute for Molecules and Materials, there is an opening for a graduate student for the study of biomimetic materials using advanced solid-state NMR techniques. The project will be dedicated to detailed structural investigations of b-sheet polymer hybrids developed in the synthetic groups in the IMM.
Required education/skills:
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher with a Master’s degree in Chemistry with adequate theoretical and experimental skills. We prefer candidates with a good team spirit, who like to work in an internationally oriented environment and are able to collaborate with our partner groups on the crossroads between chemistry and physics.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: € 2000 - 2500
* Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
* Duration of the contract: Starts for a period of one year, with a possible prolongation till 4 years
* Maximum hours per week: 40
Further Information / application
Further information can be obtained from Prof. dr. A.P.M. Kentgens (e-mail a.kentgens@nmr.ru.nl, phone +31-24-3652078/3652004).
Written applications, including curriculum vitae, summary of research interest and experience, should be directed to: Mrs. A. Schröder, Faculty of Science, Personnel Department, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, or via e-mail pz@science.ru.nl
Project details
The aim of Institute for Molecules and Materials is to conduct research and train undergraduate and graduate students in the field of functional- molecular structures and materials. There is an emphasis on understanding and controlling complexity in order to be able to design new functionality in these systems. This research area can be divided into two main themes: bio-inspired systems and nano/mesoscopic structures. Covering both experimental and theoretical physics and chemistry, and harboring skills in state-of-the-art analytical and synthetic techniques, the groups that constitute the IMM possess expertise in all areas needed to explore these fields. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) research plays an important role in the research of the IMM. The nuclear spin is a universal probe for local structural information which can contribute significantly to the level of understanding if applied under the proper conditions. The IMM has excellent solid-state NMR facilities, including Chemagnetics CMX Infinity 300, 400 and 600 MHz spectrometers, a homebuilt 180 MHz spectrometer and access to a Varian Inova 800 spectrometer with solids capabilities. In collaboration with the Nijmegen high magnet field laboratory 30 T Bitter magnet is being optimized for magnetic resonance experiments. Finally funds have been acquired to set up an international solid-state NMR facility including a new wide-bore 850 MHz NMR spectrometer that should arrive in 2008.
Materials scientists at IMM have become increasingly interested in combining natural and synthetic polymers into hybrid polymeric structures. The functionality of (fragments of) biopolymers can be integrated with the synthetic versatility and adaptability of synthetic polymers, thus creating a new class of materials harnessing the best of both worlds. One of the most common peptide motifs that have been introduced in polymer peptide hybrid materials is the b-sheet. Reasons for this are the synthetic accessibility of b-sheet forming peptides, small sequences already display the desired properties, and their relevance in structural proteins such as silk, in which (anti-parallel) b-sheets are responsible for crystallinity and hence stiffness of these biopolymers. More mobile regions are also present giving the material elasticity resulting in a material that is both very strong and smooth. The different physical properties of various silks arise from a variation in the protein’s primary and secondary structure.
IMM researchers (Prof. van Hest et al.) are working on controlled assembly of macromolecular -sheet fibrils. The attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) end blocks to a central poly(AG)3EG b-sheet block prevents the macroscopic aggregation of the b-sheet blocks into needle-shaped lamellar crystals. Instead crystallization results in well-defined fibrils. The rationale behind attachment of synthetic polymer blocks at the N- and C-termini was to restrict macroscopic crystallization and to preserve translation of the b-sheet design characteristics of width, height, and surface functionality into self-assembled structures. It is the subject of this study to develop and apply advanced solid-state NMR techniques to gain in-depth knowledge of the structure of these materials in relation to their functionality.
In some cases aggregation of b-sheet peptides is an undesired feature. This is particularly
true for fibril formation of b-amyloid peptide, the primary component of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. One possibility is to prevent the aggregation of A by short peptide sequences. The goal is to study binding of the elongated peptides to the A monomers during the formation of oligomers and fibrils by solid-state NMR.
Project: Structural Investigations of b-sheet polymer hybrids using advanced solid-state NMR techniques.
Job description
Within the Physical Chemistry / solid-state NMR group of the Institute for Molecules and Materials, there is an opening for a graduate student for the study of biomimetic materials using advanced solid-state NMR techniques. The project will be dedicated to detailed structural investigations of b-sheet polymer hybrids developed in the synthetic groups in the IMM.
Required education/skills:
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher with a Master’s degree in Chemistry with adequate theoretical and experimental skills. We prefer candidates with a good team spirit, who like to work in an internationally oriented environment and are able to collaborate with our partner groups on the crossroads between chemistry and physics.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: € 2000 - 2500
* Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
* Duration of the contract: Starts for a period of one year, with a possible prolongation till 4 years
* Maximum hours per week: 40
Further Information / application
Further information can be obtained from Prof. dr. A.P.M. Kentgens (e-mail a.kentgens@nmr.ru.nl, phone +31-24-3652078/3652004).
Written applications, including curriculum vitae, summary of research interest and experience, should be directed to: Mrs. A. Schröder, Faculty of Science, Personnel Department, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, or via e-mail pz@science.ru.nl
Project details
The aim of Institute for Molecules and Materials is to conduct research and train undergraduate and graduate students in the field of functional- molecular structures and materials. There is an emphasis on understanding and controlling complexity in order to be able to design new functionality in these systems. This research area can be divided into two main themes: bio-inspired systems and nano/mesoscopic structures. Covering both experimental and theoretical physics and chemistry, and harboring skills in state-of-the-art analytical and synthetic techniques, the groups that constitute the IMM possess expertise in all areas needed to explore these fields. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) research plays an important role in the research of the IMM. The nuclear spin is a universal probe for local structural information which can contribute significantly to the level of understanding if applied under the proper conditions. The IMM has excellent solid-state NMR facilities, including Chemagnetics CMX Infinity 300, 400 and 600 MHz spectrometers, a homebuilt 180 MHz spectrometer and access to a Varian Inova 800 spectrometer with solids capabilities. In collaboration with the Nijmegen high magnet field laboratory 30 T Bitter magnet is being optimized for magnetic resonance experiments. Finally funds have been acquired to set up an international solid-state NMR facility including a new wide-bore 850 MHz NMR spectrometer that should arrive in 2008.
Materials scientists at IMM have become increasingly interested in combining natural and synthetic polymers into hybrid polymeric structures. The functionality of (fragments of) biopolymers can be integrated with the synthetic versatility and adaptability of synthetic polymers, thus creating a new class of materials harnessing the best of both worlds. One of the most common peptide motifs that have been introduced in polymer peptide hybrid materials is the b-sheet. Reasons for this are the synthetic accessibility of b-sheet forming peptides, small sequences already display the desired properties, and their relevance in structural proteins such as silk, in which (anti-parallel) b-sheets are responsible for crystallinity and hence stiffness of these biopolymers. More mobile regions are also present giving the material elasticity resulting in a material that is both very strong and smooth. The different physical properties of various silks arise from a variation in the protein’s primary and secondary structure.
IMM researchers (Prof. van Hest et al.) are working on controlled assembly of macromolecular -sheet fibrils. The attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) end blocks to a central poly(AG)3EG b-sheet block prevents the macroscopic aggregation of the b-sheet blocks into needle-shaped lamellar crystals. Instead crystallization results in well-defined fibrils. The rationale behind attachment of synthetic polymer blocks at the N- and C-termini was to restrict macroscopic crystallization and to preserve translation of the b-sheet design characteristics of width, height, and surface functionality into self-assembled structures. It is the subject of this study to develop and apply advanced solid-state NMR techniques to gain in-depth knowledge of the structure of these materials in relation to their functionality.
In some cases aggregation of b-sheet peptides is an undesired feature. This is particularly
true for fibril formation of b-amyloid peptide, the primary component of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. One possibility is to prevent the aggregation of A by short peptide sequences. The goal is to study binding of the elongated peptides to the A monomers during the formation of oligomers and fibrils by solid-state NMR.
SPECTROSCOPIST (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
School of Chemical Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking applicants for Spectroscopist in its Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory. This facility primarily supports research in the Departments of Chemistry and of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. This full-time academic professional position requires a broad range of professional and technical skills. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or related field, with specialization in NMR spectroscopy, or the equivalent experience in NMR spectroscopy.
The successful applicant will be a hands-on spectroscopist but also responsible for working with faculty, students, and staff. The skills sought include experience in configuring spectrometers and performing multidimensional biomolecular NMR experiments. Some experience is required in both multi-nuclear solution and solid state NMR, as well as computational skills for processing and analyzing 2D and 3D protein NMR data sets, assigning spectra, and computing protein structures from NMR restraint sets. At least some familiarity with the following software packages (or closely related alternatives) therefore is essential: Felix, NMRPipe, Sparky, NMRView, XPLOR, DYANA, MolMol, VMD. The laboratory contains the following instruments: Varian Unity 400, Varian Unity 500, Varian Unity Inova 300WB, Varian Unity Inova 500 (2), Varian Unity Inova 600, Varian Unity Inova 750 and Varian Infinity Plus 500WB. The Inova 750 and InfinityPlus 500WB are equipped for modern multidimensional magic-angle spinning experiments for proteins.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications.
Starting date: As soon as possible after closing date of July 2, 2007.
Closing Date: For full consideration, all application materials (including cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of reference) must be received by the closing date of July 2, 2007. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date.
Application: SCS prefers that applications be submitted online. To submit an application electronically, go to http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/scs_applicants and include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three references. We strongly recommend that you fill out the online application form as soon as you have assembled the names and email addresses of 3 references. This will create your application file, after which you (and your letter writers) will be able to upload application documents and reference letters. If necessary, applications could be mailed to: Attn: NMR Spectroscopist Search Committee, School of Chemical Sciences, 106 Noyes Lab, 505 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. Minorities, women, and other designated class members are encouraged to apply.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
School of Chemical Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking applicants for Spectroscopist in its Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory. This facility primarily supports research in the Departments of Chemistry and of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. This full-time academic professional position requires a broad range of professional and technical skills. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or related field, with specialization in NMR spectroscopy, or the equivalent experience in NMR spectroscopy.
The successful applicant will be a hands-on spectroscopist but also responsible for working with faculty, students, and staff. The skills sought include experience in configuring spectrometers and performing multidimensional biomolecular NMR experiments. Some experience is required in both multi-nuclear solution and solid state NMR, as well as computational skills for processing and analyzing 2D and 3D protein NMR data sets, assigning spectra, and computing protein structures from NMR restraint sets. At least some familiarity with the following software packages (or closely related alternatives) therefore is essential: Felix, NMRPipe, Sparky, NMRView, XPLOR, DYANA, MolMol, VMD. The laboratory contains the following instruments: Varian Unity 400, Varian Unity 500, Varian Unity Inova 300WB, Varian Unity Inova 500 (2), Varian Unity Inova 600, Varian Unity Inova 750 and Varian Infinity Plus 500WB. The Inova 750 and InfinityPlus 500WB are equipped for modern multidimensional magic-angle spinning experiments for proteins.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications.
Starting date: As soon as possible after closing date of July 2, 2007.
Closing Date: For full consideration, all application materials (including cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of reference) must be received by the closing date of July 2, 2007. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date.
Application: SCS prefers that applications be submitted online. To submit an application electronically, go to http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/scs_applicants and include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three references. We strongly recommend that you fill out the online application form as soon as you have assembled the names and email addresses of 3 references. This will create your application file, after which you (and your letter writers) will be able to upload application documents and reference letters. If necessary, applications could be mailed to: Attn: NMR Spectroscopist Search Committee, School of Chemical Sciences, 106 Noyes Lab, 505 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. Minorities, women, and other designated class members are encouraged to apply.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Research Officer/Senior Research Officer
Research Officer/Senior Research Officer in Structural Genomics
Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Australia
More details below:
The research group led by Professor Glenn King at the Institute for Molecular
Bioscience (http://imb.uq.edu.au) is focused on drug and insecticide
discovery and the implementation of high-throughput techniques for protein
structure determination using NMR spectroscopy.
The Role: The successful candidate will be the lead structural biologist in a
novel and ambitious structural and functional genomics initiative that aims
to provide the first complete structure-function overview of the venom
proteome of a venomous animal. The majority of NMR experiments will be
performed using a state-of-the-art cryoprobe-equipped 900 MHz NMR
The Person: Applicants should possess a PhD in structural biology,
biophysics, biochemistry, or protein chemistry and extensive practical
experience with elucidation of protein structures using 3D triple-resonance
NMR techniques.
Selection Criteria: The position description and selection criteria can be
obtained online (http://www.uq.edu.au/jobs/2005documents/imb/1124852.doc), or
by contacting Barb Clyde by phone (+61 7 3346 2121) or email
Remuneration: This position is a full-time, fixed term appointment at
Research Academic Level A for 30 months initially, with ongoing renewal
subject to funding. Appointment at Academic Level B will be considered for
outstanding candidates with appropriate experience and skills. The
remuneration package will be in the range of AUS $54,289 to $73,639 per annum
(Academic Level A) or AUS $77,515 to $92,048 per annum (Academic Level B),
which includes employer superannuation contributions of 17% (equivalent to a
401K plan in the USA). The appointment will be at a level commensurate with
the successful candidate?s experience.
Contact: For further details, contact Professor Glenn King by phone (+61 7
3346 2025) or email (glenn.king@imb.uq.edu.au).
Submission of applications: Send applications, preferably by email
(b.clyde@imb.uq.edu.au), to the Human Resource Consultant, Institute for
Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072,
Closing Date for Applications: 1 July, 2007
Job Reference Number: 1124852
Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Australia
More details below:
The research group led by Professor Glenn King at the Institute for Molecular
Bioscience (http://imb.uq.edu.au) is focused on drug and insecticide
discovery and the implementation of high-throughput techniques for protein
structure determination using NMR spectroscopy.
The Role: The successful candidate will be the lead structural biologist in a
novel and ambitious structural and functional genomics initiative that aims
to provide the first complete structure-function overview of the venom
proteome of a venomous animal. The majority of NMR experiments will be
performed using a state-of-the-art cryoprobe-equipped 900 MHz NMR
The Person: Applicants should possess a PhD in structural biology,
biophysics, biochemistry, or protein chemistry and extensive practical
experience with elucidation of protein structures using 3D triple-resonance
NMR techniques.
Selection Criteria: The position description and selection criteria can be
obtained online (http://www.uq.edu.au/jobs/2005documents/imb/1124852.doc), or
by contacting Barb Clyde by phone (+61 7 3346 2121) or email
Remuneration: This position is a full-time, fixed term appointment at
Research Academic Level A for 30 months initially, with ongoing renewal
subject to funding. Appointment at Academic Level B will be considered for
outstanding candidates with appropriate experience and skills. The
remuneration package will be in the range of AUS $54,289 to $73,639 per annum
(Academic Level A) or AUS $77,515 to $92,048 per annum (Academic Level B),
which includes employer superannuation contributions of 17% (equivalent to a
401K plan in the USA). The appointment will be at a level commensurate with
the successful candidate?s experience.
Contact: For further details, contact Professor Glenn King by phone (+61 7
3346 2025) or email (glenn.king@imb.uq.edu.au).
Submission of applications: Send applications, preferably by email
(b.clyde@imb.uq.edu.au), to the Human Resource Consultant, Institute for
Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072,
Closing Date for Applications: 1 July, 2007
Job Reference Number: 1124852
Postdoctoral research position
Postdoctoral research position in the Akke group at Biophysical Chemistry and the Center for Molecular Protein Science, Lund University
We are looking for highly motivated candidates to engage in challenging projects on biomolecular dynamics using NMR spectroscopy. We work in several areas, including protein folding, enzyme dynamics, and ribosome function.
The successful candidate has a strong background in NMR spectroscopy, and preferably in the development and application of multinuclear and multidimensional techniques towards biomolecular studies. Prior experience in protein expression and purification is a plus, but not a requirement.
The position is available from September 2007. Your application should include a statement of research interest, CV, and the names and e-mail addresses of 2-3 senior scientists (advisors etc) who are willing to provide letters of recommendation.
General information:
We have one 500 MHz and one 600 MHz Varian system of the latest generation (VnmrS), both equipped with 4 channels and pulsed field gradients. Access to higher fields (800 and 900 MHz Varian systems) and cryogenic probes are available off site at the Swedish NMR Center.
In addition, the department is equipped with a variety of biophysical instrumentation including CD, fluorescence, microcalorimetry, stopped-flow, surface plasmon resonance, light scattering, X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry.
We are part of the Center for Molecular Protein Science, a dynamic and multidisciplinary research environment ( http://www.mps.lu.se/ ) that covers a wide range of research in molecular protein science.
More information about our research and recent publications can be found on our webpage:
For more information on the different project, please contact:
Mikael Akke, mailto:mikael.akke@bpc.lu.se
We are looking for highly motivated candidates to engage in challenging projects on biomolecular dynamics using NMR spectroscopy. We work in several areas, including protein folding, enzyme dynamics, and ribosome function.
The successful candidate has a strong background in NMR spectroscopy, and preferably in the development and application of multinuclear and multidimensional techniques towards biomolecular studies. Prior experience in protein expression and purification is a plus, but not a requirement.
The position is available from September 2007. Your application should include a statement of research interest, CV, and the names and e-mail addresses of 2-3 senior scientists (advisors etc) who are willing to provide letters of recommendation.
General information:
We have one 500 MHz and one 600 MHz Varian system of the latest generation (VnmrS), both equipped with 4 channels and pulsed field gradients. Access to higher fields (800 and 900 MHz Varian systems) and cryogenic probes are available off site at the Swedish NMR Center.
In addition, the department is equipped with a variety of biophysical instrumentation including CD, fluorescence, microcalorimetry, stopped-flow, surface plasmon resonance, light scattering, X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry.
We are part of the Center for Molecular Protein Science, a dynamic and multidisciplinary research environment ( http://www.mps.lu.se/ ) that covers a wide range of research in molecular protein science.
More information about our research and recent publications can be found on our webpage:
For more information on the different project, please contact:
Mikael Akke, mailto:mikael.akke@bpc.lu.se
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