The Solid-state NMR group of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry invites applications for a
Postdoc position (up to 3 years).
Founded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the European Commission, within a research network coordinated by the Fraunhofer-Institut Oberhausen, we aim to study the absorptive properties of coal and link to a molecular structure model.
Additional to a MAS NMR analysis of coal samples, optical pumping of noble gasses in order to explore surface properties is intended.
The solid-state NMR group in Leiden provides a comprehensive infrastructure including various fields (MAS between 2.3 to 17.6 Tesla), MRI, facilities for illumination in the magnet (Xe lamps, solid-state lasers, OPO) and for low temperature experiments.
Interested candidates should have a strong background in solid-state NMR, knowledge on optical pumping is desirable, interest on material science and the ability to work independently within the network. The postdoc would be encouraged to build up his/her own line of research. The position will be initially offered for one year with the intension to extend to about three years. Project start will be 1st of October 2008.
For information and application, please contact:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
j.matysik (at)
tel.: +31-71-527 4198
Dr. Joerg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
PO Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden (mail)
Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden (visit/courier)
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-71-527-4198
Fax: +31-71-527-4603