Freitag, 6. Februar 2009

Post-doc position Grenoble

Post-doc position: Sensitivity optimized NMR instrumentation for resistive high field magnets

Location: Grenoble, France

The NMR team at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (GHMFL) is looking for an experimental post-doctoral researcher for the development of NMR instrumentation for ultra high magnetic fields.

The GHMFL is Europe’s largest high magnetic field infrastructure. Amongst others, it operates a worldwide unique NMR user facility conducting ultra high field NMR research in 20 MW resistive magnets up to 34 T and at temperatures as low as 40 mK. Since January 2009 GHMFL has been engaged in the EuroMagNET II project of the European Commission ( that involves all European infrastructures for high magnetic fields located at Grenoble (GHMFL), Nijmegen (HFML), Dresden (HLD) and Toulouse (LNCMP).

The post-doctoral position is open within a Joint Research Activity (JRA) of EuroMagNET II aiming at Enhanced Sensitivity and Single Scan NMR (ES3-NMR). The JRA is conducted by NMR research groups at the four high field laboratories and associated partners. The Grenoble NMR team will develop tailored NMR instrumentation for enhanced resolution, field stability and optimized sensitivity in the field range up to 34 T and will place it at the disposal of the user groups. This activity will provide new options for the solid state physics community, and will also meet the particular demands of new user groups coming from the area of materials-related research and solid state chemistry.

Details of the position

* Development, commissioning and utilisation of sophisticated NMR instrumentation for magnetic fields up to 34 T including NMR probeheads, as well as high frequency and low temperature electronics in collaboration with the NMR team, service facilities at GHMFL and partners of the JRA.
* Development of equipment to overcome the intrinsic field instability and inhomogeneity of resistive high field magnets, as for example NMR spin-locks and shimming, in collaboration with the NMR team, GHMFL engineers and partners of the JRA.
* Experimental NMR research and support (local contact) for international visitors performing the ultra high field NMR at the GHMFL.


* PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, physical engineering or related field.
* Enthusiasm and interest in development of sophisticated scientific instrumentation.
* Good communications skills and capacity for teamwork.
* Experience in experimental NMR would be advantageous.

Applications should include a CV, references and a statement of interests.
The position is available for at least one year with possibility of extension.


Steffen Krämer
Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory - CNRS
25 rue des Martyrs
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
Tel. +33 (0)4 76 88 74 44
Fax +33 (0)4 76 88 10 01

Further information on activities of the NMR group can be found on the Web site: