Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

ERC-funded postdoctoral fellowships available at Weizmann

In connection to the impending signing of an Advanced Research Award by the European Research Council in support of our research, I am looking to hire two post-doctoral researchers in support of work to be carried out at Weizmann over a 2-3 year period within the 2010-2014 calendar years. These hirings offer ample flexibility, and are meant to deal with a number of multidisciplinary problems within the field of magnetic resonance in its broadest sense; involving solid state studies of hyperpolarized quadrupolar nuclei and spin-1/2 in biomolecules, in vitro and biological DNP NMR, in vivo NMR/MRS spectroscopy, ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopy of biophysical rearrangements, and functional MRI and MRS. Our aim is in fact to bring together complementary aspects of solid state, solution, in vivo, DNP and imaging NMR spectroscopies, towards the development of new methodologies and hitherto unachievable applications. The candidate should have a strong background in at least one of these magnetic resonance areas (at a Ph.D. level), and a willingness to be exposed to the remaining ones. Specific expertise in magnetic resonance software and hardware (EPR, NMR, MRS or MRI) is required.

The Weizmann Institute is located in a small, affordable and friendly town at the feet of the Judean hills, and is one of Israel's premier scientific institutions. It is a research center whose official language is English and which offers numerous facilities to international visitors, including furnished apartments for visiting postdocs (and their families). From its inception the Institute has shown an unequivocal commitment to all areas of magnetic resonance and over the years it has made extensive investments in NMR faculty, staff and in infrastructure. As a result the Institute possesses an 800 MHz NMR with a cryoprobe, a 600 MHz widebore triple-resonance solids/liquids/imaging machine, a 3 T whole-body MRI scanner, a 95 GHz pulse EPR spectrometer, a 9.4 T animal MRI scanner, an OI Hypersense DNP, para-hydrogen NMR facilities, and numerous (dozens) of other NMR instruments placed in various magnetic resonance buildings as well as several groups involved in all areas of magnetic resonance. As a result of the impending ERC support, the incorporation of significant new MR hardware is also planned.

Those interested in being considered for these positions should send their Vitae and at least two References to Thanking you in advance for bringing this notice to the attention of potential candidates,

With kind regards,

Lucio Frydman

Lucio Frydman, Professor and Kimmel Fellow
Department of Chemical Physics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, 76100 Israel
Phone: 972-8-9344903
Lab: 972-8-9344901
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