Postdoctoral position and 2-3 PhD studentships, Massey University, New Zealand
A two-year postdoctoral fellowship and two to three PhD studentships are available to apply state-of-the-art NMR techniques to protein and RNA structural and dynamic analysis. This project is a collaboration with the University of Sydney, where complementary Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) studies will be performed, and with the New York Structural Biology Center. The Massey University Centre for Structural Biology houses a 700 MHz Bruker Avance NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe in addition to 500, 400 and 200 MHz spectrometers. Support is via a grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Postdoctoral salary will begin at NZD 61,612 per anna. The initial appointment will be for one year (as required by University regulations), but funding is in place for a second year, subject to a standard performance review, and extension into a third year is possible pending funding decisions.
The PhD fellowships carry tax exempt stipends of NZD 23,000 per anna. There is no teaching requirement, and all student tuition and fees are covered by the grant. Students with exceptional undergraduate marks may be eligible for a University Scholarship which provides an increase in stipend level.
The nominal closing date for these positions is 25 November 2009, however late applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
Interested parties should email a cover letter, c.v. and contact information for three referees to Associate Professor Steven Pascal.
See for email address and further information.
Steven M. Pascal
Senior Lecturer and
Director of BioNMR Research
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Massey University
Palmerston North, New Zealand
voice: 646-356-9099 ext 3558
fax: 646-350-5682