Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

PhD Studentship

PhD Studentship in the application of OCT and MRI to the monitoring of microscopic changes in rock art monuments

An exciting new collaborative research project between the Nottingham Trent University and the English Heritage funded under the research council initiative on Science and Heritage ( is recruiting a PhD student to work on the application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to the conservation of prehistoric rock art monuments.

The purpose of the research is to use non-invasive methods to image and measure porosity below the decorated surfaces of open-air rock art monuments, to increase our understanding of decay and prediction of vulnerability. Porosity is an important indicator of vulnerability, as voids are open to freeze-thaw, to rootlets and to hyphae. This work will make an important contribution to conserving these monuments. This will also open a new area of research whereby the novel combination of two non-invasive techniques (OCT & MRI) normally used in biomedical imaging is applied for the first time on rock art monuments.

The student will be based at Nottingham Trent University and work under the supervision of Dr Liang in Imaging for Art Conservation & Archaeology, Dr Bencsik in MRI and Professor Pyatt in Environmental Science & Analytical Archaeology. The student will also be expected to attend project meetings with scientists at the English Heritage and go on field trips to test the imaging methods on rock art monuments.

The PhD studentship would suit a highly motivated person with interest in imaging science, in particular MRI, optical interferometry and hyperspectral imaging. Interests in art conservation/history are desirable but not essential.

Minimum entry requirement: a first class or upper second class Honours degree (or equivalent) in physics, engineering, geology, archaeological science, conservation science, computer science, forensic science, chemistry and other physical sciences.

Award: the studentship offers a stipend of £15,313 (tax free) per annum for 3 years and Home/EU student fees.

Eligibility: applicants from the UK are eligible for a full award of stipend and tuition fees. Students with a relevant connection to an EU country other than the UK are eligible for fees only. However, an EU candidate may be eligible for a full award if a relevant connection with the UK has been established. A relevant connection may be established if an EU national has been in full time education in the UK throughout the three years preceding the start date of the course. International candidates are not eligible to apply for this studentship.

Closing date: 30th November 2009

For informal enquiries, please contact:

Dr Haida Liang: , +44 (0) 115 848 8056
Dr Martin Bencsik:, +44 (0) 115 848 8057
For an application form, please contact:
Ms. Rebecca Palfrey
Research & Graduate Studies Office
Erasmus Darwin Building
Nottingham Trent University
Clifton Lane,
Nottingham NG11 8NS
Telephone: +44 (0)115 848 3269
Completed applications, with copies of academic certificates, should be returned to Rebecca Palfrey.

Applications by CV only will not be accepted