PhD position in Solid State NMR & Glass
A 3-year PhD position is available at the University of Lille and CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique). Requirements for the position are a master diploma (or related degree) in physics, chemistry, materials or related field.
The research program involves the synthesis and characterization of glasses for the Vitrification of high-sulfate content nuclear wastes. The aim is to study the structural effect of some selected oxides on the glass network, with the objective of maximizing the sulphate content in the glass.
The characterizations will involve thermophysical methods and multinuclear solid-state NMR. The NMR group at the University of Lille develops new NMR methods, that will be employed for the glass characterization. The student will have full access to high-field spectrometers (18.8 and 21T) at the NMR center of Lille.
The interested candidate may send an application to prof Lionel Montagne :