EPR Research Assistant position in the
Department of Chemistry, McGill University
Applications are invited for a research assistant in the general area of EPR spectroscopy in the Centre for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures (CSACS), McGill University, Montreal, Canada. The duties for the position are to assist in research related to materials science, free radical biology, and bioinorganic chemistry and to train students in the use of our new Bruker ELEXSYS FT-EPR. A successful candidate will have a PhD in physical chemistry with extensive hands-on EPR experience and good knowledge of pulse magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Exceptional candidates with an MSc degree and extensive EPR experience will also be considered.
The position is available immediately and will entail a year to year contract and remuneration at a level comparable to a postdoctoral position.
Interested applicants should apply with a CV and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to Prof. Perepichka (dmitrii.perepichka@mcgill.ca)
Centre for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures
Department of Chemistry
McGill University
801 Sherbrooke str West
Montreal H3A 2K6
transmitted on behalf of Prof. Linda Reven, McGill University by G. Jeschke
Prof. G. Jeschke
Physical Chemistry
ETH Zurich
8093 Zurich Switzerland
E-mail: Gunnar.Jeschke@phys.chem.ethz.ch
Tel.: +41-44-6325702