The CEISAM laboratory (UMR 6230, CNRS-University of Nantes), located in Nantes, France, is recruiting a highly motivated student for a 3-years PhD position. Subject: "Methodological developments in ultrafast 2D NMR for metabolic studies". Financial support from the French Ministry of Research or from the French National Research Agency (ANR) is expected.
2D NMR is a powerful analytical tool, widely used in chemistry, biochemistry or for biomedical applications. However, its use for quantitative studies is limited by long acquisition durations that characterize this methodology. A so-called “ultrafast” methodology was recently proposed1 to record a full 2D spectrum in a single scan and in a fraction of a second. Our group is one of the world’s leading teams for developing this novel and promising methodology. We have recently shown that it could be used for quantitative purposes with an excellent precision2 . However, further development is necessary to make it suitable for studying complex metabolic mixtures.
The recruited candidate will develop ultrafast 2D NMR methods to improve their performances for studying complex samples. The methodology will be evaluated for a variety of applications such as chemical or microbiological kinetic studies, and metabolic applications. The student will be encouraged to present his/her results in national and international conferences.
Prospective PhD candidates must hold a Master degree in Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics or Analytical Chemistry and have solid knowledge in NMR. A previous experience in experimental NMR and/or programming will be a plus. The candidates should be highly motivated and show an aptitude to work independently.
Patrick Giraudeau (
Serge Akoka (
CEISAM, Bât. 9, Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques – BP 92208
2 rue de la Houssinière 44322 Nantes Cedex 3
Tel : /
Références :
1. L. Frydman, T. Scherf, A. Lupulescu, Prod. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002) 15858-15862.
2. P. Giraudeau, G.S. Remaud, S. Akoka, Anal. Chem. 81 (2009) 479-484.