Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

Postdoctoral Position at Cowburn Lab

Postdoctoral Position at Cowburn Lab, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

An open postdoctoral position in structural biology is available for research on protein structure, dynamics, and function focusing on kinases and inteins.

Interested candidates should have a strong background in one or more of the following areas: multidimensional NMR, crystallography, protein expressions methods, and computer simulations of molecular structure and have completed their Ph.D.

Einstein provides a modern cross-disciplinary environment for research and education. NMR facilities include nine solution NMR spectrometers from 500 to 900 MHz equipped with cryogenic probes on site or at the New York Structural Biology Center. Extensive shared resources are available for protein production, crystallography, and high-performance computing.

The position is now available. Interested candidates should send their biographical sketch identifying three referees by email ( ).

David Cowburn
Professor, Depts. of Biochemistry and of Physiology & Biophysics
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University