Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011

Postdoc Membrane Proteins

Structural studies of membrane proteins by NMR
A post-doctoral position is available to work on the structural studies of a variety of
membrane proteins (cytochrome P450, cytochrome b5, cytochrome-P450-reductase,
and a combination of these proteins to probe protein-protein interactions)
and amyloid proteins using NMR spectroscopy. We are presently utilizing a combination
of high-resolution solution NMR and solid-state (static and MAS) NMR techniques to
solve high-resolution structures and characterize the dynamics of membrane proteins
embedded in suitable model membranes including micelles, isotropic bicelles, bicelles,
and lipid bilayers. Excellent solution and solid-state NMR facilities (spectrometers ranging
from 400 MHz to 900 MHz), protein expression capabilities, and computational facilities
are available.

Interested applicants should have experience in any of the following areas:
structural biology of proteins by solution NMR, solid-state NMR methods development,
solution NMR methods development to study protein dynamics.

For more details about our research projects and recent publications, please visit our website:

If you are interested in working on these exciting projects in collaboration with highly
enthusiastic and dynamic group of researchers, please send your CV by email to:

Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy
Professor of Biophysics and Chemistry
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor
MI 48109-1055