Montag, 27. April 2009

PhD student FMP Berlin

PhD student position open

at the Research Institute of Molecular Pharmacology (FMP), Berlin, Germany, Department of NMR based Structural Biology.

The FMP forms part of the biomedical campus Berlin-Buch along with the Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, research clinics and biotech companies, offering an exciting, interdisciplinary research environment in NMR-based structural biology, cell biology, signal transduction, molecular genetics and medicinal chemistry.


The project focuses on structure determination of biomolecules using solid-state NMR. Topics are within the area of amyloid fibril formation, membrane protein structure, protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. An emphasis is put on the development of NMR methodology.


The applicant should have a degree in biochemistry, biophysics or a related discipline. Experience in expression and purification of proteins, implementation of NMR pulse sequences, data analysis and/or MD simulations are welcome.


Applications, including CV, summary of past accomplishments, and names of three referees, should be send by email to:
Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany

For further information, please see

Donnerstag, 23. April 2009

NMR post doc Orleans France

Solid state NMR and electrochemistry

NMR Post doc or research engineer one year (+ 6 months possible): experimental NMR, gross salary 2500 euros.
Centre de la Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, CNRS, 1 b rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans cedex 2 France.
Starting from may 2009, as soon as possible.
Running solid state, static Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments, coupled with electrochemistry. The sample, a lithium-ion battery inside the magnet, is powered by a galvanostat. The aim is to study the transformation of new electrode materials during the charge/discharge process in a continuous way. A probehead for 7Li is already functionning, a multinuclei new probe has to be fixed with circuitry such as connexions, filters and new coils.
The candidate will have to set up pulse sequences to observe different nuclei and set up the current on the galvanostat control device. In addition he/she will have to help with the circuitry.
Some previous experience in NMR is required. Initial training in physics, or electricity, rather than chemistry is prefered . Ability for computer programming and knowledge in electrochemistry would be a plus. The net salary (after deduction of all the taxes) is about 1850 euros.

Please contact Michel LETELLIER,

Marie Curie Fellowship - Lisbon

Marie Curie Fellowship: ESR position at Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon), Lisbon, Portugal

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
FP7/Marie Curie Actions

Job Reference Number

Main Research Field

Sub Research Field
Condensed Matter Physics – Liquid Crystals

Job Summary
The Early Stage Researcher will participate in experimental research
work the field of Liquid Crystal Physics in the framework of the “Dendreamers” European Project.
The investigations will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of
Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon). The research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies on functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential technological applications.

The investigations, in the framework of the DENDREAMERS project
will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University
of Lisbon). The
research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies of molecular order and
dynamics of functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential applications in
biomedicine or as advanced molecular materials. Additionally, other
techniques will be used for the characterisation of LC phases: e.g. polarising optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and electro-optical measurements.

The researchers will receive formation in the framework of the post-graduate doctoral
programme at the Physics Department of IST, integrated in the Liquid Crystal and
NMR group.

The formation and research activity to be performed includes a stage of 6 month in at
least one of the other groups involved in the project.
Applicants should be European or other Third Countries citizens (not Portuguese).
Hold a Master’s degree in Physics, or equivalent degree corresponding to a 5-year
programme, adequate for the admission in a PhD programme at IST.

Applicants must to be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research activity
- The 4 years are counted from the diploma giving access to doctoral
studies (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without
having to acquire any further qualifications) in the country in which the diploma was obtained.

Persons who have obtained a doctorate are ineligible for the Early Stage fellowships,
independently of the time taken to acquire it.
The reseachers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to
their recruitment.

Applicants should send by e-mail a cover letter, a CV, and two reference letters from
academic or industrial scientists to Prof. Carlos R. Cruz (

Other Requirements:

Language: English.
Applications deadline: 31/05/2009.
Indicative starting date: Summer 2009. The contract start and incorporation of the
students to the host lab will depend on the validation by Portuguese laws of their degree title.

Review of the applications will begin immediately after their reception; candidates are encouraged to send their applications as soon as possible.
Information: Project summary at:
Further information on the project can be obtained from Prof. Carlos
R. Cruz, e-mail:
Salary: Appointment will be as early-stage researcher (ESR) at Marie
Curie rates, including a living allowance of EUR 30893 per year (gross salary,
pre-tax), and a monthly mobility allowance of EUR 457 for unmarried/single or EUR 731 for married fellows (all gross salary). In addition, successful candidates will be eligible for an annual travel allowance (depending on distance to home country).

Application: Written applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of university grades, and a motivation letter of interest in this specific position,
as well as an indication of your total duration of research experience since
university graduation (full-time equivalent).

-- Pedro Sebastião Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Email: URL: Tel: (+351) 218419210 + Centro de Física da Matéria Condensada-UL Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: (+351) 217904754 Fax: (+351) 217954288 Email: URL:

PhD student position in chemistry

PhD student position in chemistry
with a focus on NMR Spectroscopy
in environmental science

Announced by the Department of Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, in
collaboration with Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU.

The Department of Chemistry at Umeå University today has approximately 200
members and offers a stimulating environment with a commitment to excellence
in teaching and research, and provides a valuable service to society. The
department offers degrees at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, and our
graduate- and postgraduate students are attractive for employment in both
academic institutions and industry. The Department of Chemistry now

The project is oriented towards the development and application of NMR based
methods aimed to understand the environmental behavior of organic P released
from the terrestrial environment and its microbial availability. The soil P
cycle is a key issue both for climate-related effects on high-latitude
ecosystems and in combating P-restriction in food/forestry production,
especially in tropical third world countries.

This study is a part of an interdisciplinary project between Chemistry,
Medical Biophysics, Ecology and Soil Science with focus on: Molecular
understanding of phosphorous dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The project includes NMR-based analysis of soil samples, characterization
and identification of various organic phosphorous species, embedded in an
interdisciplinary view on microbial activity and complex processes in the
environment. Your task - in close collaboration with ecology and soil
scientists - will be to:

Develop biologically meaningful new methods in organic P specification in
agricultural and forest soils as well as fresh water systems based on solid
state/solution 31P NMR techniques.
Sample preparation for solid-state / solution NMR, NMR measurements and data
analysis on a range of biological samples.
Analysis of the speciation of organic P from terrestrial and aquatic
Improve the understanding of the coupling between P availability in relation
to P fixation, i.e. determine which biophysico-chemical processes govern P
availability (adsorption versus release processes).
Estimate the contribution of different organic P species in terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems and how these relate to plant and microbial growth.
The recruitment procedure will follow the Higher Education Ordinance
(“Högskoleförordningen” Chapters 5 and 7). Prerequisites include either
i)240 ECTS credits (swe. Högskolepoäng) of higher education studies of which
60 should be on an advanced level (Master level) with focus on chemistry, or
ii) 120 Swedish (old) credits (swe. Poäng; corresponding to 180 ECTS
credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007
or equivalent competence.

Advanced course(s) or other experience in NMR and/or Ecology, soil science
and statistics are of advantage, as well as evidence of proficiency in
written and oral communication in English.

The application should contain a CV, including academic grades and relevant
documentation, and a personal letter of one A4 sheet describing yourself and
your reasons for applying to this position.

For more information, contact Prof. Gerhard Gröbner, phone +46-(0)90-786 63
46, e-mail: or Dr. Ulrik Ilstedt, phone +
46-(0)90-786 83 90, e-mail:

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO,
+46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-317-09, should
be sent to or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå,
Sweden to arrive April 30, 2009 at the latest.

We look forward receiving your application!

Gerhard Gröbner
Biophysical Chemistry
Umeå University
90187 Umeå

MRI staff scientist position in Gainesville, FL

The Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (AMRIS) Facility seeks an MR imaging scientist or engineer for the permanent research staff position of Coordinator of Research Programs and Services in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Program. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in Physical Sciences or Engineering, with a demonstrated expertise in techniques and applications of high field MR imaging. Previous experience in pulse sequence design and implementation is desirable. Experience working with live animals is especially welcome.

The successful candidate will be expected to provide support to scientists at the University of Florida who use the facility as well as the external user program supported by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL). This position offers unique opportunities to contribute to the development of the MR imaging program at AMRIS and the NHMFL by conducting independent and collaborative research projects. The position will be based in Gainesville, but as there is a close relationship with the NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, occasional travel will be expected. Ongoing research in the facility includes development of novel, primarily diffusion-based techniques for magnetic resonance microscopy, the investigation of novel contrast agents at ultra-high magnetic field, and implementation and maintenance of standard imaging protocols, including cardiac imaging and fMRI. Candidates with an interest in in vivo NMR, in the development of novel methods and/or instrumentation are especially encouraged to apply.

As part of its MR imaging capabilities, AMRIS currently houses a 3T 16 channel Phillips whole body system, a 4.7T 30 cm Bruker Scanner, an 11T 40cm Bruker Scanner, and a 17.6T 8.9cm Bruker System. A 21T 10.4cm Bruker system is housed at the NHMFL facility in Tallahassee. At the end of 2009 the 11T magnet will undergo a system upgrade.

Specific job requirements:

Responsible for coordinating, scheduling and ensuring proper utilization of research facilities.
Recommend and implement operating policies and procedures in the AMRIS facility.
Keep abreast of current developments and ensures compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Plan and participate in research projects.
Direct and modify research plans.
Develop methods and techniques for, and evaluate results of, experiments or studies.
Prepare and review manuscripts for publication and presentations at scientific meetings.
May serve as liaison between the AMRIS facility and outside agencies and the general public.

For additional information on applying, please contact Dr. Joanna R. Long at or Dr. Glenn Walter at Applications will be evaluated beginning April 30, 2009. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action Employer.

Job opening in Lyon

The High Field NMR Center in Lyon seeks a NMR spectroscopist (CNRS position)
to manage the NMR instruments (from 500 to 1000 MHz) and the activities of
its national and European facilities.

Primary responsibilities: to oversee the day to day operation of the NMR
instruments in support of research for in-house and external researchers; to
assist the external users in their research and provide the most appropriate
NMR experiments for their activities in the Center; to actively participate
in the installation of new equipment (magnets, probes, consoles, computers);
and to assist students and postdoctoral researchers in the use of the NMR

Required qualifications: Master or Ph.D. in chemistry or other physical
science; experience in NMR spectroscopy. Previous research experience in the
field of NMR, including the development of scientific applications and
experimental techniques.

To apply: please contact Anne Lesage (

Closing date for application: is July 10, 2009

Mittwoch, 15. April 2009

Dauerstelle wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in Hannover

Am Institut für Organische Chemie ist eine Stelle als
wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in (EntgGr. E14)
zum 01. September 2009 zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist unbefristet.

Ausstattung des Arbeitsplatzes
Leitung und Betreuung der NMR-Einrichtungen: Das NMR-Labor verfügt über ein 200-, zwei 400- und ein 500-MHz-NMR-Spektrometer (mit Cryoprobenkopf; teilweise im Open-Access-Betrieb), alle von der Firma Bruker. Sie werden hauptsächlich bei der Strukturaufklärung kleiner und mittelgroßer Moleküle aus dem Bereich der Wirk- und Naturstoffchemie in Lösung eingesetzt.

Gesucht wird ein/e promovierte/r Wissenschaftler/in, der/die mit allen aktuellen NMR-Messtechniken, aber auch mit der technischen Betreuung und Wartung der NMR-Geräte gut vertraut ist. Für die Mitarbeit im routinemäßigen Messbetrieb stehen zwei seit Jahren erfahrene Technikerinnen zur Verfuegung, die unter seiner/ihrer Anleitung arbeiten.
Zu den Aufgaben des/r Stelleninhabers/in gehören ausserdem die Teilnahme an Spektroskopie-relevanten Lehrveranstaltungen, Betrieb und Wartung des hausinternen NMR- und Mailservers sowie Beratung und Koordination der kommerziellen Software im Hause.
Der/die Stelleninhaber/in soll zudem die wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter aller Arbeitskreise des Instituts bei der Auswahl geeigneter NMR-Messtechniken und der Auswertung ihrer Spektren wissenschaftlich beraten und wird dazu in deren Forschungsprojekte eingebunden. Eigene Forschungsarbeiten sind im Rahmen der zur Verfügung stehenden Arbeits- und Spektrometerzeit willkommen.

Abgeschlossenes Chemiestudium, vorzugsweise spezialisiert auf Wirk- und Naturstoffchemie; mehrjährige Erfahrung in Bedienung und Wartung von NMR-Spektrometern inklusive des wissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Hintergrundes

Die Leibniz Universität Hannover will Frauen im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften besonders fördern und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt.

Bewerber melden sich bitte bis zum 31.05.2008 unter Einsendung der üblichen Unterlagen bei:

Prof. Dr. Helmut Duddeck
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Organische Chemie
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Schneiderberg 1B
30167 Hannover
Tel.: +49 (0)511 762-4615
Fax: +49 (0)511 762-4616

Dienstag, 14. April 2009

Job position at GE

Job Number: 1016545
Business: GE Corporate
Business Segment Global: Research
About Us: General Electric, a $152 bn
company present in over a hundred countries, is a
diversified business with the focus of translating imagination into
tangible ideas and products.

GE Global Research - Europe is GE's European technology hub specializing
in Energy, Oil & Gas, Sensor, and Healthcare technologies. Laboratories
represented are Alternative Energy and Environmental Technologies,
Hybrid & Renewable Energy Systems, High Power Electronics, Sensor
Technology, and Imaging Technologies Europe. Emerging technology areas
are Instrumentation, Composite Manufacturing Technology and

GE Global Research - Europe is one of the most attractive companies for
top talents in science and technology in Europe and employs highly
qualified scientists from around the globe. Researchers operate in
interdisciplinary teams, enjoy close business interaction and working in
the Center's "can-do" environment. Their enthusiasm provides a solid
foundation for leading and driving new projects, which in turn
translates into continual growth for the company.

GE is one of the Top Employers in Germany and ranks # 1 in the 2007
Handelsblatt Karriere Magazine survey in regards to Career Development.

Posted Position Title: MR Scientist (m/f)
Career Level: Experienced
Function: Engineering/Technology
Function Segment: Research - Physics
Location: Germany
City: Garching b. Munchen

Essential Responsibilities:
As an MR scientist, you will be developing new techniques and algorithms
in magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, or
functional magnetic resonance imaging. Broad goals of this position are
the improvement of image quality, development of new technology that
will enhance the MR system performance, clinical performance and

You will be expected to work independently and also within a larger team
to innovate and push the technical envelope in all aspects of magnetic
resonance imaging. You will have access to a state-of-the-art 3.0T whole
body MR scanner.

Your main responsibilities are:

* Apply knowledge and experience in MR physics to develop new
technological solutions for MR imaging
* Work with clinical partners to refine emerging technology for clinical
* Maintain external visibility through conference presentations and
peer-reviewed publications


* A Ph.D. in Medical Physics, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry or
Biomedical Engineering or a Masters Degree in Medical Physics,
Electrical Engineering, Chemistry or Biomedical Engineering. At least 3
years experience in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (including
time in graduate school) is desired.
* A demonstrated record of research and development in MR imaging as
evidenced by conference proceedings and peer-reviewed publications
* Proficiency in programming of MR pulse sequences or image
reconstruction algorithms, and demonstrated expertise in MR physics.
* A strong foundation in MR systems architecture is required
* Proficiency in programming in C, simulation tools (MATLAB, IDL,
Mathematica, etc.).
* Excellent academic track record and proven scientific achievements
* Excellent communication skills
* Ability to work in a matrix environment
* Can-do attitude
* Open, creative & flexible
* Team-work & commitment
* Global mindset & customer focus
* Solution oriented & pragmatic
* Entrepreneurial mindset & acquisition expertise
* Fluency in English

Desired Characteristics:
* Basic knowledge in German

Master, PhD and postdoctoral Positions in Gif-sur-Yvette, France

The biomolecular NMR research group of Dr. Eric Guittet ( at the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles in Gif-sur-Yvette (France) is looking for Master and PhD students and postdocs from all nationalities.

Our laboratory uses modern NMR techniques to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying biological functions for a variety of systems involving proteins such as enzymes, unfolded proteins and macromolecular complexes. We are also interested in structure-based drug design and in developing new methodology for protein NMR resonance assignment.

Three projects are currently under investigation in the lab:

- Structural and dynamics studies of small G-proteins Arfs: investigation of the GDP/GTP-bound switch mechanism and analyses of interactions with regulators and effectors. PI: Carine van Heijenoort.

- Structural and dynamics investigation of the C-terminal intrinsically disordered regulatory domain of the tyrosine kinase receptor ErbB2 (270aa): influence of proline rich regions and of tyrosine phosphorylation in disorder and local structuration and impact on its interactions with signalling partners. PI: Carine van Heijenoort.

- Investigation of the catalytic role of interdomain motion in the 75 kDa Cytochrome P450 Reductase in electron transfer from NADPH to Cytochrome P450. PI: Ewen Lescop.

Our lab hosts several high field liquid state NMR spectrometers including the recently installed 800MHz and 950 MHz and the solid state 700MHz. Our institute (ICSN) is located inside the CNRS campus mainly dedicated to biology. The campus is in the centre of Gif-sur-Yvette, a charming village with a countryside flavour, 45mn by train from the centre of Paris and belongs to the large scientific community located in the South-West of Paris, including Soleil synchrotron and Paris XI-Orsay University.

Highly motivated applicants that have a strong background in biochemistry and/or biophysics are invited to apply. Please contact for more information and include a CV with a summary of research interests and accomplishments.

Laboratoire de Chimie et Biologie Structurales
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles - CNRS
1, avenue de la Terrasse
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Tél: 33-1-69-82-37-64
Fax: 33-1-69-82-37-84

Postdoctoral Position at FSU & NHMFL

Open postdoctoral position in the application of NMR to Systems and Structural Biology at Florida State University and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the NHMFL are recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to work on solution NMR methods with application to metabolomics and structural biology.

Recently, advances have been made for resolution enhancement of multidimensional NMR spectra and the reduction of measurement time, including covariance NMR. These approaches will be further developed and applied for the quantitative and rapid analysis of complex biological mixtures and the improved interpretation of multidimensional NMR spectra of proteins. Tools resulting from this research will be integrated in the public COLMAR webportal (

The successful candidate has a strong background in one or several of the following areas: experimental or computational protein NMR, analytical NMR, or metabolomics.

Research will be performed in the new Chemical Sciences Laboratory at FSU and the NHMFL. The Department and the NHMFL provide a cross-disciplinary environment with training opportunities and modern facilities to carry out the research. The NMR facility includes solution NMR spectrometers between 500 and 900 MHz, including three that are equipped with cryogenic probes.

The position will be available starting in June 2009. If you are interested, please send your CV to Rafael Brüschweiler along with names and email addresses of 3 individuals who can be asked for a reference.

Rafael Brüschweiler
George M. Edgar Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chemical Sciences Laboratory and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Phone: 850-644-1768
Fax: 850-644-8281

Postdoc in multinuclear MRI

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for an NIH-funded post-doctoral position in multi-nuclear musculoskeletal MRI research in the Radiology Department of New York University School of Medicine.

The candidate will join the exiting and expanding Musculoskeletal Imaging Group in the Department of Radiology. The imaging group consists of 11 MSK radiologists. The candidate should have an excellent background in the application of NMR to biological models and understanding of the concepts of NMR physics and experimental NMR techniques. Experience in musculoskeletal MRI applications is an advantage. Our musculoskeletal research focused on the development of novel multinuclear MR methods at high & ultra-fields for assessment of functional integrity of musculoskeletal systems in general and articular cartilage in particular. The candidate will also have access to interact with the other researchers in the Hospital for Joint Diseases (HJD) and department of Chemistry who have number of ongoing projects related to arthritis. We are looking for a motivated person with experience in MRI to assist in this research program. There are opportunities to work closely with a dedicated musculoskeletal imaging basic scientist as well as a large group of diverse MR physicists and chemists.

Our research facility includes several thousand square feet of dedicated research space, two state -of -the-art Siemens 3T Trio MR scanners and a 7T whole body MR system dedicated to research, as well as seven Siemens scanners used for clinical research, and a dedicated cartilage laboratory. A small bore system (9.4T) is also available at Department Chemistry for spectroscopy applications. The orthopedic and Rheumatology departments are among the largest and busiest in the country. The musculoskeletal MRI program is currently undergoing rapid expansion

Applicants must have an advanced degree (Ph.D) in Physical Science, Electrical, Biomedical Engineering or related field. The candidate must be familiar with computer operating systems and programming languages, particularly MatLab, C++, etc. Remuneration is competitive and commensurate with experience and will be based on New York University guidelines, Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Please forward your C.V. including a list of your publications, and the names/addresses of 3 references to:

Ravinder Regatte, PhD
Department of Radiology
NYU Medical Center
New York, NY 10016.
Ph. (212) 263-4857


Alexej Jerschow Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
New York University
New York, NY 10003.

PhD Zürich

Signaling via G-protein coupled receptors of high pharmacological importance. Despite its relevance little structural data are available for this class of membrane proteins. The aim of the project is to produce large fragments of GPCRs, and to study their structure but also their folding by NMR.
This ambitious project is very interdisciplinary. It includes techniques from molecular biology for recombinant expression of the membrane protein targets in isotopically enriched form. Good knowledge of biochemical working procedures is highly desired. The second emphasis will be placed on NMR spectroscopy as the primary (but not only) biophysical method to probe these interactions. Suitable candidates should have a diploma in (molecular) biology or (bio)-chemistry or a BSc/MSc in these subjects. Good knowledge in (membrane) protein expression/purification and interest in structural biology possibly with some computing know-how is highly desired. We offer good access to high-field NMR spectrometer (500 and 600 and 700 MHz, all with cryoprobes) and a well-equipped wet-lab during the PhD work. The group has experience in the field of membrane proteins, and is also collaborating with groups in the US.
The salary is based upon the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) salaries and covers approx. three-years of experimental work after which the experimental part of the PhD thesis should have been finished.

Starting date can be as early as 1st of July.

For further information you are encouraged to contact:
Prof. Oliver Zerbe
Institute of Organic Chemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Tel: 0041-44-635 42 63