Solid state NMR and electrochemistry
NMR Post doc or research engineer one year (+ 6 months possible): experimental NMR, gross salary 2500 euros.
Centre de la Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, CNRS, 1 b rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans cedex 2 France.
Starting from may 2009, as soon as possible.
Running solid state, static Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments, coupled with electrochemistry. The sample, a lithium-ion battery inside the magnet, is powered by a galvanostat. The aim is to study the transformation of new electrode materials during the charge/discharge process in a continuous way. A probehead for 7Li is already functionning, a multinuclei new probe has to be fixed with circuitry such as connexions, filters and new coils.
The candidate will have to set up pulse sequences to observe different nuclei and set up the current on the galvanostat control device. In addition he/she will have to help with the circuitry.
Some previous experience in NMR is required. Initial training in physics, or electricity, rather than chemistry is prefered . Ability for computer programming and knowledge in electrochemistry would be a plus. The net salary (after deduction of all the taxes) is about 1850 euros.
Please contact Michel LETELLIER,