Marie Curie Fellowship: ESR position at Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon), Lisbon, Portugal
Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
FP7/Marie Curie Actions
Job Reference Number
Main Research Field
Sub Research Field
Condensed Matter Physics – Liquid Crystals
Job Summary
The Early Stage Researcher will participate in experimental research
work the field of Liquid Crystal Physics in the framework of the “Dendreamers” European Project.
The investigations will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of
Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon). The research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies on functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential technological applications.
The investigations, in the framework of the DENDREAMERS project
will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University
of Lisbon). The
research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies of molecular order and
dynamics of functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential applications in
biomedicine or as advanced molecular materials. Additionally, other
techniques will be used for the characterisation of LC phases: e.g. polarising optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and electro-optical measurements.
The researchers will receive formation in the framework of the post-graduate doctoral
programme at the Physics Department of IST, integrated in the Liquid Crystal and
NMR group.
The formation and research activity to be performed includes a stage of 6 month in at
least one of the other groups involved in the project.
Applicants should be European or other Third Countries citizens (not Portuguese).
Hold a Master’s degree in Physics, or equivalent degree corresponding to a 5-year
programme, adequate for the admission in a PhD programme at IST.
Applicants must to be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research activity
- The 4 years are counted from the diploma giving access to doctoral
studies (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without
having to acquire any further qualifications) in the country in which the diploma was obtained.
Persons who have obtained a doctorate are ineligible for the Early Stage fellowships,
independently of the time taken to acquire it.
The reseachers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to
their recruitment.
Applicants should send by e-mail a cover letter, a CV, and two reference letters from
academic or industrial scientists to Prof. Carlos R. Cruz (
Other Requirements:
Language: English.
Applications deadline: 31/05/2009.
Indicative starting date: Summer 2009. The contract start and incorporation of the
students to the host lab will depend on the validation by Portuguese laws of their degree title.
Review of the applications will begin immediately after their reception; candidates are encouraged to send their applications as soon as possible.
Information: Project summary at:
Further information on the project can be obtained from Prof. Carlos
R. Cruz, e-mail:
Salary: Appointment will be as early-stage researcher (ESR) at Marie
Curie rates, including a living allowance of EUR 30893 per year (gross salary,
pre-tax), and a monthly mobility allowance of EUR 457 for unmarried/single or EUR 731 for married fellows (all gross salary). In addition, successful candidates will be eligible for an annual travel allowance (depending on distance to home country).
Application: Written applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of university grades, and a motivation letter of interest in this specific position,
as well as an indication of your total duration of research experience since
university graduation (full-time equivalent).
-- Pedro Sebastião Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Email: URL: Tel: (+351) 218419210 + Centro de Física da Matéria Condensada-UL Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: (+351) 217904754 Fax: (+351) 217954288 Email: URL: