Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

one-year renewable postdoctoral position

A one-year renewable postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of
Magnetic Resonances (LRM) at CEA/INAC in Grenoble (France) under the
supervision of Dr. M. Bardet.

The candidate will be involved in a joint project with the Advance Battery
Laboratory (LBA) of CEA/LITEN in Grenoble which aims at improving the
understanding of Li-ion battery properties (calendar life, cycle life, shelf
life, etc.) through the use of appropriate solid-state NMR experiments.

The candidate will have the opportunity to strongly interact with
solid-state NMR researchers (Coll. Dr. S. Hediger, Dr. G. De Paëpe). He or
she will be involved in material sample preparation at LBA (Coll. Dr. S.
Patoux, Dr. J. F.Martin) as well as in NMR data interpretation through the
use of DFT calculations (Coll. Dr. J.M. Mouesca).

The candidate will also have the opportunity to complement the NMR data with
the use of other methods (IR, XPS, EIS…) available at INAC and to access the
large scale facilities (ESRF, ILL) in Grenoble.

We are seeking a candidate with strong background in solid state NMR applied
to Li-ion batteries. Prior knowledge in DFT calculations will be highly
appreciated but is not mandatory. Candidates must be fluent in English
(written/spoken). Applicants can have any nationality. The position can
start from September-october 2010. The monthly salary is 2200 € (before
tax). Interested candidates should send a CV and three recommendation
letters to: michel.bardet@cea.fr

Sabine Hediger
CEA Grenoble
17 rue des Martyrs
38054 Grenoble Cedex 9

Tel.: +33 4 38 78 68 12
Fax : +33 4 38 78 50 90

Email : sabine.hediger@cea.fr