A three-years post-doctoral position is opened in the group of biomolecular NMR of the IGBMC institute in Illkirch (near Strasbourg), France.
The research project is related to the field of the chromatin remodelling processes. In particular, we are interested to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between specific transcription factors, such as the deubiquitination module of the SAGA complex, and the nucleosome. The work will be conducted within a highly multidisciplinary environment involving several teams of the institute (X-ray crystallography, functional genomics). The study will necessitate the production of several large molecular complexes, specifically labelled at methyl group positions to enable their observation by NMR and follow their interaction with purified nucleosomes. A particular attention will be paid to the dynamical aspects of these interactions, using relaxation measurements. More information on the system can be read in Bonnet et al., EMBO reports (in press).
We are seeking for a highly motivated candidate, displaying good skills in protein expression and purification methods and isotopic labelling schemes. The candidate should be interested in elaborating innovative and appropriate labelling strategies to study interactions between large molecular complexes. A good knowledge of biomolecular NMR methods is therefore requested.
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