Montag, 19. Januar 2009

professor position in Texas

We are writing to request your assistance in identifying qualified applicants at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor levels for a tenure track faculty position in the area of Macromolecular NMR Spectroscopy in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. This is part of our efforts to expand the structural biology program we have built over the past decade, including groups in NMR Spectroscopy (A. Hinck), X-ray crystallography (P. J. Hart, R. Sousa, C. Kim), and membrane biophysics (N. Robinson and B. Nicholson).

Applicants are expected to have strong backgrounds in both theoretical and experimental aspects of modern NMR spectroscopy as applied to biological macromolecules. The successful applicant will be appointed as a full-time tenure-track faculty member and will have preferential access to state-of-the-art equipment available within, and operated by, the Department, including four-channel Bruker AV 500, 600, and 700 MHz NMR spectrometers, together with high sensitivity cryogenically cooled probes for the 600 and 700 MHz spectrometers (see The NMR Facility, along with a state-of-the-art X-ray crystallography facility (including a Rigaku MIcroMax 007HF generator fitted with Varimax optics and R-AXIS HTC detectors, as well as robotic crystallization and imaging stations), analytical ultracentrifugation (including developmental machines for fluorescent and multi-wavelength detection), dynamic light scattering, surface plasmon resonance, and mass spectrometry are all operated as University Core Facilities ( within the Department (see Additional shared facilities for microcalorimetry (DSC and ITC), stopped flow and high pressure spectroscopy and circular dichroism are also available within, and operated by, the Department.

In addition to the extensive access to shared facilities both within and beyond the department, the successful candidate will be provided a generous start-up package, and newly renovated lab and office space adjacent to the NMR Facility. Candidates will be expected to develop, or bring with them (in the case of hires at the more senior level) a vigorous, externally funded, research program at the cutting edge of structural biology, and contribute to teaching in the graduate, medical and/or dental curricula. New faculty will also be encouraged to be actively involved in future recruiting and the continued growth of the Department, which has added seven new primary faculty in the last four years. The Department of Biochemistry has a strong commitment to mentorship of both junior and more senior faculty, with multiple opportunities for help in the preparation, critique, and submission of grants.

As a place to live, San Antonio offers a rich multicultural environment, a temperate climate, and a very reasonable cost of living, leading it to be the fourth fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. There are also excellent educational and recreational opportunities, with San Antonio serving, along with Austin, as the gateway to the Texas Hill Country with its rolling hills, limestone caverns, hiking trails and wineries.

Applicants should submit, along with their cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a 2-3 page summary of past and proposed research, and names and contact information of at least three references to the address below. The applicant should also ask each referee to submit either electronic or hard copy reference letters to the same address.

Ms. Esther L. James
Department of Biochemistry, MC 7760
Allied Health Building Room 5.206
University of Texas Health Science Ctr. at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 U.S.A.
Tel: (210) 567-3772
Fax: (210) 567-6595

Any questions concerning the position should be addressed to
Professor A.
Hinck (

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Professor Andrew P. Hinck
Chair, NMR Search Committee

Professor Bruce J. Nicholson
Chair, Department of Biochemistry

Andrew P. Hinck, Professor
Department of Biochemistry, MC 7760
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
office phone: 210-567-8780
lab phone: 210-567-8700
mobile phone: 210-725-4438
office fax: 210-567-8778