Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

post-doc position Marseille HRMAS

A post-doctoral position is available immediately and upon fulfillment in Marseille.
The ideal candidate will have a Ph. D. in methodological NMR, and ease with the implementation of new multidimensional NMR techniques. The candidate will work in collaboration with HPLC and NMR experts on the characterization of solid/liquid interactions via HRMAS-DOSY NMR, with the aim of implementing a new analytical technique for the study of mixtures (see references below). Experience with selective excitation and advanced solvent suppression methodology would be preferred. Knowledge of PFG methods and fast acquisition/processing schemes are also a plus. The position is for 12 months, renewable once.

The research will be performed on a dedicated 400 MHz spectrometer of the last generation, with access to five more spectrometers from the local facility.

Located on the coast in southern France, midway between Italy and Spain, Marseille enjoys a very pleasant natural environment.

Contact: Stefano Caldarelli

- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy
G. Pages, C. Delaurent and S. Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953
- Pulsed Field Gradient Magic Angle Spinning NMR Self-diffusion Measurements in Liquids
Stéphane Viel, F. Ziarelli, G. Pagès, C. Carrara, and S. Caldarelli J. Magn. Reson. 2008, 190, 113-123
- Chomatographic NMR in NMR solvents C. Carrara, G. Excouffier, C. Delaurent,S. Viel, S. Caldarelli J. Magn. Reson. 2008, 194, 303-306