I have an opening for a PhD student in my lab at the University of East Anglia, UK, to study the TARP protein from Chlamydia by NMR and other structural techniques.
Sexually transmitted Chlamydia can lead to complications such as inflammatory disease and infertility. Chlamydia is an obligatory intracellular parasite, and has developed very efficient mechanisms to enter the host cells, sometimes referred to as “parasite-specified phagocytosis”.
This process of cell invasion is not yet well understood. After attaching to the cell surface, Chlamydia recruits actin to the site of invasion to form an actin-rich pedestal at the site of entry. TARP (translocated actin-recruiting phosphoprotein) is translocated from Chlamydia into the cytoplasm of the host cell in the early stages of invasion, using the type III secretion machinery. During this process, it becomes accessible to the extracellular medium, making it a possible target for drug or vaccine development. The N-terminal region of TARP contains a number of Tyr-rich domains that are phosphorylated inside the host cell, while the C-terminal region is capable of nucleating the formation of actin filaments.
To study TARP, this project applies protein expression and purification, associated to structural techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, which are very powerful for understanding molecular interactions at the atomic level. We aim to elucidate how the structural aspects of TARP allow its interaction with actin, and how that leads to the mechanism by which TARP recruits actin to the invasion site and nucleates its polymerisation. A more effective understanding of the initial steps of cell invasion by Chlamydia can lead to more efficient methods for prevention and control of infection.
For more information, please contact me:
Dr. Tharin Blumenschein, Lecturer
School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy
University of East Anglia
Norwich - NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1603 59 2963
Email: t.blumenschein@uea.ac.uk
Freitag, 25. Juli 2008
Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008
Postdoc position Malcolm Levitt's group
A postdoc position is available in Malcolm Levitt's group for 2 years approx. The project involves the development of solid-state NMR methodology. The application deadline is 4 Aug 2008. For more details, and to apply, use http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobs/SL676/Postdoctoral_Research_Fellow/
Malcolm Levitt
School of Chemistry
Room 27:2025
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
tel. +44 23 8059 6753
fax: +44 23 8059 3781
mobile: +44 77 6652 2964
email: mhl@soton.ac.uk
website: http://www.mhl.soton.ac.uk
Malcolm Levitt
School of Chemistry
Room 27:2025
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
tel. +44 23 8059 6753
fax: +44 23 8059 3781
mobile: +44 77 6652 2964
email: mhl@soton.ac.uk
website: http://www.mhl.soton.ac.uk
Freitag, 18. Juli 2008
Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy
The Protein NMR research group of Dr. Lars T. Kuhn at the DFG Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CMPB; www.cmpb.de) and the Cluster of Excellence "Microscopy at the Nanometer Range" of the University of Goettingen (Germany), Faculty of Medicine, is offering a Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy, starting from 1 January 2009 for initially two years with an optional extension for another two to three years at the end of the first period.
The research of the prospective candidate will focus on the characterization and the dynamic behaviour of the structures of native and non-native states of proteins that are involved in the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our group undertakes the analysis of biologically active peptides and small model systems, with emphasis on determining their different conformations under changing experimental conditions together with their folding behaviour. For these purposes, NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques for the identification of protein structural elements, e.g. CD polarimetry, are being employed. The protein NMR facility includes dedicated state-of-the-art "high field" NMR spectrometers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen) (www.mpibpc.gwdg.de) in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger and fully equipped biochemistry "wet lab" facilities for protein expression and purification.
A highly motivated researcher with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology, or a related discipline, with evidence of productive and independent contributions in science, will be the preferred candidate for this position. The applicant should be familiar with the principles and practice of multidimensional protein NMR spectroscopy and structure determination, and should have previous experience with protein expression and purification. As the group's working philosophy strongly encourages independent thinking, successful candidates will be invited to develop their own ideas and research objectives within the framework of the group's field of research.
The University of Goettingen is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female candidates and handicapped individuals to apply. Applications should include a meaningful CV together with the names and electronic mail addresses of up to three referees and should be sent by regular mail to: Mr. Andreas Bock, University of Goettingen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuro- and Sensoryphysiology, Humboldtallee 23, 37073 Goettingen, Germany, or as single pdf-file via e-mail to: abock2@gwdg.de by the beginning of October 2008.
Best wishes,
Lars T. Kuhn
The research of the prospective candidate will focus on the characterization and the dynamic behaviour of the structures of native and non-native states of proteins that are involved in the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our group undertakes the analysis of biologically active peptides and small model systems, with emphasis on determining their different conformations under changing experimental conditions together with their folding behaviour. For these purposes, NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques for the identification of protein structural elements, e.g. CD polarimetry, are being employed. The protein NMR facility includes dedicated state-of-the-art "high field" NMR spectrometers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen) (www.mpibpc.gwdg.de) in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger and fully equipped biochemistry "wet lab" facilities for protein expression and purification.
A highly motivated researcher with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology, or a related discipline, with evidence of productive and independent contributions in science, will be the preferred candidate for this position. The applicant should be familiar with the principles and practice of multidimensional protein NMR spectroscopy and structure determination, and should have previous experience with protein expression and purification. As the group's working philosophy strongly encourages independent thinking, successful candidates will be invited to develop their own ideas and research objectives within the framework of the group's field of research.
The University of Goettingen is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female candidates and handicapped individuals to apply. Applications should include a meaningful CV together with the names and electronic mail addresses of up to three referees and should be sent by regular mail to: Mr. Andreas Bock, University of Goettingen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuro- and Sensoryphysiology, Humboldtallee 23, 37073 Goettingen, Germany, or as single pdf-file via e-mail to: abock2@gwdg.de by the beginning of October 2008.
Best wishes,
Lars T. Kuhn
Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008
NMR position at BASF
NMR position at BASF
The Polymer Physics Department of BASF SE has a permanent position open for reallocation. Our laboratory is part of the polymer research activities of BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
We are looking for a chemist of good knowledge in physical chemistry and expertise in solid state NMR, of synthetic polymers preferably. Micro-imaging and pulsed field gradient NMR are two additional techniques provided by the laboratory. Your experience with at least one of these methods and familiarity with the BRUKER equipment is appreciated.
The successful applicant will be responsible for the use of solid state NMR, PFG-NMR and micro-imaging. This includes
- characterization of solid polymers by 13C CP/MAS in support of our research activities (evaluate, interpret, and present data to internal customers)
- use of PFG-NMR for understanding transport properties but also to answer diverse physico-chemical questions
- micro-imaging applications in material science
He/she will
- cooperate with the chemists in research projects on topics of structure / properties relationship (acquire projects, internal consulting)
- improve existing NMR methods and implement new ones
- explore new fields of application of solid state / PFG / imaging NMR for use in research projects.
This position has been posted on the BASF SE web site with reference code J-GKP-50893832. We are very much looking forward to your on-line application at http:/www.basf.com.
contact for further information:
Dr. Ruediger Voelkel
Polymer Physics, GKP – G201
67056 Ludwigshafen
tel. 0621-60-92626
e-mail ruediger.voelkel@basf.com
Montag, 14. Juli 2008
Postdoctoral Position Guelph
A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the area of NMR of
membrane proteins and protein-protein interactions. The particular project
is to study an integral 7TM protein, its interaction with its soluble
transducer, and the interaction between the transducer and DNA. The
project will involve both solution and solid-state NMR, conducted on a
range of instruments from 500 to 800 MHz. Applicants familiar with or
willing to learn protein expression and purification, and with previous
experience in biological NMR are encouraged to apply. The work will be
conducted in the Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Guelph, and will be
co-supervised by Profs. V. Ladizhansky and L. Brown. Additional
information is also available upon request. Please send a CV and the names
and addresses of three references to Leonid
Brown(leonid@physics.uoguelph.ca) or Vladimir Ladizhansky
(vladimir@physics.uoguelph.ca) if you are interested.
membrane proteins and protein-protein interactions. The particular project
is to study an integral 7TM protein, its interaction with its soluble
transducer, and the interaction between the transducer and DNA. The
project will involve both solution and solid-state NMR, conducted on a
range of instruments from 500 to 800 MHz. Applicants familiar with or
willing to learn protein expression and purification, and with previous
experience in biological NMR are encouraged to apply. The work will be
conducted in the Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Guelph, and will be
co-supervised by Profs. V. Ladizhansky and L. Brown. Additional
information is also available upon request. Please send a CV and the names
and addresses of three references to Leonid
Brown(leonid@physics.uoguelph.ca) or Vladimir Ladizhansky
(vladimir@physics.uoguelph.ca) if you are interested.
PhD opening in Marseille
A 3 year position towards a PhD degree is available at the University Paul Cézanne in Marseille for a motivated young student, with a strong background in analytical and/or physical chemistry. Knowledge in solid-state chemistry and physics, particularly adsorption phenomena and porous materials, is welcome. The candidate will work in collaboration with HPLC and NMR experts on the characterization of solid/liquid interactions via HRMAS-DOSY NMR, with the aim of describing separation mechanisms in Liquid Chromatography and of implementing NMR techniques for the analysis of mixtures.
For more information, please contact Stefano Caldarelli s.caldarelli@univ-cezanne.fr
- Enhanced diffusion-edited NMR spectroscopy of mixtures using chromatographic stationary phases
Stéphane Viel, Fabio Ziarelli and Stefano Caldarelli Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2003 ,100, 9696-9698
- Investigation of the chromatographic process via Pulsed-Gradient Spin-Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The role of the solvent composition in partitioning chromatography Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent and Stefano Caldarelli Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 561-566
- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy
Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953
For more information, please contact Stefano Caldarelli s.caldarelli@univ-cezanne.fr
- Enhanced diffusion-edited NMR spectroscopy of mixtures using chromatographic stationary phases
Stéphane Viel, Fabio Ziarelli and Stefano Caldarelli Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2003 ,100, 9696-9698
- Investigation of the chromatographic process via Pulsed-Gradient Spin-Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The role of the solvent composition in partitioning chromatography Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent and Stefano Caldarelli Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 561-566
- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy
Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953
PhD position
PhD position available on :
Quality control of therapeutic proteins by NMR
The use of recombinant proteins in human health care is a growing field, characterized by a rapid progression with 13% of the total drug market. Hormones, vaccines and blood coagulation factors are the first applications of proteins in human health. The growing number of molecules together with the increasing number of compagnies that are producing therapeutic proteins call for a reinforcement of the quality controls for this kind of drugs. NMR is a powerful tool to investigate the chemical structure of proteins together with their three dimensional fold. This project aims at developing new methods for spectral acquisition and analysis allowing specific spectral signatures to be identified for each therapeutic protein. This project will be developed in collaboration with the NMRTec society. This project has received the support from the pôle de compétitivité "Innovations thérapeutiques".
Interested by biophysical and biocomputing methods, the student will use the most recent methods of biomolecular NMR, usually used to study the three-dimensional structures of proteins. After having familiarized himself with these techniques, it will adapt these methods to the acquisition of protein spectra within their commercial formulation. He will interact with software developers in order to define the quality criteria and to automate the spectra acquisition and their interpretation.
With this subject, the student will get access to a rather broad range of skills in biophysics and protein chemistry. He will also get familiar with the fast growing field of drug quality control.
For additional information, contact
Pr Bruno Kieffer
33 3 90 24 47 22
IGBMC Biomolecular NMR group, CNRS UMR 7104
Boulevard Sebastien Brant BP10413
Fax : (33)
Voice : (33)
web : http://www-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/recherche/Dep_BGS/Eq_BruKief/
Quality control of therapeutic proteins by NMR
The use of recombinant proteins in human health care is a growing field, characterized by a rapid progression with 13% of the total drug market. Hormones, vaccines and blood coagulation factors are the first applications of proteins in human health. The growing number of molecules together with the increasing number of compagnies that are producing therapeutic proteins call for a reinforcement of the quality controls for this kind of drugs. NMR is a powerful tool to investigate the chemical structure of proteins together with their three dimensional fold. This project aims at developing new methods for spectral acquisition and analysis allowing specific spectral signatures to be identified for each therapeutic protein. This project will be developed in collaboration with the NMRTec society. This project has received the support from the pôle de compétitivité "Innovations thérapeutiques".
Interested by biophysical and biocomputing methods, the student will use the most recent methods of biomolecular NMR, usually used to study the three-dimensional structures of proteins. After having familiarized himself with these techniques, it will adapt these methods to the acquisition of protein spectra within their commercial formulation. He will interact with software developers in order to define the quality criteria and to automate the spectra acquisition and their interpretation.
With this subject, the student will get access to a rather broad range of skills in biophysics and protein chemistry. He will also get familiar with the fast growing field of drug quality control.
For additional information, contact
Pr Bruno Kieffer
33 3 90 24 47 22
IGBMC Biomolecular NMR group, CNRS UMR 7104
Boulevard Sebastien Brant BP10413
Fax : (33)
Voice : (33)
web : http://www-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/recherche/Dep_BGS/Eq_BruKief/
Postdoctoral Position at the BioMagResBank
The BioMagResBank (BMRB), located in the Biochemistry Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, has an immediate opening a postdoctoral research associate.
The minimal requirements are a Ph.D. biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with additional emphasis on bioinformatics. Experience in the calculation and validation of biomolecular structures from NMR data and familiarity with current technologies in computer software development, bioinformatics, and website design are highly desirable.
The successful candidate will hold a key position in a multi-disciplinary team, whose goal is to develop and maintain BioMagResBank (BMRB: www.bmrb.wisc.edu), a databank for NMR spectroscopic data on proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, and small biologically relevant molecules. Responsibilities will include developing bioinformatics tools for the organization, query, and distribution of macromolecular NMR experimental data and actively participating as a team member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank. Work will involve collaborations with scientists in the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM), the Computer Sciences Departments at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and the Univ. of Athens, Greece, and members of academic and commercial NMR software development groups world-wide. Goals include the construction of a relational database for biomolecular NMR data, the implementation of structure determination and validation software on a computer cluster, and the integration of experimental NMR data with resources available on the WWW. Strong oral and written communication skills are required, because the position entails the writing of grant applications and journal articles as well as presentations at scientific meetings. Extensive background and practical experience in biological NMR spectroscopy and computer software development are essential.
BMRB is a resource supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Candidates should send a copy of their curriculum vitae and request three of their mentors to send letters of recommendation directly to:
John L. Markley, Ph.D.
Head, BMRB
The minimal requirements are a Ph.D. biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with additional emphasis on bioinformatics. Experience in the calculation and validation of biomolecular structures from NMR data and familiarity with current technologies in computer software development, bioinformatics, and website design are highly desirable.
The successful candidate will hold a key position in a multi-disciplinary team, whose goal is to develop and maintain BioMagResBank (BMRB: www.bmrb.wisc.edu), a databank for NMR spectroscopic data on proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, and small biologically relevant molecules. Responsibilities will include developing bioinformatics tools for the organization, query, and distribution of macromolecular NMR experimental data and actively participating as a team member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank. Work will involve collaborations with scientists in the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM), the Computer Sciences Departments at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and the Univ. of Athens, Greece, and members of academic and commercial NMR software development groups world-wide. Goals include the construction of a relational database for biomolecular NMR data, the implementation of structure determination and validation software on a computer cluster, and the integration of experimental NMR data with resources available on the WWW. Strong oral and written communication skills are required, because the position entails the writing of grant applications and journal articles as well as presentations at scientific meetings. Extensive background and practical experience in biological NMR spectroscopy and computer software development are essential.
BMRB is a resource supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Candidates should send a copy of their curriculum vitae and request three of their mentors to send letters of recommendation directly to:
John L. Markley, Ph.D.
Head, BMRB
Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR
Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.
A two year postdoctoral position is available to characterize the structures of viral RNAs and their complexes with human proteins using modern high-field NMR technologies. The project, to be started by the end of 2008, offers exciting opportunities to study how the Hepatitis C virus exploits host cell machineries to replicate and to use the latest, state of the art techniques in cross-correlated and liquid crystal NMR spectroscopy of nucleic acid complexes.
The laboratory hosts three NMR spectrometers equipped with cryogenic probes (two 600 MHz and one 800 MHz) and has access to the nearby 900 MHz and the first 1 GHz NMR spectrometers (end 2008) at the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will also have access to a fully equipped wet lab for the preparation of isotopically labeled NMR samples. More information can be found on the Institute web site: http://www.ibs.fr/content/ibs_eng/presentation/lab/lrmn/
Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French Alps and houses one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute (ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble Out-Station.
Previous experience in modern heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and structure determination of biomacromolecules is required. Experience in studying RNA by NMR spectroscopy is a plus, but we will consider any motivated candidate with a good biomolecular NMR background. A competitive salary (based on previous research experience) is offered with health insurance, retirement plan and language training allowance. Interested candidates should forward a curriculum vitae, list of publication and electronic and postal addresses of potential referees to jerome.boisbouvier@ibs.fr. Application deadline is September 15th.
Key publications of the team in the area :
- Van Melckebeke, V., Devany, M., Di Primo, C., Beaurain, F.,. Toulmé, J.J., Bryce, D. & Boisbouvier* J. “Structural basis for stability of the HIV Trans Activation Response RNA in complex with its high affinity SELEX aptamer revealed by liquid crystal NMR“. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 9210-9215 (2008).
- Sounier, R. Blanchard, L. Wu, Z. & Boisbouvier* J. “High-Accuracy Distance Measurement Between Remote Methyls in Specifically Protonated Proteins” J. Am. Chem. Soc 129, pp 472-473 (2007).
- Boisbouvier, J., Bryce, D., O'Neil-Cabello, E., Nikonowicz, E. & Bax* A. “Resolution optimized NMR measurement of 1DCH, 1DCC and 2DCH residual dipolar couplings in nucleic acids bases.” J. Biomol. NMR, 30, pp287-301 (2004).
- Miclet, E., Williams, D., Clore, M., Bryce, D., Boisbouvier*, J. & Bax* A. “Relaxation Optimized NMR Spectroscopy of Methylene Groups in Protein and Nucleic Acids”. J. Am. Chem. Soc 126, pp 10560-10570 (2004).
- Boisbouvier, J. , Delaglio, F. & Bax* A. “Direct observation of dipolar couplings between distant protons in weakly aligned nucleic acids” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 11333-11338 (2003).
- Boisbouvier, J., Brutscher, B., Pardi, A., Marion, D Simorre*, J.-P. “NMR determination of sugar puckers in nucleic acids from CSA-dipolar cross-correlated relaxation“ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, pp 6779-6780 (2000). Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.
A two year postdoctoral position is available to characterize the structures of viral RNAs and their complexes with human proteins using modern high-field NMR technologies. The project, to be started by the end of 2008, offers exciting opportunities to study how the Hepatitis C virus exploits host cell machineries to replicate and to use the latest, state of the art techniques in cross-correlated and liquid crystal NMR spectroscopy of nucleic acid complexes.
The laboratory hosts three NMR spectrometers equipped with cryogenic probes (two 600 MHz and one 800 MHz) and has access to the nearby 900 MHz and the first 1 GHz NMR spectrometers (end 2008) at the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will also have access to a fully equipped wet lab for the preparation of isotopically labeled NMR samples. More information can be found on the Institute web site: http://www.ibs.fr/content/ibs_eng/presentation/lab/lrmn/
Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French Alps and houses one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute (ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble Out-Station.
Previous experience in modern heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and structure determination of biomacromolecules is required. Experience in studying RNA by NMR spectroscopy is a plus, but we will consider any motivated candidate with a good biomolecular NMR background. A competitive salary (based on previous research experience) is offered with health insurance, retirement plan and language training allowance. Interested candidates should forward a curriculum vitae, list of publication and electronic and postal addresses of potential referees to jerome.boisbouvier@ibs.fr. Application deadline is September 15th.
Key publications of the team in the area :
- Van Melckebeke, V., Devany, M., Di Primo, C., Beaurain, F.,. Toulmé, J.J., Bryce, D. & Boisbouvier* J. “Structural basis for stability of the HIV Trans Activation Response RNA in complex with its high affinity SELEX aptamer revealed by liquid crystal NMR“. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 9210-9215 (2008).
- Sounier, R. Blanchard, L. Wu, Z. & Boisbouvier* J. “High-Accuracy Distance Measurement Between Remote Methyls in Specifically Protonated Proteins” J. Am. Chem. Soc 129, pp 472-473 (2007).
- Boisbouvier, J., Bryce, D., O'Neil-Cabello, E., Nikonowicz, E. & Bax* A. “Resolution optimized NMR measurement of 1DCH, 1DCC and 2DCH residual dipolar couplings in nucleic acids bases.” J. Biomol. NMR, 30, pp287-301 (2004).
- Miclet, E., Williams, D., Clore, M., Bryce, D., Boisbouvier*, J. & Bax* A. “Relaxation Optimized NMR Spectroscopy of Methylene Groups in Protein and Nucleic Acids”. J. Am. Chem. Soc 126, pp 10560-10570 (2004).
- Boisbouvier, J. , Delaglio, F. & Bax* A. “Direct observation of dipolar couplings between distant protons in weakly aligned nucleic acids” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 11333-11338 (2003).
- Boisbouvier, J., Brutscher, B., Pardi, A., Marion, D Simorre*, J.-P. “NMR determination of sugar puckers in nucleic acids from CSA-dipolar cross-correlated relaxation“ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, pp 6779-6780 (2000). Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.
PhD Studentship Cambridge
PhD Studentship
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge
European Commission Framework 7 Research Studentship (salary + fees paid for EC citizens)
The effect of radiation damage on the structure and durability of silicon carbide.
The prevention of radioactive contamination of the biosphere by the products of nuclear fission is a major concern for the nuclear industry and governments holding inventories of surplus or waste nuclear materials. An approach may be taken where the retention of fission products and actinides over the long term (repository lifetimes) is engineered into the nuclear fuel design. Silicon carbide coated nuclear fuels are one of these novel fuels. The project involves a detailed assessment of the radiation stability of the fuel coatings, primarily through the application of novel nuclear magnetic resonance methods[1], but also using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, mechanical analysis and molecular dynamics modelling. The student will be expected to interact extensively with European partners in the Euratom F-Bridge project at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), EC JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe (Germany), CNRS Orléans (France), CEA Cadarache (France), NRG Petten (Netherlands). The position is suitable for those with first degrees in and earth sciences, materials science, physics, chemistry.
Further information may be obtained form Dr Ian Farnan (ifarnan@esc.cam.ac.uk).
Closing date (July 30th 2008)
[1] Farnan, I., Cho, H. & Weber, W. J. Quantification of actinide α-radiation damage in minerals and ceramics. Nature 445, 190-193 (2007).
Ian Farnan
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
p:+44 1223 333431 f:+44 1223 333450 e:ifarnan@esc.cam.ac.uk
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge
European Commission Framework 7 Research Studentship (salary + fees paid for EC citizens)
The effect of radiation damage on the structure and durability of silicon carbide.
The prevention of radioactive contamination of the biosphere by the products of nuclear fission is a major concern for the nuclear industry and governments holding inventories of surplus or waste nuclear materials. An approach may be taken where the retention of fission products and actinides over the long term (repository lifetimes) is engineered into the nuclear fuel design. Silicon carbide coated nuclear fuels are one of these novel fuels. The project involves a detailed assessment of the radiation stability of the fuel coatings, primarily through the application of novel nuclear magnetic resonance methods[1], but also using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, mechanical analysis and molecular dynamics modelling. The student will be expected to interact extensively with European partners in the Euratom F-Bridge project at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), EC JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe (Germany), CNRS Orléans (France), CEA Cadarache (France), NRG Petten (Netherlands). The position is suitable for those with first degrees in and earth sciences, materials science, physics, chemistry.
Further information may be obtained form Dr Ian Farnan (ifarnan@esc.cam.ac.uk).
Closing date (July 30th 2008)
[1] Farnan, I., Cho, H. & Weber, W. J. Quantification of actinide α-radiation damage in minerals and ceramics. Nature 445, 190-193 (2007).
Ian Farnan
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
p:+44 1223 333431 f:+44 1223 333450 e:ifarnan@esc.cam.ac.uk
NMR technician/administrator
NMR technician/administrator (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Max. salary: Euro 3.352 per month
Vacancy number: 62.43.08
As NMR technician/administrator you will be responsible for the technical maintenance of our NMR equipment; for the maintenance and optimalisation of the NMR equipment, for the implementation and updating of pulse sequences and new NMR techniques. You will also provide assistance with NMR experiments and you will be
involved with NMR experiments for internal and external users.
We are looking for someone with an academic/bachelor level with thorough technical knowledge. Practical experience with analytical techniques is an absolute necessity. We would like you to have good knowledge and experience with Linux, present-day NMR equipment and other related analytical techniques. Within the internal department of Physical Chemistry it will be necessary to be able to communicate in English.
The NMR department Physical Chemistry/Biophysical Chemistry has 3 NMR machines (500, 600 and 800 MHz) to be used for bioanalytical and structure research in the liquid stage. The up-to-date equipment is located in the recently built Goudsmitpavilioen. Biophysical Chemistry and Solid State NMR together are the department of Physical Chemistry. This department is bedded in the Institute of Molecules and Materials, one of the research institutes within the Faculty of Science. More information can be found at the website of the department: http://www.ru.nl/physchem
Conditions of employment:
1,0 fte
Salary: euro 3.352,00, depending on education/experience
First contract will be for one year, with the possibility for extension
Additional information:
prof.dr. S. Wijmenga, Professor Biofys. Chemistry
Phone: +31 24 3653384
E-mail: s.wijmenga@nmr.ru.nl
M. de With, Secretariat Physical Chemistry
Phone: +31 24 3652678
E-mail: m.dewith@science.ru.nl
You can send your application (with the vacancynumber 62.43.08) to:
A. Schröder
Heijendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ NIJMEGEN
E-mail: pz@science.ru.nl
Phone: +31 24 3652764
Marian de With
Physical Chemistry
Tel. +31 24 3652678
Fax +31 24 3652112
Web: www.ru.nl/physchem
Visiting address:
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
Postal address:
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
Faculty of Science
Max. salary: Euro 3.352 per month
Vacancy number: 62.43.08
As NMR technician/administrator you will be responsible for the technical maintenance of our NMR equipment; for the maintenance and optimalisation of the NMR equipment, for the implementation and updating of pulse sequences and new NMR techniques. You will also provide assistance with NMR experiments and you will be
involved with NMR experiments for internal and external users.
We are looking for someone with an academic/bachelor level with thorough technical knowledge. Practical experience with analytical techniques is an absolute necessity. We would like you to have good knowledge and experience with Linux, present-day NMR equipment and other related analytical techniques. Within the internal department of Physical Chemistry it will be necessary to be able to communicate in English.
The NMR department Physical Chemistry/Biophysical Chemistry has 3 NMR machines (500, 600 and 800 MHz) to be used for bioanalytical and structure research in the liquid stage. The up-to-date equipment is located in the recently built Goudsmitpavilioen. Biophysical Chemistry and Solid State NMR together are the department of Physical Chemistry. This department is bedded in the Institute of Molecules and Materials, one of the research institutes within the Faculty of Science. More information can be found at the website of the department: http://www.ru.nl/physchem
Conditions of employment:
1,0 fte
Salary: euro 3.352,00, depending on education/experience
First contract will be for one year, with the possibility for extension
Additional information:
prof.dr. S. Wijmenga, Professor Biofys. Chemistry
Phone: +31 24 3653384
E-mail: s.wijmenga@nmr.ru.nl
M. de With, Secretariat Physical Chemistry
Phone: +31 24 3652678
E-mail: m.dewith@science.ru.nl
You can send your application (with the vacancynumber 62.43.08) to:
A. Schröder
Heijendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ NIJMEGEN
E-mail: pz@science.ru.nl
Phone: +31 24 3652764
Marian de With
Physical Chemistry
Tel. +31 24 3652678
Fax +31 24 3652112
Web: www.ru.nl/physchem
Visiting address:
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
Postal address:
Postbus 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
Freitag, 4. Juli 2008
Postdoctoral position in computational aspects of NMR data analysis, Lyon, France
Post-Doctoral Position in computational aspects of NMR data analysis at the European Centre for High-Field NMR, Lyon, France.
We are looking for a motivated candidate to take up a post-doctoral position for one or two years starting fall 2008.
The group is hosted at the European Center for High-Field NMR, CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1, in Lyon, France.
The center is a European Large-scale facility and will host the first commercial 1GHz spectrometer at the end of 2008.
We work on the development of computational tools and protocols for structural interpretation of solution and solid-state NMR.
For more information about our research/results please visit the webpage:
Previous experience in computational aspects of liquid-state or solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a plus,
but we will consider motivated candidates with any pertinent background.
If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to Torsten Herrmann at torsten.herrmann@ens-lyon.fr
Dr. Torsten Herrmann
Centre Européen de RMN à Très Hauts Champs
CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1
5 rue de la Doua
69100 Lyon
Web: http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/torsten.herrmann/
Email: torsten.herrmann@ens-lyon.fr
We are looking for a motivated candidate to take up a post-doctoral position for one or two years starting fall 2008.
The group is hosted at the European Center for High-Field NMR, CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1, in Lyon, France.
The center is a European Large-scale facility and will host the first commercial 1GHz spectrometer at the end of 2008.
We work on the development of computational tools and protocols for structural interpretation of solution and solid-state NMR.
For more information about our research/results please visit the webpage:
Previous experience in computational aspects of liquid-state or solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a plus,
but we will consider motivated candidates with any pertinent background.
If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to Torsten Herrmann at torsten.herrmann@ens-lyon.fr
Dr. Torsten Herrmann
Centre Européen de RMN à Très Hauts Champs
CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1
5 rue de la Doua
69100 Lyon
Web: http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/torsten.herrmann/
Email: torsten.herrmann@ens-lyon.fr
A NMR Center Manager Position at Galveston, Texas, USA
Job Description
Job Title: Research Scientist
Job ID: 12851
Location: Galveston
Full/Part Time: Full-Time (40 hours)
Regular/Temporary: Regular
Preferred Skill/Competency
Good laboratory practice
Data Analysis
Technical Writing Experience
Editor/Editing Experience
Leadership Ability
Problem solving skills
Strategic vs. tactical/operational focus
Good communication skills
Specific Job Related Duties
Function as a Working Manager for SCSB¿s NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (NMR) SPECTROSCOPY Core Laboratory to provide management oversight of NMR research. Specific tasks related to this responsibility include: a) Provide training to all levels of users on the operation of the SCSB¿s 4 Varian NMR instruments. b) Provide oversight of users, and supervise those procedures, which require a highly developed technical skill. c)Oversee the daily activities and work assignments of research staff and ensure compliance with all UTMB environmental health and safety rules. d) Organize and maintain scheduling systems for all scientific instruments and provide monthly utilization reports by instrument and by user to the SCSB and GCC MR. e) Conduct routine maintenance of equipment and serve as technical liaison with all manufacturers¿ representatives of each instrument in NMR Lab; Manage annual service contracts as appropriate. f) Maintain inventory and initiate supply orders with SCSB Support Staff as necessary. g) Operate within annual UTMB Operating budget for NMR Lab.
h) Submit billing and Monthly Management Reports, as appropriate, to SCSB Administrator and (for the 800) GCC leadership/administrators; actively seek any opportunities to help make lab more financial self-sufficient. i) Organize monthly NMR Steering Committee meetings.
Collaborate with SCSB Faculty to advance the research mission of the Center and
Biochemistry Department:
a) Define problems and possible solutions as dictated by the research project. b) Establish procedures and protocols to be applied for projects. c) Design, develop, and/or adapt equipment used in experiments, or research, to obtain desired results. d) Coordinate and provide technical direction to the work activities of research staff engaged in projects. e)Perform, analyze and interpret data for research projects and experiments. f)Compile, write, and submit project results to the Principle Investigator; participate in manuscript development and grant applications as appropriate. g) Develop and modify computer programs as necessary for submission to PI. h)Review scientific literature and submit articles for publication as appropriate. i) Identify appropriate internal controls appropriate for NMR projects; provide mechanisms to monitor and enforce compliance. j) Performs related duties as required.
Actively advance SCSB¿s and GCC MR research missions; specific tasks related to this responsibility include: a) Proactively solicit of opportunities for NMR research projects from UTMB Community. b) Work with SCSB and GCC MR (for the 800) leadership to determine merits of proposed projects, prior to making commitments. c) Establish benchmarks for evaluating progress of each project. d) Maintain electronic records (on web) for each project.
e) On periodic basis (as requested by Center Director), report status of each project relative to established benchmarks. f) Work with Houston partners in the J. S. Dunn GCC MR to support NMR access to the 800 MHz NMR instrument; facilitate their projects.
Apply at http://www.hr.utmb.edu/job opening # 12851
Equal Employment Opportunity
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution which proudly values diversity. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Min Qualifications
Earned Doctoral degree in related field or equivalent.
No experience required
Administers funds provided by specific grants. Defines problems and possible solutions as dictated by the research project.
Job Title: Research Scientist
Job ID: 12851
Location: Galveston
Full/Part Time: Full-Time (40 hours)
Regular/Temporary: Regular
Preferred Skill/Competency
Good laboratory practice
Data Analysis
Technical Writing Experience
Editor/Editing Experience
Leadership Ability
Problem solving skills
Strategic vs. tactical/operational focus
Good communication skills
Specific Job Related Duties
Function as a Working Manager for SCSB¿s NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (NMR) SPECTROSCOPY Core Laboratory to provide management oversight of NMR research. Specific tasks related to this responsibility include: a) Provide training to all levels of users on the operation of the SCSB¿s 4 Varian NMR instruments. b) Provide oversight of users, and supervise those procedures, which require a highly developed technical skill. c)Oversee the daily activities and work assignments of research staff and ensure compliance with all UTMB environmental health and safety rules. d) Organize and maintain scheduling systems for all scientific instruments and provide monthly utilization reports by instrument and by user to the SCSB and GCC MR. e) Conduct routine maintenance of equipment and serve as technical liaison with all manufacturers¿ representatives of each instrument in NMR Lab; Manage annual service contracts as appropriate. f) Maintain inventory and initiate supply orders with SCSB Support Staff as necessary. g) Operate within annual UTMB Operating budget for NMR Lab.
h) Submit billing and Monthly Management Reports, as appropriate, to SCSB Administrator and (for the 800) GCC leadership/administrators; actively seek any opportunities to help make lab more financial self-sufficient. i) Organize monthly NMR Steering Committee meetings.
Collaborate with SCSB Faculty to advance the research mission of the Center and
Biochemistry Department:
a) Define problems and possible solutions as dictated by the research project. b) Establish procedures and protocols to be applied for projects. c) Design, develop, and/or adapt equipment used in experiments, or research, to obtain desired results. d) Coordinate and provide technical direction to the work activities of research staff engaged in projects. e)Perform, analyze and interpret data for research projects and experiments. f)Compile, write, and submit project results to the Principle Investigator; participate in manuscript development and grant applications as appropriate. g) Develop and modify computer programs as necessary for submission to PI. h)Review scientific literature and submit articles for publication as appropriate. i) Identify appropriate internal controls appropriate for NMR projects; provide mechanisms to monitor and enforce compliance. j) Performs related duties as required.
Actively advance SCSB¿s and GCC MR research missions; specific tasks related to this responsibility include: a) Proactively solicit of opportunities for NMR research projects from UTMB Community. b) Work with SCSB and GCC MR (for the 800) leadership to determine merits of proposed projects, prior to making commitments. c) Establish benchmarks for evaluating progress of each project. d) Maintain electronic records (on web) for each project.
e) On periodic basis (as requested by Center Director), report status of each project relative to established benchmarks. f) Work with Houston partners in the J. S. Dunn GCC MR to support NMR access to the 800 MHz NMR instrument; facilitate their projects.
Apply at http://www.hr.utmb.edu/job opening # 12851
Equal Employment Opportunity
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution which proudly values diversity. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Min Qualifications
Earned Doctoral degree in related field or equivalent.
No experience required
Administers funds provided by specific grants. Defines problems and possible solutions as dictated by the research project.
Facility Manager for UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility
Following the recent award of £3.8M from EPSRC/BBSRC to set up a UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facility at the University of Warwick (http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz), we are seeking to make a high profile appointment to the position of Facility Manager.
You will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Facility, assisting (and training, if necessary) users from a broad range of chemical, materials, physics and biological backgrounds, managing the spectrometer maintenance and consumables budget, and for encouraging and developing wide ranging use of the Facility.
You will have an excellent record of achievement in modern solid-state NMR and, for the more senior position, an international reputation in the field; a proportion of time on the 850 MHz NMR will be allocated to your personal research interests.
You will have ex-officio membership of both the National Management Committee and Time Allocation Panel for the 850 MHz NMR spectrometer and will assist both bodies with their duties. You will report to the National Management Committee, which consists of Dr Steven Brown (Chair), Professor Ray Dupree, Professor Mark Smith (University of Warwick), Dr Sharon Ashbrook (University of St Andrews), Dr Melinda Duer (University of Cambridge), Professor Robin Harris (University of Durham), Dr Jeremy Titman (University of Nottingham), and Professor Stephen Wimperis (University of Glasgow).
Informal enquiries: Steven Brown, National Management Committee Chair (s.p.brown@warwick.ac.uk).
Closing date: 5 August 2008
Interview date: 17 September 2008
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76692016
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
850 MHz UK facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
BRSG Meeting: Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance,
15-16 September 2008, University of Warwick (early bird registration deadline: June 30th)
You will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Facility, assisting (and training, if necessary) users from a broad range of chemical, materials, physics and biological backgrounds, managing the spectrometer maintenance and consumables budget, and for encouraging and developing wide ranging use of the Facility.
You will have an excellent record of achievement in modern solid-state NMR and, for the more senior position, an international reputation in the field; a proportion of time on the 850 MHz NMR will be allocated to your personal research interests.
You will have ex-officio membership of both the National Management Committee and Time Allocation Panel for the 850 MHz NMR spectrometer and will assist both bodies with their duties. You will report to the National Management Committee, which consists of Dr Steven Brown (Chair), Professor Ray Dupree, Professor Mark Smith (University of Warwick), Dr Sharon Ashbrook (University of St Andrews), Dr Melinda Duer (University of Cambridge), Professor Robin Harris (University of Durham), Dr Jeremy Titman (University of Nottingham), and Professor Stephen Wimperis (University of Glasgow).
Informal enquiries: Steven Brown, National Management Committee Chair (s.p.brown@warwick.ac.uk).
Closing date: 5 August 2008
Interview date: 17 September 2008
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76692016
email: S.P.Brown@warwick.ac.uk
webpage address: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/members/academic/steven/
Warwick group webpage: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/nmr/
850 MHz UK facility: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/850mhz/
BRSG Meeting: Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance,
15-16 September 2008, University of Warwick (early bird registration deadline: June 30th)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Drug Discovery
A postdoctoral position is immediately available to join our ongoing effort of structure-based drug discovery. The particular project is to identify small-molecule inhibitors of target proteins that are involved in cellular signal transduction by using NMR-assisted ligand screening. The collaborative project is between St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and a biotech company; therefore, the postdoctoral fellow will have an opportunity to explore the research activities in the biotech industry. Candidates with a background in Structural Biology, Biomolecular NMR, Protein Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics are encouraged to apply.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is a premier center dedicated to advancing the health of children with catastrophic diseases through biomedical research. The Protein NMR Resource at St. Jude is currently equipped with three NMR spectrometers, a Bruker Avanced 800 MHz spectrometer with cryoprobe, a Bruker Avanced 600 MHz spectrometer with cryoprobe, and a Varian INOVA 600 MHz spectrometer. In addition to a highly competitive salary, St. Jude offers postdoctoral research scientists an outstanding benefits package, including yearly professional travel funds. For consideration, please contact: Dr. Jie Zheng, Department of Structural Biology, MS 311, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 626 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. email: Jie.Zheng@stjude.org. Website: www.stjude.org/zheng.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is a premier center dedicated to advancing the health of children with catastrophic diseases through biomedical research. The Protein NMR Resource at St. Jude is currently equipped with three NMR spectrometers, a Bruker Avanced 800 MHz spectrometer with cryoprobe, a Bruker Avanced 600 MHz spectrometer with cryoprobe, and a Varian INOVA 600 MHz spectrometer. In addition to a highly competitive salary, St. Jude offers postdoctoral research scientists an outstanding benefits package, including yearly professional travel funds. For consideration, please contact: Dr. Jie Zheng, Department of Structural Biology, MS 311, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 626 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. email: Jie.Zheng@stjude.org. Website: www.stjude.org/zheng.
Postdoc position in Membrane Protein NMR
A postdoc position is available immediately in solid state NMR of membrane proteins at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Spectroscopy is conducted on a range of instruments from 400 to 900 MHz. Applicants with experience in NMR, preferably biological solid state NMR are encouraged to apply. This NIH funded science is focused on the characterization of potential drug targets for fighting TB in Influenza. Please send a CV and the names and addresses of three references to me if you are interested. Additional information is also available upon request.
Tim Cross
Timothy A. Cross
NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program Director
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32310-3706
Tel: 850-644-0917; Fax:: 850-644-1366; email: cross@magnet.fsu.edu
Earl Frieden Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Tel: 850-644-2824
Tim Cross
Timothy A. Cross
NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program Director
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32310-3706
Tel: 850-644-0917; Fax:: 850-644-1366; email: cross@magnet.fsu.edu
Earl Frieden Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Tel: 850-644-2824
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