Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008

NMR position at BASF

NMR position at BASF

The Polymer Physics Department of BASF SE has a permanent position open for reallocation. Our laboratory is part of the polymer research activities of BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

We are looking for a chemist of good knowledge in physical chemistry and expertise in solid state NMR, of synthetic polymers preferably. Micro-imaging and pulsed field gradient NMR are two additional techniques provided by the laboratory. Your experience with at least one of these methods and familiarity with the BRUKER equipment is appreciated.

The successful applicant will be responsible for the use of solid state NMR, PFG-NMR and micro-imaging. This includes
- characterization of solid polymers by 13C CP/MAS in support of our research activities (evaluate, interpret, and present data to internal customers)
- use of PFG-NMR for understanding transport properties but also to answer diverse physico-chemical questions
- micro-imaging applications in material science

He/she will
- cooperate with the chemists in research projects on topics of structure / properties relationship (acquire projects, internal consulting)
- improve existing NMR methods and implement new ones
- explore new fields of application of solid state / PFG / imaging NMR for use in research projects.

This position has been posted on the BASF SE web site with reference code J-GKP-50893832. We are very much looking forward to your on-line application at http:/www.basf.com.

contact for further information:
Dr. Ruediger Voelkel
Polymer Physics, GKP – G201
67056 Ludwigshafen
tel. 0621-60-92626
e-mail ruediger.voelkel@basf.com