A 3 year position towards a PhD degree is available at the University Paul Cézanne in Marseille for a motivated young student, with a strong background in analytical and/or physical chemistry. Knowledge in solid-state chemistry and physics, particularly adsorption phenomena and porous materials, is welcome. The candidate will work in collaboration with HPLC and NMR experts on the characterization of solid/liquid interactions via HRMAS-DOSY NMR, with the aim of describing separation mechanisms in Liquid Chromatography and of implementing NMR techniques for the analysis of mixtures.
For more information, please contact Stefano Caldarelli s.caldarelli@univ-cezanne.fr
- Enhanced diffusion-edited NMR spectroscopy of mixtures using chromatographic stationary phases
Stéphane Viel, Fabio Ziarelli and Stefano Caldarelli Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2003 ,100, 9696-9698
- Investigation of the chromatographic process via Pulsed-Gradient Spin-Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The role of the solvent composition in partitioning chromatography Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent and Stefano Caldarelli Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 561-566
- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy
Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953