Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

Facility Manager for UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility

Following the recent award of £3.8M from EPSRC/BBSRC to set up a UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facility at the University of Warwick (, we are seeking to make a high profile appointment to the position of Facility Manager.

You will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Facility, assisting (and training, if necessary) users from a broad range of chemical, materials, physics and biological backgrounds, managing the spectrometer maintenance and consumables budget, and for encouraging and developing wide ranging use of the Facility.

You will have an excellent record of achievement in modern solid-state NMR and, for the more senior position, an international reputation in the field; a proportion of time on the 850 MHz NMR will be allocated to your personal research interests.

You will have ex-officio membership of both the National Management Committee and Time Allocation Panel for the 850 MHz NMR spectrometer and will assist both bodies with their duties. You will report to the National Management Committee, which consists of Dr Steven Brown (Chair), Professor Ray Dupree, Professor Mark Smith (University of Warwick), Dr Sharon Ashbrook (University of St Andrews), Dr Melinda Duer (University of Cambridge), Professor Robin Harris (University of Durham), Dr Jeremy Titman (University of Nottingham), and Professor Stephen Wimperis (University of Glasgow).

Informal enquiries: Steven Brown, National Management Committee Chair (

Closing date: 5 August 2008
Interview date: 17 September 2008
Steven Brown
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Tel: 00 44 24 76574359
Fax: 00 44 24 76692016

webpage address:
Warwick group webpage:
850 MHz UK facility:

BRSG Meeting: Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance,
15-16 September 2008, University of Warwick (early bird registration deadline: June 30th)