Post-Doctoral Position in computational aspects of NMR data analysis at the European Centre for High-Field NMR, Lyon, France.
We are looking for a motivated candidate to take up a post-doctoral position for one or two years starting fall 2008.
The group is hosted at the European Center for High-Field NMR, CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1, in Lyon, France.
The center is a European Large-scale facility and will host the first commercial 1GHz spectrometer at the end of 2008.
We work on the development of computational tools and protocols for structural interpretation of solution and solid-state NMR.
For more information about our research/results please visit the webpage:
Previous experience in computational aspects of liquid-state or solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a plus,
but we will consider motivated candidates with any pertinent background.
If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to Torsten Herrmann at
Dr. Torsten Herrmann
Centre Européen de RMN à Très Hauts Champs
CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCB Lyon 1
5 rue de la Doua
69100 Lyon