Freitag, 18. Juli 2008

Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy

The Protein NMR research group of Dr. Lars T. Kuhn at the DFG Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CMPB; and the Cluster of Excellence "Microscopy at the Nanometer Range" of the University of Goettingen (Germany), Faculty of Medicine, is offering a Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy, starting from 1 January 2009 for initially two years with an optional extension for another two to three years at the end of the first period.

The research of the prospective candidate will focus on the characterization and the dynamic behaviour of the structures of native and non-native states of proteins that are involved in the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our group undertakes the analysis of biologically active peptides and small model systems, with emphasis on determining their different conformations under changing experimental conditions together with their folding behaviour. For these purposes, NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques for the identification of protein structural elements, e.g. CD polarimetry, are being employed. The protein NMR facility includes dedicated state-of-the-art "high field" NMR spectrometers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen) ( in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger and fully equipped biochemistry "wet lab" facilities for protein expression and purification.

A highly motivated researcher with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology, or a related discipline, with evidence of productive and independent contributions in science, will be the preferred candidate for this position. The applicant should be familiar with the principles and practice of multidimensional protein NMR spectroscopy and structure determination, and should have previous experience with protein expression and purification. As the group's working philosophy strongly encourages independent thinking, successful candidates will be invited to develop their own ideas and research objectives within the framework of the group's field of research.

The University of Goettingen is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female candidates and handicapped individuals to apply. Applications should include a meaningful CV together with the names and electronic mail addresses of up to three referees and should be sent by regular mail to: Mr. Andreas Bock, University of Goettingen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuro- and Sensoryphysiology, Humboldtallee 23, 37073 Goettingen, Germany, or as single pdf-file via e-mail to: by the beginning of October 2008.

Best wishes,

Lars T. Kuhn