Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008

Research/Teaching position

Research/Teaching position available in Marseille, Southern France.

This opening concerns a new kind of tenured position designed for
outstanding young scientists. The successful candidate will profit of a
reduced (-2/3) teaching load and of an increased (+30%) salary for a
period of 5 years, renewable once.

The research will concern an NMR methodology based on solid-assisted
diffusion measurements for the analysis of mixtures of small molecules,
which has shown comparable or even superior separation potential with
respect to chromatography. The candidate will be charged of extending
the methodology with a special attention to metabolomics study. Required
competences are in methodological high-resolution NMR, particularly in
fast acquisition methods. Knowledge of chemometrics would be an

Deadlines: Non-French candidates are welcome. However, candidates must
have succesufully enrolled in the French qualification list for teaching
positions. The deadline for application to this list is December
22nd 2008.

Contact: Please send questions, CV and reference letters to Stefano

- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by
Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy, Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and
Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953
- Chomatographic NMR in NMR solvents, C. Carrara, G. Excouffier, C. Delaurent,S. Viel, S.
Caldarelli J. Magn. Reson. 2008, 194, 303-306

Post Doctoral Position

Post-doc position available in 2009 at IRCELYON, Villeurbanne, FRANCE

Development of NMR methodologies to study zeolite crystallization

The following project is part of the CADENCED programme between the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) Catalysis Center of Excellence and the ICE partnership (IFP/CNRS/ENS Lyon).


Hydrothermal synthesis of microporous catalytic materials occurs through a very complex and poorly understood mechanism. As a result, since the first descriptions of zeolites syntheses at the end of the 19^th century like Levynite's synthesis by St. Claire Deville in 1862, trial and error has usually been applied to obtain novel catalytic materials. Although structure direction by organic ‘templates’(or Structure Directing Agents, SDA) is an essential route to the preparation of many porous catalytic materials, it remains a challenge to choose a specific template for a desired topology. The understanding of organic/inorganic interactions in (alumino)silicate gels is of primary importance to understand the templating role of molecules in zeolite synthesis. NMR is one of the best tools to study interactions at the molecular level, both in the liquid and solid states.


The 12 months project will be devoted to the development of NMR techniques capable of giving information on the nature and structure of assemblies formed at the early stages of the zeolite growth. REDOR techniques (^29 Si-{1H}, ^27 Al-{1H},…) as well as correlation sequences (CP/MAS, HECTOR, COSY,…) will have to be adapted to the particular case of zeolite gels and precursors.

Experimental research will be carried out at IRCELYON (Villeurbanne, France) on a Bruker DSX 400 spectrometer equipped with various variable temperature probes. NMR developments will be used, in addtion to more conventional NMR techniques, to describe the template/(alumino)silicate species and to estimate distances in synthesis gels. This work will be done in collaboration with a PhD student working more specifically on systems containing N,N,N,N',N',N'-hexamethyl-1,6-hexanediammonium (or diquat-6) molecules.


Candidates should have a PhD in Chemistry or Physics, with a
specialization in Solid State NMR. Experience in the development of
NMR tools are also required. The candidate should also have excellent
writing and communications skills in English.


Please, send your candidacy letter, CV and recommendation letters to:

Dr Alain TUEL
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON)
UMR 5256 CNRS-Université de Lyon1
2 avenue Albert Einstein
69626 Villeurbanne Cedex France

E-mail :

Opportunity in Montpellier

The Center for Structural Biochemistry in Montpellier (a French research institute supported by INSERM, CNRS and the University of Montpellier) is interested in identifying candidates to support in the National Research Entrance Examination (Concours) at CNRS and INSERM, the French national research agencies. Our priorities involve establishing new research groups in biological atomic force microscopy and solid state NMR applied to biological systems. The limit for CNRS and INSERM applications being in January, interested parties should submit a CV, research plan and letters of recommendation to the CBS ( prior to January 1st.

Postdoc position on low-field NMR

The SpinChemPhotoChem group ( of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry invites applications for a

Postdoc position on low-field NMR (up to 3 years).

With financial support of the biological section of the Dutch Science Organisation (NWO ALW), we aim to study the solid-state photo-CIDNP effect at low magnet fields. It is intended to build up a low-field NMR spectrometer and to combine it with the existing optical equipment. Aim of the project is to investigate the occurrence of the solid-state photo-CIDNP effect at low magnetic fields.

The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect has been observed in various photosynthetic reaction centres (Diller at al. 2007 PNAS 104, 12843-12848; Roy et al. 2008 Biochemistry 47, 4629?4635) as strong enhancement of NMR signals (Prakash et al. 2005 JACS 127, 14290-14298 and 2006 JACS 128, 12794-12799). The mechanism of this effect is now understood in the high-field limit (Daviso et al., submitted). It is now planned to extend this studies to evolutionary relevant low fields.

Interested candidates should have a strong background in NMR, preferably in low-field NMR, knowledge of optical methods is desirable, interest on electron-nuclear spin dynamics and the ability to work independently within the network. The postdoc would be encouraged to build up his/her own line of research.

The project can start immediately but should be starting within 2009. The deadline for applications is the 1 Feb. 2009.

For information and application, please contact:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
j.matysik (at)
tel.: +31-71-527 4198

Dr. Joerg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
PO Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden (mail)
Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden (visit/courier)
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-71-527-4198
Fax: +31-71-527-4603
Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis, Vol. 2
T.J. Aartsma & J. Matysik, eds. (2008)



With support from the Stockman Family Foundation, Pratt Institute is offering a one-year post doctoral fellowship in Chemistry applied to the study of works of art. The fellowship includes an annual stipend and allowances for research related travel. The stipend is commensurate with the candidate's education and experience. The fellow will work in the department of Mathematic and Science, Chemistry for the Arts Laboratory. The laboratory is developing and optimizing unilateral Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques to address questions involving the degradation processes of works of art. This work is being done in collaboration with researchers at academic institutions and other research laboratories.

The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D, in Chemistry, Physics or Conservation Science. Knowledge of NMR techniques and a strong interest in art conservation science is a plus. English-language skills and a proven record of research and writing ability are required. Fellowships are awarded without regard to age, sex, nationality, or race. Finalists who are not United States citizens must provide proof of their own health insurance coverage before starting the position.

Interested candidates must submit the following materials
1. A curriculum vitae including basic biographical information, current and permanent addresses, and telephone numbers
2. A short statement of the candidate's interests and intent in applying for the fellowship
3. Reprints of publications
4. Two letters of recommendation from professionals familiar with the candidate's work and one letter of personal reference

All application materials, including letters of recommendation should be received no later than February 1st, 2009 and should be submitted via email and regular mail to

Eleonora Del Federico
Department of Mathematics and Science
Pratt Institute
200 Willoughby Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008

Post Doctoral Fellow NMR Engineering

Post Doctoral Fellow NMR Engineering
School of Engineering & Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
An exciting opportunity exists for a physicist or electronics engineer to join a research group working on novel Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technologies, a project funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology.
The position of Post Doctoral Fellow is in the School of Engineering and will involve the development of new NMR electronic hardware, software, techniques and applications. Preference will be given to candidates who have previous experience in working on NMR instrumentation technologies.

For more information go to:

Montag, 1. Dezember 2008

Open position in Varian SA

VARIAN SA, the French subsidiary of Varian Inc., is looking for an
Application and Product Specialist, NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE,
Belgium and France with responsibility for supporting the commercial team and providing applications support to the core market sectors; universities, pharmaceutical clients, hospitals, etc.

The ideal candidate would be qualified in a scientific discipline, with a good working knowledge of NMR and a positive commercial attitude. This person will be required to work autonomously, using their own initiative and to have a great deal of motivation, an enthusiastic approach to work and for the projects entrusted to them.
A high level of English is required in order to participate in training programmes within Europe and the US.
Availability to travel is essential.

We offer an attractive package as a market leader in our sector. A rewarding package is available to the right candidate, including a company car, private medical insurance, pension plan and other advantages.
Interested candidates to forward a CV in the first instance by e-mail to

Mittwoch, 19. November 2008

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Hamburg

Fakultät: Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
Seminar/Institut: Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie
Ab 01.01.2009 ist im Projekt DFG HA2822/1-1 die Stelle einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters zu besetzen.
Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 19,5 Stunden.
Im Rahmen des DFG-geförderten Projektes “Sphere Surface Supramolecular Chemistry and
Modelling Biological Cation Transport – Synthetic and NMR Studies“ sollen schwerpunktmäßig ein- und mehrdimensionale Multikern-NMR-Untersuchungen an Polyoxometallaten(Modellierung von Kationenkanälen) vorgenommen werden.

Weitere Informationen unter:

Postdoctoral position in Belgium

Postdoctoral position in bacterial pathogenesis - Vrije Universiteit

A post-doctoral position in membrane protein structural biology is
available at the laboratory of Structural & Molecular Microbiology,
Structural Biology Brussels (VUB / VIB), Brussels – Belgium

Our group studies the structural molecular biology of bacterial
adhesins and cell surface filaments with respect to their biosynthetic
pathway and function in bacterial pathogenesis, with the ultimate aim
of developing new generation virulence-targeted antimicrobials (see
Remaut et al. 2006, Mol. Cell22, 831-842; Pinkner et al. 2006,Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA.103, 17897-902; Fronzeset al. 2008,EMBO J.27, 2271-80 and
Remautet al. 2008,Cell133, 640-52 for relevant references). Further
information on :

We are looking for a highly motivated structural biologist (X-ray/NMR)
or candidates with experience in membrane protein expression and
purification with a strong interest in structural biology. The
successful candidate will take part in the structural study of
host-pathogen interactions in the human pathogen Heliocobacter pylori,
the leading cause of peptic ulcer disease and a major risk factor for
the development of gastric cancers.

VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) is an interdisciplinary
non-profit research institute based at 4 Flemish universities (Ghent
University, K.U.Leuven, the University of Antwerp and the Vrije
Universiteit Brussels) and employs a vibrant community of over 1000
life scientists.

Informal enquiries and applications (including CV, letter of motivation
as well as the contact details of at least 2 references) should be
directed to Dr. Han Remaut:

Postdoctoral positions protein biophysics

Postdoctoral positions available in protein biophysics in two areas of emphasis: the role of conformational entropy in protein function and the use of reverse micelle encapsulation to investigate protein structure, dynamics and hydration. Both areas investigated using advanced NMR methods. Junior and senior postdoctoral positions are available. Ph.D or equivalent in chemistry, biochemistry or biophysics is essential. Experience in solution NMR methods is highly desirable. Please submit c.v. and arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to Professor Joshua Wand, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania via e-mail to

A. Joshua Wand, Ph.D.
Benjamin Rush Professor of Biochemistry
Chair, Graduate Group of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
905 Stellar Chance Laboratories
422 Curie Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6059
telephone 215-573-7288
facsimile 215-573-7290



Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Biomolecular NMR are available at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Qualified candidates with in-depth training in NMR will join a dynamic team of investigators to study membrane protein structures and dynamics as well as drug-protein interactions. Familiarity with biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology is desirable. Salary and fringe benefits are highly competitive. The research environment is outstanding. A complement of NMR spectrometers, including 600, 700, 800, and 900 MHz systems equipped with cryo-, hr-MAS, MAS, flat-coil, and micro-imaging probes, is available for the on-going NIH-funded research projects.
Please send curriculum vitae, including contact information for three references, to (preferred method) or to:

Professor Yan Xu
2048 Biomedical Science Tower 3
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
3501 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.

Postdoctoral opportunity at NC State University

Postdoctoral opportunity at NC State University

The position is for two years (funded by a grant from the North Carolina
Biotechnology Center) starting sometime in Spring 2009. The project is about
new experimental and theoretical developments in solid-state NMR of oriented
samples, including the studies of the conformations of viral peptides in
various lipid environments. I would be extremely grateful to you if you could
informally advertise this position to soon-to-be graduates or alumni in your
group who might be looking for a postdoctoral position, or to somebody else as
you might find appropriate.

Strong preference will be given to candidates who have in-depth experience in
protein expression and purification, but individuals interested in solid-state
NMR methodology development (pulse sequences and structure calculation
algorithms) will also be considered. Prior knowledge of solid-state NMR is
not essential. The lab is equipped with a 500 MHz Bruker spectrometer with
probes for both static and rotating samples. More information about the lab
(as well as my contact information to send a CV to) can be found at the link
provided below.

Alexander A. Nevzorov
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University
Dabney Hall 618
Raleigh, NC 27695
(919) 515-3199
Research Webpage:

Postdoctoral Position: NMR microimaging UCLA

Postdoctoral Position: NMR microimaging in chemistry.
UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

A new postdoctoral appointment is available to study the statistical
dynamics of chemically reacting flow systems. Recent advances in NMR
microscopy and hyperpolarization techniques permit a highly detailed
picture of chemically reacting flow, and the goal of this project is
to develop novel methodologies for the quantitative assessment of in
situ reactions and kinetics. The project will involve setting up model
reactions, building necessary hardware and comparing experimental
results with newly developed theoretical models of micro
hydrodynamics and finite-size microcanonical dynamics in random
heterogeneous media. The ideal candidate will have some experience
in chemical synthesis, NMR spectroscopy and NMR hardware
design, strong experimental skills, and be proficient in both written
and spoken English. The candidate may be required to travel on
occasion to work with collaborators, and will make use of state of the
art facilities at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) for
material characterization and development. Send resume and
2 references to Louis Bouchard at
The University of California is an equal opportunity employer.

PhD studentship biological Solid State NMR

The solid state NMR group at Leiden University has an opening for a PhD
studentship in in biological Solid State NMR.
The objective of the project is to resolve mechanisms of water oxidation in
photosystem II in Synechocystis for resolving the role of the protein in the
process of catalysis. The project will involve the combination of ultra fast
freeze hyperquencing of light-induced catalysis and MAS NMR analysis of the
reaction pathway to make a chemical movie of the catalysis. (see: PNAS
(2008) pp. 8563­ 8568)
The oxidation of water is a critical step in converting light energy into
fuels, the background context of which is described in our white paper
³Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean fuel², which can be
found at
The successful candidate should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and
Inquiries and applications should be submitted to

Huub de Groot

Prof. dr H.J.M. de Groot / SSNMR
Leiden Institute of Chemistry phone: +31715274539
Einsteinweg 55 / POB 9502 fax: +31715274603
2300 RA Leiden NL
White Paper Solar Fuel:

Postdoctoral Position CNRS in Orléans (France)

A postdoctoral position is available to work in the CNRS in Orléans (France)
in Protein NMR spectroscopy sarting on the 1st of February 2009

In the frame of a multi-partnered French ANR supported consortium on the
structural characterization of the protein RKIP/PEBP active sites, our
laboratory (CBM CNRS UPR4301, Orleans, Fr) offers a one year post doctoral
position (2500 euros gross per month).

The Human Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein (H-PEBP) is a 187 amino
acids protein which is one of the few proteins with a demonstrated metastasis
suppressor activity. Structural information is to be used for the design and
synthesis of small molecules to counter the onset of metastases by potentiating
RKIP/PEBP natural anti-metastasis activity. We propose to use heteronuclear NMR
spectroscopy to identify precisely which amino-acids of H-PEBP are involved in
the binding site of newly synthetised ligands. Since the protein is
successfully expressed in E.coli, doubly labeled 13C, 15N H-PEBP sample have
been successfully produced. 15N HSQC is of very good quality (fig. 1). Backbone
assignment classical triple resonance experiments (800, 950 MHz) have already
been recorded at Frankfurt BMZ (EU_NMR facility). After backbone NH assignment,
ligand binding sites will be determined by the chemical shift perturbation
technique. Ligand conformation in the binding site will be determined by
selective observation of the small unlabelled ligand resonances. These
structural informations will then be fed back to chemists for the rational
synthesis of new ligands with higher affinity for h-PEBP. New ligands will be
assessed by the same NMR techniques.

This position is intended for young researchers with experience in protein
expression and purification together with a strong background in solution
protein NMR spectroscopy as proven by their publication record. Interested
applicants should send a CV and letter to Laurence Jouvensal
( and to Christian Damblon (

Freitag, 7. November 2008

PostDoc / Graduates Vancouver

Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Positions in Biological NMR Spectroscopy at
the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)

Postdoctoral and graduate student positions are available immediately at the
University of British Columbia to study (i) the regulation of eukaryotic gene
expression by post-translational modifications of the ETS transcription factor
family; and (ii) the electrostatic and dynamic basis of catalysis by enzymes
involved in the synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates. Representative
publications on these areas of research can be found at:

Our group is equipped with dedicated 500 and cryoprobe 600 MHz NMR
spectrometers, off-line computing, and a full wet laboratory for the production
and biophysical characterization of proteins involved in the above projects.

Postdoctoral candidates should have a publication record in NMR spectroscopy,
as well as basic laboratory techniques including basic molecular biology and
protein biochemistry. Salaries are in accordance with the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research postdoctoral and graduate student stipends.

The Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the
University of British Columbia provide an exciting environment for research in
structural biology. In addition, the Vancouver area offers endless
possibilities for outdoor ocean and mountain activities.

Interested candidates should email a cover letter, CV, and the names (plus
email addresses) of 2-3 referees to:

Lawrence McIntosh
Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Life Sciences Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z3

PostDoc Lyon

Two post-doctoral positions are available in solid-state NMR in Lyon.

Open post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic proteins

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the structural investigation of microcrystalline paramagnetic proteins by solid-state NMR.

The successful candidate will develop new ways to determine structure and dynamics in paramagnetic microcrystalline metalloproteins. The changes induced by the presence of a paramagnetic metal depend in a well-defined manner on the structure of the molecule, providing a variety of structural restraints, more numerous and more valuable than the corresponding effect that can be measured by NMR in solution. In contrast to diamagnetic effects, paramagnetic phenomena provide long-range information due to the large value of the electron magnetic moment, and are at the same time a valuable probe of the electronic state of a metal ion, its coordination, its reactivity.

The successful candidate will investigate these effects in the solid-state and implement these paramagnetic observables as restrains for the determination of protein structures in the solid-state. More ambitiously, the candidate will develop protocols to improve heteronuclear signal detection and assignment close to paramagnetic metals, where standard acquisition schemes fail due to the large shift anisotropies and the fast nuclear relaxation induced by the unpaired electrons.

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary (physics – chemistry – biology) environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence, notably in the rapidly growing field of solid-state NMR of proteins.

For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage:

The ideal candidate will possess previous experience with liquid-state or solid-state protein NMR experiments. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at and

Open post-doctoral position in experimental NMR techniques for paramagnetic solids

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the development of new experimental methods for the NMR study of paramagnetic solids.

NMR potentially provides a direct method for determining paramagnetic shifts and relaxation rates, which are direct probes of the electronic and molecular structures in paramagnetic compounds. However, to date, in solids, resolution, sensitivity and efficiency of traditional NMR experiments are hampered by the very same large orientation-dependent paramagnetic shifts, by enhanced nuclear relaxation, by anisotropic bulk broadenings, and by the difficulty to obtain efficient proton decoupling.

The goal in this area will be twofold: i) to engineer new rf irradiation schemes suitable for correctly handling largely anisotropic, fast relaxing paramagnetic signals, so to allow detection and assignment of well-resolved resonances originating from nuclei close to a paramagnetic metal ion, for which traditional solid-state NMR approaches only afford extremely poor resolution and sensitivity; ii) to develop protocols for structure determination around a metal center using paramagnetic NMR effects, so to simultaneously provide information not only on the conformation of the molecule in the lattice, but also on the intermolecular packing in the solid phase in a sort of 'NMR crystallography'.

The proposed research will target the structural determinations of powdered solids of low-molecular weight molecular model catalysts at natural abundance, containing paramagnetic centers with different relaxation properties, ranging from the isotropic, slow-relaxing Cu(II) and Mn(II) ions, to the very anisotropic, fast-relaxing lanthanides Ln(III), and including high-spin Fe(II), low- and high-spin Fe(III), Cr(II) and Co(II). The techniques developed with the these compounds will subsequently be applied to the analysis of complexes grafted on silica or adsorbed in polystyrene matrices.

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer will be installed in the center at the end of 2008), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence.

For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage:

The ideal candidate will preferably possess previous experience with experimental or theoretical liquid-state or solid-state NMR. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at and

PostDoc Utrecht

Post-doc in biomolecular NMR - BacABs

** Description of the Faculty / Research group **

The Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information and Computing Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry. The Faculty is home to 3500 students and nearly 2000 staff and is internationally renowned for the quality of its research.

The NMR Research Group (, headed by Prof. R. Boelens, is part of the Chemistry Department ( and belongs to the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research ( The research within the NMR group is focused on the structure determination of proteins and protein complexes by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and bio-computational modelling. The group has strong research lines on protein-DNA and protein-protein complexes in transcription and DNA repair and modelling of bio-molecular complexes. The NMR Research group also belongs to the European NMR Research Infrastructures (, providing experimental NMR access to European groups.

====>> We are searching for a post-doc in biomolecular NMR. <<====

** Job description **

You will be part of a European team working at unraveling at the molecular-structure level the requirements for viable (bactericidal) vaccine candidates, a project funded under the 6th framework programme of the European Union (Contract no. LSHB-CT-2006-037325 – BacABs (see also )). Your role in this project will be to characterize by NMR the dynamic properties of a number of bactericidal and non-bactericidal antigens and study their interaction with antibodies.

** Qualifications **
You should have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, structural biology or a related field. You should possess a strong research background in biomolecular NMR with experience in the collection and interpretation of NMR data, and are expected to show initiative and be able to work independently.

** Terms of employment **
The position on this project is available for a maximum of two years. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience and ranges from €2802.- to €3678.- gross per month (salary scale 10). The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% per year and a year-end bonus of 6.4% per year. We also offer a pension scheme. Employment conditions are according to the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.

** Further details **

For further information contact Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin (Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623 Email:

** How to apply **
Your application, refering to vacancynumber 65817, including a CV with contact information of two referees, should be sent to or: Faculty of Science, Personnel department, PO Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht.

Dr. Alexandre M.J.J Bonvin, Associate Professor
NMR, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands
Phone: +31-30-2533859 Fax: +31-30-2537623

Montag, 20. Oktober 2008

3 years post-doc Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

3 years post-doctoral position at the
Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Keywords: DNP, MAS-NMR, gyrotron, hyperpolarisation

We are seeking a person with experience in DNP or MAS-NMR to join
the Lausanne collaboration working on the application of
enhanced MAS-NMR using gyrotrons (see
for more information).
The collaboration involves the EPFL groups of Prof Geoffrey Bodehausen
(ISIC), Prof Jean-Philippe Ansermet (IPN), and Dr Stefano Alberti (CRPP).


Montag, 13. Oktober 2008



A tenure track position is available for an experimental biophysical
scientist to establish an independent research program in the
Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH. All areas of biophysics
and biophysical chemistry will be considered for this position.
Current research in this Laboratory is primarily concerned with
experimental, theoretical and computational problems in the structure,
dynamics, and function of biological macromolecules, using techniques
that include solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, Raman and infrared imaging spectroscopies, time-resolved
X-ray crystallography and optical spectroscopy, and single molecule
spectroscopy. The theoretical and computational studies closely
complement the experimental work. Development of fundamental aspects
of experimental and theoretical techniques is an active area in the

The Laboratory is located on the main intramural campus of the NIH in
Bethesda, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. The Principal
Investigators in the Laboratory are: Artur Adib, Philip A. Anfinrud,
Adriaan Bax, G. Marius Clore, William A. Eaton, Gerhard Hummer, James
Hofrichter, Ira W. Levin, Attila Szabo, and Robert Tycko (Scientists
Emeritus: Edwin D. Becker and Robert W. Zwanzig).

Interested applicants should send a Curriculum Vitae and list of
publications, copies of selected publications, a summary of research
accomplishments, a plan for future research, and three letters of
reference by email to or by mail to: Dr. William
A. Eaton, Chief, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, Room 116,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520. Email is
highly preferred. Deadline for receipt of applications is December 1,

HHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers.


School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy
Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
University of East Anglia, Norwich

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR/PELDOR) spin label study
of Multidrug efflux by P-glycoprotein (ref: RA520)

Applications are about to be invited for a full-time, fixed-term (3 year) post-doctoral research associate position available from 1st October 2008 based in the School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy (CAP) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). This joint project between UEA and Oxford University is funded by the Wellcome Trust.
The multidrug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a major contributor to resistance in many forms of cancer. The aim of this project is to provide a molecular description of drug translocation by P-gp describing topography and local microenvironments in distinct conformational intermediates of P-gp as it progresses through its translocation pathway.
Purified P-gp protein isoforms will be provided by our collaborators in Oxford and labelled with paramagnetic probes to enable both pulsed and multi-frequency EPR/PELDOR studies. This approach will generate dynamic topographical maps of regions in P-gp involved in the process of bioenergetic coupling. The project will be carried out within the framework of the Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
The successful applicant must have a PhD and have worked in a relevant area of
biological EPR spectroscopy. Some experience of the principal pulsed EPR methodologies that will be employed during the project is beneficial. Training will be given where required.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Fraser MacMillan (
Information about the School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy is available at
Salary will be on the Grade 7/Academic 2 (RAIA) scale, range £28,290 to £33,780
(pay award pending)
Closing date: early October and interviews will follow at the end of the month.
Further particulars and an application form will become available from the
University's web page at:; or by email, on ; or by calling the answerphone on 01603 593493 ; or by mail to the
Human Resources Office, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK.

PhD Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

PhD position available at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

The Sample Environment and Polarized Targets group (SEPT) of the Laboratory for Development and Methods (LDM) is seeking a highly motivated

PhD Student

for the study and the further development of a novel method of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) and its possible application. The group has since many years been leading in developing and applying techniques of DNP in fields as diverse as particle physics, neutron scattering or magnetic resonance imaging.

The project is embedded within the Swiss DNP Initiative:

Your profile

You have recently got a university degree in physics with excellent grades and are a skilful and innovative experimentalist that enjoys also theoretical work. You should preferably have some practical expertise with lasers and/or NMR/EPR spectroscopy or radio frequency techniques in general and enjoy working in a multidisciplinary environment. Team spirit and good communication skills in English and/or German are required.
The main part of the experimental research will be carried out at PSI. For the academic education the candidate will follow courses at the ETH (EPFL) doctoral school. The successful candidate will receive his/her PhD degree at the ETH (EPFL).

The Paul Scherrer Institut is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1300 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and material sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as on biology and medicine.

For further information please contact Dr Patrick Hautle, phone +41 (0)56 310 3210, or e-mail:



The Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance and
the Institute for Biophysical Chemistry at the Goethe
University Frankfurt seek to make a high profile appointment
for the position of a permanent staff scientist (BAT Ib)
in solid-state NMR (Glaubitz Lab).

The laboratory is well equipped with Bruker 850, 600 and 400
MHz wide-bore spectrometers. The setup for solid state DNP
is in progress. The group is specialized in biological
solid-state NMR with a focus on membrane proteins
(receptors, enzymes and transporters).

The lab is embedded in a number of research and infrastructure
initiatives (Cluster of Excellence, SFBs, NMR Large
Scale Facility) and offers an excellent working environment.

The successful applicant will be responsible for the
day-to-day running of this solid-state NMR facility.
The job responsibilities involve in particular the management
and maintenance of the available spectrometer infrastructure,
active participation in ongoing research projects, implementation
and application of new pulse sequences, support of internal
and external users, active participation in the development
and subsequent maintenance of a solid-state DNP spectrometer.

The successful applicant should have a keen interest in biological
solid state NMR and must have a relevant university
degree (chemistry, physics, biochemistry or related) and a PhD
and/or some years of postdoc experiences in modern
solid-state NMR. He/she should have a very good knowledge of
modern, multidimensional MAS NMR experiments and be able to
develop and write new pulse sequences.
A good knowledge of spectrometer hardware and MAS NMR
probeheads is essential, experiences with Bruker
spectrometers will be helpful.

Further details can be found at:


Applications should be sent by email or post to
Clemens Glaubitz, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie,
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9, 60438 Frankfurt am Main.


The deadline is December 8th 2008.

Prof. Dr. Clemens Glaubitz
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance
Goethe Universität
Max-von-Laue Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt
Tel.: 0049-69-798-29927
Tel.: 0049-69-798-29928 (Secretary)
Fax.: 0049-69-798-29929

Freitag, 26. September 2008

Postdoc position SSNMR Leiden

The Solid-state NMR group of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry
invites applications for a

Postdoc position (up to 3 years).

Founded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the
European Commission, within a research network coordinated
by the Fraunhofer-Institut Oberhausen, we aim to study
the absorptive properties of coal and link to a molecular
structure model.

Additional to a MAS NMR analysis of coal samples, optical
pumping of noble gasses in order to explore surface properties
is intended.

The solid-state NMR group in Leiden provides a comprehensive
infrastructure including various fields (MAS between 2.3 to 17.6 Tesla),
MRI, facilities for illumination in the magnet (Xe lamps, solid-state
lasers, OPO) and for low temperature experiments.

Interested candidates should have a strong background in
solid-state NMR, knowledge on optical methods is desirable,
interest on material science and the ability to work independently
within the network. The postdoc would be encouraged to build up
his/her own line of research. The position will be initially
offered for one year with the intension to extend to about three
years. The project can start immediately.

For information and application, please contact:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
j.matysik (at)
tel.: +31-71-527 4198

Dr. Joerg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
PO Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden (mail)
Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden (visit/courier)
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-71-527-4198
Fax: +31-71-527-4603
Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis, Vol. 2
T.J. Aartsma & J. Matysik, eds. (2008)

Assistant Professor Position New York University

Assistant Professor Position
New York University

The Department of Chemistry at New York University, located
in Greenwich Village in lower Manhattan, invites applications
for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in experimental
biophysical chemistry and experimental physical chemistry
applied to macromolecular and biological systems. The
anticipated start date is September 1, 2009, pending
budgetary and administrative approval. The Department is
embarking on a significant growth plan that includes the
creation of the Molecular Design Institute, the recent hire of
two senior-level faculty with several more anticipated, and
expansion of laboratory and instrumentation facilities.
Applicants should have an outstanding record of research and
a commitment to teaching.

Applications should include a curriculum vita, a list of
publications, a statement of future original research and
teaching plans, and the names of at least three references.
Application review will begin on October 15, 2008.
Applications should be sent to Faculty Search Committee,
Department of Chemistry, New York University, 100
Washington Square East, New York, NY 10003.

20 Scholarships for PhD Studies in Structural Biology

NRW Research School at Heinrich- Heine-University Düsseldorf

The NRW Research School BioStruct - Biological Structures in Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in Germany, funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the German Federal State North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), and the school chairmen Prof. Dr. Lutz Schmitt and Prof. Dr. Dieter Willbold invite applications for

20 Scholarships for PhD Studies in Structural Biology
applied to Molecular Medicine or Biotechnology

starting October 2008.

BioStruct offers innovative education and research programs within a stimulating interdisciplinary environment combining the fields of structural biology, molecular medicine and biotechnology.

Highly motivated and excellent candidates holding an MSc or Diploma degree in the fields of Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry and related fields can directly apply for one of 20 PhD Scholarships including a monthly stipend of 1345,- EUR and contributions towards travel and research expenses.

Promising and exceptional candidates holding a BSc or MD can apply for one of 3 Qualifying Scholarships facilitating entrance qualification for the PhD-program within one year and including a monthly stipend of 800,- EUR.

For further information, prerequisites and application forms please visit our website:

For enquiries and additional information please contact the managing director Dr. Christian Dumpitak:

Applications are open throughout the year until all PhD and Qualification Scholarships are filled.

Prof. Dr. Henrike Heise
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
Forschungszentrum Juelich
INB-2 / Molekulare Biophysik II
D-52425 Juelich

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jülich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Düren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Bärbel Brumme-Bothe
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Harald Bolt,
Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

Postdoc in Biomolecular SSNMR

Postdoc in Biomolecular SSNMR
A full-time Postdoctoral Fellow position is immediately available to
a highly motivated candidate to conduct research on structural
elucidation of membrane proteins (especially G-protein coupled
receptors) and pathological protein aggregates. A 600 MHz
Varian Inova spectrometer, which is equipped with fast MAS
and variable temperature capabilities, is available for this
Biomolecular Solid-State NMR research. For more information,
please visit

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry or related fields.
The candidate is expected to have strong solid or solution NMR
background. Experiences with protein expression and purification
are a big plus.

To apply: Please send a cover letter, CV and the names and contact
information of three references to Dr. Donghua Zhou by email:

Dr. Donghua Zhou
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Oklahoma State University
224 Physical Science
Stillwater, OK 74078

(405) 744-3277

Postdoctoral position in biological solid state NMR

Postdoctoral position in biological solid state NMR

A postdoctoral research position in biological solid state NMR is available at the Department of Structural Biology at the *University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine*. The group of Patrick van der Wel uses solid state NMR to study various biological topics, predominantly through the use of magic angle spinning (MAS) solid state NMR. Particular research interests inlcude (1) Structural membrane protein studies focused on the interplay between the lipids of the lipid bilayer and the membrane-bound protein, (2) Investigations of amyloid fibril structure and formation.

The group has specific access to Bruker 800 and 600MHz magnets, which are well-equipped for solid state NMR, with multiple MAS as well as static solid state NMR probes. The department also features collaborative research groups with expertise in a variety of structural techniques, including solution state NMR, (cryo) EM, and X-ray crystallography. It is housed in a new research building and includes state-of-the-art equipment and wet lab resources.

For more information see: **
Or contact Patrick van der Wel at:

Patrick C.A. van der Wel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Structural Biology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Biomedical Science Tower 3, room 2044
3501 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Montag, 8. September 2008

Leitung NMR-Abteilung Organische Chemie Universität Stuttgart

Am Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Stuttgart ist zum 01.02.2009 die Stelle eines/einer
Akademischen Rates/Akademischen Rätin (BesGr. A13)
für das Themengebiet NMR-Spektroskopie zu besetzen (Nachfolge PD Dr. Peter
Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst die Leitung der NMR-spektroskopischen Abteilung sowie
der Abteilung für IR-Spektroskopie und Gaschromatographie mit gegenwärtig 3-4
Angestellten. Eine Beteiligung an der Lehre und an der universitären Selbstverwaltung
wird erwartet. Bewerber sollten die Fähigkeit zur Leitung einer wissenschaftlichen
Arbeitsgruppe, Eigeninitiative sowie Erfahrung beim Umgang mit NMR-Spektrometern
mitbringen. Einschlägige Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der ein- und zweidimensionalen
NMR-Spektroskopie sind erwünscht. Es besteht die Möglichkeit zur selbständigen
Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten und der Habilitation.
Einstellungsvoraussetzung ist ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in den Fächern
Chemie oder Physik. Eine Promotion mit überdurchschnittlichem Erfolg sowie
internationale Publikationen werden vorausgesetzt.
Die Universität Stuttgart bietet eine unbefristete Vollzeitstelle in einem attraktiven
Umfeld mit der Möglichkeit einer weitgehend unabhängigen Gestaltung der Forschung.
Die Universität Stuttgart möchte den Anteil der Frauen erhöhen. Frauen werden deshalb
ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert. Vollzeitstellen sind grundsätzlich teilbar.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig eingestellt. Die Einstellung
erfolgt durch die Zentrale Verwaltung.
Für Auskünfte steht Ihnen Prof. C. Richert (Tel. 0711 685 64311) gerne zur Verfügung.
Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte an die Geschäftsführende
Direktorin des Instituts für Organische Chemie, Frau Prof. Sabine Laschat,
Pfaffenwaldring 55, D-70569 Stuttgart. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15.10.2008.

Donnerstag, 4. September 2008

Leitung NMR-Abteilung Organische Chemie Hamburg

Leitung NMR-Abteilung der Organischen Chemie
Ab 01.10.2008 ist die Stelle eines/einer
Akademischen Rates / Akademischen Rätin
der Besoldungsgruppe A13 mit 40 Stunden wöchentlich unbefristet zu besetzen.
Die Universität strebt die Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen am wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben. Frauen werden im Sinne des Hamburgischen Gleichstellungsgesetzes bei gleichwertiger Qualifikation vorrangig berücksichtigt.
Die Stelleninhaberin oder der Stelleninhaber soll die NMR-Abteilung der Organischen Chemie kompetent leiten und den Service effizient mit den vorhandenen Ressourcen organisieren.
Weiterhin soll eine Strukturplanung für die weitere Entwicklung der NMR- Spektroskopie im hochauflösenden Bereich vorgenommen werden. Wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifikation und Präsentation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse werden erwartet. Einsatz in der Ausbildung von Studenten ist im Bereich der theoretischen und praktischen Qualifikation essentieller Bestandteil der Aufgaben.
Die Lehrverpflichtung beträgt 4 Semesterwochenstunden.
Erwartet werden umfangreiche theoretische und praktische Kenntnisse der modernen
hochauflösenden 1D- und 2D-NMR- Spektroskopie; praktische Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit
und im Service von NMR Spektrometern der Firma Bruker; Kenntnisse in der Organisation
einer Service-orientierten NMR -Abteilung; praxisorientierte Lösungen von spektroskopischen Problemen in der hochauflösenden NMR Spektroskopie; Erfahrungen in der Vermittlung von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen an Studenten und Wissenschaftler; Lehrerfahrung in der NMR- Spektroskopie; Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von Software zur Aufklärung von 2D- und 3D-Strukturen aus NMR- Spektren.
Abgeschlossene Ausbildung an einer wissenschaftlichen Hochschule bevorzugt mit Promotion.
Schwerbehinderte haben Vorrang vor gesetzlich nicht bevorrechtigten
Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistungen.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Bewerbungsschreiben, tabellarischer Lebenslauf, Hochschulabschluss) werden bis zum 19.09.2008 erbeten an:
Prof. Dr. J. Thiem, Tel. (040) 42838-4241, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, 20146 Hamburg.
Für nähere Informationen sehen Sie bitte im Internet unter

Postdoc in DNP NMR spectroscopy

*Postdoctoral Research Fellow in DNP NMR spectroscopy*

**Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UK
This post is funded by a BBSRC Technology Development Initiative grant with the main objective to develop DNP NMR strategies for the detection of molecular motion and dynamic processes. The project includes a) research in dissolution DNP, b) probehead design and rf coil design, c) development of pulse sequences for a multi-channel NMR spectrometer, and d) designing strategies for the investigation of fast molecular dynamics such as binding and folding and applying them to model protein systems.

Candidates must have a PhD in a relevant subject. Experience in NMR and/or ESR techniques and a good knowledge of NMR hardware compounds will be an advantage.

Salary will be within the range £25,888 – £33,780 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience (salary can progress to £36,912 per annum, subject to performance). This post will be offered on a fixed-term contract starting in autumn 2008 for a period of up to three years, depending on qualifications and experience.

Further details about this post and the project involved are available at: .

*For more details please send an email to
****Please quote ref. SCI/362X1. **Closing date: 22 September 2008.*

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

Dienstag, 26. August 2008

NMR Spectroscopist South Africa

NMR Spectroscopist
Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (Cape Town area), South Africa
(Ref. 08AR302)

The Central Analytical Facility (CAF) hosts much of the large analytical equipment of Stellenbosch University within nine operational units. Equipment is managed independently within the CAF to ensure optimal utilisation and service to the research community of the University, as well
as the South African research and development sector in general.

The NMR Laboratory is one of the larger units within the CAF and is the best equipped NMR laboratory in South Africa. The laboratory houses three solution-state NMR spectrometers (300, 400 & 600 MHz) and a wide-bore 500-MHz dedicated solid-state NMR spectrometer. All spectrometers are Varian systems.

Together with other staff members of the unit, the NMR Spectroscopist will ensure that the unit functions to the best advantage of research at the institution.

Duties: Liaising with clients to assist with NMR spectroscopic problems, ranging from proposing appropriate experiments and running the experiments for clients (academic and commercial), to assisting with interpretation of spectra, providing practical training for students on the NMR spectrometers, assisting with the implementation of safety procedures in the laboratory, instrument maintenance and troubleshooting of instrument-related problems, assisting with the financial and functional administration of the laboratory.

Requirements: MSc in Chemistry - practical experience in solution-state NMR spectroscopy - knowledge of principles and theory of NMR spectroscopy - ability to interpret solution-state NMR spectra - ability to work independently in a service orientated environment - proven ability to handle multiple tasks under time pressure - sound oral and written communication skills.

Recommendations: PhD in Chemistry - experience in the use of Varian NMR spectrometers - a broad understanding of various areas of Chemistry in order to understand clients problems.

Commencement of duties: As soon as possible

Closing date: 5 September 2008

Enquiries: Gary Stevens on +27 21 808 3127 or email

The University will consider all applications in terms of its
Employment Equity Plan, which acknowledges the need to diversify the
demographic composition of the staff corps, especially with regard to
the appointment of suitable candidates from the designated groups.

The University reserves the right not to make an appointment.

A competitive remuneration package and excellent service benefits are
attached to this position. For further details, contact +27 21 808 4829.

Your full application, comprising
(1) a completed application form
(obtainable on our homepage or by e-mailing or contacting +27 21 808 4542) and
(2) a comprehensive curriculum vitae (including the names and contact
details of at least two referees), must reach the University before or
on the closing date of the advertised post.

Forward your application via e-mail to or to The
Manager: Personnel Provisioning & Planning, Stellenbosch University,
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, or fax +27 21 808 2484.

Should no feedback be received from the University within four weeks
of the closing date, kindly accept that your application did not succeed.

Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NM

Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR of partially folded and intrinsically unfolded proteins at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.

Two year postdoctoral position to work in NMR developments for the study of partially folded proteins at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble (in the group of Martin Blackledge : Protein Dynamics and Flexibility by NMR).

Web site :

Current research interests lie in the study of conformational flexibility in proteins in their different forms, from intrinsically disordered proteins to folded globular proteins, and to understand the complex relationship between molecular motion and biological function and malfunction. Our principal tool is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), combined with complementary biophysical techniques such as molecular simulation and small angle scattering. We are actively collaborating with a number of groups, allowing immediate application of developed techniques to biological paradigms involving dynamic or disordered systems. The key systems that we are studying are proteins involved in the development of neurodegenerative disease, viral proteins regulating transcription and replication and cancer-related proteins. Some relevant references listed below.

The Institute of Structural Biology houses three NMR spectrometers equipped with cryogenic probes (two 600 MHz and one 800 MHz) and the group collaborates closely with the nearby European high field NMR centre in Lyon with access to higher field instruments (900 MHz and 1 GHz NMR spectrometers by the end 2008). The NMR groups at the IBS also share access to a fully equipped wet lab for the preparation of isotopically labeled NMR samples.
Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French Alps and hosts one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute (ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble Out-Station.

Previous experience in the study of biomolecular structure or dynamics using modern heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy techniques is considered an advantage, although candidates from complementary fields will also be considered.
A competitive salary (based on previous research experience) is offered with health insurance, retirement plan and language training allowance. Interested candidates should forward a curriculum vitae, list of publication and electronic and postal addresses of potential referees to

Quantitative Conformational Analysis of Partially Folded Proteins from Residual Dipolar Couplings : Application to the Molecular Recognition Element of Sendai Virus Nucleoprotein. Malene Ringkjøbing Jensen, Klaartje Houben, Ewen Lescop, Laurence Blanchard, Rob W.H. Ruigrok and Martin Blackledge. J.Am.Chem.Soc. 130, 8055-8061 (2008).
Structure of tumor suppressor p53 and its intrinsically disordered N-terminal transactivation domainMark Wells, Henning Tidow, Trevor J. Rutherford, Phineus Markwick, Malene Ringkjobing Jensen, Efstratios Mylonas, Dmitri I. Svergun, Martin Blackledge*, and Alan R. Fersht*. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.) 105, 5762–5767 (2008).
Mapping the Conformational Landscape of Urea-Denatured Ubiquitin using Residual Dipolar Couplings. Sebastian Meier, Stephan Grzesiek and Martin Blackledge J.Am.Chem.Soc. 129, 9799-9807 (2007).
Highly Populated Turn Conformations in Natively Unfolded Tau Protein Identified from Residual Dipolar Couplings and Molecular Simulation. M. D. Mukrasch, P.R.L. Markwick, J. Biernat, M. von Bergen, P. Bernado, C. Griesinger, E. Mandelkow, M. Zweckstetter and M. Blackledge J.Am.Chem.Soc. 129, 5235-5243 (2007).
Exploring Multiple Timescale Motions in Protein GB3 using Accelerated Molecular Dynamics and NMR. P. Markwick, G. Bouvignies and M. Blackledge J.Am.Chem.Soc. 129, 4724-4730 (2007).

Martin Blackledge
Group Leader
Protein Dynamics and Flexibility by NMR
Institut de Biologie Structurale
41 Rue Jules Horowitz

Telephone: +33 438 789 554

Ph.D. Students Physical Chemistry/Solid State NMR

Ph.D. Students Physical Chemistry/Solid State NMR

At present there are several vacancies for both phd projects and post doc positions.

1) Hydrogen storage

One of the critical problems for a future economy that is less dependent on fossil fuels is the need to find a suitable solution for energy storage. Hydrogen gas is considered as a promising candidate for a light and clean fuel in automotive applications. However the hydrogen density both in the liquid and (high pressure) gas phase is rather low. Storage of hydrogen in the form of complex chemical compounds such as metal hydrides can be an attractive alternative. Recent developments have shown that reversible hydrogen charging is possible at near ambient pressures and temperatures. However, the kinetics and thermodynamic efficiency need to be further optimized. Also, the effective weight of these compounds are still rather high. With solid state synthesis methods it is possible to make thin films with gradients in composition or catalytic doping. This can be used as an effective method of combinatorial chemistry to optimize the density and kinetics of the hydrogen storage.

NMR is the method of choice to study local molecular and (disordered) crystalline structure. Also, it can give insight in local mobility of the hydrogen atoms. Unfortunately the conventional NMR probes are not optimized for thin film samples and the relatively low sensitivity precludes high resolution MRI and local NMR spectroscopy. With new stripline rf stuctures we can achieve a much higher sensitivity. In addition, the planar design is optimal for thin film applications. It is the purpose of the present project to develop a novel type of scanning NMR probe that will be used for local analysis of these combinatorial hydrogen storage materials. If you are interested in a combination of fundamental science with innovative technological developments aimed at a solution for urgent environmental problems then this is the job for you.

2) Dynamic Nuclear Polarization on a chip

With modern microfluidic chip technology it is possible to do chemical synthesis in nanoliter volumes. We are developing NMR methods to be able to monitor these reactions in situ. This may allow a fast and convenient optimization of all process parameters. In addition, one can study the reaction kinetics in detail and intermediate products can be identified. A second application of this technology is the study of very small samples of for example human or animal metabolites. We have recently demonstrated that this is possible without loss in resolution. However, for these low concentration samples it is necessary to enhance the sensitivity of the NMR method. Since the probe designs already approach intrinsic quantum sensitivity limits, the only alternative is to enhance the effective polarization of the nuclei. This can be done by a transfer of the much larger polarization from unpaired electrons, thus effectively cooling the nuclei to a more favourable Bolzmann distribution.

We are looking for two enthousiastic and highly motivated PhD students to realize this possibility. One student will be based at the Mesa+ center at the university of Twente, and will concentrate on the design and production of the chips, including the necessary microwave structures. The second student will be based at the Radboud University and will concentrate on the NMR and EPR aspects. Applications of the new methodology to analyse bio metabolites will be a joint effort.

3) High sensitivity solid state NMR at 850 MHz

The infrastructure for solid state NMR at the Radboud University will soon be upgraded with a powerful 850 MHz wide bore NMR system. This will provide unique capabilities to study functionalized molecular materials. A continuous effort is to optimized the NMR sensitivity for these nanosized samples. We recently developed a novel MAS probe with integrated microcoil detection. This design opens new possibilities for ultra low temperature NMR. Also it can be combined with efficient microwave resonators to allow in situ high frequency Dynamic Nuclear Polarization. In collaboration with Varian inc. (one of the main suppliers of NMR spectrometers) we will develop the necessary equipment for this purpose. A novel gyrotron source will be built to provide the TeraHertz radiation for DNP.

We are looking for an experienced and creative postdoc, preferably with a background in NMR and/or TeraHerz spectroscopy. Excellent experimental and communication skills are required to make this international endeavor to a succes.


Required education/skills: Doctorate
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher with a Master’s degree in physics or physical chemistry, and with adequate theoretical and experimental skills. We prefer candidates with a good team spirit, who like to work in an internationally oriented environment and are able to collaborate with our partner groups on the crossroads between chemistry and (technical) physics.

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract for PhD studens: Starts for a period of
one year, with a possible prolongation till 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 40
The post-doc position is initially for a period of two years.
Salary will depend on previous expertise.

Additional information about the vacancies can be obtained from:

E-mail address:

Or through one of the following links.

about the department

Radboud University Nijmegen

Postdoc position Leiden

The Solid-state NMR group of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry invites applications for a

Postdoc position (up to 3 years).

Founded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the European Commission, within a research network coordinated by the Fraunhofer-Institut Oberhausen, we aim to study the absorptive properties of coal and link to a molecular structure model.

Additional to a MAS NMR analysis of coal samples, optical pumping of noble gasses in order to explore surface properties is intended.

The solid-state NMR group in Leiden provides a comprehensive infrastructure including various fields (MAS between 2.3 to 17.6 Tesla), MRI, facilities for illumination in the magnet (Xe lamps, solid-state lasers, OPO) and for low temperature experiments.

Interested candidates should have a strong background in solid-state NMR, knowledge on optical pumping is desirable, interest on material science and the ability to work independently within the network. The postdoc would be encouraged to build up his/her own line of research. The position will be initially offered for one year with the intension to extend to about three years. Project start will be 1st of October 2008.

For information and application, please contact:
Dr. Jörg Matysik
j.matysik (at)
tel.: +31-71-527 4198

Dr. Joerg Matysik
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, University of Leiden
PO Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden (mail)
Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden (visit/courier)
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-71-527-4198
Fax: +31-71-527-4603

Stelle NMR-Mitarbeiter(in) CTA

An der Universität zu Köln, Department für Chemie - NMR-Abteilung - ist zum
nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt befristet bis 07.01.2009 die Stelle einer/eines
CTA (Vollzeit, Entgeltgruppe 6 TV-L)
zu besetzen.
Das Department für Chemie hat eine zentrale modern ausgestattete NMR-Abteilung. Unter
einer wissenschaftlichen Leitung sind zwei Laboranten/CTAs und ein Ingenieur mit
Messaufgaben und der Wartung der Geräte betraut. Die Arbeit ist vom Kontakt zu den
DiplomandInnen und DoktorandInnen geprägt.
Ihre Aufgaben:
Sie betreuen die NMR-Geräte der Abteilung und führen selbständig Routine- und
Spezialmessungen an organischen und anorganischen Verbindungen durch. Sie verstehen
sich als Dienstleister/In für die Wissenschaftler/innen, deren Proben Sie messen und die Sie in Bezug auf Wahl der Experimente und Bedienung der Spektrometer beraten. Außerdem übernehmen Sie einfache Wartungsaufgaben.
Ihr Profil:
Sie haben eine Ausbildung zum/zur CTA oder eine gleichwertige Qualifikation und
Berufserfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Instrumentellen Analytik - im optimalen Fall in der NMR Spektroskopie.
Gute Englischkenntnisse und der Umgang mit moderner Bürotechnik sind für Sie selbstverständlich. Sie sind teamfähig, flexibel, verantwortungsvoll und belastbar;
Eigeninitiative und Einsatzbereitschaft runden Ihr Profil ab.
Wir bieten Ihnen eine interessante und herausfordernde Tätigkeit in einem innovativen
Umfeld. Sie vertreten die Stelleninhaberin in ihrer Mutterschutz- und ggf. Elternzeit. Daher ist die Tätigkeit zunächst befristet bis 07.01.2009, eine Verlängerung bis Ende 2009/Anfang 2010 ist ggf. möglich. Die Stelle ist nicht teilzeitgeeignet.
Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Menschen sind besonders willkommen. Schwerbehinderte
Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt. Bewerbungen von Frauen werden
ausdrücklich erwünscht. Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher
Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre schriftlichen Bewerbungsunterlagen bis zum 05.09.2008 an die
Geschäftsführung des Departments für Chemie, Frau Dr. Birgit Seyberlich (Greinstraße 4 - 6, 50939 Köln,

Freitag, 15. August 2008

Postdoctoral position in SSNMR studies of mammalian prions

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Postdoctoral position in solid-state NMR studies of mammalian prions

A postdoctoral position in biomolecular solid-state NMR is available at
the Hospital for Sick Children. This position will focus on structural
characterization of oligomeric and fibrillar states of mammalian prion
proteins by solid state NMR. This work is being carried out in
collaboration with other structural and biophysical groups at the
University of Toronto. The Sharpe lab is located within the Molecular
Structure and Function Program at the Hospital for Sick Children and the
Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto, providing a
diverse and stimulating research environment. The research group is
fully equipped for cloning, mutagenesis, protein expression and
purification, with access to peptide synthesis, computational biology
facilities and full-time use of a 500 MHz spectrometer for solids MAS
and static experiments. In addition, access to the National Solid-State
900 MHz NMR facility in Ottawa is also available for this project.

Applicants should possess a recent Ph.D. (last 5 years). Experience in
protein NMR (solution or solid state) or a strong background in
amyloid/prion protein structure is a significant asset, although highly
qualified and motivated individuals with related backgrounds are invited
to apply. The start date for this position is negotiable, but is
available immediately. Interested candidates should send a CV and
contact information for 3 references to:

Dr. Simon Sharpe
Molecular Structure and Function
Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Ave,
Toronto, ON
Canada M5G 1X8


PhD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

PHD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

A PhD position is available in PFG-NMR in the Cemagref’s NMR research group. The position will focus on the investigation of tracer diffusion in protein gel assemblies. This work is being carried out in collaboration with a biophysical group at the University of Le Mans
Cemagref’s NMR research group is one of the european leader in NMR and MRI applied to food processing. The main force of the research team lies on its multi-disciplinarity, integrating expertise in NMR and MRI relaxometry, in food engineering but also in signal and images analysis.
The research work develops by the Cemagref’s NMR/MRI group is focus on the understanding of the interaction between food processing and food structure and molecular mobility. MRI is a non intrusive technique that permits to obtain 2D and 3D images of a product and specific MRI methods have been developed within the research team to assess phase transition and porosity changes in cereal products such as bread. Based on the unique MRI facilities, coupled with dedicated devices (oven, freezers etc), the continuous changes during processing can be monitor in real time. Original results have been obtained on bread cooking, during freezing and proofing of fermented cereal products, during cheese ripening, and curd draining.
Furthermore, the team is leader in the study of molecular diffusion in food product. Several projects have been focus on water diffusion in order to quantify the effect of food composition and food structure on water mobility. A wide range of products have been studied from simple protein gel systems up to real and complex products such as cheese and microscopic compartmented system such a vegetable tissue. These research works have been extended to a more general approach focus on the effect of gel structure and porosity on molecular tracer diffusion.
The research group is equipped of two whole body MRI scanners at 0.2 T and 1.5 T, of two low field NMR spectrometers equipped with pulsed field gradient probe (4T/m). In addition access to a 500 MHz spectrometer equipped with a pulsed filed gradient probe (12T/m) is available in the Research Plate-form PRISM.
Income: about 1500 euros per month (this is the remaining income after removal of every taxes)

If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to
CS 64427
17 avenue de Cucillé
35044 Rennes Cedex
email :
site web :

Site web PRISM

Donnerstag, 14. August 2008

Post-Doctoral Position Spinnovation

Reference Hyph-05: Post-Doc, Biomolecular NMR in application to metabolomics (2-3 years).

Spinnovation Analytical BV is a private Contract Research Organization located in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The company is specialized in offering analytical service and contract research to Industry carrying out intense Research & Development effort in the field of Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals/Polymers or Food Products. Its expertise and capacity are focused on NMR-based spectroscopic techniques and applications. Since its establishment in 2004, Spinnovation has established itself as a leading company on the worldwide market of NMR-based analytical services.

Spinnovation has currently an opened post-doctoral position in the field of biomolecular NMR applied to metabolomics.

Description. The project is based on a joint research initiative from several industrial (Pharmaceutical companies, analytical system supplier and service supplier) and academic parties. The project deals with the development and use of NMR-based analytical methods, in combination with LC/MS and LC/SPE, in the study of biological fluids for metabonomic applications. Spectrometric, spectroscopic, and chromatographic data will be used to establish unambiguous identification / characterization of endogenous metabolites develop profiling methods, support enrichment of existing database. For e.g., specific measurement of NMR parameters such as relaxation times will be carried out and issues related to protein/metabolite interactions will be addressed.
Spinnovation analytical platform combines state-of-the-art LC-SPE-NMR-MS methods, dedicated analytical systems and applications developed to address issues in the field of metabolomic (automation, throughput, sensitivity, dedicated database...). Spinnovation has a staff of highly skilled and experienced employees (researchers and engineers. NMR capacity is further supported by the access to an NMR facility with spectrometers operating at 500MHz, 600MHz and 800MHz and fitted with cryo-cooled probes.

Candidate profile. The candidate (m/f) will have a Ph.D. in biophysical chemistry with a speciality in bio-molecular NMR. He/she will have a significant background and expertise in NMR theory and operation (pulse programming, data acquisition, processing and troubleshooting), expertise that he/she would for instance have applied to solution NMR protein structure investigation. Additional expertise in chemometrics, metabolomics/nomics, other analytical methods such as MS, LC-MS will be valued.
The candidate should be interested in applied science and technological aspects, efficient in teamwork, have broad scientific interest, recognized organizational skills, with validated project management experience, be opened with good communication ability (oral / writing), fluent in English.

Further information and application. The position will be opened at Spinnovation, Nijmegen (The Netherlands). Salary will be discussed according to experience. Application shall be sent in English, including CV, accompanying letter and names of two reference persons that can be contacted, by email to the address: , mentioning the position reference ref. Hyph-05 in the subject.

Freitag, 25. Juli 2008

PhD position in the UK

I have an opening for a PhD student in my lab at the University of East Anglia, UK, to study the TARP protein from Chlamydia by NMR and other structural techniques.

Sexually transmitted Chlamydia can lead to complications such as inflammatory disease and infertility. Chlamydia is an obligatory intracellular parasite, and has developed very efficient mechanisms to enter the host cells, sometimes referred to as “parasite-specified phagocytosis”.
This process of cell invasion is not yet well understood. After attaching to the cell surface, Chlamydia recruits actin to the site of invasion to form an actin-rich pedestal at the site of entry. TARP (translocated actin-recruiting phosphoprotein) is translocated from Chlamydia into the cytoplasm of the host cell in the early stages of invasion, using the type III secretion machinery. During this process, it becomes accessible to the extracellular medium, making it a possible target for drug or vaccine development. The N-terminal region of TARP contains a number of Tyr-rich domains that are phosphorylated inside the host cell, while the C-terminal region is capable of nucleating the formation of actin filaments.
To study TARP, this project applies protein expression and purification, associated to structural techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, which are very powerful for understanding molecular interactions at the atomic level. We aim to elucidate how the structural aspects of TARP allow its interaction with actin, and how that leads to the mechanism by which TARP recruits actin to the invasion site and nucleates its polymerisation. A more effective understanding of the initial steps of cell invasion by Chlamydia can lead to more efficient methods for prevention and control of infection.

For more information, please contact me:

Dr. Tharin Blumenschein, Lecturer
School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy
University of East Anglia
Norwich - NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1603 59 2963

Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008

Postdoc position Malcolm Levitt's group

A postdoc position is available in Malcolm Levitt's group for 2 years approx. The project involves the development of solid-state NMR methodology. The application deadline is 4 Aug 2008. For more details, and to apply, use


Malcolm Levitt
School of Chemistry
Room 27:2025
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
tel. +44 23 8059 6753
fax: +44 23 8059 3781
mobile: +44 77 6652 2964

Freitag, 18. Juli 2008

Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy

The Protein NMR research group of Dr. Lars T. Kuhn at the DFG Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CMPB; and the Cluster of Excellence "Microscopy at the Nanometer Range" of the University of Goettingen (Germany), Faculty of Medicine, is offering a Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy, starting from 1 January 2009 for initially two years with an optional extension for another two to three years at the end of the first period.

The research of the prospective candidate will focus on the characterization and the dynamic behaviour of the structures of native and non-native states of proteins that are involved in the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our group undertakes the analysis of biologically active peptides and small model systems, with emphasis on determining their different conformations under changing experimental conditions together with their folding behaviour. For these purposes, NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques for the identification of protein structural elements, e.g. CD polarimetry, are being employed. The protein NMR facility includes dedicated state-of-the-art "high field" NMR spectrometers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen) ( in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger and fully equipped biochemistry "wet lab" facilities for protein expression and purification.

A highly motivated researcher with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology, or a related discipline, with evidence of productive and independent contributions in science, will be the preferred candidate for this position. The applicant should be familiar with the principles and practice of multidimensional protein NMR spectroscopy and structure determination, and should have previous experience with protein expression and purification. As the group's working philosophy strongly encourages independent thinking, successful candidates will be invited to develop their own ideas and research objectives within the framework of the group's field of research.

The University of Goettingen is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female candidates and handicapped individuals to apply. Applications should include a meaningful CV together with the names and electronic mail addresses of up to three referees and should be sent by regular mail to: Mr. Andreas Bock, University of Goettingen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neuro- and Sensoryphysiology, Humboldtallee 23, 37073 Goettingen, Germany, or as single pdf-file via e-mail to: by the beginning of October 2008.

Best wishes,

Lars T. Kuhn

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008

NMR position at BASF

NMR position at BASF

The Polymer Physics Department of BASF SE has a permanent position open for reallocation. Our laboratory is part of the polymer research activities of BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

We are looking for a chemist of good knowledge in physical chemistry and expertise in solid state NMR, of synthetic polymers preferably. Micro-imaging and pulsed field gradient NMR are two additional techniques provided by the laboratory. Your experience with at least one of these methods and familiarity with the BRUKER equipment is appreciated.

The successful applicant will be responsible for the use of solid state NMR, PFG-NMR and micro-imaging. This includes
- characterization of solid polymers by 13C CP/MAS in support of our research activities (evaluate, interpret, and present data to internal customers)
- use of PFG-NMR for understanding transport properties but also to answer diverse physico-chemical questions
- micro-imaging applications in material science

He/she will
- cooperate with the chemists in research projects on topics of structure / properties relationship (acquire projects, internal consulting)
- improve existing NMR methods and implement new ones
- explore new fields of application of solid state / PFG / imaging NMR for use in research projects.

This position has been posted on the BASF SE web site with reference code J-GKP-50893832. We are very much looking forward to your on-line application at http:/

contact for further information:
Dr. Ruediger Voelkel
Polymer Physics, GKP – G201
67056 Ludwigshafen
tel. 0621-60-92626

Montag, 14. Juli 2008

Postdoctoral Position Guelph

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the area of NMR of
membrane proteins and protein-protein interactions. The particular project
is to study an integral 7TM protein, its interaction with its soluble
transducer, and the interaction between the transducer and DNA. The
project will involve both solution and solid-state NMR, conducted on a
range of instruments from 500 to 800 MHz. Applicants familiar with or
willing to learn protein expression and purification, and with previous
experience in biological NMR are encouraged to apply. The work will be
conducted in the Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Guelph, and will be
co-supervised by Profs. V. Ladizhansky and L. Brown. Additional
information is also available upon request. Please send a CV and the names
and addresses of three references to Leonid
Brown( or Vladimir Ladizhansky
( if you are interested.

PhD opening in Marseille

A 3 year position towards a PhD degree is available at the University Paul Cézanne in Marseille for a motivated young student, with a strong background in analytical and/or physical chemistry. Knowledge in solid-state chemistry and physics, particularly adsorption phenomena and porous materials, is welcome. The candidate will work in collaboration with HPLC and NMR experts on the characterization of solid/liquid interactions via HRMAS-DOSY NMR, with the aim of describing separation mechanisms in Liquid Chromatography and of implementing NMR techniques for the analysis of mixtures.
For more information, please contact Stefano Caldarelli

- Enhanced diffusion-edited NMR spectroscopy of mixtures using chromatographic stationary phases
Stéphane Viel, Fabio Ziarelli and Stefano Caldarelli Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2003 ,100, 9696-9698
- Investigation of the chromatographic process via Pulsed-Gradient Spin-Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The role of the solvent composition in partitioning chromatography Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent and Stefano Caldarelli Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 561-566
- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR Spectroscopy
Guilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953

PhD position

PhD position available on :

Quality control of therapeutic proteins by NMR

The use of recombinant proteins in human health care is a growing field, characterized by a rapid progression with 13% of the total drug market. Hormones, vaccines and blood coagulation factors are the first applications of proteins in human health. The growing number of molecules together with the increasing number of compagnies that are producing therapeutic proteins call for a reinforcement of the quality controls for this kind of drugs. NMR is a powerful tool to investigate the chemical structure of proteins together with their three dimensional fold. This project aims at developing new methods for spectral acquisition and analysis allowing specific spectral signatures to be identified for each therapeutic protein. This project will be developed in collaboration with the NMRTec society. This project has received the support from the pôle de compétitivité "Innovations thérapeutiques".
Interested by biophysical and biocomputing methods, the student will use the most recent methods of biomolecular NMR, usually used to study the three-dimensional structures of proteins. After having familiarized himself with these techniques, it will adapt these methods to the acquisition of protein spectra within their commercial formulation. He will interact with software developers in order to define the quality criteria and to automate the spectra acquisition and their interpretation.
With this subject, the student will get access to a rather broad range of skills in biophysics and protein chemistry. He will also get familiar with the fast growing field of drug quality control.

For additional information, contact
Pr Bruno Kieffer
33 3 90 24 47 22

IGBMC Biomolecular NMR group, CNRS UMR 7104
Boulevard Sebastien Brant BP10413
Fax : (33)
Voice : (33)
web :

Postdoctoral Position at the BioMagResBank

The BioMagResBank (BMRB), located in the Biochemistry Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, has an immediate opening a postdoctoral research associate.
The minimal requirements are a Ph.D. biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with additional emphasis on bioinformatics. Experience in the calculation and validation of biomolecular structures from NMR data and familiarity with current technologies in computer software development, bioinformatics, and website design are highly desirable.
The successful candidate will hold a key position in a multi-disciplinary team, whose goal is to develop and maintain BioMagResBank (BMRB:, a databank for NMR spectroscopic data on proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, and small biologically relevant molecules. Responsibilities will include developing bioinformatics tools for the organization, query, and distribution of macromolecular NMR experimental data and actively participating as a team member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank. Work will involve collaborations with scientists in the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM), the Computer Sciences Departments at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and the Univ. of Athens, Greece, and members of academic and commercial NMR software development groups world-wide. Goals include the construction of a relational database for biomolecular NMR data, the implementation of structure determination and validation software on a computer cluster, and the integration of experimental NMR data with resources available on the WWW. Strong oral and written communication skills are required, because the position entails the writing of grant applications and journal articles as well as presentations at scientific meetings. Extensive background and practical experience in biological NMR spectroscopy and computer software development are essential.
BMRB is a resource supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Candidates should send a copy of their curriculum vitae and request three of their mentors to send letters of recommendation directly to:
John L. Markley, Ph.D.
Head, BMRB

Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR

Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.

A two year postdoctoral position is available to characterize the structures of viral RNAs and their complexes with human proteins using modern high-field NMR technologies. The project, to be started by the end of 2008, offers exciting opportunities to study how the Hepatitis C virus exploits host cell machineries to replicate and to use the latest, state of the art techniques in cross-correlated and liquid crystal NMR spectroscopy of nucleic acid complexes.

The laboratory hosts three NMR spectrometers equipped with cryogenic probes (two 600 MHz and one 800 MHz) and has access to the nearby 900 MHz and the first 1 GHz NMR spectrometers (end 2008) at the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will also have access to a fully equipped wet lab for the preparation of isotopically labeled NMR samples. More information can be found on the Institute web site:

Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French Alps and houses one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute (ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble Out-Station.

Previous experience in modern heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and structure determination of biomacromolecules is required. Experience in studying RNA by NMR spectroscopy is a plus, but we will consider any motivated candidate with a good biomolecular NMR background. A competitive salary (based on previous research experience) is offered with health insurance, retirement plan and language training allowance. Interested candidates should forward a curriculum vitae, list of publication and electronic and postal addresses of potential referees to Application deadline is September 15th.

Key publications of the team in the area :

- Van Melckebeke, V., Devany, M., Di Primo, C., Beaurain, F.,. Toulmé, J.J., Bryce, D. & Boisbouvier* J. “Structural basis for stability of the HIV Trans Activation Response RNA in complex with its high affinity SELEX aptamer revealed by liquid crystal NMR“. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 9210-9215 (2008).

- Sounier, R. Blanchard, L. Wu, Z. & Boisbouvier* J. “High-Accuracy Distance Measurement Between Remote Methyls in Specifically Protonated Proteins” J. Am. Chem. Soc 129, pp 472-473 (2007).

- Boisbouvier, J., Bryce, D., O'Neil-Cabello, E., Nikonowicz, E. & Bax* A. “Resolution optimized NMR measurement of 1DCH, 1DCC and 2DCH residual dipolar couplings in nucleic acids bases.” J. Biomol. NMR, 30, pp287-301 (2004).

- Miclet, E., Williams, D., Clore, M., Bryce, D., Boisbouvier*, J. & Bax* A. “Relaxation Optimized NMR Spectroscopy of Methylene Groups in Protein and Nucleic Acids”. J. Am. Chem. Soc 126, pp 10560-10570 (2004).

- Boisbouvier, J. , Delaglio, F. & Bax* A. “Direct observation of dipolar couplings between distant protons in weakly aligned nucleic acids” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 11333-11338 (2003).
- Boisbouvier, J., Brutscher, B., Pardi, A., Marion, D Simorre*, J.-P. “NMR determination of sugar puckers in nucleic acids from CSA-dipolar cross-correlated relaxation“ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, pp 6779-6780 (2000). Postdoctoral Position in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at the Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble, France.