Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009

12 month post-doctoral position in Structural Biology NMR

Paris Descartes University

12 month post-doctoral position in Structural Biology NMR.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Chemistry or related fields.

The candidate is expected to have a strong expertise in solution NMR
with in-depth training in NMR receptor-ligand interaction, protein
structures and dynamics, and drug-protein interactions. Familiarity with
biochemistry, biophysics is desirable. Experience with molecular
modeling (docking, virtual screening, python language) would be a big plus.

The postdoctoral position is available from April 1, 2010 in the Paris
Descartes University to characterize the interaction of new HIV-1
anti-integrase inhibitors with LEDGF-Integrase complex.

The candidate will join the NMR & Molecular modeling team of the
laboratory of Chemical and Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology
(UMR8601 CNRS), and be responsible for the development and structural
analysis of HIV-1 integrase by high-resolution solution NMR and
molecular modeling. The main approach will be to characterize the
interaction by transfer-NMR experiments (STD, WaterLOGSY, ...) and to
participate in the development of AuPosSOM software to classify
molecules according to their contact pattern with the target of interest
and 2D/3D QSAR modeling.

Funding for the position is provided by the French National Agency of
Research (ANR) for 1 year.

For any queries about the lab and research projects, please contact
Gildas Bertho by e-mail:

post-doctoral position IRM-Food research

A full time post-doctoral position (18 month) is available in IRM-Food research group, Cemagref, Rennes, France (
The aim of the project is to the develop an original MRI method for multi-component relaxation time mapping. The method will be developed on the specific designed phantom and then validated on plants.
A 1.5 T MRI scanner (Siemens, Avanto) will be used in this study for experiments and sequence programming (IDEA).
The applicant should have a background in MRI or NMR. Skills in computer programming (C++) would be of advantage.

Contact information:

Maja Musse
17, avenue de Cucillé – CS 64427
35044 Rennes cedex
Tel: +33 2 23 48 21 21

Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

postdoctoral position Oxford

Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford

A postdoctoral position is available from April 1, 2010 in the University of
Oxford's Department of Biochemistry to study the structure, function, and
small-molecule antagonism of ion channels that are of high medical relevance.
The candidate will join the laboratory of Dr. Jason Schnell, and be responsible
for the development and structural analysis of ion channel systems by
high-resolution solution NMR. The main approach will be to use the tools of
biophysics (e.g. NMR, fluorescence, and ultracentrifugation) and molecular
biology in combination with functional assays (e.g. liposomal ion flux assays)
to elucidate the molecular details of activity.

The University of Oxford provides abundant resources for the production and
characterization of proteins, including access to NMR spectrometers operating
at 500 to 950 MHz. The lab is located in a new building designed to promote
collegiality and scientific collaborations:

Funding for the position is provided by the Medical Research Council for 1 year
in the first instance, with the possibility for extension.

Please check the following website for qualifications and application

For informal queries about the lab and research projects, please contact Jason
Schnell by e-mail:

Freitag, 13. November 2009

Post Doctoral Position at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Post Doctoral Position at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

We have an opening for a Post Doctoral position in biomedical spectroscopy and imaging within the Pathology and Radiology departments at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. We are looking for a motivated candidate with a M.D. or Ph.D. in biological science to join us and explore this unique opportunity. We are investigating the correlation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (MRS/MRI) with histopathology and molecular biology to develop less-invasive diagnostic tools for many different types of cancer; currently we are focused on prostate, breast and lung. The availability for an interview in person in Boston will be necessary before an application can be considered.

Inquiry should address to:

Leo L. Cheng, PhD

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

PhD Studentship

PhD Studentship in the application of OCT and MRI to the monitoring of microscopic changes in rock art monuments

An exciting new collaborative research project between the Nottingham Trent University and the English Heritage funded under the research council initiative on Science and Heritage ( is recruiting a PhD student to work on the application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to the conservation of prehistoric rock art monuments.

The purpose of the research is to use non-invasive methods to image and measure porosity below the decorated surfaces of open-air rock art monuments, to increase our understanding of decay and prediction of vulnerability. Porosity is an important indicator of vulnerability, as voids are open to freeze-thaw, to rootlets and to hyphae. This work will make an important contribution to conserving these monuments. This will also open a new area of research whereby the novel combination of two non-invasive techniques (OCT & MRI) normally used in biomedical imaging is applied for the first time on rock art monuments.

The student will be based at Nottingham Trent University and work under the supervision of Dr Liang in Imaging for Art Conservation & Archaeology, Dr Bencsik in MRI and Professor Pyatt in Environmental Science & Analytical Archaeology. The student will also be expected to attend project meetings with scientists at the English Heritage and go on field trips to test the imaging methods on rock art monuments.

The PhD studentship would suit a highly motivated person with interest in imaging science, in particular MRI, optical interferometry and hyperspectral imaging. Interests in art conservation/history are desirable but not essential.

Minimum entry requirement: a first class or upper second class Honours degree (or equivalent) in physics, engineering, geology, archaeological science, conservation science, computer science, forensic science, chemistry and other physical sciences.

Award: the studentship offers a stipend of £15,313 (tax free) per annum for 3 years and Home/EU student fees.

Eligibility: applicants from the UK are eligible for a full award of stipend and tuition fees. Students with a relevant connection to an EU country other than the UK are eligible for fees only. However, an EU candidate may be eligible for a full award if a relevant connection with the UK has been established. A relevant connection may be established if an EU national has been in full time education in the UK throughout the three years preceding the start date of the course. International candidates are not eligible to apply for this studentship.

Closing date: 30th November 2009

For informal enquiries, please contact:

Dr Haida Liang: , +44 (0) 115 848 8056
Dr Martin Bencsik:, +44 (0) 115 848 8057
For an application form, please contact:
Ms. Rebecca Palfrey
Research & Graduate Studies Office
Erasmus Darwin Building
Nottingham Trent University
Clifton Lane,
Nottingham NG11 8NS
Telephone: +44 (0)115 848 3269
Completed applications, with copies of academic certificates, should be returned to Rebecca Palfrey.

Applications by CV only will not be accepted

Postdoctoral Position: Solution NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Proteins Folding and Misfolding of Membrane Proteins

Postdoctoral Position:
Solution NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Proteins
Folding and Misfolding of Membrane Proteins

The lab of Chuck Sanders at Vanderbilt University has openings for postdoctoral fellows to conduct solution NMR-based structural studies of membrane proteins and/or studies of membrane protein folding. Possible projects include characterization of the structure of the complex of diacylglycerol kinase with its substrates (follow-up to Van Horn et al. SCIENCE 324, 1726-1729, 2009), studies of the folding and misfolding of DAGK or human peripheral myelin protein 22, structural studies of integrins, and structural and functional studies of the human KCNE family of membrane proteins, which modulates potassium channel function. More information on these projects may be found at the lab web site listed below. The Vanderbilt Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory will soon install a 900 MHz instrument to complement current cryoprobe-equipped 800, 600, and 500 MHz NMR spectrometers. Vanderbilt University is listed as one of FORTUNE’s 2009 “100 Best Companies to Work For”.

Candidates should have an interest in working with integral membrane proteins and have relevant biochemical and/or spectroscopic experience. Start dates are flexible. Candidates should send a CV, including contact information for references, to:

Prof. Charles R. Sanders
Dept. of Biochemistry and Center for Structural Biology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-8725 USA
Phone: (615)-936-3756

Lab web site:


Im Teilinstitut Polymerwerkstoffe in der Abteilung Oberflächenmodifizierung die Stelle eines/einer Forschungsingenieurs/in / Techniker/in mit 40 Wochenstunden zu besetzen.

Aufgabenbeschreibung: Sicherstellung des Betriebes im Labor für Magnetische Kernresonanz (NMR) einschließlich Updates, Archivierung und Fehlersuche Einarbeitung in die Bedienung der Spektrometer und selbstständige Durchführung von Experimenten Entwicklung, Weiterentwicklung und Aufbau von Baugruppen und Experimentaufbauten sowie die Kopplung von Messgeräten und Computern

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen: Studium (FH) der Elektrotechnik oder Nachrichtentechnik, profunde Kenntnisse in Hochfrequenztechnik, Mikrowellentechnik und Digitalelektronik, Computerkenntnisse, Programmiererfahrung

Postdoctoral research associate in the Durham Solid-State NMR group

A postdoctoral research associate position is available in the Durham Solid-State NMR group from early 2010.

This 3 year position is the key staff appointment in a significant collaborative project to determine the performance limits of homo- and hetero-nuclear decoupling in organic solid-state NMR, with the goal of understanding and developing methods to maximise performance in state-of-the-art experiments involving high magnetic fields and ultra fast magic-angle spinning. The work in Durham will focus on the acquisition of reference data sets and the development of numerical simulations. This work will be closely coordinated with experimental work based at Warwick (Dr S. P. Brown) and theoretical work at ETH Zurich (Dr M. Ernst), but will also be integrated with a wider research effort involving groups across Europe (Emsley, Kentgens), Canada (Goward) and Japan (Takeda), as well as the pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, plus support from instrument manufacturers (Bruker, Varian). The challenging objectives of the project mean that applicants must have a strong background in solid-state NMR theory and practice. Excellent IT skills are also essential, not only for the development of simulation / analysis software, but also for the maintenance of web-based collaboration tools to co-ordinate information exchange between the project partners. The high profile of the project, and the contacts with other internationally leading research groups make this a good position for applicants to develop their prior experience and to demonstrate their abilities to a wider audience.

For further information on the Durham group, go to:
For application information, go to:

Paul Hodgkinson (Durham, UK)

PhD position in Solid State NMR /Doktorandenstelle in Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie

PhD position in Solid State NMR /Doktorandenstelle in Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie

A two-year PhD position is available at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-University in Münster. Requirements for the position are a diploma (or related degree) in physics, chemistry or related field. The research program involves the synthesis and characterization of amorphous materials employing modern solid state NMR techniques. Interested candidates should send an appplication to PD Dr. Leo van Wüllen, University of Münster, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Corrensstr. 28 - 30, D48149 Münster/Germany or contact me via email (

An der WWU Münster / Institut für Physikalische Chemie ist eine Doktorandenstelle für 2 Jahre zu besetzen. Voraussetzungen für eine Einstellung ist ein abgeschossenes Studium der Physik, Chemie oder eines verwandten Faches. Im Zentrum der Promotionsarbeiten stehen Synthese und die Charakterisierung amorpher Festkörper mit modernen Festkörper-NMR-Methoden. Bewerbungen bitte an PD Dr. Leo van Wüllen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Corrensstr. 28 - 30, 48149 Münster oder via email an (

Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR/Post-Doc in Festköper-NMR-Spektroskopie

Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR/Post-Doc in Festköper-NMR-Spektroskopie

A one-year postdoctoral research position (extendable to up to three years) is available at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-University in Münster. Requirements are a PhD in physics, chemistry or a related field and a detailed knowledge of Solid State NMR techniques. The research program involves the development and implementation of novel solid state NMR methods for the in situ characterization of chemical and physical processes. Interested candidates should send an application to PD Dr. Leo van Wüllen, University of Münster, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Corrensstr. 28 - 30, D48149 Münster/Germany or contact me via email (

An der WWU Münster / Institut für Physikalische Chemie ist eine Postdoktorandenstelle für 1 Jahr (erweiterbar auf 3 Jahre) zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Festkörper-NMR-Methoden zur in-situ Charakterisierung chemischer und physikalischer Prozesse. Einstellungsvoraussetzung bildet eine Promotion in Physik, Chemie oder einem vergleichbaren Fach.

Bewerbungen bitte an PD Dr. Leo van Wüllen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Corrensstr. 28 - 30, 48149 Münster oder via email an (

ERC-funded postdoctoral fellowships available at Weizmann

In connection to the impending signing of an Advanced Research Award by the European Research Council in support of our research, I am looking to hire two post-doctoral researchers in support of work to be carried out at Weizmann over a 2-3 year period within the 2010-2014 calendar years. These hirings offer ample flexibility, and are meant to deal with a number of multidisciplinary problems within the field of magnetic resonance in its broadest sense; involving solid state studies of hyperpolarized quadrupolar nuclei and spin-1/2 in biomolecules, in vitro and biological DNP NMR, in vivo NMR/MRS spectroscopy, ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopy of biophysical rearrangements, and functional MRI and MRS. Our aim is in fact to bring together complementary aspects of solid state, solution, in vivo, DNP and imaging NMR spectroscopies, towards the development of new methodologies and hitherto unachievable applications. The candidate should have a strong background in at least one of these magnetic resonance areas (at a Ph.D. level), and a willingness to be exposed to the remaining ones. Specific expertise in magnetic resonance software and hardware (EPR, NMR, MRS or MRI) is required.

The Weizmann Institute is located in a small, affordable and friendly town at the feet of the Judean hills, and is one of Israel's premier scientific institutions. It is a research center whose official language is English and which offers numerous facilities to international visitors, including furnished apartments for visiting postdocs (and their families). From its inception the Institute has shown an unequivocal commitment to all areas of magnetic resonance and over the years it has made extensive investments in NMR faculty, staff and in infrastructure. As a result the Institute possesses an 800 MHz NMR with a cryoprobe, a 600 MHz widebore triple-resonance solids/liquids/imaging machine, a 3 T whole-body MRI scanner, a 95 GHz pulse EPR spectrometer, a 9.4 T animal MRI scanner, an OI Hypersense DNP, para-hydrogen NMR facilities, and numerous (dozens) of other NMR instruments placed in various magnetic resonance buildings as well as several groups involved in all areas of magnetic resonance. As a result of the impending ERC support, the incorporation of significant new MR hardware is also planned.

Those interested in being considered for these positions should send their Vitae and at least two References to Thanking you in advance for bringing this notice to the attention of potential candidates,

With kind regards,

Lucio Frydman

Lucio Frydman, Professor and Kimmel Fellow
Department of Chemical Physics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, 76100 Israel
Phone: 972-8-9344903
Lab: 972-8-9344901
E. Mail :

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

Postdoctoral position and 2-3 PhD studentships, Massey University, New Zealand

Postdoctoral position and 2-3 PhD studentships, Massey University, New Zealand

A two-year postdoctoral fellowship and two to three PhD studentships are available to apply state-of-the-art NMR techniques to protein and RNA structural and dynamic analysis. This project is a collaboration with the University of Sydney, where complementary Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) studies will be performed, and with the New York Structural Biology Center. The Massey University Centre for Structural Biology houses a 700 MHz Bruker Avance NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe in addition to 500, 400 and 200 MHz spectrometers. Support is via a grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Postdoctoral salary will begin at NZD 61,612 per anna. The initial appointment will be for one year (as required by University regulations), but funding is in place for a second year, subject to a standard performance review, and extension into a third year is possible pending funding decisions.

The PhD fellowships carry tax exempt stipends of NZD 23,000 per anna. There is no teaching requirement, and all student tuition and fees are covered by the grant. Students with exceptional undergraduate marks may be eligible for a University Scholarship which provides an increase in stipend level.

The nominal closing date for these positions is 25 November 2009, however late applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Interested parties should email a cover letter, c.v. and contact information for three referees to Associate Professor Steven Pascal.

See for email address and further information.

Steven M. Pascal
Senior Lecturer and
Director of BioNMR Research
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
Massey University
Palmerston North, New Zealand
voice: 646-356-9099 ext 3558
fax: 646-350-5682

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009

VACANCY for one NMR physicist or chemist

VACANCY for one NMR physicist or chemist at Invento Srl.

- POSITION: This is a fulltime, one-year initial position with the possibility
to be extended.
- THE SALARY offered is adequate and dependent on the experience and skills of
the candidate.
- LOCATION: Invento S.r.l. at Molecular Imaging Center of the University of
Turin – Italy

Invento is a new growing NMR research company focusing on the development of
novel analytical procedures for the characterization of complex matrix in the
field of Biomedicine Food and Material science.

Invento is partner in a large research project to develop new hyperpolarisation
methods and compounds to be applied in MRI. We are currently looking to recruit
one NMR physicist or chemist with strong NMR backgrounds and expertise to join
and work in our research group.

Strong problem solving mindset, awareness and willingness to work in a small
multidisciplinary team as well as the capability to work independently with
the minimum supervision is required for this position.

Research activities at INVENTO( )are carried out in modern
laboratories based the new Molecular Imaging Centre of University of
Torino,( ) with facilities for the
following Instruments & Equipments: High resolution NMR and solid state NMR
spectrometers, Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometer, IR with Imaging, ICP-MS,
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope),
UV-VIS Spectrometer, Mass Spectrometer, Analytical and preparative HPLC.

Main R&D activities will be carried out in strict collaboration with research
team of Prof. Aime ( )

- Degree or equivalent in Chemistry or Physics
- a PhD in NMR Spectroscopy is welcome.
- Experience in the design of NMR sequences and new protocols and
methodologies for structure determination and analysis.
- Organizational and time management skills.
- Capability to work under pressure, independently with minimal supervision to
meet deadlines.
- Fluent in English.

If you are interested in applying for this role and feel you can be a candidate
please email your CV in PDF format to( ).
When possible the candidate should arrange to have one letter of recommendation
to be sent along with curriculum vitae, and a list of publications.

Montag, 12. Oktober 2009

1 Year post-doctoral position in Grenoble

CERMAV is a research institute devoted to the study of oligo- and polysaccharides, from their biological role to structural analysis. The "glycomaterials" group is specialised in the investigation of crystalline polysaccharides with a great number of tools like Electron Microscopy, X-Ray diffraction or solid state NMR. We offer a post-doc position opened for 1 year funded by an ANR program that groups several research groups in Grenoble and Toulouse.

The objective of the project is to understand the role of chitooligosaccharides (COs) present in the cell wall of pathogenic fungi Aphanomyces euteiches. that causes severe damage in legume crops. These COs are essential for cell wall integrity and are exposed at the cell surface. The nature of the amorphous and crystalline cell wall polysaccharides, their
structural and functional links accounting for cell wall physical properties and integrity, and
the nature of the exposed chitosaccharides, remain to be determined.

In that context, the role of our group is to set-up a purification procedure by preparative chromatography and to achieve structural studies, mainly by liquid and solid state NMR, but most probably combined with Electron Microscopy studies. In order to have the most precise information, 2D-NMR will be performed on the crude cell wall after an isotopic labelling that will be done by the biologists group in Toulouse.

The candidate should be a biophysicist, a chemist or a biochemist that have a PhD, in which he (she) has extensively used modern NMR techniques. Knowledge in biochemistry will be appreciated but is not mandatory. Solid state NMR could be learned during the post-doc.

Send a CV and a short cover letter to Laurent Heux,, please type the reference number in the title.

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009

postdoctoral position in Orleans

Postdoctoral position in CEMHTI, CNRS Orleans, France. “PFG NMR in molten inorganic salts at high temperature”.

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in our laboratory. We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. researcher with a good expertise in NMR spectroscopy and strong experimental skills. He will have to participate to the development of PFG NMR measurements in a wide range of molten inorganic salts including fluorides, oxifluorides and oxides at high temperature. He will take benefit of the long experience of the CEMHTI laboratory in the development of NMR experiments at high temperature using laser heating.

The CEMHTI laboratory is mainly involved in experimental study of solid and liquid materials from room temperature to very high temperature (3000°C). Thanks to specific experimental developments we are able to investigate in situ by NMR the structure and the dynamics of inorganic melts such as molten fluorides, chlorides or oxides. The facilities available in our laboratory include NMR wide bore spectrometers at standard fields (300 and 400Mhz) and very high field (750Mhz), all adapted for high temperature experiments.

CV, letter of motivation as well as the contact details of at least 2 references should be directed to Dr C.Bessada :

Catherine BESSADA
1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: +33 (0) 2 38 25 55 09
Fax: +33 (0) 2 38 63 81 03
Mob: +33 (0) 6 10 34 33 53
Email :



Position: Permanent contract
Location: Manchester city centre, UK
Application Deadline: 20th November 2009
Salary: £20,000 - £35,000 GBP / annum + potential for share options, dependent on experience

Conformetrix is a rapidly growing biotechnology company with a focus on ligand-based drug discovery. We are currently looking to recruit solution-state NMR spectroscopists with strong chemistry backgrounds to join our successful R&D team.

The chief activity is the 4D-structure determination of small flexible molecules from NMR data using Conformetrix’s proprietary software tools. These structures provide the crucial structural data that enables truly rational ligand-based drug design to be realised, both for our in-house discovery programs and for our clients. Problem solving and an analytical mindset are very much required in this role, as is a willingness to work in a small multidisciplinary team.

The successful candidate(s) will be expected to have the ability to deliver high quality and precise results to tight deadlines with minimal supervision, and possess strong analytical and communication skills.

1. Determination of the 4D-structures of small flexible molecules from NMR data, which involves:
-NMR sample preparation
-Recording and processing of NMR spectra
-Analysis using Conformetrix’s proprietary software tools
2. Using the 4D-structures with the R&D team to identify and improve hit and lead drug molecules in our in-house discovery programs
3. Innovation of new protocols and methodologies for structure determination and analysis
4. Preparation of written reports and technical documentation packages on projects under guidance of supervisor

-Degree or equivalent in Chemistry (or Chemistry-based subject) is essential
-PhD in solution-state NMR is also essential, preferably with experience of small (<2000 Da) organic molecules.
-Good computer literacy is essential. In particular, familiarity with Unix and molecular visualisation software would be advantageous.
-Experience of chemical shift assignment and (protein) structure calculations is desirable.
-Practical experience of Bruker NMR equipment.

-Learn quickly and work independently with minimal supervision.
-Good organisational and time management skills.
-Flexible and able to change priorities at short notice.
-Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
-Excellent word-processing and presentation skills.
-Fluent in English and able to communicate results effectively.

-CSO to agree program of work
-CEO for training and professional development support
-Liaising with all members of the R&D team
-Liaise with R&D team and outside scientists to develop knowledge base and discuss ideas

Open To: Applicants must be eligible to work in the specified location
Posted Date: 08/10/2009
Reference: C4X-NMR02

If you are interested in applying for this role and feel that you have the appropriate experience, then please call Gordon Barker on 0161 606 7203 or email your CV in PDF format to:

Please check out our website for further information:

Postdoctoral fellow RNA structural biology

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the lab of Dr. Blanton S. Tolbert of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami University of Ohio. The position involves structural and biophysical studies of RNA and protein-RNA complexes involved in regulation of alternative splicing. Ideal candidates should have demonstrated experience in one or more of the following fields: multi-dimensional solution NMR spectroscopy, EPR spectroscopy, molecular biology, or protein/RNA biophysical chemistry. A PhD in Chemistry/Biochemistry or related field is required.

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Miami University is equipped with solution NMR spectrometers operating at 850, 600, and 500 MHz frequencies, along with facilities for single crystal biomolecular x-ray diffraction, pulsed and constant wave EPR spectroscopy. In addition, the PI has an Isothermal Titration Calorimeter in the lab for routine biomolecular thermodynamic studies. This is a fulltime, one-year position with the possibility to extend to two years. All interested candidates should arrange to have two letters of recommendation, curriculum vitae, and a list of publications sent to: Dr. Blanton S. Tolbert, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 701 E. High Street, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Interested candidates may contact the PI at or by phone at 513-529-8072. Screening of the applications will began immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Miami is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Applications from women and members from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009

Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy

The Protein NMR research group of Dr. Lars T. Kuhn at the DFG Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain ( and the Cluster of Excellence ‘Microscopy at the Nanometer Range’ of the University of Göttingen (Germany) is offering a "Postdoctoral Position in Protein NMR Spectroscopy" starting from 1 January 2010 for initially one year and nine months with an optional extension for another two to three years at the end of the first period.

The research of the prospective candidate will mainly focus on the characterization and the dynamic behaviour of the structures of native and non-native states of proteins that are involved in the generation of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, our group undertakes the analysis of biologically active peptides and small model systems, with emphasis on determining their different conformations under changing experimentel conditions together with their folding behaviour. For these purposes, NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques for the identification of structural elements (e.g. CD polarimetry) are being employed. The protein NMR facility includes dedicated state-of-the-art ‘high field’ NMR spectrometers at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen) ( in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger and fully equipped biochemistry ‘wet lab’ facilities for protein expression and purification.

A highly motivated researcher with a Ph.D. in biochemistry/structural biology or a related discipline, with evidence of productive, independent contributions in science, as demonstrated by a strong publication record, will be the preferred candidate for this position. The applicant should be familiar with the principles and practice of protein NMR spectroscopy and protein structure determination. Previous experience with protein expression and purification is not required but will be considered favourably if at hand. As the group’s working philosophy supports independent thinking, successful candidates will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and research objectives within the framework of the group’s field of research. Applications should include a meaningful CV together with the names/electronic mail addresses of three referees and should be sent to Dr. Lars T. Kuhn (e-mail:

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

Postdoc in solid-state NMR, Ames Lab

Dear Colleague,

If anyone in your group is looking for a postdoctoral position, one is
immediately available in my laboratory. The purpose is to attract a
highly motivated Ph.D. researcher with expertise in solid-state NMR who
has the potential to become full time scientific staff at Ames Lab. Our
research involves development and applications of solid state NMR
methods to the studies of new types of mesoporous heterogeneous
catalysts and other materials. For description of research see the
following website:

I'd be glad to provide the interested candidates with information about
our most recent research and future plans. The start date is flexible,
but we would like to fill the position by the end of 2009.

Marek Pruski

Tel : 515-294-2017
Email :

Dienstag, 29. September 2009

Postdoctoral/Research Faculty Positions NMR Structural Biology

Postdoctoral/Research Faculty Positions in Solution NMR
Structural Biology of Large Modular Proteins

Laboratory of Walter J. Chazin, Vanderbilt University

(1) Regulation of human cardiac Na+ channels and origin of cardiac arrhythmias
(2) Multi-protein DNA replication, damage response and repair machinery

These positions provide excellent opportunities to both hone NMR skills on exciting high profile protein systems while also providing opportunities to learn new structural biology techniques including X-ray scattering, X-ray crystallography and computational modeling. Both research programs incorporate multi-disciplinary biological and medical studies and routinely produce publications in a range of high profile journals. Project 1 is directed to understanding the structural basis for calcium dependent regulation of gating of the human cardiac sodium channel NaV1.5, and the origin of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with mutations in the regulatory apparatus. Project 2 involves studies of the structure and dynamics of large multi-domain proteins (e.g. replication protein A, DNA primase, XPC) and protein and DNA complexes within DNA replication, damage response and repair machines. The Vanderbilt Center for Structural Biology has outstanding instrumentation in all areas, including a soon to be installed 900 as well as 800, 600 and 500 MHz NMR spectrometers equipped with cryoprobes. Applicants are expected to work well with graduate students and will be encouraged to develop their leadership potential. Send CV and a reference list via e-mail to:

Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity employer.

Freitag, 25. September 2009

2 Postdoctoral Positions in NMR Quantum Computing

2 Postdoctoral Positions in NMR Quantum Computing

The Physics Department of the Technical University of Dortmund has two immediate openings in NMR quantum information processing. One of the projects uses liquid-state NMR for the implementation of quantum simulations and the evaluation of decoherence processes. The second project uses solid-state NMR techniques to develop methods for preserving quantum information for arbitrarily long times and to reliably process quantum information in the presence of external noise.
Additional information and an overview of recent results are available at

The successful candidates should have experience in NMR spectroscopy and/or quantum information processing.

Inquiries and applications should be submitted to

Faculty Position in Chemistry


Faculty Position in Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry at New York University (NYU), located in Greenwich Village in the heart of Manhattan, invites applications for a faculty position in experimental biophysical chemistry/chemical biology. All ranks will be considered, but applications from junior faculty candidates are preferred. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2010, pending budgetary and administrative approval. The Department of Chemistry at NYU is implementing a significant growth plan, which includes creation of the Molecular Design Institute, the recent hire of four senior-level faculty members and a new initiative in biomedical chemistry. Applicants should have an outstanding record of research and a commitment to teaching. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, statements of future research and teaching plans, and a minimum of three reference letters. Application review will begin October 15, 2009; completed applications received by that date will receive full consideration. Applications should be sent to Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, New York University, 100 Washington Square East, New York, NY 10003. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.

Dienstag, 8. September 2009

Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in der Fachrichtung NMR basierte Strukturelle Biologie

Das Institut für Biophysik und Physikalische Biochemie sucht eine/n
Wissenschaftliche/n Assistenten/in
der Fachrichtung NMR basierte Strukturelle Biologie
Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen sind Promotion und Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der biologischen NMR-Spektroskopie (Festkörper und /oder Flüssigkeit) und der Programmentwicklung. Der/die Bewerber/in soll neben eigenen Projekten an der Hochdruck-NMR-Spektroskopie und/oder an der Weiterentwicklung des Programms AUREMOL zusammen mit Doktoranden und Diplomanden mitarbeiten (siehe Die Vergütung erfolgt entsprechend der Regelungen des öffentlichen Dienstes (A13, Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, TVL13). Habilitation während dieser Zeit ist erwünscht. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet. Bewerbungen sind bis spätestens 15. 10. 2009 zu richten an: Prof. Dr. Dr. H.R. Kalbitzer, Lehrstuhl Biophysik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Email:

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Post-Doc Bayreuth (Germany)

The solid-state NMR facility (workgrups of Ernst Roessler and Juergen Senker)
at the University of Bayreuth offers a post-doctoral position for a duration
from 1 up to 4 years in the field of surface sensitive NMR spectroscopy. The
position is open for applications and can be taken at hers/his earliest
convenience but not before September 2009.

The project is part of the newly founded joint research effort
(Sonderforschungsbereich) “From Particulate Nanosystems to Mesotechnology”
which unifies the expertise of chemistry, physics and engineering. It aims at
exploring the nature of the interfaces of self-organised porous composites
making use of the full potential which hyperpolarised 129Xe NMR offers. The
candidate will be responsible for setting up and employing an apparatus for
generating hyperpolarised 129Xe for the application with both static and
continuous-flow probes. Especially, in cooperation with Bruker company, it is
planned to build a triple-resonance continuous-flow MAS probe for polarisation
transfer experiments from 129Xe to other NMR active nuclei under high-
resolution conditions.

The project is funded for up to 4 years with an option of extension. We
strongly encourage, however, also applications of interested scientists who
wish to stay for a shorter duration. The candidate will be compensated
according to a full position as a scientific employee in the German University
system (TV-L E13 approx. 3000,-€ before tax). The ideal candidate would be
qualified in physics or chemistry, with a good knowledge of spectroscopy in
particular of solid-state NMR. This person will be required to work
independently using their own initiative.

For an application or further information please contact or write to:
Prof. Dr. Juergen Senker
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth,

Tel: +49(0)921 / 55 – 2532
Fax: +49(0)0921 / 55 - 2788

Freitag, 31. Juli 2009

post doctoral position France

A joint post doctoral position (12 months) is available at the Commissariat de l'Energie Atomique (IRAMIS laboratory, CEA, Saclay, France – Dr. Dimitris Sakellariou) and Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (LCMCP - University P. et M. Curie, Paris, France – Pr. Christian Bonhomme).

START: september-october 2009

The title of the project is "NanoMACS" and deals with the study of nanomaterials [1] by the newly invented technique: "Magic Angle Coil Spinning" [2]. This project is funded by the CNano Ile de France consortium (see: and is a great challenge in terms of instrumentation / sensitivity in solid state NMR.

MACS is a straightforward approach to increase the NMR sensitivity and opens new opportunities for the study of small amount of samples (thin oxide films with nanometric thickness, small biosamples …). MACS will be developed at very high field (700 MHz), very fast MAS rotation (24 kHz), and for a large range of frequencies (1H, 31P, 27Al …). Double resonance experiments and homonuclear decoupling will be extended to MACS. Small samples containing expensive isotopes such as 43Ca, 29Si, 17O… will be studied by MACS.

All materials (including films) will be synthesized at the LCMCP (Paris), as well as the 700 MHz experiments. The instrumentation and experiments at 300 and 500 MHz will be performed at IRAMIS (Saclay).

[1] C. Bonhomme, C. Coelho, N. Baccile, C. Gervais, T. Azaïs, F. Babonneau, Accounts Chem. Res., 40 (2007) 738.

[2] D. Sakellariou, G. Le Goff, J. F. Jacquinot, Nature, 447 (2007) 694.


Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009

Ph.D. studentship at Nottingham Trent University

Fully funded Ph.D. studentship at Nottingham Trent University

A PhD studentships is available in the following area:
· Portable MRI scanner for security applications

Minimum entry requirement: a first class or upper second class Honours degree (or equivalent) or Masters degree in one of the Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Materials, Forensic Science), Engineering Sciences (Electrical and Electronic), or related subjects.

Award: the studentship offers a stipend at Research Council rates (tax free) for 3 years and Home/EU student fees.

Eligibility: applicants from the UK or from an EU country are eligible for a full award of stipend and tuition fees. International candidates are not eligible to apply for this studentship.

Informal enquiries, please contact:

Prof. Carl Brown
E-mail :
Tel : 44 (0)115 8483184

For an application form, please contact:
Mrs Doreen Corlett
Research & Graduate Studies Office
Erasmus Darwin Building
Nottingham Trent University
Clifton Lane
Nottingham NG11 8NS
Telephone: +44 (0)115 848 3269

Please return completed applications, with copies of academic certificates, to Doreen Corlett by Friday 31 July 2008.

The studentships are offered in the School of Science. All our research units were rated as internationally recognised in the last Research Assessment Exercise (2008) and this included research rated as world-leading in Unit of Assessment 25 (please see below). We currently hold twenty three million pounds in external funding which includes a leading EU grant of 4.2 million Euros for research into cancer immunotherapy, the Anthony Nolan Trust cord blood programme and the £7.6m John van Geest Centre to research cancer vaccines (

The academic staff, together with over 50 postdoctoral fellows and 100 research students, support a large Graduate School which provides opportunities for study on PhD/MPhil and Masters by research programmes in a stimulating and caring environment (

Our Cutting Edge Research portfolio in the Physics and Electronic Engineering currently includes £3.2m funding for such diverse areas as: displays and photonics; X-ray security imaging; solid state lighting; and applications of optical coherence tomography, optical tweezers, acoustic wave sensors, superhydrophobic surface treatments and MRI imaging. NTU Physics holds a prestigious EPSRC Platform Grant: the recipients of these Grants are required to have an Internationally-Leading reputation and to hold a substantial research grant funding portfolio.

(please see:

Physics staff were entered in an Engineering and Physical Sciences submission into RAE2008 under Unit 25. Our submission was rated as having research that is 95% "Internationally Recognised" of which 40% is "Internationally Leading" and a further 15% is "World-leading". This places us joint 14th out of all the 52 universities in this unit in the UK according to the Times Higher Education Supplement.

Further particulars of the studentship

Portable MRI scanner for security applications

This project will produce a non-invasive detection technique for dangerous substances (hazardous, flammable or explosive liquids) in sealed containers. Low cost and portable magnetic resonance will be used to measure the T1/T2 relaxation times and the effective self-diffusion coefficient of the hydrogenated molecules present in a liquid (or a soft solid) under investigation. These parameters together offer a 'fingerprint' that may be measured through both transparent and optically opaque sealed containers. By limiting the capability of the magnetic resonance hardware to just the measurements of these properties, extremely low cost and highly portable devices for security screening will be developed.

Please contact : Dr. Martin Bencsik
E-mail: Tel: 0115 8488057

PhD, University of Marseille, France

A PhD position is available immediately at the University of Marseille France.

The thesis would concern the application of NMR to the analysis of complex mixtures, using multidimensional and diffusion (DOSY-like) experiments.

The ideal candidate will have a training in Physical/Analytical chemistry and a strong interest towards research.

Please contact



- Simplified Analysis of Mixtures of Small Molecules by Chromatographic NMR SpectroscopyGuilhem Pages, Corinne Delaurent, and Stefano Caldarelli, Angew. Chem. 2006, 45 , 5950-5953

- Improved 3D DOSY-TOCSY experiment for mixture analysis S. Viel and S. Caldarelli Chem. Comm. 2008, 2013-2015

- Chomatographic NMR in NMR solvents C. Carrara, G. Excouffier, C. Delaurent,S. Viel, S. Caldarelli J. Magn. Reson. 2008, 194, 303-306

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009

Post Doc - MicroMRI Applications in Neurobiology

Post Doctoral Position
MicroMRI Applications in Neurobiology
Biological Imaging Center
California Institute of Technology

Post Doctoral Position for Fall/Winter 2009. This position is aimed at development and application of high resolution MRI in small animal models of neurotransmitter dysfunction and neurodegenerative disease. The Biological Imaging Center and Caltech Brain Imaging Center ( are highly interdisciplinary endeavors with biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers working on a number of animal models of disease and developmental processes. We are interested in an individual who is firmly grounded in NMR theory and practice with an interest in applications in neurobiology. This work will involve various MR methodologies in rodent model systems; including fMRI, DTI and tract tracing with Mn2+ enhanced MRI, as well as simultaneous µMR/µPET imaging. Small animal MRI facilities at Caltech include a 11.7T/89mm scanner and a 7T/30cm scanner with µPET insert. There are also extensive facilities for all aspects of MRI hardware development and data analysis.

Interested persons should email or mail a biosketch including names, addresses, & email addresses of three references to

Russell E. Jacobs, PhD
m/c 139-74 Caltech
1200 E. California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125-7400

California Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and encourages the applications of qualified women, minorities, veterans and disabled persons.

Mary Flowers California Institute of Technology
Fraser & Bronner-Fraser Lab Mom MC 139-74
Phone: (626) 395-2863 1200 E. California Blvd.
FAX: (626) 449-8599 Pasadena, CA 91125 USA

2 year post-doc in Orsay

Post-doctoral position in the Structural Biology team of Institut Curie/INSERMU759

The two-year post-doc program is dedicated to the study of internal dynamics of proteins in the microcrystalline form using dedicated NMR methods. In recent years it has become possible to determine protein structures in the solid state. In addition, recent observations suggest that internal dynamics may be also accessed in theses conditions. In particular, 15N spin relaxation rates have been measured in small proteins. This demonstrates the existence of motional processes on NMR time scales that are significantly longer that those accessible by liquid NMR.
The first NMR experiments will be done on the human protein centrin 2, and his C-terminal domain in complex with a target peptide (P17-XPC). In a second step other biologically relevant proteins will be studied. The candidate will endeavour to prepare the samples (protein expression, purification) and will participate to crystallization and NMR experiments. The structural and molecular characterization of studied proteins (structural changes, structural stability, interactions) in relation with the biological function will be done in our laboratory.
The post-doc project will be performed in close collaboration with partners from CEA Saclay and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. Good knowledge in protein biochemistry (bacterial overproduction, purification), physicochemical analysis and NMR will be highly valued. The post-doctoral researcher will have the opportunity to participate to sample preparation and solid state dynamics NMR experiments. The post-doc position will be supported by a grant that has been awarded by the French Agence National de la Recherche (ANR).
Interested cndidates should send a CV and the names of two potential referees to:

Post Doc Toulouse

The Biomedical NMR group (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
France) is seeking for a young researcher who would like to apply for
researcher individual grant) from ARC (Association pour la Recherche
sur le Cancer, French Cancer Research Association). He/she will
pursue our work on NMR-based metabolomics of radioresistant brain
The successful candidate should have a PhD in Molecular Biology
(cancer). An additional experience in NMR would be strongly
For additional information, contact by e-mail Myriam MALET-MARTINO
( or dial 33 5 61 55 68 90

Groupe de RMN Biomédicale
Laboratoire SPCMIB (UMR CNRS 5068)
Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne
31062 TOULOUSE cedex 9
tél: 33 (0)5 61 55 68 90
fax: 33 (0)5 61 55 76 25
- Responsable de la Mention STS Chimie du Master 1 et 2 de l'UPS
- Co-responsable de la Licence CBPS (Chimie-Biologie-Physique-Santé)
- Responsable du Programme Master 211 pour l'UPS

Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

Postdoctoral Position in DNP-Enhanced MAS Solid State NMR

Postdoctoral Position in DNP-Enhanced MAS Solid State NMR Studies of the Mechanism of Energy Transduction by Bacteriorhodopsin.

A postdoctoral position will be available in late 2009 for studies of the structures of cryotrapped intermediates in the ion-motive photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. The appointment will be at Brandeis University for spectroscopy to be carried out at the MIT/Harvard Center for Magnetic Resonance, as part of a long-term collaboration between the Herzfeld group at Brandeis and the Griffin group at MIT. (The two institutions are a few miles apart in the Boston area.) The one-year appointment will be annually renewable by mutual consent.

A strong background in NMR spectroscopy is required. Interested individuals should send a CV and the e-mail addresses of three references to

Freitag, 26. Juni 2009

Doktorandenstelle NMR-Bildgebung

Liebe Kollegen,
in meiner Gruppe besteht kurzfristig die Möglichkeit, eine stipendienfinanzierte Doktorandenstelle im Bereich der NMR-Bildgebung zu besetzen. Es geht um methodische Arbeiten zu Kontrasterzeugung bei 7T und Verfahren der Datenauswertung mit dem Ziel der Quantifizierung. Die Methoden sollen am Kleintiermodell eingesetzt werden.
Sollte es interessierte Studenten geben, würde ich mich freuen, wenn Ihr diese Information weitegeben würdet. Interessenten sollten sich bitte telefonisch oder per email an mich wenden.
mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ulrich Scheler

Dr. Ulrich Scheler
Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden
Hohe Strasse 6
D-01069 Dresden, Germany
phone +49 351 4658 275
fax +49 351 4658 231

post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic proteins

Open post-doctoral position in solid-state NMR of paramagnetic proteins

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon (France) recruits a post doctoral fellow (2 years) on the structural investigation of microcrystalline paramagnetic proteins by solid-state NMR.

Techniques involving very fast MAS (70 kHz), state-of-the-art heteronuclear and homonuclear decoupling, scalar coupling transfers will be developed and applied to provide access to resolved NMR resonances from the 13C, 15N and 1H nuclei close to a metal center. The goal of this project is to provide a more sensitive acquisition of multidimensional correlations, faster and less ambiguous assignment of the resonances, and more precise measurements of constraints for structural or dynamical determinations. Notably, the changes induced by the presence of a paramagnetic metal with respect to the diamagnetic case will be used to model the electronic state of the metal ion, its coordination and its reactivity.

The Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, which is affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, one of the leading Grandes Ecoles in France, will provide the ideal interdisciplinary (physics – chemistry – biology) environment and the necessary facilities to carry out the project. The center is equipped with state of the art NMR spectrometers (500 - 700 - 800 MHz, and the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer is being installed in the center in the coming July 2009), and hosts research groups of world-wide recognized excellence, notably in the rapidly growing field of solid-state NMR of proteins.

For more information about our center and to consult our recent publications please visit our webpage:

The ideal candidate will preferably possess previous experience with liquid-state or solid-state protein NMR experiments. The position will be available from the beginning of January 2009. If you are interested please contact either Dr. Guido Pintacuda or Pr. Lyndon Emsley at and

Software Quality Control Specialist

Mestrelab Research SL ( has an opening for a Software Quality Control Specialist,

This is a full time position with a permanent contract. The successful candidate will integrate within Mestrelab’s Research and Development Department, responsible for the development of Mnova (, Mspin ( and other forthcoming Mestrelab software products, and report directly to Mestrelab’s Head of Development. The successful candidate must be able to relocate to Santiago de Compostela, as this in mainly an office based position, and must be available to conduct a face to face second interview in Santiago (first interviews for candidates living remotely can be carried out via web meeting).

The requirements for this position are:
Chemistry or Biochemistry qualification (BsC, MsC or PhD)
Excellent level of written and spoken English.
Demonstrable experience with Analytical Chemistry Software as an user.

In addition, the following will be an advantage:
Demonstrable software testing or software programming experience
Demonstrable experience in Cheminformatics
Any additional qualifications or experience in the field of Analytical Chemistry
Any additional languages fluently spoken.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the ongoing Quality Control of all Mestrelab’s software products under development, and for the setting up of robust software testing protocols, as well as for the preparation of technical documentation and for occasional customer support tasks. This is a newly created position with potential for further growth and development.

All candidates interested in the position should send their CV and any additional documentation by email to

Santi Dominguez
Mestrelab Research SL
Feliciano Barrera 9B, Bajo
15706 Santiago de Compostela
Tel: +34881976775
Cell: +447815799765
Blog: &

Post-Doc in NMR-based metabolomics

1) Post-Doc in NMR-based metabolomics of C. elegans

A postdoctoral position is open at the Center for Molecular and Cellular Genetics, Lyon, France (Segalat lab.), to pursue our work in C. elegans NMR metabolomics. This is a joint project with the High-Field NMR Center (CRMN) in Lyon.

We are looking for a motivated candidate to pursue this work in two directions :

1. Identification of metabolic pathways involved in several C. elegans models of muscle diseases.

2. High-scale functional genomics of C. elegans by a NMR metabonomics approach

We are looking for a qualified applicant in NMR metabolomics. A background in Biology/Biochemistry will be an advantage.

The Center for Molecular and Cellular Genetics (CGMC) and the Center for High Field NMR are located on the campus of the University Claude Bernard. They are funded by CNRS, the University Claude Bernard, ENS-Lyon, and multiple additional sources. Both laboratories provide an excellent scientific environment with state-of-the-art facilities. Our labs are pioneers in the emerging field of invertebrate metabolomics (Proc Natl Acad Sci (2007) 104:19808-12).

This position is available in September 2009 for one year, renewable (CNRS contract). It will be based at the CGMC in Lyon (Villeurbanne).

For additional information, visit our institute websites: and

For position n°1: Please send your application and CV by e-mail to Dr. Laurent Ségalat : (tel/fax : +33 4 72 43 29 51). Other contact: Dr. Bénédicte Elena :

2) Post-doc in NMR-based metabonomics and predictive toxicology

A post-doctoral position is available at the High-Field NMR Center (CRMN) of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. The project runs for two years.

The CRMN in Lyon is a European facility for NMR and is particularly well equipped with a 500 MHz, a 700 MHz, a 800 MHz and will host the first 1 GHz NMR spectrometer (summer 2009).

The successful candidate should have should have a background in either of the areas: 1. Analytical Chemistry, 2; Metabolomics, 3. Bioinformatics / Chemometrics or a related field with several years experience in NMR spectroscopy and ideally data analysis, as the project will involve the acquisition and analysis of 1H NMR–based metabolic profiling data from bioartificial organs. He/she should have a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Chemometrics or a related field.

The position will involve the following areas of expertise:

* Practical experience of biological NMR spectroscopy and/or experience of HR-MAS
* Knowledge of signal processing and multivariate statistics methods would be an advantage since the project involves NMR data modelling
* Strong motivation to learn and ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment
* Good written and verbal presentation skills are essential for coordination of results with the other members of the consortium

This position is available in September 2009 for one year (one year extension possible). It will be based at the CRMN in Lyon (Villeurbanne). The applicant should be a highly motivated individual aiming to work well in a team, but should also be capable of working in an independent capacity.

For additional information, visit our institute website:
For position n°2: Please send your application and CV by e-mail to Dr. Pierre Toulhoat :
Other contacts: Prof. Lyndon Emsley : ; Dr. Bénédicte Elena : ; Dr. Marc-Emmanuel Dumas :

Bénédicte Elena
Centre de RMN à Très Hauts Champs de Lyon
Université de Lyon, FRE 3008 CNRS / ENS Lyon / UCBL
Tel: + / Fax: +33 4 78 89 67 61

MRI physicist or engineer

MRI physicist or engineer


Magritek Limited has a vacancy for a physicist or engineer with interests in
MRI and NMR, and familiar with electromagnetic design. In particular we
seek someone who will be able to join our team of shielded gradient and shim
coil designers, working on the development of new MRI and NMR spectroscopy
systems. The ideal candidate will have strong mathematical skills, a sound
background in physics or electrical engineering, strong computational skills
(experience with Matlab is essential and with C++ would be an advantage),
and a strong interest in translating design through to practical
implementation, through the use of Solid Works, and Altium, interacting with
our technical staff and involvement in construction and building. Ability to
test the performance prototypes using our NMR and MRI systems will be
required. The person appointed will work closely both with the research
group of Professor Paul T Callaghan at Victoria University of Wellington,
and with the R&D team at Magritek Ltd, Wellington.

Remuneration is at the postdoctoral level, with base salary depending on
experience. In addition the appointee will be part of a company bonus
scheme. The initial contract will be for two years and subject to the issue
of a work permit (necessary for non-New Zealand or non-Australian citizens).
It will carry NZ health benefits (free hospital care and subsidised
medicines). An allowance for relocation costs and travel to New Zealand is
included in the package.

Applications must include a full cv, a covering letter explaining the
applicant's background and interests in the position, and should be
accompanied by the names and email addresses of two referees familiar with
the candidates professional work. The closing date for applications is July
17th and must be addressed, by email, to

Dr Andrew Coy, CEO Magritek Ltd

Dr. Andrew Coy
Chief Executive Officer

Magritek Limited
32 Salamanca Road
Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Phone : +64 (4) 920 7671
Fax : +64 (4) 473 2686
Mobile : +64 (21) 137 2017
USA Phone: +1 (415) 287 0727
UK Phone: +44 (0) 20 3287 6703
Hong Kong Phone: +852 8176 7196
Email :
Web :

Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009

NMR position in Mexico

"University of the State of Morelos" (not UNAM, where I work) that has just adquired a 700 megahetz NMR apparatus and need someone to work with.
It is a scientist position (investigator) and would have the machine to operate for protein structure determination.


Lourival D. Possani, Ph.D.
Institute of Biotechnology
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Avenida Universidad, 2001
Apartado Postal 510-3
Cuernavaca 62210
Tel. +52-777-3171209
FAX +52-777-3172388

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009

Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR/Materials Science of Renewable Energy

Postdoctoral Position in Solid State NMR/Materials Science of Renewable Energy

A one-year postdoctoral research position, renewable for two additional years, is available at Hunter College of the City University of New York.

The research program concerns solid state NMR of materials being evaluated for electrochemical energy storage and conversion,including transition metal oxides and polymer electrolytes for lithium battery or fuel cell applications. Current and future work includes collaborative projects with U.S. National Labs and U.S. and international universities on materials for renewable energy technologies.

The requirements for the position are a Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, or engineering, and significant experience with standard solid state NMR techniques (e.g. CP/MAS) as well as pulsed field gradient diffusion methods. In addition to research, responsibilities include assisting in the training of graduate and undergraduate research students, and routine magnet/spectrometer upkeep. Facilities include a Varian 500 Inova with solid state rack and MAS probes, a Varian Direct Digital Drive 300 with widebore magnet and gradient channel, a Chemagnetics CMX 300 with gradient channel and pfg probes, a homebuilt high pressure NMR system, a Tecmag Apollo NMR system with 90 MHz permanent magnet (for paramagnetic materials), and access to the NY Structural Biology NMR Center housed at nearby City College (

Interested persons should send a CV and the names and e-mail addresses of three references to Prof. Steve Greenbaum, Department of Physics, Hunter College of CUNY, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065; or preferably by e-mail:

Postdoctoral Position in Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging, New York City

Postdoctoral Position in Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging, New York City

The Bone Cell Biology and Imaging Laboratory at the Hospital for Special Surgery/Cornell Medical School ( investigates the molecular mechanisms which control bone biology in normal and damaged bone. In order to provide a direct view of the molecular and cellular events in living, intact bone, we develop and apply cutting-edge musculoskeletal molecular imaging for real-time visualization in pre-clinical models as well as in patients.

We conduct interdisciplinary, team-driven research bringing together students, scientists, physician-scientists and physicians. The lab is engaged in close collaborations with world-class in vivo NMR laboratories in New York City. Our long-range goal is to devise novel imaging protocols for patients with impaired bone integrity due to trauma, genetic alteration, or cancer.

For a highly innovative project, we are seeking a post-doctoral fellow for an at least two-year engagement. The project aims at the development of fluorine magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of bone cell activity in living subjects. Applicants must have excellent knowledge of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, and a strong interest in biology is expected.

We are looking for an individual with the ability to work independently, outstanding communication skills, the desire to work in a multi-disciplinary environment and skills to master challenging research. Our laboratory provides outstanding resources, dedicated mentoring and a highly motivating work place. This position offers a competitive salary, benefits and vacation package. To apply, please send cover letter and full CV to Dr. Philipp Mayer-Kuckuk, E-mail: or

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009

Postdoc fellowship: Applications of NMR in solid materials

Postdoc fellowship: Applications of NMR in solid materials

The Institute for Transuranium Elements in Karlsruhe (ITU) invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship in the field of actinide chemistry and physics. The appointment is for 2 years, with the potential for a one year extension.
ITU is one of the seven Institutes of the Joint Research Centre, the service of the European Commission providing scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation, and monitoring of the European Union policies. ITU is a reference centre for basic actinide research, with a broad range of analytical capabilities for the study of nuclear materials. Major duties and responsibilities of the successful candidate will include the development of NMR spectroscopy techniques for the study of actinide compounds in the solid state, whereby structure and magnetic property determination through magic angle spinning and cryogenic methods will be deployed. The area of investigation will cover basic science applications as well as applied domains (e.g. fuels and waste forms).

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in Chemistry or Physics, a strong knowledge of NMR techniques, with applications in the solid state.

Candidates are invited to visit the ITU webpage for further information and application.

Deadline for applications: 15.06.2009

For additional information please contact: Joseph Somers, +49 (0)7247 951 359.

European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Transuranium Elements
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D - 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Research Fellow - KTP Associate in SSNMR United Kingdom

Research Fellow - KTP Associate in Solid State NMR
United Kingdom

£27,183 - £35,469 pa

You will work between the NMR group of the Physics Department at the University of Warwick and the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning Common funded under the KTP Scheme. You will be supervised at Warwick by Prof. Mark E. Smith and John V. Hanna, and at Sonning Common by Dr T.I. Hyde and Dr P. Ash. The aim of the project is to establish a solid state NMR facility at Sonning Common that provides in-house characterisation for Johnson Matthey and complements the facilities and relationship with Warwick's Magnetic Resonance Centre. This is an excellent opportunity to play a pivotal role in developing a new facility and to develop a wide ranging research programme that has direct impact on industry.

Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company focused on its core skills in catalysis, precious metals, fine chemicals and process technology, developing and selling products that enhance the quality of life for millions of people around the world. Warwick's Solid State NMR group ( is extremely well-equipped with 7 solid state NMR spectrometers, a very wide range of probes, a large diverse portfolio of grants and an excellent track record of collaboration with other research groups within Physics, the wider University of Warwick and beyond. The group moved into new purpose-built accommodation in April 2008. For informal enquiries please contact Mark Smith ( or John V. Hanna (

KTP is one of Europe's leading graduate recruitment programmes. High calibre graduates are employed to work on specific projects of strategic importance to companies, whilst being supported by a dedicated University. All graduates spend around 10% of their time in training and development and are offered the opportunity to gain a Diploma in Management. While you will be recruited by the University and work to our terms and condition of employment, your role will be based at the company. For more information, visit:

Please see the following web page for further details of the position and how to apply:

Minicom users can call +44 (0)24 7615 0554 if they require any further help.

Please quote job vacancy reference number 59975-059 in any correspondence.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Friday 12 June 2009.

For further details on how to apply for a post at Warwick, the employee benefits that we offer, information on Warwick people, what it is like working at Warwick, and more, please see our jobs introduction page.

The university values diversity.

Positions available at Warwick:
Solid State NMR group web site:

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

NMR technician with a PhD degree

Dear colleagues,
We have available a position for an NMR technician with a PhD degree at the NMR laboratory of the Center of Neurosciences of the University of Coimbra.
The site below can be consulted for details:

I would like to ask you to give as much advertisement as possible to this announcement, eg. through the GERM and the AUREMN lists.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards
Carlos Geraldes

Carlos F. Geraldes
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Coimbra
P.O. Box 3126
3001-401 Coimbra, Portugal
Fax: +351 239853607
Phone: +351 239853608

PhD thesis in the NMR team of Bodenhausen/Tekely/Abergel/Duma

Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
Department of chemistry
PhD thesis in the NMR team of Bodenhausen/Tekely/Abergel/Duma

Internal motions of proteins probed by solid-state NMR under magic-angle
spinning (MAS)

In the past decades, solution-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
spectroscopy in liquids has evolved to become a powerful method for
the study of internal mobility in proteins and other biomolecules,
primarily through the measurement of spin relaxation rates and
residual dipolar couplings. These allow one to probe internal motions
occurring on different time scales, from picoseconds to milliseconds.
Moreover, structural biology has demonstrated the fundamental role of
the 3D structure of proteins to understand their biological function
at a molecular level. In addition to this well documented aspect,
recent studies have shown the importance of internal dynamics for
molecular interactions. This adds a third dimension to the classical
structure/function relationships, resulting in the more complex
structure/dynamics/function relationship.

Recent progress in solid-state NMR has opened the way to
investigations of proteins in microcrystalline form. It has become
possible to determine protein structures in the solid state. In
addition, recent observations suggest that internal dynamics of
microcrystalline proteins can also be accessed. In particular,
nitrogen-15 spin relaxation rates have been measured in small
proteins. This demonstrates the existence of motional processes on
time scales that are significantly longer than those accessible by NMR
relaxation measurements in solution.

The aim of this thesis is to explore the different ways for carrying
out successfully the study of internal dynamics in micro-crystalline
proteins by solid-state NMR. The proposed topic is a natural extension
of the research developed in our laboratory, namely the study of
internal dynamics of proteins in solution by NMR, and represents a
fundamental step towards the transition to a new spectroscopy allowing
the study dynamics of those systems, which cannot crystallize or be
studied in solution, i.e. solid-state NMR. First, the candidate will
endeavour to prepare the biologically relevant samples necessary for
probing dynamics by solid-state NMR either as micro-crystals or as a
micro-crystalline precipitate. Based on promising methods that are
currently under development in our laboratory, the candidate must
participate to the implementation of new approaches to the study of
proteins in the solid state. Another objective is the application of
these new methodologies to the study of the internal dynamics of the
human protein Centrin 2 (HsCen2) in micro-crystalline form. This
proposal also aims at characterizing the internal dynamics in the
complex formed by the C-terminal domain of this protein with a target
peptide (P17-XPC). Such studies involve protein expression,
purification and crystallisation, prior to the implementation of the
solid-state NMR methodologies for probing internal dynamics. Finally,
relying on numerical methods implemented recently in the host
laboratory, the candidate will further develop and adapt the model of
Network of Coupled Rotators to predict and interpret NMR relaxation
parameters observed in solids.

This PhD project will be conducted in close collaboration with
partners at CEA and Curie Institute. Strong knowledge in
biochemistry and crystallography will be highly valued but not
mandatory. Passion and interest for the combined
experimental/numerical approaches are essential. The thesis
will be supported by a grant that has been awarded by the
French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

Postdoctoral Position Membrane Proteins, Oxford, USA

Postdoctoral Position: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of
Membrane Proteins, Miami University, Oxford, USA

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of membrane protein/structural biology in the research lab of Dr. Gary A. Lorigan. Candidates who are interested in studying the structural and dynamic properties of membrane proteins are encouraged to apply. Experience in one of the following areas is desirable: molecular biology and biochemistry, protein purification, NMR spectroscopy, and EPR spectroscopy. A 500 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer, a X-band/Q-band pulsed EPR spectrometer for DEER experiments, and a X-band/Q-band CW-EPR spectrometer are available for this project. Please send a CV and two letters of recommendation to: Professor Gary A. Lorigan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 701 E. High St., Miami University, Oxford, OH, 45056, A Ph.D. in Chemistry/Biochemistry or related fields is required. Contact phone is 513-529-3338. Screening of applications begins May 14, 2009 and will continue until the position is filled. Miami University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with smoke-free campuses. Campus Crime and Safety Report – Hard copy upon request.

Gary A. Lorigan
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Miami University
701 E. Hight St.
Oxford, Ohio 45056

Office: 137 Hughes Laboratories
Phone: (513) 529-3338
Fax: (513) 529-5715
EPR facility:

PHD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

PHD position in Pulsed Field Gradient NMR

A PhD position is available in PFG-NMR in the Cemagref’s NMR research group. The position will focus on the investigation of tracer diffusion in protein gel assemblies. This work will be carried out in collaboration with International Food Company

Cemagref’s NMR research group is one of the European leaders in NMR and MRI applied to food processing. The main force of the research team lies on its multidisciplinary approach, integrating expertise in NMR and MRI relaxometry, in food engineering but also in signal and images analysis.

The research work develops by the Cemagref’s NMR/MRI group is focus on the understanding of the interaction between food processing and food structure and molecular mobility. MRI is a non intrusive technique that permits to obtain 2D and 3D images of a product and specific MRI methods have been developed within the research team to assess phase transition and porosity changes in cereal products such as bread. Based on the unique MRI facilities, coupled with dedicated devices (oven, freezers etc), the continuous changes during processing can be monitor in real time. Original results have been obtained on bread cooking, during freezing and proofing of fermented cereal products, during cheese ripening, and curd draining.

Furthermore, the team is leader in the study of molecular diffusion in food product. Several projects have been focus on water diffusion in order to quantify the effect of food composition and food structure on water mobility. A wide range of products have been studied from simple protein gel systems up to real and complex products such as cheese and microscopic compartmented system such a vegetable tissue. These research works have been extended to a more general approach focus on the effect of gel structure and porosity on molecular tracer diffusion.

The research group is equipped of two whole body MRI scanners at 0.2 T and 1.5 T, of two low field NMR spectrometers equipped with pulsed field gradient probe (4T/m). In addition access to a 500 MHz spectrometer equipped with a pulsed filed gradient probe (12T/m) is available in the Research Plate-form PRISM.

Income: about 1500 euros per month (this is the remaining income after removal of every taxes)

If you are interested please send a copy of your CV to

CS 64427
17 avenue de Cucillé
35044 Rennes Cedex
email :
site web :

Site web PRISM

postdoctoral position Marseille

A 2-year postdoctoral position is available in the Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM, UMR CNRS 6612, dir. Pr PJ. Cozzone) in Marseille, France.
The main goal of the project is to improve the non invasive characterization of the spinal cord (SC) traumatic pathologies through the assessment of structural, vascular and metabolic MR informations.
The candidate will develop and/or validate MR techniques for mouse SC investigations at very high field (11.75T) and participate to the transfer to human SC study (1.5T and 3T). He/she will be integrated in a multidisciplinary experienced team of MRI method scientists, engineers and biologists.
The candidate should possess a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline, such as physics, biomedical engineering, or biology. Competence in MR physics, MR engineering, physiology or biology is advantageous. Experience with post-processing environments like IDL or Matlab will be necessary. Skills in pulse sequence programming would be greatly appreciated.

The position is supported by a grant from the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and is funded from July 1st 2009 for a period of two years.
A full description of the job is available from our website:

Applications, including a CV and the names and contact details for two referees should be addressed to: and

Virginie CALLOT (PhD, Chargée de Recherche CNRS)
Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM)
UMR 6612 CNRS - Faculté de Médecine
27, bd Jean Moulin
13385 Marseille Cedex 5, France

Phone: +33 491 388465 (direct) / +33 491 324469 (secr.)
Fax : + 33 491 256539


Pulsed EPR Postdoctoral Position in Dundee

Pulsed EPR Postdoctoral Position in Dundee, Scotland
Materials Physics pulsed EPR and ENDOR position
Informal enquires contact Dr David J Keeble

The position is to exploit state-of-the-art pulsed electron magnetic resonance methods to indentify technologically relevant point defects and impurities in materials, and to obtain insight on local atomic structure. The position is for up to 24 months. Possibilities for an extension may exist.

A PhD in physics, or chemistry, with experience of electron magnetic resonance methods (EMR), for example electron paramagnetic resonance, electron nuclear double resonance, etc, is required. Experience in pulsed EMR, and of single crystal studies, would be desirable.

The position is funded by an EPSRC Basic Technology Translation Award and will have access to EMR facilities at Dundee and St Andrews. These include a Bruker E580 9 and 35 GHz pulsed EPR/ENDOR spectrometer, a 1kW pulsed 95 GHz EPR/ENDOR spectrometer, and CW spectrometers operating at 9, 95 and 180 GHz. Materials of interest include functional oxide materials for electronic applications, for example ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. The project may also extend to inorganic or organic semiconductor materials.

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC015096

Montag, 27. April 2009

PhD student FMP Berlin

PhD student position open

at the Research Institute of Molecular Pharmacology (FMP), Berlin, Germany, Department of NMR based Structural Biology.

The FMP forms part of the biomedical campus Berlin-Buch along with the Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, research clinics and biotech companies, offering an exciting, interdisciplinary research environment in NMR-based structural biology, cell biology, signal transduction, molecular genetics and medicinal chemistry.


The project focuses on structure determination of biomolecules using solid-state NMR. Topics are within the area of amyloid fibril formation, membrane protein structure, protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. An emphasis is put on the development of NMR methodology.


The applicant should have a degree in biochemistry, biophysics or a related discipline. Experience in expression and purification of proteins, implementation of NMR pulse sequences, data analysis and/or MD simulations are welcome.


Applications, including CV, summary of past accomplishments, and names of three referees, should be send by email to:
Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany

For further information, please see

Donnerstag, 23. April 2009

NMR post doc Orleans France

Solid state NMR and electrochemistry

NMR Post doc or research engineer one year (+ 6 months possible): experimental NMR, gross salary 2500 euros.
Centre de la Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, CNRS, 1 b rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans cedex 2 France.
Starting from may 2009, as soon as possible.
Running solid state, static Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments, coupled with electrochemistry. The sample, a lithium-ion battery inside the magnet, is powered by a galvanostat. The aim is to study the transformation of new electrode materials during the charge/discharge process in a continuous way. A probehead for 7Li is already functionning, a multinuclei new probe has to be fixed with circuitry such as connexions, filters and new coils.
The candidate will have to set up pulse sequences to observe different nuclei and set up the current on the galvanostat control device. In addition he/she will have to help with the circuitry.
Some previous experience in NMR is required. Initial training in physics, or electricity, rather than chemistry is prefered . Ability for computer programming and knowledge in electrochemistry would be a plus. The net salary (after deduction of all the taxes) is about 1850 euros.

Please contact Michel LETELLIER,

Marie Curie Fellowship - Lisbon

Marie Curie Fellowship: ESR position at Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon), Lisbon, Portugal

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
FP7/Marie Curie Actions

Job Reference Number

Main Research Field

Sub Research Field
Condensed Matter Physics – Liquid Crystals

Job Summary
The Early Stage Researcher will participate in experimental research
work the field of Liquid Crystal Physics in the framework of the “Dendreamers” European Project.
The investigations will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of
Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of
Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon). The research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies on functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential technological applications.

The investigations, in the framework of the DENDREAMERS project
will be carried out at the Liquid Crystals and NMR group of Condensed Matter Physics Centre, at the Physics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University
of Lisbon). The
research activity will be mainly focused on NMR studies of molecular order and
dynamics of functional liquid crystal dendrimers with potential applications in
biomedicine or as advanced molecular materials. Additionally, other
techniques will be used for the characterisation of LC phases: e.g. polarising optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and electro-optical measurements.

The researchers will receive formation in the framework of the post-graduate doctoral
programme at the Physics Department of IST, integrated in the Liquid Crystal and
NMR group.

The formation and research activity to be performed includes a stage of 6 month in at
least one of the other groups involved in the project.
Applicants should be European or other Third Countries citizens (not Portuguese).
Hold a Master’s degree in Physics, or equivalent degree corresponding to a 5-year
programme, adequate for the admission in a PhD programme at IST.

Applicants must to be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research activity
- The 4 years are counted from the diploma giving access to doctoral
studies (the degree must entitle the holder to embark on doctoral studies, without
having to acquire any further qualifications) in the country in which the diploma was obtained.

Persons who have obtained a doctorate are ineligible for the Early Stage fellowships,
independently of the time taken to acquire it.
The reseachers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to
their recruitment.

Applicants should send by e-mail a cover letter, a CV, and two reference letters from
academic or industrial scientists to Prof. Carlos R. Cruz (

Other Requirements:

Language: English.
Applications deadline: 31/05/2009.
Indicative starting date: Summer 2009. The contract start and incorporation of the
students to the host lab will depend on the validation by Portuguese laws of their degree title.

Review of the applications will begin immediately after their reception; candidates are encouraged to send their applications as soon as possible.
Information: Project summary at:
Further information on the project can be obtained from Prof. Carlos
R. Cruz, e-mail:
Salary: Appointment will be as early-stage researcher (ESR) at Marie
Curie rates, including a living allowance of EUR 30893 per year (gross salary,
pre-tax), and a monthly mobility allowance of EUR 457 for unmarried/single or EUR 731 for married fellows (all gross salary). In addition, successful candidates will be eligible for an annual travel allowance (depending on distance to home country).

Application: Written applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of university grades, and a motivation letter of interest in this specific position,
as well as an indication of your total duration of research experience since
university graduation (full-time equivalent).

-- Pedro Sebastião Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Email: URL: Tel: (+351) 218419210 + Centro de Física da Matéria Condensada-UL Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: (+351) 217904754 Fax: (+351) 217954288 Email: URL:

PhD student position in chemistry

PhD student position in chemistry
with a focus on NMR Spectroscopy
in environmental science

Announced by the Department of Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, in
collaboration with Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU.

The Department of Chemistry at Umeå University today has approximately 200
members and offers a stimulating environment with a commitment to excellence
in teaching and research, and provides a valuable service to society. The
department offers degrees at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, and our
graduate- and postgraduate students are attractive for employment in both
academic institutions and industry. The Department of Chemistry now

The project is oriented towards the development and application of NMR based
methods aimed to understand the environmental behavior of organic P released
from the terrestrial environment and its microbial availability. The soil P
cycle is a key issue both for climate-related effects on high-latitude
ecosystems and in combating P-restriction in food/forestry production,
especially in tropical third world countries.

This study is a part of an interdisciplinary project between Chemistry,
Medical Biophysics, Ecology and Soil Science with focus on: Molecular
understanding of phosphorous dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The project includes NMR-based analysis of soil samples, characterization
and identification of various organic phosphorous species, embedded in an
interdisciplinary view on microbial activity and complex processes in the
environment. Your task - in close collaboration with ecology and soil
scientists - will be to:

Develop biologically meaningful new methods in organic P specification in
agricultural and forest soils as well as fresh water systems based on solid
state/solution 31P NMR techniques.
Sample preparation for solid-state / solution NMR, NMR measurements and data
analysis on a range of biological samples.
Analysis of the speciation of organic P from terrestrial and aquatic
Improve the understanding of the coupling between P availability in relation
to P fixation, i.e. determine which biophysico-chemical processes govern P
availability (adsorption versus release processes).
Estimate the contribution of different organic P species in terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems and how these relate to plant and microbial growth.
The recruitment procedure will follow the Higher Education Ordinance
(“Högskoleförordningen” Chapters 5 and 7). Prerequisites include either
i)240 ECTS credits (swe. Högskolepoäng) of higher education studies of which
60 should be on an advanced level (Master level) with focus on chemistry, or
ii) 120 Swedish (old) credits (swe. Poäng; corresponding to 180 ECTS
credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007
or equivalent competence.

Advanced course(s) or other experience in NMR and/or Ecology, soil science
and statistics are of advantage, as well as evidence of proficiency in
written and oral communication in English.

The application should contain a CV, including academic grades and relevant
documentation, and a personal letter of one A4 sheet describing yourself and
your reasons for applying to this position.

For more information, contact Prof. Gerhard Gröbner, phone +46-(0)90-786 63
46, e-mail: or Dr. Ulrik Ilstedt, phone +
46-(0)90-786 83 90, e-mail:

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO,
+46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-317-09, should
be sent to or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå,
Sweden to arrive April 30, 2009 at the latest.

We look forward receiving your application!

Gerhard Gröbner
Biophysical Chemistry
Umeå University
90187 Umeå